Women Cannot be Lawyers, 1903

WOMEN CANNOT BE LAWYERS–DECISION REACHED BY THE BRITISH HOUSE OF LORDS–London, December 2, 1903–The House of Lords has finally decided that women are debarred by their sex from becoming qualified lawyers in this country. The question arose on the appeal of a Londoner, Miss Bertha Cave, against the decision of the benchers of Gray’s Inn not to admit her as a student for the purpose of being called to the bar. The Court decided that there was no precedent for a woman’s admission to the Inns of Court and no reason to create a precedent. The benchers assert that the statutes of Grey’s Inn ignore women so absolutely as to leave them no power to admit a woman.(link)
This was a year after President Theodore Roosevelt (R) wrote the Race Suicide letter urging that penal codes coerce women into service as reproductive dams. Is it any wonder that women are to this day held in bondage of involuntary reproduction in such voodoo States as El Salvador, Madagascar, Honduras and Texas. ***
See also: https://americansall.org/legacy-story-group/timeline-womens-suffrage-movement-1903-1912

Good reading: The Ego and His Own, by Max Stirner, Translated by Steven T. Bylington, was mentioned in H.L. Mencken’s brilliant dissection of Friedrich Nietzsche first published a year later. I found it free on Gutenberg (link), but it is widely available elsewhere. The translator admits the 1844 original is odd, and that the translation suffered academic and publisher meddling. The result is decidely odd prose reflecting stilted German construction, yet nonetheless interesting to readers of Nietzsche, Mencken, Rand and Tara Smith. It is a derivation of individualism as philosophical valuation, and of course rejects communist altruism and questions mystical premises. That did not stop communist intellectuals from calling themselves anarchists and claiming the author as one of theirs–just as they fastened like lampreys on the libertarian party loudly proclaiming “WE’RE YOUR FRIENDS!” (link) Observe that “anarchists” never organize their own political political organizations for the rest of us to seek out as kindred spirits. Nobody seeks the company of parasites! Fortunately, anyone reading the book is disabused of any such notion. The author’s approach predates and avoids Nietzsche’s predatory derivations and likewise sidesteps pietistic and pitiable wheedling traditionally fobbed off as values.

Get the big picture in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle (link)

ASYLUM APPLICATION FORM i589 INSTRUCTIONS IN PORTUGUESEINSTRUÇÕES PARA O FORMULÁRIO DE ASILO i589. What we did was make the Political Asylum instructions accessible to and understandable by people accustomed to thinking in Portuguese. This costs one dollar ($1) and you can read it on a cellphone with the Kindle app.(link)

Check out LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at https://libertrans.blogspot.com/

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at http://www.expatriotas.blogspot.com or www.amigra.us

My financial history bloghttp://www.Libertrans.us, is LIBtranslator, readable at libertrans.blogspot.com

1976 Libertarian Campaign

Libertarian Roger McBride Campaigns for the Presidency, by David Shutts, the Cavalier daily, February 20, 1976 page 4. (link)
“Abortions, marijuana smoking, supplying arms to some arcane tribe in Angola, that’s none of my damn business.” That is the attitude that Roger L MacBride, 46, believes to be generally popular across the United States as he campaigns for the presidency on the Libertarian party ticket.

He contends that while people don’t always vocalize a laissez-faire and power-to-the-individual outlook, it is present today as it was in the frontier days of the old West. But while present, it is stifled by moral restrictions that America’s superego, the Calvinist Doctrine, supplies. “We’re anti-Calvinist,” said MacBride bluntly.

MacBride has been a resident of Charlottesville for the past eight years where he has practiced law, written, and directed the estate of the late Rose Wilder Lane, whose mother wrote the basis for the nationally televised Little House on the Prairie series.

MacBride’s association with Rose Wilder Lane was not dissimilar to Ernest Hemingway’s association with Gertrude Stein. MacBride looked to Lane for political wisdom and inspiration much as Hemingway learned of the art of writing from Stein.

MacBride met Lane when he was a reporter in Oklahoma during a summer vacation from Winston University. She knew such diverse political figures as Herbert Hoover and Trotsky, and they spent much time together and developed a warm friendship.

When she died, she had named MacBride executor of her estate, which was considerable. Today, MacBride, who owns a DC-3 which he uses for business and campaigning, has solidified his political past into an active belief in the Libertarian party. It is important to realize that a vote for the libertarians is a vote for a government that would be opposed to government, or at least, government as we know it now.

The libertarians would like to see more emphasis on individual freedom, no restrictive moral laws, and a governmental body whose only function is the administration of the most essential welfare programs and defense against foreign aggression and internal disruption.

In essence, libertarianism means a desanctification of the state and a “don’t tread on me” attitude.
“The libertarians don’t believe in the cozy relationships between big business and the federal government, corporation coddling, and we’ve had enough of it,” said MacBride.

He spoke of “utter abolition” of such agencies as the CIA, adding “we should beef up the Defense Intelligence Agency and not have clandestine operations at all.”

On foreign policy, MacBride says simply that there should be a non-interventionist policy. He said that a working, growing, successfully free nation is the best defense against communism.

“The ideology of Lenin says basically that the spread of communism would not be successful with the outright militarism. They will try to win from within us,” he said.

McBride said without such ventures as Angola, which he terms “only a geographically marked reality,” Vietnam, and the general pattern of outdated Wilsonian foreign-policy, “we could save half of the hundred and $12 billion defense budget.”

On taxes, the fuel of such massive programs as defense, McBride said, “I would take a meat axe to federal spending, reducing taxes. I would do away with welfare, except for those who could not work: we couldn’t pull the chair out from underneath all welfare people just because of Franklin Roosevelt’s doings. We would give them an alternative chair… a free economy.” He decries wage and price controls.

“If you would like to take your perfectly good car and turn it into a taxicab just to earn some extra bucks, you would have to get a license, take tests, pay taxes, and on and on, but you shouldn’t have to. You should be free enough to work on your own, and let the customer determine the quality instead of an expensive government bureaucracy,” said MacBride.

He admires private citizens like Ralph Nader, who are showing the public defects in governmentally approved market items constantly. “The government lulls people into a feeling of safety,” he added.
MacBride’s party, which stresses what could be termed responsible anarchy, requires a vastly new psychology from Americans: “we aren’t psychologically prepared now,” he said, “but we have to start somewhere. It’s clearly time for a change.”

To effect these changes, the libertarians are working with approximately $2 million in their treasury.
“We don’t need as much money as the Democrats and the Republicans because our platform stands out clearly, while they have to pay to differentiate between themselves,” McBride said, adding with a smile, “wealth is always three weeks from our door.”

Mail-order requests for contributions are the most common way the libertarians have of raising funds. Their funding is sufficient for them to have opened a headquarters office in Washington DC, where MacBride’s staff cooperates with Eugene MacCarthy’s campaigning team.

“Gene should have been the winner in ’68, and we wouldn’t have had Nixon and the rest of that mess. While I don’t see eye-to-eye with him (MacCarthy), I think he’s a great man.” He added that contacts acquired through MacCarthy have aided in his campaign.

The Libertarian party’s cry for laissez-faire and individual freedom does not include an official stance on such delicate issues as abortions. [False! Link ]

MacBride believes, that abortion should be left up to the woman and her doctor, following the Supreme Court’s restrictions on timing.
[1976 Libertarian Platform plank language: “We further support the repeal of all laws restricting voluntary birth control or the right of the woman to make a personal moral choice regarding the termination of pregnancy.”] (history link)

When asked why he thought abortion was such a major issue in this year’s presidential campaign, he said, “I’ll be damned if I could answer you, but I’ll tell you this: I was giving a speech one night in the Midwest, and after the speech this man came up to me and said he agreed with me 100%, then he asked me what I thought of abortion, and when I told him I felt it should be up to the individual and not the state, he said he couldn’t vote for me.”

MacBride and his running mate, David Bergland, 40, a California lawyer, realized that it would be a longshot for them to win in ’76, but, said MacBride, we are going to run in 32 or 39 states and hope people will see the other choice they have.” (The Cavalier Daily 20FEB1976 4)

The Libertarian Party candidates did indeed WIN again in 1976, just as the we WON in 1972. It is true that the entrenched looter parties got more votes than we did, but the purpose of the Libertarian Party back then was to increase freedom, that is, reduce coercion. In 1976 the LP earned 4600% more votes than in the previous election–forty-six times a many votes.

The slope of the trendline in original scale is 88.8 degrees! The loss of votes from frustrated girl-bullying males was clearly dwarfed by the votes gotten from women. Women had for the first time in history enjoyed four years of increased individual rights, thanks to the Libertarian plank the Supreme Court copied into Roe v Wade the month the first Libertarian electoral vote was counted. The 1972 LP campaign freed women of coercion into involuntary servitude by laws written by Anthony Comstock and the New York Book-Burning Society of 1873–year of the Financial Panic by that name. Yet the backlash from disrupting that 100-year reign of hateful superstition arrived with the infiltration of the Republican Party by a smaller, harder, angrier bunch of race-suicide mystical conservatives herding Ronald Reagan ahead of their coercive platform. Ayn Rand had something to say about that.

About Reagan: “A man who claims to defend rights and objects to the right to have an abortion, who wants to dictate to a woman in the most intimate, crucial and tragic issue of their time–that’s no defender of rights and no defender of capitalism.” Ayn Rand

Good reading: Viable Values, by Dr Tara Smith (link)

Get the big picture in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle (link)

ASYLUM APPLICATION FORM i589 INSTRUCTIONS IN PORTUGUESEINSTRUÇÕES PARA O FORMULÁRIO DE ASILO i589. What we did was make the Political Asylum instructions accessible to and understandable by people accustomed to thinking in Portuguese. This costs one dollar ($1) and you can read it on a cellphone with the Kindle app.(link)

Check out LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at https://libertrans.blogspot.com/

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at http://www.expatriotas.blogspot.com or www.amigra.us

My financial history bloghttp://www.Libertrans.us, is at libertrans.blogspot.com

simultaneous interpreting, legal and financial

Spoiler Clout Example

I tried out for mathematics at UTexas, Austin. Some of the stuff they made us do was so tedious and intricate that sample problems were welcomed as hawsers attaching the theories to practical reality. Few have read my 2007 Live and Let Live causality analysis between small party spoiler vote clout and changes in laws and Amendments to the Constitution.(link) Fewer still understand the relationship, despite the graphs, pictures and arrows and audio recording of that simplest of practical expositions. But persistence pays, so here goes another example of how small party planks plus a tiny yet persistent percentage of spoiler votes and minor offices leveraged MAJOR changes in the Constitution and laws of the nation and its States. Changing laws with votes is WINNING.

After the People’s Party–advocating Communist platform plank 2–got 9% of the vote in 1892, both halves of the entrenched Kleptocracy struggled to block further penetration of alien ideology. Republicans enjoyed power to impose prohibitive tariffs and invade foreign lands. Their ranks swelled with pietistic altruists eager to burn books and put women and their doctors on chain-gangs for mentioning human reproductive functions in print. Democrats had lost their slaves, resorted to terror to successfully stop freedpeople from casting votes, but accomplished little else. It was among failed agrarians and northern collectivists that German communism found fertile urban and agrarian ground in Postbellum America, so the People’s Party grafted itself onto the Democrats.

Business and banking had crumbled from Comstock‘s 1873 through late 1879, crashed again 1889-1884 and recovered somewhat during Grover Cleveland’s victory over sumptuary laws. Population and silver production increased faster than gold, so money was tight; teetotalers blamed liquor and elected Benjamin Harrison (R).(link) Dry and Looter parties each won over 5 times the vote difference between the entrenched parties when Cleveland won again in 1892, with the Populists getting 9% of the vote and helping wreck the economy with an income tax. Republican dry fanatics and gold bugs doubled down and got McKinley elected. It became clear during Eugene Victor Debs’ early career that elections were decided by Prohibition Party and Populist-Socialist-Marxist spoiler votes–much like today. Both entrenched Kleptocracy parties acted to keep insurgents from upsetting their plans with outcome-shuffling spoiler votes–just like today. Here’s how it played out in terms of increasing vote share for Socialist Eugene Victor Debs.

To break the impasse, small partisans demanded equal suffrage for men and women. They went after the sneaky insertion of “male” into the 14th Amendment, which poisoned the 13th and 15th as far as women were concerned. Women’s Suffrage activists managed to bring the sidelined half of the adult population into the affray as volunteers and boosters. Some entrenched State parties copied the plank. But Prohibitionists and Socialists (it’s hard to discover which) wuz there fustest with the mostest and their vote share bloomed anew. Still, the number of voters hardly changed from 1900 to 1912, thanks to entrenched Kleptocracy strategies to strangle upstarts in the crib. Debs did not run in the wartime election, in which all communistic parties together got less than his 1912 vote tally. But the 19th Amendment was gaining State ratifications in the summer of 1919.

Amid the booming population, the socialist vote fast outstripped the entrenched “communism of pelf” as war and 19th Amendment agitation slipstreamed the communist income tax back into action while jerking the dentures out of male politicians’ privilege of electing U.S. senators. Women voters no longer needed the Socialists in 1920. Guided by Pauline Sabine, women would in 1932 save the nation from the accelerating collapse brought on by fanatical enforcement of the Harrison and Volstead prohibition laws. After Franklin Roosevelt got alcohol bans repealed, many Republicans supported the National Socialist dictator Herbert Hoover’s policies of July 1931 had brought to power Over There in Germany. For 20 more years, few even tried to elect a Republican prohibitionist to the Executive Mansion.

Thanks and a tip of the hat to the late Kurt Vonnegut Jr for calling attention to Indiana politician Eugene Victor Debs.

Good Reading: INSTRUÇÕES PARA O FORMULÁRIO DE ASILO i589: Como preencher pedido de asilo nos EUA. Okay, I never said it was exciting reading. (link) This is a Kindle file readable in Brazilian Portuguese on a cellphone or tablet. I translated the instructions for applying for political asylum, suspension of removal or protection under the Geneva Convention against torture, which I hired two colleagues to correct and edit. The Catch-22 is that the actual asylum form, downloadable at no cost from government websites, has to be filled out in English. Brazilians with imperfect command of English find this an invaluable aid in understanding what the questions are asking. Attorneys, volunteers for Catholic Charities, the Legal Orientation Program and even my former bosses at the Brazilian Embassy and consulates Stateside will find this an excellent resource. The questions are set forth in plain language that is easy to understand and untainted by wishful thinking. No copy shop will even xerox this many pages for the one dollar ($1) fee I am charging, and delivery is practically instantaneous. The Amazon Kindle app that reads the file is free to download from Amazon.com or Amazon.com.br

Get the big picture in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle (link)

ASYLUM APPLICATION FORM i589 INSTRUCTIONS IN PORTUGUESEINSTRUÇÕES PARA O FORMULÁRIO DE ASILO i589. What we did was make the Political Asylum instructions accessible to and understandable by people accustomed to thinking in Portuguese. This costs one dollar ($1) and you can read it on a cellphone with the Kindle app.(link)

Check out LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at https://libertrans.blogspot.com/

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at http://www.expatriotas.blogspot.com or www.amigra.us

My financial history bloghttp://www.Libertrans.us, is at libertrans.blogspot.com

simultaneous interpreting, legal and financial