1931 Moratorium on Brains

Christian altruists

Herbert Hoover in 1938 meeting with results of 1931 Moratorium

In 1931 Republican President Herbert Hoover and drug czar Harry Anslinger were pressuring Germany into additional curbs on heroin exportation while semisocialist Germany’s victims were demanding reparations payments under the Treaty of Versailles (which the US did not ratify, but which still involved $10 trillion in gold).

Hoover’s error is relevant to ongoing efforts to extricate These States from the Vichy Paris carbon tax extortion the Obama Administration tried to smuggle past the Senate. Already there is a severe shortage of nuclear power plants in These States–which is the whole reason engineers are forced to rely on coal. Coal is less clean, less safe, and less hardened against attack by comparison. The Paris Capitulation can only benefit Communist China and Venezuela at the expense of the relatively free world. 

As 1931 stupefacient drug prohibition negotiations proceeded, banks in Germany and Austria failed. Depositors were removing their money because they knew the influx of dope money would stop, but reparations claims were persistent. Hoover’s brilliant idea was to let France, Britain, Italy, Russia and others “temporarily” default on war loans payable to the USA. In exchange, they would let Christian altruist Germany default on reparations payments owed to the USA. That was the lose-lose theory of coercive prohibitionism. What happened under the Moratorium was that Germany kept exporting addictive poisons and using the money to build up the Steel Helmets, build submarines and battleships and entrench the National Socialist party. Immediately all of Europe began defaulting on war debts, and even commercial loans of private US capital.

socialism is socialism

Mystical collectivists elect Nazis, thanks to Hoover

Ayn Rand was a Hollywood writer and reader hanging out with pre-code movie stars like Barbara Stanwyck, watching Three on a Match (with husband Frank O’Connor), Scarface, Night Nurse (bootlegger hero), Dinner at Eight, The Secret Six and old Alma Rubens movies. At age 24, newlywed immigrant Ayn Rand was certainly aware of Russian and German anti-jewish fanaticism. All of America was painfully aware of Hoover’s solicitous concern for The Accursed Hun.

The smart Moratorium in Atlas Shrugged is Hank Rearden voluntarily offering rail on credit to Taggart Transcontinental. The dumb Moratorium of 1931 was Hoover helping Hitler’s backers arm and control Germany’s government. To this Ayn Rand drew too vague an analogy with the Moratorium on Brains in Atlas Shrugged. Nor did she clarify the connection–possibly for fear of weakening Barry Goldwater’s GOP while the Soviet still existed.

Dwight Eisenhower was, after all, the conquering Republican president of both These States and the Government of Occupation, and Richard Nixon was his vice-president and anticommunist Wingman when Atlas Shrugged was finally published. But the book was already in its tenth chapter in 1947, when Christian National Socialists were denying ever having so much as suspected that Henry Ford’s Fuehrer’s promise to “extirpate” jewish egoism in Mein Kampf was anything but a joke. That was the year Rand composed the Non-Aggression Pledge. That tersely-worded individual decision established a modern ethical position consistent with the era of mature nuclear physics.

Get the complete story in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at http://www.expatriotas.blogspot.com or amigra.us

Brennt Paris?

France, of course, surrenders to German National Socialism at every opportunity. This 1940 French Translation of Mein Kampf (as Mon Combat–My Struggle) appears in the first 5 minutes of the 1966 movie Brennt Paris? The movie shows Parisians mostly riding bicycles, with the wealthy saving gas driving those horse-drawn Hoovercarts used in America during Prohibition After the Crash. The Occupation of Paris was Ecological National Socialism in black & white.

But France’s own media set them up for permanent obloquy in the Fawlty Towers Pantheon of Pathetic Poltroons. Seen this French hagiography of the current International Socialist Chanceller of Germany? It’s not all that different from Time Magazine thrice putting another nationalistic, Socialist German Chancellor on its cover a few decades ago. At least two such Chancellors made Time’s Person of the Year. Back in 1938 the Chancellor’s crowds shouted Raus juden! Today it’s Keine Atomkraftwerks!

If votes count for anything, America still prefers to keep electric power safe, legal and abundant. No Nukes, Nuclear Disarmament, Surrender to Soviet, Ban Coal, Ban Fracking, and other Gaian collectivist shibboleths notwithstanding.

But the Democratic party digs itself deeper and deeper into the pseudoscience of ecological national socialism. This cost them the votes of many who also want an end to the Republican régime of prohibitory televangelist pseudoscience, mass incarceration, cops shooting children and asset-forfeiture looting. The Democratic Party platform committee made the bed those loser politicians and their frustrated supporters get to lie in. They lie awake hearing God’s Own Prohibitionists Make Amerika Grate Again.

This appeals hugely to Libertarians. Unlike the socialist-prohibitionist DemoGOP, our platform says to relegalize self-medication, free the victimless-yet-persecuted from prisons and expunge their records. We seek to ABOLISH most taxes & regulations and all wars soon. Every Libertarian vote forces looter politicians to repeal or modify at least 6 times as many rights-destroying usurpations now masquerading as laws–or lose their seats.  Libertarian spoiler votes cover the gap between the main looter parties, and currently swing 90 electoral votes in major elections.

So Democrats, why not heat up some tar, cut open a few pillowcases and throw an outdoor party for your former platform committeemembers? Teach their replacements to spell R-E-P-E-A-L. Who knows? Maybe you can get jobs for some of your ward heelers and a hand in the till to boot? Failing that, try voting Libertarian instead: the other parties offer you warmunists, bureaucrats and politicians, we offer you freedom.

Did this help clarify why the US  need not sacrifice taxpayer earnings on the altar of pseudoscience?  Clarity is what many people want in their translations. This is why I have repeat customers. I look out for their pocketbooks.

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog


Freedom, Democracy and Investment

Ask anyone what they voted for, and the conceptually-challenged invariably respond with some grinning politician. Even folks who expect to benefit along with the grinning politician–by increased transfer payments, diminished taxes, or the oppression of some hated minority–will never admit to a personal stake in the outcome. Voting for someone else is altruism. Voting for one’s own interests is selfishness.

But just ask anyone what they invested in, and the answer is completely different. Nobody invests in George Soros, Charles Schwab or Bernie Madoff, but rather, uranium futures, mortgage debt, emerging markets or something else they expect will gain value faster than governments print money.  Your valuable money is clearly something you invest, so why not invest your valuable vote in something that will eventually change the laws to your own benefit?

Amoral yet technically sophisticated voters voted for the largest political party not intent on banning reliable electricity. That party’s candidate won. A comparison of the Dem and GOP platforms shows that energy policy was the only clear difference between the two.  Democratic promises to repeal the Second Amendment and enact  Kristallnacht gun laws, like Republican bragadoccio vowing to repeal the Fourteenth Amendment and restore coathanger abortions, can safely be ignored. Both parties want the cops to continue shooting kids in the back over herbs and potions. Both want to bomb and deport foreigners, invade and spy on everyone. The electrical power ban based on pseudoscience–a plank generated by the CPUSA and Green Party prior to the Y2k election–was the only real platform difference.

A ban CO2 plank imported from tiny splinter parties sufficed first to weaken (in 2012), then to topple the ruling Democratic party. This is all the more impressive since the GOP had in 2007 clearly crashed the US economy and weakened the rest of the world’s economy. This they had already accomplished in 1929 and 1987  by enacting and exporting superstitious prohibition policies lifted from the likes of the Prohibition, Tea and Ku-klux Consta2shun parties. The lesson is that rent-seeking “major” parties seek to neutralize adverse spoiler votes by co-opting the planks of small parties. You did not read all 70 thousand words of the Dem and GO-Pee platforms? Lobbyists, government employee union goons, Congressmen and Senators read every page carefully.

The Populist party got the communist income tax into federal statutes in 1894 with a lousy 9% of the 1892 vote. Democratic Party adoption of that same plank–copied from the People’s Party–enacted the Income Tax Amendment in less than a decade. The Socialist party got its entire 1928 platform written into law by steadfast voting. A decade earlier, the Prohibition party turned These United States into an unemployed penal institution by using its 1.4% of the vote to amend the Constitution and make beer a felony. Freedom was eroded and crippled through leveraged voting by a tiny minority.

So why not eliminate the insincere middlemen and vote for your own freedom, just as you invest in your own financial future? Your libertarian vote will immediately gain 6 to 36 times as much vote-changing impact as a vote thrown away on the kleptocracy. Think about it. THAT’s leverage no panhandling pressure group can offer, and it costs you less than your spare change.

If there are laws, court decisions or political issues in Spanish or Portuguese that you would like to see or hear in English–or vice versa–why not visit my political, legal and engineering translation service? How about buying my book?

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Global Warming Great Lakes prediction

In 2011 Global Warmunists published dire prophesies of what would surely maybe perhaps happen to the Great Lakes.

Here’s an update of what they’re like now. No loss of water, ice and temperatures normal. This all reminds me of the “scientists” and “doctors” who said marijuana and LSD would surely maybe perhaps turn teenagers into zombies and axe-murderers any minute now. Forty years later at least one of these is legal in most US states and many civilized countries around the world.

I found this in the comments section at realclimatescience.com

The Petition Project alone lists by state and alphabetically 32000 scientists unconvinced by warmer pseudoscience. For them to be the 3% there would have to be at least a million and sixty-seven thousand degreed scientists listed somewhere as the 97% endorsing the conclusion that the world is fast becoming a rotisserie. But of the handful I can identify, most were claiming 30 years ago that the Earth was entering into an ice age. Yet temperature charts are flatlining like the funding figures for econazi hysterics.

But the global warming scare and Carbon Tax sure as hell defeated the Democratic Party this last election. It was the only real difference between “the two” parties. Maybe next election the Dem Platform Committee will copy a repeal plank from the Libertarian Party instead of copying more prohibition and taxes from Luddites.  They copied a plank to repeal the Prohibition Amendment from the Liberal Party in 1932, and never regretted the move.

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Denazification of Brainwashees


Read the original

Denazification of Christian National Socialists was a major problem for the Truman administration after Germany surrendered in May of 1945.

Those Christian socialists dismissed everything occupation forces said as a foreign or communist plot. Communist socialists just as balefully suspected Yanks were in league with plutocrats. Germany in 1945 was divided–pretty much like These American States in 2016–between Christian socialists and socialists less impressed by the Sermon on the Mount than by the equally apocryphal “Give unto Caesar“.

Religious conservatives want more censorship and laws outlawing sex, choice, herbs, cacti, mushrooms, having cash, crossing borders and speaking one’s mind. Conservatives want more mind control, fewer individual rights, but prefer prohibitionist asset-forfeiture looting to outright nationalization.

Gaian ecological nationalsocialists and yellow-dog communists pine in unison for the complete abolition of economic freedom. This false dichotomy within a universe of discourse restricted to variants of socialism was precisely the situation that allowed National Socialist ideology to completely tailor Germany while cursing “liberal” ideas as narcissistically selfish and irresponsible. Actual American Liberals, before 1932, sought voluntary solutions–especially the repeal of Blue Laws and Prohibition–not the mystically-motivated initiation of force.

People without the slightest notion of the definition of energy or the dimensions of its units are passionately committed to the banning of most electrical power plants. Others just as ignorant of physics, chemistry and economics want men with guns to arrest Planned Parenthood doctors and shoot teenagers who smell like the munchies. To fanatics of both camps the only alternative to sending men with guns to kick in doors is “to do nothing” and simply “let” the End of the World happen any minute now

The spell cast by years of altruist propaganda from teevee sets, pulpits, yellow journals and journalistic hack books has taken its toll on those susceptible to altruist seduction–mystical right-wingers and lefties alike. After the 1945 surrender, German nationalsocialists were conditioned en masse into the serried ranks of Soviet international socialists. Anyone with experience in running a slave pen or death camp could certainly find work in East Germany or Soviet Russia.

Just so in the post-Soviet USA fifth-column technocrats formerly advocating nuclear disarmament and surrender to peaceful Soviet altruism are today welcomed into the loving arms of new, improved, Ecological National Socialism. New improved nationalsocialism tolerates the existence of selfish jews and imposes prohibitionist jail sentences as a Christianizing influence to improve people of color–in 2016 as in 1857.

But what about the rest of us? What about people who understand enough physics to realize that no energy means no work, and no work  means no voluntarily-acquired income? Four million voters voted pro-choice, pro-electricity, anti-prohibition and against attacking people on the other side of the planet. Libertarians voted against the initiation of harmful and deadly force as a political tool. We did it in numbers large enough to shift the tallying of 124 electoral vote outcomes in 11 states.

The people of Germany had no libertarian choice in 1932, but they do today. France also has a functioning Parti Libertarien dutifully ignored by that kleptocracy’s media. All those countries’ voters lack is the courage, understanding and ethical values it takes to act on that choice. Come to think of it… these are exactly the same things that are in desperately short supply in These United States.

Are you interested in replacing coercive violence with a peace, prosperity and freedom?

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

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