Spoilers and voters


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Jerry Garcia of the San Francisco Grateful Dead was opposed to choosing between evils. Garcia commented in 1984 that he was “as afraid of Mondale as… of Reagan” and lamented that “a third way” had nearly come about. Jerry Garcia only voted once in his life. But musicians, like movie actors, typically have no clear idea what government is or how elections work–it’s not their job. Very few people understand the law-changing clout delivered by spoiler votes.

Hockey stick for Libertarians!

Libertarian vote share after 9/11 and Bush asset-forfeiture crash

Both Kleptocracy parties are run by platform committees made up entirely of lobbyists. These lobbyists are as clueless as rock musicians when it comes to the real purpose of a legitimate government. They simply peddle coercion to the highest bidder, and pump up the fear of similar coercion threatened by their collectivist competitors. Because the current Kleptocracy has evolved over the last 158 years to pander to the same pool of voters, its two factions have to be nearly identical–differing only in one or two crucial and potentially deliverable platform planks.

When an outside party forms to challenge the cartel, shills and tarbrushers attack by ignoring the competing platform. Instead, they name-call any individual candidates offering the American voter an opportunity to exercise integrity. “Spoilers!” they say.

The truth, however, is that lobbyists got the Republican Party to betray the American people with coathanger abortion planks in partisan huffery against the Libertarian-written Roe v Wade decision. To this they added planks ordering men with guns to shoot our kids over plant leaves. The GOP’s Holy War bombing and invasion of Ottoman sheikdoms were guaranteed to bring hijackers flying into U.S. civilian buildings.  These platform lobbyists–not voters or candidates–are the spoilers. They have turned the Republican party into a machine for wholesale violation of individual rights and a land-mine for financial collapse. Spoiling–like shifting the blame for one’s own cupidityis an inside job.

The Democratic party, which relies heavily on altruist collectivism amounting to government in the role of surrogate parent or deity, lost badly in 2016 and barely held on in 2018. Their failure is primarily because of soiled platform declarations based on pseudoscience and Goracular documendacities. Doomsday weather nonsense is Soviet propaganda left over from 1960, happily demolished by a look at unvarnished (not GISS, which isn’t even internally consistent) weather data.


Get the complete story in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in either of two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how pseudoscience, fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at http://www.expatriotas.blogspot.com or amigra.us



Spoilers and bolters

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See Original The National Republican 24 NOV 1872

During Reconstruction–a euphemism for military occupation of conquered low-tariff states–a bolter was a voter who a left one duopoly party to vote for “the” other party. Continue reading

Border Wall, ergo, México Libre?

Trump rhetoric is different from Bush rhetoric. Bush offered to have some hemp kingpins executed by firing squad, electric chair or lethal injection. Trump grins and waves toward plans for “The Wall” with promises that nobody will be able to find drugs way less deadly than alcohol or tobacco. So why should These States continue to prop up shoot-first prohibitionism in Mexico?

Americans unable to connect for weed, X or coke in the Islamic Christian Republics of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Idaho…  could have some quality vacation time in Los Estados Libertários de México. Like all prohibitionist kleptocracies, there are two gangland political parties in a bloody struggle for power in Mexico. This has been so since the Opium Wars in which Great Britain bombarded Mexico’s trading partner, China. Spoiler votes, however, easily change the laws in kleptocratic 2-party power oligopsonies.

Mexico is at last freeing itself from narco-state dependency and become an oasis of freedom-from-coercion by legalizing enjoyables following the example of Portugal. Portugal decriminalized everything a decade and a half back, and has the most successful banking industry in the EU to show for it. Mexico has clearly had its fill of shoot-first prohibitionism, US meddling and gang warfare rivaling that of Chicago when Herbert Hoover was president. All Mexico needs is un partido libertário the people can choose on their ballots. About 4% of the vote will suffice to make all kinds of rights and freedom into jurisprudence and reality.

When the Celestial Emperor ordered the deportation of British opium traders (and Americans the like of Warren Delano), Texans were quick to exploit the misfortunes of China’s trading partner, Mexico, and attack to seize everything between Louisiana and the California gold digs. The British decision to invade and rob China, and continue dumping Indian opium there led to America’s First Great Depression. The onset of the Depression coincided exactly with China’s deportation order, and the Mexican economy was likewise ruined, its army soon humiliated in defeat by gold-digging gringos. By offering the sanctuary of freedom to refugees from Junta-style fascismo–as France welcomed beer-swilling Americans in the 1920s–Mexico could do well by doing good. The entire border area facing The Wall, from Brownsville to Tijuana, could be transformed into a revenue-generating hipster Cancun.

With the northward-bound locust-swarm of less-than-literate wretches conducting its Marcha Sobre Roma on the Texas border, now would be a good time for Texans to airdrop or catapult some primo confiscated weed into now-decriminalized Mexico. That and some maps of how to make it to Puerto Vallarta from Mexico City, then north along the Baja coast to Mexicali, Tijuana, LA and San Francisco. SoCal beats the heck out of a barbed-wire-surrounded tent city in Texas, crawling with rape-murdering border guards. If I were a Guatemalan bracero fleeing Lateran-Treaty fascismo I’d march West then hitch a tramp steamer north to LA or SF and get in on some of that paradisical sanctuary for the homeless. The California minimum wage is about 800% of what goes down in the papal Bandana Republics, and that gradient exerts a tremendous attractive force. 

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Libertarian voters in Brazil

Not voting for the communist or fascist candidate is illegal

NONE OF THE ABOVE and ABSTAINING Brazilian presidential runoff votes in 2018

When America’s prohibitionist asset-forfeiture collapse of 1987 hit South America, the situation resembled that of Germany when President Warren Harding was pronounced dead with no inquest or autopsy. Inflation went through the roof, the government collapsed and looter politicians set to work on a “new” constitution.

You can't have your cake and let your neighbor eat it too.

Paper rights inflate into worthlessness like paper money.

Droves of Brazilian voters illegally boycotted the first election under the new, book-length Constitution (14.4% abstaining and 5.82% casting blank ballots).  As collectivized “rights” inflated into worthlessness, about 2.5 million Brazilians emigrated to other countries in a massive brain-drain.

Aside from its role in writing the court decision that enforced a woman’s right to control her own reproduction, Americans hardly remembered the infiltrated and weakened Libertarian Party in 1988. But dictatorships absolutely dominated by looter ideologies recognized in the LP an existential threat to the continuity of totalitarian coercion. Borrowing from Nixon’s anti-libertarian law, politicians elsewhere began preferentially subsidizing parties that extort money at gunpoint.  With scary lessons learned from Ayn Rand’s essay on collectivized rights, male-dominated governments given to every shade of communo-fascist cleptocracy proceeded to inflate the number of looter parties empowered to suck sustenance through the government teat. And it worked!

Nationalistic socialists controlling European elections eagerly subsidize, regulate, smear and smother libertarian parties out of existence. Lateran-treaty Juntas in South America do the same, and one or two inject subsidies to inflate to over 32 the number of communist, socialist and fascist parties gobbling at the trough of Brazil’s tax revenue. That’s nearly the number of parties operated in Weimar Germany when Hitler was made Chancellor.  Since all parties are perforce tax-subsidized, the Kleptocracy says it “cannot afford” to add a non-looter party. Pretty neat, huh?

The upshot of all this is that Brazilian voting machines offer three (03) choices: communist soft machines, fascist soft machines and NONE OF THE ABOVE. These blank and spindled NO votes can realistically be counted as votes that would likely be cast in favor of Libertarian Party platform candidates, if such a thing weren’t excluded by the violence of law. The 21% turnout means 79% of eligible voters broke the mandatory voting law. In some cities, None of the Above got more votes than the winning kleptocrat. The spoiler vote fraction is what they call the taxa de alienação. Even if we ignore the no-shows, NOTA got 10% of the votes cast. That’s three times the vote percentage earned by the U.S. Libertarian Party! Here’s how they describe the national results:

O PT e TSE juntos elegeram a Junta

Green represents potential Libertarian Party votes

With the upcoming repeal of the Red Arbeiterpartei’s Kristallnacht gun laws, the suppression of libertarian voters is bound to become increasingly difficult. When coerced and subsidized election restrictions do collapse, spoiler votes will leverage the coalescing kleptocracy into repealing bad laws and deleting parasitical taxes. This, after all, is what the LP has been doing in the USA for 46 years now. Instead of electing our own politicians, we help voters defeat the worst of the opposition.

Brazilians, Colombians, Argentinos… transplants in the US can either vote or donate to the US  and Canadian Libertarian Parties, and the LP will continue to euchre politicians into repealing bad laws. How? By giving voters the opportunity to emphatically reject the socialist and nationalsocialist tendencies that have taken over the Democratic and Republican parties. These are the American parties that run the NSA and CIA that are empowered to snoop on Latin American politicians and leak damaging information to their adversaries. Many bad laws that cripple Latin American economies were exported there by America’s violent runaway Kleptocracy.

When in need of translators skilled in international contracts and court cases, look us up at Speakwrite or Falascreve.
My other blog is mostly in Portuguese.