Libertarian Party of Canada

In 1790 Canada was OK with hemp (link)

Are you are tired of wasting money on a Libertarian National Committee temporarily controlled and populated by rejects from the Democratic-Republican Kleptocracy? Then consider supporting a Canadian Libertarian candidate.(link)

Though it is legal for Americans to join England’s Libertarian Party, a way has been found–perhaps in horror of the hostile takeover of our own LP by girl-bullying fanatics and no-borders communist anarchists–to close Canada’s LP to yanks. Joining is not as heinous a felony as being less than smart about filing the politicians’ taxes. As an ignorant youth I tried it and only afterward learnt it was taboo. Still, honest Americans friendly with the peaceful tribes of Quebec and Ontario can be counted on to find ways to cultivate Libertarian Spoiler votes along our longest border with a country into which Americans flee Republican and Democratic party press gangs.(link)

In 1972 there was one Libertarian Party on Planet Earth. Wielding fewer than 4000 spoiler votes, it promptly got the Supreme Court to abolish the last vestige of girl-bullying Comstock laws passed during the military occupation government schools describe as “Reconstruction.”(link) The Selective Service Act by which politicians stay home and force citizens into harm’s way at gunpoint has so far escaped repeal through a Gentleman’s Agreement making it obtrude less pointedly upon the notice of its intended victims for the time being. This is because abolishing the draft is in the platforms of thousands of Libertarian Parties thriving and multiplying throughout the myriad counties and parishes of all 50 of These Sovereign States and most civilized countries.

This logistics replacement S-curve scared the krap out of the Kleptocracy!(link)

By 2016, the Libertarian share of the presidential vote had increased a thousandfold to 4 million–despite the Nixon law providing tax subsidies to the entrenched looter Kleptocracy since the day the LP was founded.(link) Canada’s Libertarian Party formed in 1973, and for decades Canada’s legacy parties have enforced no laws threatening doctors and banning medical birth control, just as our own force-initiating parties dare not so much as mention “the draft.”(link)

Until the current crop of collaborationists, saboteurs and infiltrators busily wrecking the U.S. Libertarian Party (to the sound of whoops of joy from fascist and anarcho-communist pressure groups) are winnowed out, cash donations to the Party of Freedom on the other side of America’s friendliest border are a good investment in the future of freedom.(link) If you know of an unaffiliated county LP still defending our principles, please let me know so I can spread the word.

It is a stain on America’s honor that the entrenched parties of aggression and depredation that caused the Great Depression–through their use of the violence of law to infringe the freedom of production and trade–have managed to export the Nixon law forcing honest people to subsidize soft machines in “elections” that rob and coerce them. The resulting hyperinflation, Crashes and Depressions wreck their economies, entrench rule by juntas, and drive hordes of terrified economic refugees seeking to flee into These States and the Provinces of Canada.(link)

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 29coversmall.png

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Brazilian blog

American blog
Tradutoramericano Curitiba, Paraná

Tagged: 18th Amendment, altruism, collapse, Constitution, libertarian, political clout, prohibition, pseudoscience, repeal, spoiler votes, superstition, totalitarianism, Volstead Act, war,

Libertarian spoiler clout v. social pressure

group pressure: the application of direct or indirect influence by minority interest groups for the purpose of securing their own ends. The influence may be political, economic, psychological, or social, etc; the focus of application is ordinarily a governmental body or official, a political party, or a leader of prestige and authority. Dictionary of American Politics, Smith & Zurcher, 1944 p.148
This definition was published before the six death camps planned and built to institute Christian National Socialist altruism and Gleichschaltung in Europe.(link)

Eleven years later, psychologist Solomon Asch proved by reproducible experiment that 3 out of 4 college students will lie for no other reason than because they see a group of others doing the same thing. This experiment is superficially bandied about, but its conclusions–deadly to mystical superstition, totalitarian dictatorships, mercantilist monarchism and entrenched soft machine Kleptocracy–are invariably omitted.

Libertarian spoiler vote clout cures groupthink!(link)

Unanimity in error is why thinkers from Zamyatin(link), through Huxley, through Orwell, through Ayn Rand, through Heinlein, through the 1971 founders of the Libertarian Party have abhorred mystical collectivism. Its myriad mutations all rely on the same falsification of reality and its methods invariably distill base brainwashing from self-deception and collectivized conditioning. Lest anyone contrive to misinterpret: 3 out of 4 students will lie if induced to do so by an apparently unanimous majority.

Yet the minority observation of a single dissenter suffices to undo this contrivedly artificial arrangement. In Zamyatin’s and Ayn Rand’s socialist Russia, Luther’s National Socialist Germany, and the entrenched looter kleptocracy Nixon’s anti-Libertarian Law has molded from what was once the democratic mercantilism of These United States, the trend toward death camps is a common feature. We’ve not gotten there yet thanks mainly to the influence of Libertarian spoiler vote clout over the course of 12 national elections.

Mystical collectivists pressured politicians into adding the Communist Manifesto Income tax and Prohibition Amendment to the Constitution, thereby dislodging and nullifying the Bill of Rights. The drys did this with an average of 1.4% of the vote over the course of 11 campaigns, and the looter collectivists (the two groups overlapped a lot back then), averaging 2.3% of the vote along a decreasing trendline.

Just as these hateful lobbies’ votes were leveraged so that 1.8% changed as much law as simplistic theory expects from 51%, each libertarian vote is worth about 28 votes on average. This explains why even the most predatory States are hurrying to stop shooting youths and minorities over plant leaves. It also explains why superstition and pseudoscience have failed to bring back the bloody coathanger abortions abolished thanks to the 1972 libertarian platform. Remember military conscription to Southeast Asia? Yet many libertarian sympathizers allow paid liars to deceive them into throwing away the equivalent of 27 additional votes everytime they lack the integrity to vote for libertarian principles.

Both pressure groups demanded the initiation of deadly force in violation of rights, and we got what they voted for. They of course recognize the Libertarian Party as the exact opposite of what they want, and to this day spare no effort or expense to infiltrate, corrupt, deflect, pollute and defeat the libertarian party. We should have expected no less. Here is their graphic record of success in helping the fascists and communists alike to depict us as bomb-throwing communist anarchists. This is a variation of the Fisher-Pry analysis, that typically graphs how electricity replaces steam, democracy replaces monarchism, and how honest and ethical politics is was slowly replacing entrenched soft-machine Kleptocracy. Vote globally, donate locally! There are uncorrupted county Libertarian Parties all over America (and Canada).

With friends like the current Libertarian National Committee, who needs enemies?(link)

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 29coversmall.png

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Brazilian blog

American blog
Tradutoramericano Curitiba, Paraná

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Libertarian Defense Caucus, 1982

Libertarians resist assimilation by looters

LP for Disarmament?
On November 8, 1981, the Libertarian National Committee adopted two resolutions – one resolving to dismantle US ICBMs, withdraw nuclear arms from NATO, and calling for a freeze on all nuclear weapons activity; and a second resolving to denounce the AWACS sale to Saudi Arabia – has reported in the November-December 1981 issue of LIBERTARIAN PARTY NEWS.
The author of the resolution was Sheldon Richman, who proposed disarmament planks at the 1981 Denver LP convention. A poll taken at the convention showed that libertarians strongly opposed disarmament. (…)

Commentary, by Egan O’Connor (the following was originally presented as a letter to CALIBER, the publication of the California LP, in response to an article by Jeffrey Rogers Hummel. The opinion expressed here does not necessarily reflect the views of the LDC.–MJD) (good article omitted to avoid copyright claims… pp 3, 4)

Disinformation Bureau
RE: “Derailing the Anti-Soviet Locomotive” by Sheldon Richman, INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY, January, 1982 (publication of the Society for Individual Liberty) This critique of Richman’s weak B.S. is omitted lest anyone retaliate with copyright claims… It closes with “Mr Richman has conspicuously advocated nuclear disarmament, but a poll taken at the Denver convention indicated that this position was disapproved by the membership by a 2-to-1 majority.” (FRONTLINES, February 1982 …)

Editorial ~ Perspective
As Editor, I welcome you to the first issue of the Libertarian Defense Caucus newsletter, named AMERICAN DEFENSE in honor of the firm principle of a free society; self-preservation from foreign aggressors. I think it is incumbent on me to explain the objectives of this publication and give some indication of the themes that will be expressed here in future issues.
(1) As a newsletter, we will try to keep you, the reader, abreast of current developments respecting the fortunes, and activities of the LDC–as well as reporting on the evolution of Libertarian Party policy on the subject of national defense.
(2) As a publication of the LDC, we will offer a forum for the expression of outspoken, unorthodox, and controversial libertarian viewpoints on defense and how It may most effectively be obtained for this country. Ms. O’Connor’s article on page 2 is an excellent opening comment.
(3) Because many libertarians lack knowledge of defense matters, and because misconceptions abound within the movement and the Party, the newsletter will present regular articles that provide important information on matters relating to relating to defense, The “Disinformation Bureau” will highlight recent statements or arguments that contain false or prejudicial claims about defense, and will offer background factual material for the reader’s impartial judgement.
(4) To facilitate the purposes of the LDC as an LP caucus, the newsletter will feature articles that analyse the LP platform planks concerning defense policy and foreign policy. Recommendations for platform revisions or corrections will be offered for the readers’ consideration.
(5) Most libertarians favor a strong national defense–yet the Party seems to endorse a policy of virtual disarmament. This situation has come about because the libertarians who favor a strong defense have lost their voices through doubt and intimidation. They have been made to feel ashamed of their convictions by those liber­tarians who, like the Bolsheviks of old, are trying to represent their minority opinion as being the “majority” viewpoint. We of the LDC intend to reverse this process and give voice to the true feelings of the LP membership, whereby they may speak out proudly in favor of defending their land, and the people that they love, and the Constitution that has given us greater freedom than history has ever before recorded. This newsletter will attempt to be the ve­hicle of communication among pro-defense libertarians, that we may all know and be confirmed in our belief that those who love liberty will agree with us.
As Editor, I will do my best to honor fact above prejudice, to be fair in the face of strong disagreement, and to address the readership with candor and clear prose I promise to render my product according to the highest standard I can envision. In return, I expect from you, the reader, a critical eye and the willingness to point out correction when it in due.
In closing, I warn you to be prepared for bitter accusations that, by supporting a strong defense, you are betraying libertarianism. Take heart in the knowledge that freedom is worth fighting for . — Michael J. Dunn

This sampling is from the Libertarian Defense Caucus I joined in 1981 while living in Boulder and working for Petr Beckmann’s Access to Energy and The Golem Press. There was no Internet. A modem was a newfangled gadget Professor Beckmann brought into the mailing room to connect us with his house on Star Route. While explaining how it worked he fooked it up to wall current. With a flash and a spark the thing ejected a mushroom cloud a yard high, the exact shape of the one that rose over Hiroshima 4 years and 4 months after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

I am trying to reestablish contact with other LDC members. The LP is again infiltrated by communist anarchists (there is no other kind). At a glance you can see how voters react to the 2018 planks inviting infected terrorists to enter the U.S. uninspected and advocating vigilante lynchings and tax-supported room and board for confessed and convicted murderers.

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

What caused The Crash?

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Brazilian blog

American blog
Tradutoramericano Curitiba, Paraná

Tags: Libertarian, platform, Constitution, spoiler votes, repeal, reform, law-changing clout, integrity, free markets, freedom from coercion, repel invasion, individual rights, keep and bear arms, a Free State, Bill of Rights,

1920 same as 2020

Record labels: Militarism, “Free” Trade, Government Ownership, Expansion (link)

The Nixon election subsidies law suppressing access to the Libertarian party has again trapped America in a circular repetition of history.(link) The same thing happened in Germany after that country’s pathetic defeat in World War I. See if this 1920 newspaper account sounds strangely familiar…

DEMOCRATIZING GERMANY. Most of the news coming from Germany nowadays, of whatever nature, seems to arouse little interest. The American public is rather “fed up” on Germany. Here, however, is a bit of news worth noticing.
The Berlin Board of Education is said to have started a thorough cleaning up of the school libraries, removing whatever books are found “contradictory to the new spirit of the times.”

What books, then, are being removed? “All books of a shamanistic, imperialistic, militaristic, nationalistic, monarchistic, and anti-Semitic nature.”

Surely, here is proof that Germany is getting somewhere. The foundation of the old German militarism was laid in the public schools. Every schoolboy has it didn’t into his ears that Germany was “the Fatherland, surrounded by foes.” Intense, narrow nationalism, hatred of other races, love of military display, worship of armed strength, the divine origin of German autocracy, all of these were taught as educational gospel. Now, if the news is true, they are all banned.

The springs of national thought and feeling are no longer to be poisoned. There is to be room and opportunity for the development of real democracy, a truer outlook on life and a more sane and generous appreciation of other races. Source: Berkeley daily Gazette January 23, 1920 – page four.

* * *

Both America and Germany were at the time trapped by political Kleptocracies empowered by the notion that there is something good about altruism and the sacrificing of freedom on the altar of duty and the initiation of deadly force. Less than 20 years of altruist prohibitionism, censorship, predatory communistic taxation, and bans on speech, movies, books and bawdiness were all it took for Krupp cannons to in 1939 again splatter destruction all over Europe and drag These United States into yet another foreign war–this one ended by nuclear weapons.

Only in 1947, with journalists again tut-tutting about German tendencies and tenured professors hand-wringing about how morality was trailing behind science did anyone dare to question the inherent goodness of altruism and suggest that the initiation of force was no longer worth the consequences.(link)

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 29coversmall.png

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Brazilian blog

American blog
Tradutoramericano Curitiba, Paraná