A Smaller, Harder, Angrier Republican Party

The Alabama Mises caucus, funded in part by entities interested in the economics of Hitler’s homeland, has a video out that is so cringey I can’t even link it. The only thing missing is Marjorie Greene-Teeth’s machine-gun ambush video, which is also getting hard to find.


Go to Youtube and search for “Operation Warhawk Removal”… you’ll see girl-bulliers, Republicans, prohibitionists and poseurs cross-dressing as libertarians in the greatest bait-and-switch since the Klan went over to the Gee Oh Pee in 1928… then again in 1972. The warmongers in this epic are, of course, Democrats from the wrong side of The Kleptocracy. The letter panhandling for this thing is signed Angela McArdle.

Anti-rights anarchists differ markedly from libertarians on weapons and the Second Amendment too. The loudest of the Austrian voices make it clear that their interpretation of 2A is that every bigoted mystical fanatic needs to be armed to the teeth with portable weapons in order to open fire on women’s clinics, shoot physicians, and resist arrest. The Libertarian and Objectivist position is that the Constitution forbids politicians to infringe the right and readiness of our well-regulated militia (SAC, Looking Glass, SDI, State militias) to keep and bear any and all arms that deter or repel attackers–including bombers and ballistic and other missiles.(link) Yet Republican and Democratic politicians perist in paltering with dictatorships to sign away Second Amendment protection.

Austro-Alabaman Anschluss anarchists right this minute ignore protection from nuclear attack, preferring to pose as defenders of the National Guard. The posture is about the same as that of the Christian Front, German-American Bund, Silver Shirts, American Nazi Party, radio priest Trilbys and similar Fifth Column organizations of the 1930s. Shifting from traditional efforts to reimpose prohibition and shore up Comstockism, those soi-disant patriots emphasized keeping These States from hindering the expansion of Christian National Socialism in Europe. Hitler’s calls for universal disarmament of liberal non-aggressor democracies down to the levels imposed by military victory over Germany’s force-initiating absolute monarchy, busily carving up Czechoslovakia, found eager listeners among those Amerika-Firsters.

Similarly, Putin’s revanchist Christiano-czarist monarchy is revered by worshippers of televangelism and Donald Trump as it carves up the Ukraine. West Virginia electors recently voted 2/3 to keep the Grabber-Of-Pussy in office. Jo Jorgensen, burdened by an anarco-communist on the ticket, managed 1.3% there, a 90% decrease from votes our pro-choice ticket of 2016 drew. (link) So now, entrenched Army Of God invaders can be expected to keep libertarian spoiler votes from interferring with Beer-Belly Putsch efforts to reinstall Orange Hitler.

Still, keeping autocrats from press-ganging the National Guard into foreign looter skirmishes is not a bad idea, even if it aids and abets czarist policies under color of libertarianism while ignoring the need for protection against incoming nuclear warheads. (link) This whole Republican State dog-and-pony-show is also autographed by Angela McArdle.


Good Reading: They’ve Shot The President’s Daughter, by Edward Stewart. This used-bookstore pulp-fiction discovery harks back to post-Nixon-impeachment Amerika. Instead of ‘Nam, our soldiers (and maybe guardsmen) are getting killed and crippled in Monroe-indoctrinated Latin America, while controversy rages around efforts to mess with the Second Amendment. Look for it on Bookfinder.com and Amazon

Get the complete story in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

Check out LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at https://libertrans.blogspot.com/

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at http://www.expatriotas.blogspot.com 

Tradutoramericano Curitiba, Paraná

Why Trump Lost

Disclaimer: I did vote republican once, to expiate having voted democratic once and for the sake of Second Amendment Antinuclear Weapons.(link) Since then I have closely observed The Kleptocracy with an eye to poaching their votes to make leveraged Libertarian spoiler votes.(link) Here in three images is a visual summary of why even the most dishonest and sclerotic dementia patient was more attractive to voters than Trump The Antichoice.

Reason 1: Lindsey Graham, the Redneck with Green Teeth who portrayed Justice Amy as his malleable tool of The Antichoice (link)
Spiro Agnew, Tricky Richard Nixon (Quaker 2.0) and Billy Graham as America’s most popular in 1968
Popular American National Socialist heroes 52 years later, in 2020. See any change from 1968?

Add to this the historical fact that prohibitionist asset forfeiture looting as practiced by Republicans in 1873, 1907, 1920, 1929, 1932, 1971, 1987 and 2008 cause fractional-reserve banking liquidity crises and market crashes that damage the economy and wipe out your retirement savings. The most mundane historical facts show clearly that God’s Own Prohibitionists are way more dangerous to the economy than even the pansy-left half of The Looter Kleptocracy. The 19th Amendment and original LP platform finally made girl-bullying as untenable in These States as in Ireland since May of 2018.


Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Political System Logistics

CHANGE is sistemic, not about personalities

U.S. Transport Infrastructure, The growth in length of each infrastructure is expressed as a percentage of its final ceiling. The absolute levels of these ceilings in miles are different. The Libertarian Party is 49. These sorts of changes often take 55 years.

First they ignore you, then they call you anarchist child molesting baby-killer traffickers, then they copy and infiltrate to subvert your platform and history, and then you win! 

Change was what Americans voted for after the Bush Jr asset-forfeiture Crash. They got instead a slightly darker mixed-economy statist coupled to one of the white death-sentence prohibitionist fanatics responsible for the asset-forfeiture Crash and Depression that began in 1987. Armed with pseudoscience, alarmists fanned out to confiscate homes, industries, vehicles, bank accounts here and abroad.

Smart money fled banks and brokerages, the money supply contracted sharply and American soldiers were sent to Panama to kidnap their president, raid their banks, and meddle in regional gang wars between black market factions created by prohibition laws! Your retirement fund evaporated and jobs became scarce. This was repeated in 2008, again wrecking the economy and evicting Republicans from office. Soon after, with Bill Clinton’s wife Hillary at State and Biden as VP, the Dems revealed themselves nearly as dangerous.

Memory hole this

Looter media and Congressional “witnesses” never mentioned this overlapping of significant Crash events.

The Bush asset-forfeiture Crash was followed by the Obama-Biden prohibition-related Flash Crashes of May 8, 2010 (Colombian bank accounts confiscated) and March 18, 2015 (release of State Dept. International Narcotics Control Strategy Report Vol. II, Money Laundering and Financial Crimes). The State Department keeps changing the name and moving the links. Right now it is still up, albeit possibly altered.(link)

Deceive, legislate, infiltrate, bribe, loot, rinse, repeat

The March 2015 Flash Crash coincided with release of this bragging itemization of predatory initiation of force

For an idea of the pungency of the language despite expert massaging with euphemism, minimization, understatement, surgical elision and package-dealing these samples are illustrative: 

12. “System for Identifying and Forfeiting Assets”: The jurisdiction has established a legally authorized system for the tracing, freezing, seizure, and forfeiture of assets identified as relating to or generated by money laundering activities.

13. “Arrangements for Asset Sharing”: By law, regulation, or bilateral agreement, the jurisdiction permits sharing of seized assets with foreign jurisdictions that assisted in the conduct of the underlying investigation. No known legal impediments to sharing assets with other jurisdictions exist in current law.

Investigators regularly make large cash seizures of Canadian and U.S. currency and seize assets purchased with cash, such as real property, vehicles, personal property (jewelry, furniture, and appliances), collectibles (antiques, coins, stamps), and other assets. Bulk cash smuggling is widespread.

Throughout the documendacity, robbing folks guilty of violating nobody’s rights is fobbed off as necessary to combat terrorism. But the most flagrant acts of terrorism, such as the 9/11 attacks, were orchestrated by mohammedans involved jointly with the U.S. in Cold War Afghanistan. This business of sending narcs and goons outside our borders to foment superstitious aggression has gone bad enough already. Imagine for a moment the sort of modern weapons you and I would unhesitatingly use against foreign aggressors sent to These States from abroad to impose pseudoscience-backed coercion and robbery.

As FDR remarked in a tariff speech on the campaign trail in 1932:  “The villainy we taught them they practiced on us.” Meanwhile the dwindling Prohibition Party cried out it was the salvation of the 18th Amendment. In Germany, revived thanks to Hoover’s Moratorium on Brains,(link) Hitler shrieked against the death sentence given five National Socialists for the murder of a Communist. Does this remind you of anywhere? Do YOURSELF a favor for a change. Vote for Jo Jorgensen in November, and be the winner when your spoiler vote plus 12 million others messes up the election outcome for the tax-happy prohibitionist Kleptocracy. Next time, in 2024, their platforms will be WAY different. 

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog



Altruistic Climate Arson

Open Borders Burn Baby Burn!

Read the original (link)

Would a self-sacrificing woke altruist toss a handful of burning straw into a forest to wake people up and Save The Planet? The job is easy… no annoying surveillance cameras to provide embarrassing evidence, and there are thousands of instances of similar arson going on right now within cities bristling with cameras. West Coast newspapers are now trying to avoid the subject and whine at how elected officials avoid being looted by the IRS.(link)

Use your Chinese computer to search for “forest arson” and screen after screen fills up with “climate arson nonsense,” “forest arson rumors,” and innuendo branding as loony anyone able to think for a minute that the people who deliberately set fire to stores to send a political message would ever dream of torching a single bough of one of Joyce Kilmer’s trees. (link)

The 1988 forest torchings torchings in Israel coincided with a sharp upswing in forest firebuggery in California, Oregon and Washington–States so loaded down with Asians that they insisted on a Chinese Exclusion Law back in 1882–renewed in 1893. The communist system in Europe was collapsing in 1988, with people fleeing by hundreds of thousands to escape totalitarian altruism. It’s a rare communist anarchist zealot who would pass up the chance to make Fearless Leader look good by amplifying terror of Misanthropic Climate Warmunism. But China itself has its own mysterious forest fires blazing, suggesting that two can play.  “Open Borders” rhetoric inviting uninspected entry is one of the chinks in Uncle Sam’s territorial jurisdiction that invite invasion by foreign commandos and facilitate arson by miscreants within.(link

But that’s crazy talk. “Sane” talk is Assistant Drug Czar Joe Biden bawling that Boss Trump is engaging in “climate arson.” Libertarian voters are witnessing the failure of a Kleptocracy so enraged by it’s own Janus-faced other half that it will deliberately burn cities and forests and shoot people in the back in a bid for more political power with which to wield added harmful and deadly coercive force. Voting Libertarian is voting against aggression. (link)

She’s with Us!

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Sue for Peace!

Spoiler vote clout

A Klanboy and His Dog, 1960

The abject terror with which both halves of the force-initiating kleptocracy now face each other is an opportunity not to be missed.(link) In one fell swoop, every voter with any capacity for independent thought can multiply a single ballot’s clout into a Sword of Damocles.(link) The beautiful part is that each libertarian spoiler vote’s sword can, with Solomonic impassivity, force all champions of the initiation of force in violation of individual rights to sue for peace by changing their platform demands and repealing their victimless “crime” laws.(link) Why not make the looters Sue for Peace on Drugs?

Hockey stick for Libertarians!

Libertarian vote share model predicts 9.2 million presidential LP votes in 2020.

Republican Richard Nixon added a War on Drugs to the War on the Vietnamese, the War on Poverty and the War on Women. Nixon’s Moral Majority televangelism deftly purchased the cooperation of the looter media via the Nixon Anti-Libertarian Law, then co-opted George Wallace’s Ku-Klux Kollectivist demands and parlayed them into the Republican Gentlemen’s Agreement to break up the Solid South.(link)

Teddy the Chappaquiddick Quitter

Democrats STILL favored Wallace’s racial collectivism in 1974!

By this mechanism (and some gunfire), Eugenic pseudoscience again became law and prisons filled with nonviolent hippies, black and brown folks, all thanks to the transubstantiation of victimless trade into imaginary crime.(link) Pregnant women nevertheless managed to escape religious fascism’s trap thanks to the Supreme Court’s adoption of a 1972 Libertarian plank into its Roe v. Wade decision.(link)

Democratic party communists promptly adopted the “War on X” concept in more garbled terms. “No Justice, No Peace” is another demand to surrender to communism no different from the “Freeze” movement disemboweled by the Second Amendment. “Just say No” (or be arrested) was a Biden favorite. “Black Lives Matter” is the same appeal to racial collectivism as “Saving American Lives” is an exploit of nationalism used to mask the identities of government-backed killers.

Change accelerates with integrity

Logistics replacement curves describe choices that change(link)

But now that BOTH the GOP and Dems favor men with guns shooting kids over plant leaves, and asset-forfeiture confiscations of homes, vehicles and bank accounts of innocent people, the stupidest thing anyone can do is vote for either party’s candidates. Republican asset-forfeiture as exorcism of Satan will ruin the economy even faster than the creeping communism favored by the Dems.(link) After that it guarantees they will win the post-Crash elections just as Dems won from 1932 to 1948. 

Fascist altruism or communist altruism?

This false alternative happened when Germans abandoned freedom

Listen to what they say about each other and it hasn’t changed. For the last eleven campaigns both looter parties have struggled to ignore the Libertarian party and sworn the other would destroy America.(link) Suckers and cowards repeat this endlessly–even fake libertarians.(link) Vote for the superstitious initiation of force to save us from the communist atheist initiation of force was what Von Mises, among others, intimated to help elect Hitler.(link) A looter vote says only that another cowardly 0.00000007% of Americans wants to be coerced toward fascism or communism. A Libertarian spoiler vote says 20 times louder: sever that hand from the till! Let the chips fall where they may–I will settle for nothing less than freedom from coercion and full individual rights!(link)

Why be a coward or a sucker when by having some integrity you make twenty times the difference for yourself and your loved ones? Winning is improving your lot. Losing is surrendering to the machine! Make a real choice. 

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Australians pity Biden

Australians have no skin in the coming American Kleptocracy election. They can witness the farce with libertarian equanimity and aloofness. Even after Communist China’s “accidental” release of a biological weapon to wreck the non-communist economy and save their Democratic puppet partisans, Boss Trump is clearly less incompetent. Joe “Mandatory Minimums” Biden is the Drug Czarist we can thank for the Flash Crashes of the Drug Czarist Obama-Boticcelli prohibition empire.(link) Biden’s own son was outed by a mandatory drug test, but having the cops shoot your offspring is all in a day’s work, and NOT nepotism.(link)

Voting for libertarian candidates as been my policy since Republicans and Democrats demanded the death sentence for plant leaves and such. I voted against Trump’s prohibitionist party just as I have the past 10 elections. Biden’s party also wants men with guns to kick in your door at 5 AM, kill everything that moves and confiscate everything else through asset forfeiture. These things running loose in the china-shop that is a fractional-reserve banking system are exactly what caused the Crash and Great Depression.(link) The George Waffen Bush asset-forfeiture crash and depression is as good an example as any.(link)

I totally understand how a party doomed to lose picks it’s own most irritating loser to push in front of the steamroller. Republicans did that to Willkie, Landon, Goldwater, Romney and McCain. Dems did it to Eagleton, Gore, and now Biden all the while hollering “now’s your chance.” At 77, Biden is obviously as incompetent today as he was cruel and ignorant while causing the 1987 Crash.(link)

Lies to explain away forfeiture Crash

The May 6 2010 Flash crash was caused by FATF asset-forfeiture bank account confiscations

Libertarians and Australians see this clearly and objectively. When the existence of a Libertarian party eager to repeal ALL victimless nonsense laws was still a secret, I even voted for Carter. Today I am doubly thankful for county and State LPs–and even what’s left of our besieged national party–for sparing me the temptation of ever casting another vote for the looter Kleptocracy. 

spoiling for a fight

Libertarian vote increases at all levels since 1972

Spare a thought for these myriad shocks to the US (and world) economies. Consider the safety and financial future of the younger generation as you prepare to vote.


My explanation of how prohibition triggered the Crash and Great Depression is in English and Portuguese on Amazon Kindle

If you need translations for an international lawsuit or immigration papers, visit my websites. My other blog is www.amigra.us

It Takes a Village Idiot

Irishwoman 1971

Ireland, 1971, no LP.org

As soon as the Libertarian Party used a single electoral vote to secure rights enjoyed by women in England and even Russia, God’s Own Prohibitionists began casting about for ways to counter, offset, weaken, ridicule, infiltrate and sabotage the Party of Principle. At the time the Libertarian party was formed, the English Parliament had already passed the 1967 Abortion Act stating essentially what our 1972 plank contained–at a time when nobody but George Wallace stood in opposition.

Shoot Me!

Wallace spoiler votes crippled America, and bullets crippled Wallace

But no sooner had the Supreme Court swung that plank like a mace to unhorse the latest Dixiecrat appeal to “race suicide” fears in Roe v Wade than national socialist soft machines went into high gear. The Prohibition Party platform added demands for yet another Prohibition Amendment, this one aimed at influencing Republican Party reproductive policies back to the Comstockism of 1873 via the threat of drawing away spoiler votes.(link) Sure enough, the Republican Party immediately copied that antichoice plank into its 1976 platform, in yet another proof of the law-changing effectiveness of casting spoiler votes.(link) (link)

Religious looters dominating the GOP and Prohibition Party essentially held their breath hoping nobody would mention the 1967 English (much less Russian) laws ensuring the individual rights of women. But after the LP let the cat out of the bag and Canada also jumped on the individual rights bandwagon, faith-based nationalsocialism began a sustained bombardment of amendment proposals to coerce women and doctors.   Ireland–politically a suburb of Vatican City at the time–fell prey to the whipped-up frenzy and joined a witchhunt against women and physicians with Amendment 8 passed in 1983 (then was repealed by 2/3 majority May 26, 2018). Communist Romania’s antichoice dictator Ceausescu was tried and executed on Christmas of 1989.(link

Village Idiot politics

Mises Caucus Anarchist Infiltrator The Village Idiot infiltration tactic

Yet here we are in the 21st Century and God’s Own Prohibitionists in their platform and policies STILL pressure, bribe, entice, infiltrate and intimidate the Libertarian Platform Committee back toward the halcyon days of the Panic of 1873. That was when sending a packet of condoms through the mail was good for ten years in the penitentiary and a fine equivalent to $300,000 at today’s gold conversion rate. What has changed is that ONLY Americans born before Herbert Hoover was nominated for the Presidency believe mysticism is increasingly important to politics. Those pre-1928 Landover Baptist, Billy Sunday, Father Coughlin, Billy Graham and Bob Jones Republican tools insist on poisoning our platform with planks designed to repel women voters. Their latest tactic is to subsidize LP infiltration by clowns and mentally disturbed exhibitionists.  

The smart way to break the cycle is to vote Libertarian, and let the Republican Party flounder and sink as voters flee the national socialist shipwreck and vote 21st-Century American Libertarian policies instead of 12th-Century Mohammedan attitudes toward women. Don’t worry. Many thinking people are poised to flee the sinking hulk that is the Democratic People’s Party as well. You cannot lose by exchanging 0.00000007% of a wasted vote total for 0.00002% of clout-leveraged spoiler votes guaranteed to put bad laws in the dustbin of history. That’s a leveraged gain of 3 orders of magnitude in the importance of your individual vote.

Much of the political strife of the Prohibition era, and its economic consequences, are covered in Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929. Live on Amazon Kindle in two languages


I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at http://www.expatriotas.blogspot.com or amigra.us


Hyphenated parasitism

Jesus freak christianofascism

Christian Vegan depicted as extreme-right in Germany (link)

Anarchism is the same thing as communism. If in doubt, see in their own garbled renderings how indistinguishable they are. (link

Back in the 1890s, when communism, anarchism and socialism were the same collectivist thing, with no gulags, death camps, killing fields or cyanide Kool-Aid suicide tests, few hyphens were needed. Bellamy’s strikers, Howells’ Altrurians and Jack London’s proletarians were proud of their altruistic belief in the initiation of force–provided only that the altruistic aggression were dictated by the historical necessity that made the triumph of socialism over monarchic industrial colonial mercantilism inevitable. There was nothing even remotely resembling laissez-faire agorism under Comstock laws and the Society for the Suppression of Vice.


Crucify Mankind on a Cross of Altruism

To add palatability, majority rule advocates and expropriation enthusiasts added “social” or “people’s” and “republican” (often meaning Red) as descriptive modifiers considered attractive at the time. Instead of communist parties pushing Karl and Friedrich’s progressive income tax, they were called Greenback, Anti-Monopoly and People’s. Under the big umbrella of racial eugenics, prohibitionists and communists, christians and other collectivists, often made common cause. (link)

Communism eats Dems

Anarchism now tries to Swallow LP

But no sooner had Russia’s NKVD and OGPU gone KGB and Germany’s Staatspolizei gone Gestapo, SS and Stasi than people began fleeing and killing themselves rather than submit to those paradises of worker altruism. Jew jokes making fun of selfishness disappeared when National Socialism came to power in February of 1933. The Soviet Socialist noble experiment was by then known to have resorted to genocidal extermination to loot grain crops to sell for hard currency. (link)

With the moral stature of altruism thus revealed as no less deadly than other forms of parasitism, mimesis became more and more important as a stalking-horse for depredation. Mercantilism was renamed capitalism and all communo-fascist variants of socialism mislabeled themselves with hyphenated imitations of “something else.” (link)

Anti-Libertarian Society

Creeping Fabian Socialism

Just as ants, mice, fish, birds and mammals are exploited through mimicry by social parasites, so mimesis plays a role in converting government from defender of individual rights to parasitical aggressor by camouflage, imitation, misdirection and impersonation. Shorn of the sheepswool of altruism as a proxy for “good” intentions, looter ideologies have no choice but to resort to hyphenation in order to mask themselves as something less noxious. (link


Now you see it…

Look around you and you see democratic, progressive, liberal, as modifiers masking and disguising socialism the better to take its target hosts unawares. As libertarian political ideology matures into a peace and freedom party increasing its vote share at 80% per annum by dislodging the parties of aggression, it is no surprise that aggressors of the looter persuasion suddenly describe themselves as “pro-life,” “pro-freedom,” “democratic-socialist” and “anarco-capitalist.” (link)

Destructive parasitism

Anarcho-parasitism preserves bad laws

The one practical lesson these hives have handed down to Libertarians is that very few spoiler votes for a consistent platform are needed to cause the scissioned and fratricidal Kleptocracy change its laws, planks and Constitution in hopes of keeping its withering hand in the till.(link) Libertarian politicians need to make voters aware that a wasted vote is a vote appeasing any part of the initiation of force–whether for Gott und fascismus or Historical necessity and communism in their various masks, disguises and euphemistic aliases. (link) (link)

Libertarian vote growth

LP vote growth since 2000, percentage

Every vote cast for an actual LP candidate threatens looters with financial and coercive power losses unless they back away from cruel laws. The spoiler vote strategy worked when fanatical prohibitionists and socialist looter parties joined forces to pass the 16th, 17th and 18th Amendments. Now that voters have seen the outcome of Christian fascism in Germany’s death camps and added mass death in Soviet gulags and grain famines, that ancient strategy now works to repeal cruel and coercive legislation enacted in those ignorant times. (link

Read pro-American compulsory racial-eugenics appeals touting prohibition and collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

A Mess of Dotage

Thanks to Gilbert Shelton of Texas

1971 Gerontocracy Politics versus the LP.org

The Don is 73, Biden (Harry Anslinger 2.0) is now the 77 Trump will attain if he makes it another four years. Bernie (Edward Bellamy 2.0) at age 78 has only one ideological peer, and that is AOC (Lolita Lebrón 2.0)–49 years younger.(link) Ronald Reagan was a mere child of 70 summers when elected, but was already having dotage problems before leaving office. 

All the Libertarian party need do is find another pro-choice nominee with a life expectancy greater than zero who has read and agreed with the platform. With that we would for the first time ever have a chance at what suckers and vidiots refer to as “winning.”(link). Robert Dear is not that nominee, and neither is Ron Paul, little Randall or Justin Amash; all are sworn enemies of individual rights for women like Ceausescu and legacy Old World mullahs, pontiffs and Ottoman kings. We want someone more like John Hospers and Toni Nathan.(link)

Communists and fascists try to infiltrate

3 out of 4 Libertarians AREN’T WOMEN thanks to race suicide collectivist infiltrators tarbrushing our party from within!

To the looter gerontocracy, “winning” means getting your candidate to dodder past the electoral college finish line so your party gets a gun in one hand and a hand in the till. To a libertarian activist, winning is using spoiler votes to cause looter antagonists to–in desperation–repeal cruel laws and lower taxes. The kleptocrats do these things in hopes of surviving a race in which Libertarian voters cover the gap between two wheezing, senile liars. Your libertarian vote is highly-leveraged currency with which you may buy back freedom or repeal coercion. Either way you look at it, you win. (link)

The Antichoice communist with Vatican

What Irish Voters Repealed by 2/3 majority

There is precedent for the noble experiment of gerontocracy. When Herbert Hoover was elected President, one of his “Good Neighbor” prohibitionist wet-your-whistle stops was the People’s State of Argentina. On April Fool’s Day of 1928 those idealistic voters elected Hipólito Irigoyen to a second non-consecutive term, per the example of Grover Cleveland. But Cleveland was only 56 at his second Inauguration in 1893. Argentina since 1928 or 2020 is hardly an example of freedom or economic success.(link)

By December of 1929 Herb Hoover was anxiously congratulating Argentina’s First Senior Citizen for surviving an assassination attempt at age 77. Irigoyen was inaugurated almost six months after the election, and actually held office until deposed in a caudillo-style military coup. His term in office lasted nearly two years. Nobody remembers him or the junta caudillo who took his place. Argentina has but small reputation as a hotbed of intellectual libertarianism.(link) Libertarian parties only exist in the freest countries, like the USA. (link)  

Never has there been a more opportune time for U.S. voters to grow some backbone and vote for the future of freedom, rather than throw away law changing spoiler votes for a mess of dotage.(link) Judge Rehnquist was the Nixon appointee who followed George Wallace’s spoiler votes to the point of voting against Roe v. Wade. He dropped in the traces at 81, way more confused than today’s Joe Biden. John F. Kennedy, coke-sniffing, joint-smoking, peace-loving acidhead bent on “a world of law and free choice, banishing the world of war and coercion,” was elected president at age 43. 

JFK was shot in the throat from ahead

JFK was shot from ground level ahead; Connally from 6 floors up

Kennedy’s murder, performed by three gunmen orchestrated by Republican and Dixiecrat nurturers of a world of war and coercion, passed that torch to a new generation. Eight years after that coup, the Libertarian Party was formed as Nixon signed into law government subsidies for entrenched, decrepit and violent soft machines.  Our first candidates, John Hospers–born one year later than JFK–and Toni Nathan, moved our women’s rights plank into the Roe v Wade decision. It took the communist party another eight years to copy the LP and offer Angela Davis as veep on a platform to abolish individual rights. The Dems copied them four years later.

WINNING is repealing cruel laws!

LP choice vote increasing 80% per year after Bush Crash!

This is an opportunity not to be missed. But it is better not to have a candidate than to let another religious fanatic infiltrator announce to women everywhere that the LP seeks to bully and coerce them. Leave that to the Republicans, Dixiecrats, Tea-totalitarians Middle-Eastern monarchies and Old World fascism. Even in Ireland 2/3 of voters decided women, not the papacy, are the individuals with rights. (link)


Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog



Same old same old...

Fascist socialism versus less religious socialism

Here we have a perfect example of history rhyming. The article could pass for something published in today’s fake news press in the State of Washington or Oregon. The story is in the future tense. One gang of violent altruists promises to “ferret out” agitators no less altruistic and violent. Details are not explicit, but interwar papers were full of violent confrontations between these two camps of socialist thought, both of which agree on the desirability and effectiveness of the initiation of force.(link

So what progress have we made since 1923? Eugenic prohibitionism no longer shoots people over beer unless they are behind the wheel. Many plant leaves could, if again left alone, offer an alternative to alcohol now relied on as a source of excise tax money that buys votes for political parties. Roving bands of communists (relabeled as anarchists) today seek smaller bands of more pious socialists to bat and bully, as in 1923.(link

The only real difference is that since 1972 voters have at times been able to cast ballots for the Libertarian Party. Because the LP platform calls for reducing reliance on aggression, emphasizing individual rights instead, those votes pressure kleptocracy parties into making their platform planks less coercive. The net result is repeated defeat of the more violent of two looter candidates. This causes predatory politicians to repeal cruel laws and water down violent platform planks in hopes of poaching away enough libertarian spoiler votes to again point a gun at your head.(link)

The chart below shows communist party membership in the wake of two prohibition-related depressions. Prohibition crashed the economy in 1920, was nullified by buying off and shooting agents (hence the recovery), then returned with flaming fanaticism after the Klan defected and helped elect the Republican party in 1928.(link)

Looting begets Looters

Communist membership rose after Republican prohibitionism causes a recession. Now it’s LP membership that rises whenever looter fanaticism wrecks the economy.

In a larger context, the same policy changes should reduce the reliance by subsidized parties on asset-forfeiture prohibitionism and economy-wrecking confiscation policies. This is because voters are now running to the Libertarian Party. Back in 1923 their only alternative to the entrenched kleptocracy was some sort of communo-socialist party.(link

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

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