Freeze, freon or freedom?


Erde Politische Arbeiterpartei

Huxley conditioning, not Orwellian brainwashing

Only America was “morally” required to violate its Second Amendment, disarm and surrender to Soviet Altruria before and during the 1980s. The Union of Confused Scientists, Physicians for Socialist Responsibility, Freeze advocates, those same pro-socialist, fifth-column infiltrators soon claimed penguins would roast unless freon were banned. Now that real freon is banned and air conditioners are failing as a consequence, they swear the world is heating up. Yet thermometers say the opposite. Why?

Remember the War on Freon? This was based on the superstition that humans–8/9 of whom live in the climactically different northern hemisphere–are to blame for a thinner ozone layer hovering over a constantly-erupting volcano in the southern hemisphere–where only 11% of humanity lives. The volcano, Mt Erebus, spews chlorine into the atmosphere near the south pole, and has done so for over a million years. Bozos and political scientists report no such hole at the pole nearest where 89% of industrial humanity lives and works. (Oddly enough, there is no such volcano at the North Pole either).

Freon–the coolant that replaced poisonous refrigerator gases fatal to housewives in the 1930s–was sacrificed on the Congressional Altar of the lobbyists and Volcano Gods in Crash year 1987. Freon was made a quasi-illegal controlled substance, regulated by force and priced out of reach. Real freon was replaced with an inferior coolant requiring much higher pressures. Home and auto air conditioners running the new coolant nobody would buy willingly, promptly began failing.

The manly and honest response is to look at ozone readings taken before and after the War on Freon. Those two Octobers–during the 1987 Crash and in just before Americans voted against banning energy in 2016–show no appreciable change to the ozone layer. But go ahead and view time-lapse videos and compare other years. But facts don’t matter, hence every man, woman and child in America–and in the world that once regarded Americans as scientific–has been forced at gunpoint to buy the clumsy substitute. Worse: all are now threatened with a tax on air and an additional ban on electric power stations by the same looter ideologues.

Neither the Democratic (or CPUSA) nor Republican (or Prohibition) parties have ever admitted error, and their looters in the House and Senate won’t either. Enter the tangled web of global warming deceit to cover up the discomfort you feel as electric bills rise and your air conditioner fails expensively. If you want an alternative that is non-totalitarian you can make your preference felt by voting Libertarian.

Four Fingers, 2+2=4

Courtesy Tony Heller,

By deliberately altering or cherrypicking NOAA thermometer records to make the past appear cooler and the present warmer, the temperature trend reverses the sign of its slope. This handily provides Congress with an alibi for the failure-prone AC units it sold us at gunpoint because of the War on Freon hysteria. As icing on the let-’em-eat-cake, a whole new hobgoblin has been created from which the ignorant and superstitious now clamor to be led to safety. The hobgoblin, designed by the same Anti-Industrial-Revolution Luddites, is Global Warming–the official Staat religion of Econazi Germany. The icing? Global Warming hysteria makes real cooling climate change feel like warming because your air conditioning is failing and costing you a fortune!

Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 verifiably shows how government fanaticism beginning March 2, 1929, wrecked the economy. Live on Amazon Kindle for the cost of a pint.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle


Do you ever need a translator able to graph charts and perform temperature conversions?

The Guns of Neverown

Government guns goood!

National Socialism enforced strict gun control laws

Cruz opens fire on a gun-free zone! These phenomena are in every case examples of the initiation of force, precisely what 96.7% of the voting population increasingly favors with its ballots, especially since the 1971 Nixon subsidies transferring tax dollars into electioneering. 

Republicans, drawing on the wisdom of the NSDAP, Prohibition Party and Progressive parties take the Kristallnacht view that “the wrong people” cause gun violence, making it an “education”/eugenics issue. Slaves should never own guns. That was clear to slaveholding plantation owners back in mercantilist times. Toussaint L’Ouverture, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, the Stono Rebellion–those and Lord Dunmore’s Emancipation Proclamation taught many a christianizing altruist the danger of letting “just anyone” get hold of assault flintlocks. National Socialist Germany (the Denmark of socialism in 1933-38) had its own Nat Turners, hence the Commando Order advocated in watered-down form today by the Democratic, Green, Socialist Labor and Communist parties and practiced by many of their First Responders™.  Judges at the Nuremberg War Crimes trials under the Government Of Occupation took a much dimmer view of Germany’s Second Amendment violations–which could have cost us Gregory Peck, David Niven and Anthony Quinn!

Kristallnacht gun laws result

Government guns goood, your guns baaad!

Democrats follow a post-Soviet collectivist dogma that makes government guns in the hands of State minions (First Responders™), tax collectors and politician bodyguards invisible. The dogma magnifies all non-authoritarian guns into animated Terminator things that use visible non-government hands for the killing of innocents as explained by the glossolalia of Historical Necessity.


Gun banners with corpse

The initiation of force at gun-free schools is the exact thing libertarians predict based on past induction and current deduction. It is also what 97% of the voters demand with their ballots. The platforms and policies of the entrenched Kleptocracy parties require aggression as a modus operandi and preferred approach to all problems.

Fortunately, America’s only growing party eschews the initiation of force. The looter legislation we seek to repeal was enacted with only a tiny number of spoiler votes–less than 3% for the Prohibition Amendment and slightly more to transform Marx Manifesto plank 2 into the 16th Amendment. Each libertarian ballot packs a large multiple of the law-changing clout of lemming votes cast in accordance with teevee commercials.

If you would like to understand what is going on in the rest of the world, look up a translator. My other blog is in a different language.

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog


Six million pro-choice votes in 2016

The Libertarian Party had to choose in 2016 between a recycled Republican convert to some individual rights, an Anti-choice, Pro-coathanger infiltrator and a wealthy roué noob who had evidently only heard of the LP six months earlier. The party recycled Gary Johnson–stripped of his pandering promise to try to overturn the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision enforcing individual rights for everyone–even pregnant women. Recognizing that women have individual rights (instead of trying to coerce them) multiplied this mediocre candidate’s vote total by 328% compared to 2012.

Point of inflection survives mystical pushback

LP, pill, save the planet from population disaster

Any attempt to inject anti-choice fanatics onto Libertarian Party candidate offerings can safely be interpreted as sabotage intended to cost the LP 2/3 of the votes we earned. Expect the Republican party to invest a lot of cash and effort in that. Such pandering reverses huge gains from the 1972 election in which the LP plank literally put a stop to coercing pregnant women and doctors in These States and Canada. By making the Libertarian plank on birth control the lead paragraph in its Roe v. Wade decision the Supreme Court recognized the importance of individual rights, helped avert global Malthusian disaster and made the LP a change agent that cannot be ignored.

The Democratic Party, painfully aware that the LP beat them to the repeal plank just as the Liberal party did in 1931, has tried to exploit women’s rights as transfer payments from producers to women as a way of grafting Soviet or Chinese socialism onto the issue. But suppose there are women out there who want to be free, NOT kept, bought or bribed? NARAL is betting there aren’t any, and doesn’t want women to know how Libertarian Candidate Toni Nathan smacked nine old men upside the head with the repeal plank and helped make Canada a Sanctuary Country for ladies. So, how many women want to sacrifice their rights in order to ban electric power?

Only China can have energy

Communist Party USA = Dems on energy

NARAL has become a totalitarian socialist lobby with an agenda indistinguishable from CPUSA. The Democratic party is in the coils of the same anaconda. A self-respecting independent woman has nowhere to turn but the Libertarian Party if she wants individual rights enforced. Suicidal Dems, Greens and Socialists are the ones that helped God’s Own Prohibitionists win political offices.

Christianofascism kills

See original anti-life criminals… like the ones who defaced the news microfilm

Just as the Dems copy communist planks, the Gee-Oh-Pee copies Comstock Law and Prohibition Party planks to again strip women of rights (including physicians’ right to life). Remember the Amendment to make Pregnancy Termination Illegal? The one the Prohibition party published in its 1976 plank after Roe v. Wade? The GOP has quietly copied that into every platform up to and including the 2016 campaign. Libertarians are meanwhile promising to follow Canada’s example of no government guns pointed at pregnant women or their physicians. Are rights worth giving up to save Chinese communism? I’m voting libertarian and I’m not even female!


Ever need a translator, born in the 20th century, tempered by immigration court?

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Spotting Fake Libertarians

LP spoiler vote Clout Party!

Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan

The Libertarian Party is the only political party in These United States that is growing.

Mathematician needed for curve-fitting in substitution model

We need a least-squares fit to the Fisher-Pry equation

It is also the only party in the world NOT dedicated to the initiation of force. Naturally, procurers for looter parties hang around libertarian venues seeking to lure away voters and undermine the LP platform.

Republican trolls and infiltrators, invariably mystical fascists ashamed of their confederates’ past misdeeds, are fond of prophesying in the future tense as a way of palling up to and retasking libertarian voters. These right-wing zealots avoid discussion of how spoiler votes changed the Comstock laws they seek to preserve, and how prohibitionist asset forfeiture and confiscations cause liquidity crises and depressions. Here are some of the fabrications, red herrings, false prophesy and snow jobs they peddle in their zeal for prohibition laws.

“No true Scotsman” will doom the libertarian party to always being an outsider. (But outsiders cast spoiler votes which change laws)

No hope for libertarian political success until the culture changes first. (But repealing bad laws is success)

Betteridge’s law of headlines says the LP will fail. Duverger’s Law says the LP must inevitably fail. (Such pseudoscience makes bad laws)

The problem is that the Libertarian Party has zero interest in actually winning an elective office. (But to non-parasites, winning is repealing bad laws)

We repealed Comstock Laws in Roe v Wade

Spoiler votes are Bludgeoning Angels!

Democratic party procurers, basically the socialist laity, are also strangers-with-candy for clueless-but-impressionable youngsters. Dems lost by almost 3 million votes. Libertarians got over 4 million votes! Why? Youngsters are what the Dem platform says to jail because of plant leaves. Shadenfreude’s too good for them. Their cant also evades mention of how spoiler votes in the past changed the laws to suit their econazi altruism-with-government-guns agenda.

Look at the graph: the LP does not want an Amendment to force women to reproduce at gunpoint!

The Drumpf presidency is such an emergency that “we” can’t currently afford the luxury of protest votes.


The looter parasites the Democratic party chooses as politicians are still programmed by Soviet brainwashing to oppose anything that might help These States defeat International Socialism in a shooting war with nuclear weapons unholstered. Their snouts went into the trough because Bush Dynasty faith-based asset-forfeiture prohibitionism again wrecked the economy in 2007 as in 1929-33, 1987-92 and people schooled in how financial markets work understood that nothing could be worse than another coathanger-worshipping mystical Republican looter.

But Green spoiler votes (in reality Ralph Nader personality votes) frightened the Dems into promising to do everything to ban electric power plants just as they promised simpletons who don’t know any better that they would pass Kristallnacht laws banning guns in the presence of the Bill of Rights. Every democrat who lost lost because of this obsolete Soviet brainwashing meme having acquired momentum of its own in both the US and NATO nations.

Look at the graph: the LP does not want to ban electric power.

Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is my book about how prohibitionism and asset forfeiture cause fractional reserve banking systems to collapse. It is live on Amazon Kindle for the price of a good pint.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

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My other blog is in Portuguese.



Die Amerikaner Mauer

I did taw a puddy tat!

Courtesy: Public Brainwashing System

The exact technical term for what the hypothetical “fence” in the Republican platform has evolved into is Grenzbefestigungssystem, or border fortification system. Germans and Austrians recognize this symptom of Socialism and refer to it as “die Amerikaner Mexicaner mauer.” The resemblance to die Berliner mauer is striking, to say the least.

According to Republican Party National Socialist dogma, there are only two regrettable but clearly distinguishable alternatives. “We” either have a wall topped with barbed wire and guarded by Todes-schutzen snipers and prohibitionist German shepherds, or we are stuck with the same “open borders” as the wretched and dissolute heathens of Switzerland, Sweden and Costa Rica. Republican fascination with China and ancient traditions evidently prioritizes medieval fortifications.

Socialism and zoos = walls and cages

Maginot Border Wall. See the original article…

Remember the Maginot line? France built that after WWI to make sure The Accursed Hun could not take over its facilities for converting Vietnamese opium into heroin for export. Its strongest entrenchments were along the boundary of what was soon Vichy France, where the old Red Terror slogan, “Liberté, Fraternité, Egalité” was soon replaced by the goodthinkful religious conservative National Socialist values of “Travail, Famille, Patrie.” This, of course, occurred in the South of France, where the acetylmorphine facilities were located, most notably at Marseilles. Today’s low-yield nuclear artillery shells designed to mimic conventional shaped charges can make nasty, brutish and short work of these beached leviathans.

As during WWI and WWII, none of those conversant with what motivates such folly are now in a position to speak. Hemmed in by Espionage or Official Secrets acts and enforceable nondisclosure “agreements,” all American hints as to what motivated those wars–markets for plant leaf products–is bound up in dull State Department memoirs. Today’s, G.O.P. (God’s Own Prohibitionists) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Prohibition Party™ (Est. 1869). The Prohibitionist formula for making money with government gunmen was a gold mine while it lasted. Glucose and yeast plants converted corn, sulfur and water into the makings for beer and gin while border patrols kept out foreign, and dry killers confiscated domestic competing products. No taxes, no product liability. My God, how the money rolled in!

Republican appeasers have copied planks from their more godlike competitors in the Prohibition Party for well over a century. They did this not because they agreed, but to minimize the threat of spoiler votes that might otherwise dislodge their politicians. Back when all American Socialists were Christian National Socialists–the likes of Edward Bellamy, William Jennings Bryan and William Dean Howells –coercive prohibitionism, Blue Laws and the Comstock Law kept thought-criminals in their place. No newspaper dared mention what ingredients went into patent medicines, for the cartel would jerk its advertising.

Birth control was unmentionable thanks to Comstock Law censorship making the entire subject a settled science.  Nowadays however, awkward questions such as “why are we taxing Americans to send men with guns to occupy Afghanistan?” or “why build a wall?” are pointedly ignored or scraped off with formulaic retorts such as “protecting our borders.”

A truthful answer would be that organized sumptuary crime backing the GOP requires Afghan opium to supply the prohibitionists’ opioid addiction racket. The racket must be technically illegal (made feasible by bribery), so that selective enforcement of prohibitionism at once excludes foreign competitors and does away with all questions of product liability.

As in the 1930s, when the Herbert Hoover Administration used tax laws and government infiltrators to break up the Yeast and Glucose Trust, so today there is a need to get rid of prohibition laws that discriminate in favor of addictive poisons. Addictive poisons simply cannot compete with enjoyable drugs that are neither poisonous nor addictive. Nineteenth-century political parties, riddled with corruption, need level-playing-field competition from honest libertarian spoiler votes if we are to ever have a stable economy and free ourselves of the trappings of communo-fascist dictatorships masquerading as free-market democracies. Repealing the Nixon subsidies for looter party electioneering would make elections fairer and cut government spending.


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Canadian Liberals and American Libertarians

mystical whack job

LP Candidate 2018?

Will the Libertarian Party sacrifice integrity to superstition? 

1968 — Nixon elected, Mi Lai massacre, GOP declares war on plant leaves, entheogens, segregationist American Party advocates War on Plant Leaves, gets 35 electoral votes. No US party published a Comstock law plank to ban or censor birth control that year, but George Wallace loudly insisted he wanted politicians to ban most birth control.

1968 — Prohibition party platform: No greater mistake has ever been made by the American people and their government than the Repeal of Prohibition. (This is the party that controls the GOP as of 1928.)

1969 — Canadian abortion activist Dr. Henry Morgentaler defies the law and opens an abortion clinic in Montreal.

1970 — Morgentaler clinic is raided and physician is charged with several offences. The Gestapo had 27 years earlier arrested Morgentaler for internment in its death camp eugenics program to cleanse humanity of Jewish selfishness and make the World safe for Positive Christianity.

1971 — American Libertarian Party formed by David Nolan, adopts the Non-Aggression Principle. This principle was formulated by Ayn Rand in 1947, as National Socialist eugenics proponents were being hanged at Nuremberg and elsewhere. Richard Nixon signs amendment to IRS Code making transfer payment subsidies via the income tax to entrenched Kleptocracy parties for electioneering in media.

1972 — Pro-choice, pro-defense, Libertarian Party candidates John Hospers and Toni Nathan earn one electoral vote from a state in which barred from the ballot.

1973 — Republican Supreme Court copies and pastes the 1972 Libertarian Party pregnancy plank into its Roe v. Wade decision using the 14th Amendment to secure individual rights for most pregnant women.

1974 — Morgentaler acquitted on abortion charges by Quebec jury, later overturned by Quebec Court of Appeal.

1976 — Prohibition party platform adds plank: We support a Constitutional Amendment to protect the unborn by prohibiting abortion except in those very rare cases where the life of the mother is seriously endangered.

1976 — Canadian Justice Minister orders retrial. Morgentaler acquitted by jury again in September. Newly elected Parti Quebecóis drops all charges.

1976 — Republican party platform copies from Prohibition Party the plank demanding a Prohibition Amendment to force pregnant women to reproduce by coercing physicians at gunpoint.

1980 — Republican platform demands Abortion Prohibition Amendment.

1984 — Republican platform demands Abortion Prohibition Amendment.

1988 — Republican platform demands Abortion Prohibition Amendment. Declares “All persons born…” in 14th Amendment really means “All ova fertilized…” Supreme Court of Canada strikes down all laws restricting that individual right of women.  Goodthinkful Republican party politicians struggle to evade this decision as thoughtcrime.

1992 — Republican platform demands Abortion Prohibition Amendment. Seeks Mussolini-precedent Lateran Treaty powers to force children in government schools to recite prayers.

1996 — Republican platform demands Abortion Prohibition Amendment. Declares its support for Religious Mercantilism by calling it [get this!] “free-market Capitalism,” promises 5th Amendment protection against Asset-Forfeiture looting (except where prohibitionism enters the picture).

2000 — Republican platform demands Abortion Prohibition Amendment. Demands formation of Junior Anti-Sex League and additional laws to coerce pubescent teens. 2001, George Bush Jr. signs Executive Order subsidizing infiltration of federal government by faith-based mystical organizations, as in the Mohammedan countries.

2004 — Republican platform demands Abortion Prohibition Amendment. Expands demands to export prohibition of individual rights of women (and everyone else) to UN, advocates interference in international organizations to pressure them into coercing physicians who provide healthcare to women. Asset-forfeiture prohibitionism ramps up to wholesale armed robbery by men with government guns.

2008 — Republican platform demands Abortion Prohibition Amendment. Demands protection by mock trial (not international law) of troops ordered to bomb civilians in Mohammedan countries. Economy collapses under weight of prohibitionist asset-forfeiture looting.

2012 — Recycled republican candidate Gary Johnson promises to try to overturn Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision. Gets 3 million fewer votes than he got after dropping that dumb idea.

2016 — Republican platform demands Abortion Prohibition Amendment by retasking 5th Amendment to coerce physicians instead of ban asset-forfeiture looting. Libertarian party infiltrated by Republican prohibitionists, platform edited to add faith-based straddle plank. Rights-violating republican infiltrator nearly nominated by LP. Democratic party platform seeks to make electricity as abundant and affordable in Continental United States as in Puerto Rico.  </history>

2018 — ??
Scenario 1: Mystical prohibitionist Republicans take over LP
the way the Prohibition Party assimilated the GOP in 1928, and the People’s Party swallowed the Democrats in 1896–to back a Prohibition Amendment declaring women are not “persons born” and assert that the 5th Amendment legalizes asset forfeiture looting.
Scenario 2 — Libertarian Party maintains its integrity, sheds good-faith-based imprecations and defends the individual rights of all women, as in Canada. LP advocates a constitutional amendment protecting the freedom of production and trade, replaces GOP like Whigs replaced Federalists and were themselves mowed down by Red Republicans in 1860.

The Supreme Court tried backing Prohibitionist superstition in 1920, but when that brought about a depression worse than the one from the 1894 income tax (for which the Prohibition Party incorrectly claims credit), the Court learned. The 1973 US Supreme Court decision has since assured women all over the planet that they are individuals with rights. Christian National Socialists and Mohammedan Sharia Law fanatics object to any kind of individual rights–especially if applicable to women, blacks, latinos… So what? Superstition is dwindling and has few spoiler votes to cast. Libertarians have four million spoiler votes. Our vote share looks like this measured hockey stick graph:

Superstition from 1928 on the other hand…

9/11 showed us religion worships death!

Science will fly you to the Moon. Religion will fly you into the side of a building!

Which will it be? Robert Heinlein, Ayn Rand, H.L. Mencken, David Nolan, John Hospers, Toni Nathan? or the Klan, Prohibition Party, Anthony Comstock, Herbert Hoover, Joe McCarthy, Harry Anslinger, Dick Nixon and the Bush Dynasty? Free minds and free markets or Republican Blue laws, Democrat Kristallnacht laws and Mohammedan Sharia law?

Much of the political strife of the Prohibition era, and its economic consequences, are covered in Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929. Live on Amazon Kindle in two languages


I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at or