Libertarian Victory in Ireland

Women before got 4000 votes

17JUN1972: We further support the repeal of all laws restricting voluntary birth control or voluntary termination of pregnancies during their first hundred days.

Comstock laws of Panic year 1873 banning shipment of ALL contraceptives still existed alongside Dark Ages “blue laws” in These Sovereign States and Dominions in 1972. George Wallace Dixiecrats were busy passing new orders for men with guns to use censorship, fines, imprisonment and deadly force to press women into unconstitutional unwanted labor.

Repeal 13th, 14th Amendments! message legalized abortion–nullifying Wallace!

We’ve already seen how the Libertarian Party’s Population plank became the Roe v Wade decision nullifying all anti abortion laws for 100 days plus a week. Women voters in Canada leapt into action and soon ALL such laws were repealed. There are no abortion laws in Canada today. Women even have rights in Ireland!

While Canada moved to secure freedom, huge mobs in Ireland were embarked on frenzied campaigns of bombing, arson, murder–everything you’d expect of “pro-life” mystical fanatics. Once the realization set in that women had enforceable individual rights in the US and Canada, Irish politicians reacted as the U.S. Prohibition and Republican parties had in 1976. They scribbled up Amendments to the Constitution to overrule courts and send men with guns to coerce physicians and force women into involuntary labor by threat of harmful, coercive and deadly force.

Catholic Ireland’s 1983 Amendment inserted a new sub-section after section 3 of Article 40. The resulting Article 40.3.3 read:

The State acknowledges the right to life of the unborn and, with due regard to the equal right to life of the mother, guarantees in its laws to respect, and, as far as practicable, by its laws to defend and vindicate that right.

Such was the influence of the Papal Pederasty that the thing sailed though, passing with 67% of the vote. For comparison, Germany’s Enabling Act drafted by a child of Catholic parents required at least 66% of the Reichstag vote. It handily surpassed that figure to ban all manner of individual rights for the next 12 years–nearly as long as the Prohibition Amendment that had destroyed the U.S. economy.

Ireland’s peculiar institution of involuntary labor coerced women for 35 years before it was repealed. Having felt on their hides the pity of civilized society, and the passionate endorsement of suicide-vest and passenger-jet hijacking ideologues, Irish politicians unblocked opposition to democratic suffrage and the Force Amendment was repealed by a margin of 67%. Like the communist dictatorship of Nicolae Ceausescu that applauded its passage, Ireland’s coercive experiment in mystical eugenics will not be missed.

Anyone interested in following the decline and fall of papally-ordered coercion of women in South America might be interested in my translation services.

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

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