Partisan Scammers

In 1932 women voted for the party that adopted the Liberal Party repeal plank and legalized beer. Today women are singled out for crueler and deadlier prohibitionism by the same party they defeated to save the U.S. economy from the Great Depression.(link)

Spooling through the Texas AG’s office online one finds this: “The first way scammers do this is to get you to believe something good will happen to you (like winning a prize) if you do as they say. The other is by scaring you into believing something terrible has or will happen to you (like your home will be foreclosed on or you will be arrested) if you don’t do as they say.”(link)

Is this any different from the way both halves of the looter Kleptocracy operate to get your vote? The Dems have nothing to offer but the fact that they suddenly–after LOSING thanks to 4M libertarian votes in 2016–stand up for the individual rights of women the Libertarian Party stood up for in 1972 and 1976.(link) Offsetting that is their superstitious belief in Warmunist Sharknado Deluge End Times–a religion that demands that all reliable electricity be banned imediately.(link)

Republicans are still pushing the “new race” eugenics theories of 1929–the ones that called for banning any and all things enjoyable until those bans and confiscations had wrecked economies all over the world.(link) This Hoover-Anslinger hysteria, exploited by rent-seeking French, British, Indian, Dutch, Turkish and Swiss cartels prompted German pharma corporations to fund Germany’s National Socialist Party in reprisal.(link)

What good came of all this? All republicans can do today is whine about how women need to be enslaved to enshrine Teddy Roosevelt’s “race suicide” delusions–and thereby ramp up prohibitionism until it wrecks the economy yet another time. Observe that the State of Texas, in its come-hither propaganda, makes no mention of the benefits of having government goons plan to kill your daughter by blocking her from medical care to please an imaginary stone-age preacher.(link)

Only the Libertarian Party, thanks to a revolt against the Jesus Caucus Anschluss, has fielded a competent and personable candidate with consistently libertarian views and a proven vote-getting, law-changing track record. Chase Oliver is 38 years old. The average age of entrenched Kleptocracy candidates is 80. Here is an interview with clueless journalists struggling to understand that fact that pro-choice Chase WON when he forced the Senate race runoff with 1% as much spending as the looter candidates. WINNING is changing bad laws.(link) Listen to clueless talking heads trying to trap Chase into saying something dumb.(link) The entertaining Chase Oliver segment starts 4 minutes into the audio. Here’s his campaign site: (link)

Good ReadingThe Politics of Prohibition: American Governance and the Prohibition Party, 1869–1933, by Lisa MF Andersen (link) Do not be put off by the complicated way Amazon is marketing the Kindle version if this valuable book. I was, but after delaying over a year I am now sorry I didn’t buy it sooner.  This is a non-libertarian academic tome that examines in detail the organization, development and progress of the Prohibition Party. Its 1.4% spoiler vote share put the Prohibition Amendment into the U.S. Constitution.

That same party labored on behalf of women’s suffrage in the belief that the fair sex would help rivet the shackles of altruist compulsion onto a heathen populace. At the halfway mark the author shows no awareness of J.D. Rockefeller making regular contributions to the party other than financing one pet activist. Nor does she betray any awareness of Jacksonian-era opium wars that raged in China, or the glut of such painkillers in the Civil War giving rise to the soldiers’ disease of opium addiction. Opium addicts used alcohol to attenuate withdrawal symptoms more than anyone cares to admit.
The Opium War: To the unmentioned subject of opium wars my introduction was The Opium War by Brian Inglis, father of one of my brother translators.(link) Inglis’ fluid and delightful prose gives most of the details of that initial battle and the underlying political economy. The outcome was 25 million killed, overthrow of the Qing dynasty–plus the contagion of coercive prohibitionism spreading to the United States. For $3 the Kindle edition cannot be beat. Brian Inglis is also the author of The Forbidden Game, to be reviewed next post.

QUIZ: When did Republicans first say that voting for a 3rd party: “is to contribute toward the achievement of a Democratic victory with all its consequent evils”?
B) 1874
(Answer: The Prohibitionists, New York Times, 25 October 1874)

Get the big picture in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle (link)

ASYLUM APPLICATION FORM i589 INSTRUCTIONS IN PORTUGUESEINSTRUÇÕES PARA O FORMULÁRIO DE ASILO i589. What we did was make the Political Asylum instructions accessible to and understandable by people accustomed to thinking in Portuguese. This costs one dollar ($1) and you can read it on a cellphone with the Kindle app.(link)

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Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

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