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Sinfest, by Tatsuya Ishida–no holds barred!

MEMBERSHIP DRIVE-BYs: PLATFORM PLANKS & RESOLUTIONS adopted by infiltrators and useful idiots to drive away voters and supporters.

These abound in political organizations. In Republican documents, lurid reefer madness propaganda and calls to arms for Girl-Bullying Amendment (ver. 8.0) are examples. Among Democrats, shrill misquotations of evasive pseudoscientific Doublespeak and mournful cries for new and higher taxes fill the bill. Both sclerotic looter gerontocracies with only coercion to offer seek to terrify voters by casting “the other” party’s candidate as the incarnation of Satan in cloven hooves. Ah! But this is what enables Libertarian spoiler votes to maneuver those parasites into letting go of their most obnoxious laws!

Are you between these two forms of socialism?

Either-or Left-And-Right Socialism

To traditional looter kleptocracies, a key to enabling collectivism to keep on coercing is binary either-or framing: communist or fascist, left or right, Trumpista or Antifa! They NEVER publicly acknowledge the law-changing power of outside-party, neither-nor spoiler votes. This they water down by declaring themselves centrists, moderates, or some linear miscegenation of part-Hitlerite part-Stalinist policymakers–at least in America. 

Observe that U.S. looters focus on the job-seeking competition as the embodiment of absolute Evil and struggle to evade mention of law-changing libertarian spoiler votes. But the LP vote share is nevertheless increasing in hockey-stick acceleration! What’s a wilting Kleptocracy to do?


Even looters know that ignoring a problem does not make it go away. To them, a way must again be found to cause the Libertarian Party to make really dumb mistakes–fritter away what money it can raise–and so alienate voters as to make us look bad even compared to The Kleptocracy! There’s a tall order…

The GOP and Dems would be careless indeed not to again infiltrate and sabotage the LP as they did in the 1980s. So how about treacherously poisoning our decision-making process? Here is another of the latest such efforts passed by the Libertarian National Committee:

Whereas, the plurality voting election method is the weakest voting method and a deeply flawed way of electing government representatives and officers; and Whereas, there are many alternatives to plurality elections, many of which have strong advocates promoting their specific benefits, and it is generally accepted by experts and advocates alike that there is no such thing as a perfect voting system, but each of these alternative systems is generally regarded as being superior to plurality elections; and (scolding cant omitted…)
Therefore, be it resolved, the Libertarian National Committee is committed to the widespread adoption and implementation of alternative voting methods to replace plurality voting elections.

Normal voting has been the American system for over two centuries. If it’s bad, then why is it that so many people seek to flee here that there is a movement afoot to build a wall to keep them out? The US Constitution stipulates the weakest voting system? By what standard, or compared to where? Generally regarded by whom?

There are exactly six (06) “preferential” collectivized vote countries (the same as the number of communist countries if you include Venezuela):
Australia (forced to vote at gunpoint, suffers rolling Blackouts; Only 12% of Australians enjoy being forced to vote in their collectivist system, and 19% consider it unfair),
Ireland (finally repealed 35 years of constitutionally coerced reproduction in May 2018–by normal 2/3 vote restoring individual rights for women),
New Zealand, (population similar to Alabama’s, with no LP)
Northern Ireland (there’s your ideal political State!),
Scotland (mystical girl-bullying laws eroding slowly), and
Malta (Comstock law birth control bans. A “libertarian” club with an antichoice GOP poster-child).

Of these 6 “superior” countries, only Ireland unequivocally recognizes the individual rights of women.

So if the idea is a Catholic or Mohammedan theocracy, or an anti-industrial revolution, only then does gauntlet-glob voting look better than that in the Constitution of These States. Individual reproductive rights for women are impaired in 5 of these 6 countries. Observe also that there are no swarms of refugees trying to get into these six easily-gulled countries, or the six communist countries. Of people who vote with their feet, 97% prefer elsewhere

Not so fast! Libertarians are comfortable with 3% of the vote repealing bad laws that once coerced 100%. And we’re no more popular with the Great Brainwashed than the communists were before they put the Income Tax into the Constitution. Perhaps there is some hidden advantage to collectivized gang-votes? Is there an upside for 3rd parties that only the LNC, in its majestic ideality, was able to perceive?

There are none better than the Australians to defenestrate THAT pipe-dream. Australians clearly state: 

3. It promotes a two-party system to the detriment of minor parties and independents.

That anything this dumb can pass in the LNC is evidence of gross mismanagement and self-deception. Ask yourself: Is this likely to rally voters to our candidates? Cause thinking people to join and pay dues? Attract donations from intellectually honest individuals? Not from what I’ve seen lately.

Objectively Orwellian language

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The Vigilante Execution plank

Superstition requires initiation of force

Dry Killers and Prohibitionist Executioners?

After the LP earned a 328% increase in vote share in the 2016 election, the initiation-of-force parties had to find some way to turn voters against us.

The method adopted, as in 1982 and 1986, appears to be the injection of platform planks and resolutions guaranteed to drive way voters. No amount of donations or contributions can overcome such sabotage, the past effect of which was to freeze the growth of the Libertarian Party’s vote share for nearly 30 years. Here is another such plank:

1.8 We oppose the administration of the death penalty by the state.

It does NOT say “we” are opposed to the death penalty for deadly crimes. Nor does it contradict Republican efforts to institute a death sentence for plant leaves. It most certainly does not follow from the Non-Aggression Principle. That agreement’s author, Ayn Rand, was not an abolitionist of capital punishment. She simply argued that robbing the innocent to house and feed murderers was no improvement. In fact, the NAP was written while our Government of Occupation was busily trying, hanging and shooting genocidal war criminals in Europe and Asia.

Nor is the plank a proposal for letters of marque against amok and berserker terrorists. Those are already in the Constitution (Article I section 8) near the power to repel invasions. The LP needs add no plank demanding something that is already in the Constitution all officeholders are sworn to uphold.

What the plank means is that “we” libertarians prefer vigilantes extrajudicially putting people to death rather than judicial killings of dangerous criminals by officers of the law, courts and penal system.

Is this a wise plank that will attract the support of voters?  

Before you answer, ask yourself if the plank shouts to the world that “we” are useful idiots or communist anarchists.

Visit my expats blog.

The Three-Party Problem

Courtesy, Wikipedia commune

The Kleptocracy divides into two factions based mainly on who gets the pelf and the paychecks. Because they strive to finagle votes from the same voting population, they are as alike in platforms and positions as teevee stations in a regulated oligopsony. A rogue party is as disrupting as a pirate station.

This is old hat to looter gerontocracies. The Prohibition party, fueled by Dodge, Rockefeller, Morgan and Vanderbilt donations, sought the violence of sumptuary law. The proto-libertarian Personal Liberty League formed to resist in 1883 but was outgunned. Lobbies are no match for parties when it comes to determining the direction in which government service pistols are to be pointed.

Republicans became painfully aware of Prohibition party spoiler vote clout once the Democrats (the slave of the liquor party) began declaring against “sumptuary laws which vex the citizen and interfere with individual liberty” and elected Grover Cleveland. For similar reasons most voters twice elected Barak Obama after George Bush’s faith-based asset-forfeiture prohibitionism wrecked the economy.

John Sherman, whose brother had Marched Across Georgia, warned mystical fanatics “not to throw their votes away.” But communist Greenbackers carefully avoided mention of temperance-at-gunpoint, and looter parties generally dismissed prohibition as something they’d support IF… (there followed a list of qualifiers that cheerfully enraged the Methodist White Terror). Soon communists were writing tax planks for the Democrats just as mystical prohibitionists began dictating dry planks to Republican platform committees.

The Sixteenth Amendment embodies plank 2 of the Communist Manifesto while the 18th and 21st presume to empower men with guns to shoot people over sugar, yeast, grapes, plant leaves and anything mildly enjoyable or likely to reduce human suffering.

Both of these constitutional Amendments–AND the victimless crime laws that imprison far and away more people than all combined crimes violative of rights–were passed at the behest of two tiny, fanatical, but consistent and dedicated political parties. Together they elected practically nobody and between them hardly ever garnered 3% of the popular vote. But they were a thorn in the side of the Janus-faced communism of pelf that cares about nothing other than its snout in the trough and hand in the till. THAT changed the laws and Constitution!

The irresponsible cupidity of the entrenched kleptocracy was what allowed this despoiling of freedom. But today’s prevailing rule of terror is being reversed by the 3% of votes earned (and proud candidates elected) by the Libertarian Party–to the extent that its platform is not deliberately sullied with counterproductive nonsense.

If in need of simultaneous political interpreting, do get in touch.


For every action force…

...curse, when first we practice to coerce!

…there is an equal but opposite reaction force. –Isaac Newton

Since the Republican Party’s Comstock Laws of 1873 crashed the economy while making a chain-gang offense of so much as talking about birth control, mystical Republicans have marveled at the uppity reactions of the women so coerced. Women, you see, had no enforcement of their right to vote in 1873.

Womens’ right to vote was finally enforced by the 19th Amendment, and by 1932 women–especially the Women’s Organization for National Prohibition Repeal–exercised that suffrage to throw Hooverville-generating prohibitionism out of the saddle and into the ditch for five elections in a row. One hundred years after the Comstock Laws banned ALL birth control (including condoms, diaphragms and pamphlets describing the rhythm method), the 1972 Libertarian Party plank:

“We further support the repeal of all laws restricting voluntary birth control or voluntary termination of pregnancies during their first hundred days.”

suddenly became the Supreme Court’s Roe v Wade decision ordering men with guns to start backing away from pregnant women and their doctors:

“(a) For the stage prior to approximately the end of the first trimester, the abortion decision and its effectuation must be left to the medical judgment of the pregnant woman’s attending physician. …”

Republican and Prohibition Party attempts to rewrite the Constitution, bring back Comstock laws, infiltrate the and force women into involuntary labor have garnered nearly enough votes to threaten the Libertarian Party plank that is Roe v Wade. These coercive pressures engendered an almost Newtonian reaction to the attempted initiation of force. Fully half of U.S. voters in 2016 supported planks to tax, prohibit and hobble energy generation. This is coercion every bit as ignorant, superstitious and drastic as Republican attempts to create new legislation to single out and bully women–calling them selfish. Surprised?

So shall ye reap!

As ye sow…

German voters in 1933 supported planks to tax, deport, disarm, disenfranchise and bully everyone they imagined might be selfish by birth. They too were surprised when bombs rained down–some 15 of which bombs are even NOW being found every day in German soil. Their Christian altruist politicians, officers and leaders were just as surprised when dropping trapdoors tightened nooses about their throats at Nuremberg–in accordance with international law and Newton’s law involving mass and acceleration.

If you need surprising news translated, get in touch.
See my foreign language blog.

The Bill Weld Gambit

No to Involuntary Labor!

Ensuring clinic access is guarding a fundamental right of the individual.

Would Bill Weld betray or help the Libertarian Party by running as a Republican?

The whole reason I volunteer, vote and donate to Libertarian parties is because I want the laws to change. This is about ideas, ethics, freedom… It is not about this or that particular politician. If my every libertarian spoiler vote is worth 10,000 looter votes when it comes to women’s reproductive rights, or 21 votes when it comes to repealing taxes and regulations, or a half-dozen votes in favor of relegalizing plant leaves, that leverage is fine by me. Nixon’s tinkering with the tax codes to subsidize looter parties and penalize honesty was met with whoops of joy from the presstitute corps. The move had attracted parasitical infiltrators to our ranks and literally pays all news outlets to enthusiastically depict the LP in much the way Der Sturmer reported on Judaism. It is no exaggeration to reiterate that the looter parties will do whatever it takes to rig the elections, infiltrate and defame the LP and generally play dirty pool to keep us from getting our candidates elected. After all, they are the ones that are for the initiation of force, fraud and violence.

But our candidates only need a few votes to win–where to win means to change bad laws. Because the Kleptocracy factions are nearly identical, their vote counts differ by very little. With a short platform purged of suicidal planks planted on us by infiltrators and saboteurs, all we need is about 3% of the vote to consistently cover the gap in roughly a third of the elections in These States. Bill Weld helped the LP earn national spoiler vote status by earning more votes than the difference between the Dem and GOP popular vote counts. When Gary Johnson opposed individual rights for women 4 years earlier he got only a third as many votes. The increase in our vote fraction attending the return to our original pro-choice platform should enable the LP to replace one of the looter parties in something like half a century. This is about the current age of the LP. Our looter adversaries are 170 and well into senility.

In order to not lose elections, paychecks and pelf, Republican partisans have to delete prohibition planks and find less repugnant candidates. Bill Weld is a less repugnant candidate. Unlike Randal Paul and Whatzisname Amash, Weld does not advocate sending men with guns to threaten doctors and  force women into involuntary labor. Weld is as pro-choice as the original Libertarian Party platform of 1972! If Weld runs for the nomination, he will end the Republican strategy of finding women-bulliers to impersonate token libertarians in an effort to bring back the Comstock laws banning ALL birth control.

This is exactly what we “unreconstructed” Libertarians want. Let’s us infiltrate them for some changes!

Simultaneous interpreting for Brazilian and American audiences… and a book on economics, beer and dope…

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Libertarian Wall Poll

As already occurred in the 1980s, a small clique of soi disant libertarians has infiltrated upper echelons of the Libertarian Party, poniards in hand. As always, the idea is to throw priorities out the window and saddle us with yet another plank or resolution designed to make ordinary voters either shun us or hurl brickbats and flaming brands.

The first such plank was the Child Molesters Party plank (now watered down somewhat but still costing us votes). Nobody admits to knowing who wrote the plank. The second vote-repellent is the current Birth Control Straddle plank, which announces to women we lack the courage we had in 1972. Back then the LP defied Comstock Republicans and Landover Baptist Dixiecrats and with help from the Supreme Court, stopped them from sending men with guns to coerce pregnant women and physicians for 100 days. Our current plank on birth control kowtows to revealed superstition and tells women we’ve turned cowardly.  Despite this plank the party gained 328% in vote share thanks in part to Bill Weld being strongly pro-choice, so neutrality is not the end of the world. Should we be as neutral on the border wall fight?

The prohibitionist Republican party has demanded a border fence in its platform since 2016. Socialist Democrats seek to pack the cities with starvelings from Latin-American junta-style dictatorships and gain electoral votes through the census count. Naturally Dems are against such a wall. Both looter parties are slashing each other over this Wall idea, which is at best a federal subsidy for California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. Both kleptocracy parties favor asset forfeiture looting, so seizure of property would surprise no one.

Come to think of it, since voters worldwide are routinely gulled by force-initiating ruffians, a sudden exchange of nuclear weapons should come as no surprise. In the aftermath of such aggression the tall border fence would suddenly seem more attractive–like the walls surrounding Obama and the Pope of Rome.

So what’s in it for the Libertarian Party? May we watch from the bleachers while the looters duke it out or must we join and sully ourselves with their ordure-flinging?

Here is a poll asking whether libertarians want our representatives to drag us into the affray.
Update 08FEB: 60% are against and 40% for the LDC Wall resolution. This is the reciprocal of the vote so far among those who claim to represent us.

Platform and contract editing language services.

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog