Dry Presidents

When Hoover was still president

Economic Results of Republican Prohibition Policies

Republican presidents Rutherford Hayes (1877-81), Benjamin Harrison (1889-93) and Herbert Hoover had three things in common: none drank alcohol, all were intensely and mystically religious, all presided major depressions–much like the one that began in 2007. Donald Trump never drinks or gets high either, but endorses all of the faith-based GOP policies that lead to economic collapse, market crashes, bankruptcies, recession and unemployment.

Rutherford Hayes, husband of Lemonade Lucy elected in a recession, returned control of the South to the prohibitionist Ku-Klux Klan, then signed a treaty drastically curtailing Chinese immigration. His wife banned all alcoholic beverages from ALL government functions.

Benjamin Harrison was, like George Bush Jr., the dynastic son of a US president. After defeating sitting president Grover Cleveland, Harrison signed the inflationary Silver Purchase Act that used the US mints to subsidize Western mining corporations. Harrison also signed the Antitrust Act, and abetted a coup to topple the Hawaiian government. The accelerating economic panic strengthened the looter People’s Party (pushing for a Communist Manifesto income tax) which received nearly 9% of the vote and 4 seats in the House. A high tariff on legal opium had created a smuggling industry by rail down from godless Canada. That avenue Harrison pinched off a month before the March 4 inauguration following Grover Cleveland’s  second election victory. This sudden regulatory change exacerbated the financial tumult of the times, and the People’s party pushed through an income tax neither entrenched party wanted. This deepened the depression until the Supreme Court, in desperation, struck down the parasitical monster.  Voters then struck down the parasitical William Jennings Bryan, who also despised beer and stumped for tee-totalitarianism.

Herbert Hoover’s Chinese interpreter had to surreptitiously drink all the liquor their hosts offered the mining engineer. This was back when the martial artist Boxer Rebellion sought to evict the foreign devils and their heroin from the Celestial Empire. Hoover promised in his inaugural speech was a “consecration under God…through the guidance of Almighty Providence”. “We are steadily building a new race,” promised the new president, nine years after Adolf Hitler endorsed “a Positive Christianity” and five years after Mein Kampf declared that positive Christianity the embodiment of ethical altruism. Hoover decried “disregard and disobedience of law” just 24 hours after mandatory minimum mystics in Congress made a 12-pack of light beer a federal felony with a five-year prison term and a fine equivalent to $110,000 in 1996 dollars.

Asset forfeiture, instituted in 1932 and enforced by Hoover’s Executive Order using income tax inspection as a prohibition enforcement mechanism, completely shut down the entire national banking system BEFORE Franklin Roosevelt’s inauguration. Hoover’s election was the last Republican victory for 24 years, during which time God’s Own Prohibitionists struggled to erase all records linking their policies to the financial ruin of the nation while Christian National Socialists were speedily tried and hanged in Nuremberg. In fact, the first use of simultaneous interpreters was precisely to speed up the trials and execution of Nazi war criminals.

Jimmy Carter banned most alcoholic beverages from the White House and kept all recreational drugs illegal. Good luck getting the Dems to nominate another faith-addled mystic. Which brings us to the current Republican nominee, the one, the Dilbert cartoonist assures us, “reportedly never had a drink, an illegal drug, or a cigarette.” George Waffen Bush invited faith-based organizations to wax fat and fanatical on federal funding through the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. These transfer payments from taxpayers to unproductive hands were preserved and expanded to include Mohammedan faith-based organizations by Democratic President Barak Obama. Obama also firmly enforces the criminalization of victimless enjoyment of cannabis, including asset-forfeiture confiscation of homes, property and bank accounts. Obama’s likely successor (favored by bookies at 3 to 1 odds to win in the Electoral College) Mrs. Clinton also promises to bleed tax dollars for asset forfeiture and toward the coffers of collectivised lobbyists who want men with guns sent out to arrest doctors or kill young people over vegetable matter and pregnancy prophylaxis pills. That is the situation today in a prohibitionist global depression that began in 2007.

Please consider making a donation to a Libertarian Party Candidate near you. Every libertarian spoiler vote is worth 6 to 36 votes wasted on tax-and-spend looter prohibitionists.

Read pro-American compulsory racial-eugenics appeals touting prohibition and collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, a 1926 Brazilian sci-fi story about a U.S. election, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog