Brazilian echoes Christian National Socialism

Auguste Compte flag design

Note the AMEN replacing the Compte slogan

A lot of commotion has been raised about a recent appointee to a socialist bureaucracy in Brazil. The suit got all hissy over Fernanda Montenegro (imagine Brazil’s answer to Helen Mirren or Meryl Streep) posing tied to a stake atop a pile of books ready for burning. In America, the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice PROUDLY depicted its advocacy of book burning and laws banning ALL birth control with ten-year tours on a chain gang and hefty fines in gold–16 years before Hitler was born! The last of those Comstock Laws were overturned in 1973. The hysteria was repeated with Beatles albums after a John Lennon remark about popularity.(link)

Christian National Socialist Censorship

BURN them nasty books!

What the bureaucrat said:  Continue reading

Many Words and Many Lies

You are getting sleepy...

The vertical axis shows the number of words (blue line). The US Constitution is 7583 words

The U.S. Constitution is the shortest on the American continents. All of the people’s states, caudillo juntas and banana republics have constitutions up to ten times as wordy as the U.S. Constitution. People face danger and expense in order to flee those countries and try to enter These United States, not each other’s countries. Is this coincidence? Is the number of words or pages in a country’s Constitution a negative indicator for individual freedom and prosperity? Continue reading

LP Migration Plank v. Constitution

Jon Roland of Austin, Texas runs a blog on the Constitution. This entry explains why the LP had better restore the Migration plank to what it said in 2016, when it brought us 4 million votes–before it was disfigured into repellent absurdity.


Constitution authorizes declarations of emergency

The U.S. Constitution states:

[Congress shall]  provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; Art I Sec. 8.

Section. 2. The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States;
This last clause is key. The President has authority to call up the militia, and call-ups of militia are for emergencies, not to do the job of the regular military, which is provided for elsewhere. So to call up the militia is to declare an emergency.

So can the President declare an emergency without calling up the militia? All U.S. citizens, including government employees and contractors, are militia. Directing them to reallocate funds for defense is to act within that power. No special statutory authority is needed.

So are entries into the U.S. without consent an invasion? Yes.  Any such trespass is an offense against the law of nations, which Congress has the power to define and punish. They have done that, although first-time simple entry is merely a “deportable offense”, a kind of misdemeanor. However, reentry after having been deported is a felony.

It does not need to be an armed force to be an invasion. A child chasing a butterfly across the border is an invader. It also doesn’t matter whether the invaders are, or can be expected to be, criminals. Peaceful people seeking work are also invaders, if they enter without consent.

So is the situation on the southern border an emergency? If it were only a few a day, no. But thousands flooding the border, faster than they can be managed, is an emergency.

Does it matter that the thousands are seeking asylum? No. U.S. law only recognizes political asylum, not economic asylum. Most of those  thousands are economic refugees. If they are fleeing criminals or corrupt officials, then they have the duty to fight in their own countries, not in ours.

What is the President’s alternative? He could station troops along the border with orders to repel invaders with deadly force. He could erect gun turrets every few hundred yards. That would be more expensive than a wall. Do opponents of a wall really want invaders to be repelled by automatic weapons? Democrats would not get many votes from those.

Jon blogs at

The Constitution once made Beer a felony, enforcement as which collapsed the economy. Get the complete story in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at or

Write me:

Libertarian voters in Brazil

Not voting for the communist or fascist candidate is illegal

NONE OF THE ABOVE and ABSTAINING Brazilian presidential runoff votes in 2018

When America’s prohibitionist asset-forfeiture collapse of 1987 hit South America, the situation resembled that of Germany when President Warren Harding was pronounced dead with no inquest or autopsy. Inflation went through the roof, the government collapsed and looter politicians set to work on a “new” constitution.

You can't have your cake and let your neighbor eat it too.

Paper rights inflate into worthlessness like paper money.

Droves of Brazilian voters illegally boycotted the first election under the new, book-length Constitution (14.4% abstaining and 5.82% casting blank ballots).  As collectivized “rights” inflated into worthlessness, about 2.5 million Brazilians emigrated to other countries in a massive brain-drain.

Aside from its role in writing the court decision that enforced a woman’s right to control her own reproduction, Americans hardly remembered the infiltrated and weakened Libertarian Party in 1988. But dictatorships absolutely dominated by looter ideologies recognized in the LP an existential threat to the continuity of totalitarian coercion. Borrowing from Nixon’s anti-libertarian law, politicians elsewhere began preferentially subsidizing parties that extort money at gunpoint.  With scary lessons learned from Ayn Rand’s essay on collectivized rights, male-dominated governments given to every shade of communo-fascist cleptocracy proceeded to inflate the number of looter parties empowered to suck sustenance through the government teat. And it worked!

Nationalistic socialists controlling European elections eagerly subsidize, regulate, smear and smother libertarian parties out of existence. Lateran-treaty Juntas in South America do the same, and one or two inject subsidies to inflate to over 32 the number of communist, socialist and fascist parties gobbling at the trough of Brazil’s tax revenue. That’s nearly the number of parties operated in Weimar Germany when Hitler was made Chancellor.  Since all parties are perforce tax-subsidized, the Kleptocracy says it “cannot afford” to add a non-looter party. Pretty neat, huh?

The upshot of all this is that Brazilian voting machines offer three (03) choices: communist soft machines, fascist soft machines and NONE OF THE ABOVE. These blank and spindled NO votes can realistically be counted as votes that would likely be cast in favor of Libertarian Party platform candidates, if such a thing weren’t excluded by the violence of law. The 21% turnout means 79% of eligible voters broke the mandatory voting law. In some cities, None of the Above got more votes than the winning kleptocrat. The spoiler vote fraction is what they call the taxa de alienação. Even if we ignore the no-shows, NOTA got 10% of the votes cast. That’s three times the vote percentage earned by the U.S. Libertarian Party! Here’s how they describe the national results:

O PT e TSE juntos elegeram a Junta

Green represents potential Libertarian Party votes

With the upcoming repeal of the Red Arbeiterpartei’s Kristallnacht gun laws, the suppression of libertarian voters is bound to become increasingly difficult. When coerced and subsidized election restrictions do collapse, spoiler votes will leverage the coalescing kleptocracy into repealing bad laws and deleting parasitical taxes. This, after all, is what the LP has been doing in the USA for 46 years now. Instead of electing our own politicians, we help voters defeat the worst of the opposition.

Brazilians, Colombians, Argentinos… transplants in the US can either vote or donate to the US  and Canadian Libertarian Parties, and the LP will continue to euchre politicians into repealing bad laws. How? By giving voters the opportunity to emphatically reject the socialist and nationalsocialist tendencies that have taken over the Democratic and Republican parties. These are the American parties that run the NSA and CIA that are empowered to snoop on Latin American politicians and leak damaging information to their adversaries. Many bad laws that cripple Latin American economies were exported there by America’s violent runaway Kleptocracy.

When in need of translators skilled in international contracts and court cases, look us up at Speakwrite or Falascreve.
My other blog is mostly in Portuguese.

Atlas Shrugged, 2018

Who is John Galt?

Dallas’ looter government ruined Yellow Bike companies with fees, taxes and regulations. Hello Starnesville!

“Nobody can be sure of anything.”

—Rudy Giuliani, asked how he could be sure Trump had no advance knowledge about the June 9th Trump Tower meeting.

Does this sound familiar? Compare…

“Nobody is right, or ever can be.”

—Dr Robert Stadler, Atlas Shrugged.

“Nobody is right or wrong, we’re all in it together, we’re all human—and the human is the imperfect.”

—Lilian Rearden, Atlas Shrugged

“Nobody is fully right or wrong!” “How can we ever be sure of anything?”

—James Taggart, Atlas Shrugged.

Remember the blighted areas in Atlas Shrugged? Places where altruistic politicians sent men with guns to help by militarizing prohibitionism, inducing asset forfeiture as predatory parasitism and replacing choice with coercion? They’re baaaack…

If you ever need a translator able to focus on the details in Spanish, Portuguese or English, drop me a line or visit.

The Alexander Hamilton card

Islam is dry

Pauline Sabine

Alexander Hamilton crafted arguments in favor of adopting the Constitution of the United States to replace the Articles of Confederation. The Federalist was a pamphlet series in which those appeals were circulated.

Of special importance is Federalist #78, concerned with the design of the Judicial Branch. In it he argues that the judicial branch offers safeguards against “occasional ill humors” liable to cause the “injury of the private rights of particular classes of citizens, by unjust and partial laws.” Moving on to the heart of the matter, Hamilton urged:

Here also the firmness of the judicial magistracy is of vast importance in mitigating the severity and confining the operation of such laws. It not only serves to moderate the immediate mischiefs of those which may have been passed, but it operates as a check upon the legislative body in passing them; who, perceiving that obstacles to the success of iniquitous intention are to be expected from the scruples of the courts, are in a manner compelled, by the very motives of the injustice they meditate, to qualify their attempts. This is a circumstance calculated to have more influence upon the character of our governments, than but few may be aware of.

Herbert Hoover’s aid and comfort shielded Germany from repayment of war reparations and other debts owed to the countries it had shelled and invaded–and to fools who offered them loans. Hoover’s Moratorium on Brains was a crime against the U.S. Constitution. Under the US 14th Amendment–the one that protects women’s right to choose–those debts would “not be questioned.” But the Prohibition Amendment had altered the Constitution into an instrument for the initiation of force. The Prohibition Party had changed America the way the National Socialist party was affecting Germany, likewise a 98% Catholic and Protestant nation. This was accomplished with 1.4% of the vote in 11 political campaigns.

The Supreme Court had given legitimacy to the nation’s domination by mystical fanatics whose laws made light beer a federal felony.  Its imprimatur was stamped on the Minnesota Congressman Andrew Volstead’s enforcement act. The Court had explained, in it’s decision that Dred Scott, a brown person, was not entitled to the rights of citizenship, and that the Fugitive Slave Act demanded his deportation into slavery under “the present Constitution of the United States.” That 1857 Constitution gave way to one abolishing slavery while smuggling deficit spending into the 14th Amendment–Red Republicans saw to that!

But Hamilton never counted on “domination by religious fanatics” in the place of “ocasional ill humors.”  It took the Liberal Party platform, the American Association Against the Prohibition Amendment and Pauline Sabin, leader of  the Women’s Organization for National Prohibition Reform to wrest power from the hands of the Prohibition Party-Klan-Republican Axis of Evil and repeal Prohibition.   That voter resolve came from the realization that Prohibition collapsed the economy, just as it did again in 1987 and again in 2007!

A vote for the Libertarian Party is worth 6 to 6000 votes wasted on the looter Kleptocracy. Same goes for your dollar donations. Green card holders are allowed to donate money to the Libertarian Party as well.


Need certified translations of legal documents to and from South America and the Caribbean?

Prohibition Murders, Then and Now

Dry killers then, legal now

Read about prohibition murders in Colorado

Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence indicted the King of England: For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from Punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States.

“Them” meant the “large bodies of armed troops” quartered “among us”–militarized asset-forfeiture police the Republican platform dedicates itself to as First Responders™.  H.L. Mencken translated this line of the Declaration as “When the soldiers kill a man, framing it up so that they would get off.” Here is a map showing people killed by police gunfire in 2017.

Mostly prohibition killings?

See how the newspaper compiled this report

The Democrats and Republicans in their platforms declare their support for the current policy: men with government guns kicking in doors, shooting and robbing people and pets, because of plant leaves! The Democratic platform, the one that calls for ecological nationalsocialist bans on fuels for electrical generation, and forcing us to buy medical insurance at gunpoint, does not contain the wordsderegulate” or “legalize” anywhere on its 51 pages.

The Libertarian party platform calls for repeal of all laws creating victimless “crimes,” advocates no energy pseudoscience and binds our elected officials to vote against all tax increases and for tax repeal when possible. It does not demand the entry of dangerous persons across our borders. Every spoiler vote for a candidate running on the platform packs the law-changing clout of at least six votes wasted on entrenched kleptocracy party candidates. Ours is the only political party in America that is growing and winning!

Wikipedia got something right!

Source: Wikipedia

Do you need legal translations by a translator good at reading and understanding laws, contracts, and the platforms that cause their enactment? Visit my websites.



In the dark and vulnerable…

Every voter who missed the opportunity to vote libertarian (and make a difference) should read Hillary Clinton’s econazi mein kampf. The thing is a sobbing, altruistic tell-all exposing the utter cluelessness of an ignorant collectivist dupe.**  Hillary made it clear she has never understood the function of the President, to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and … Commission all the Officers of the United States.” Nor has she even read or understood the platform of her own party in its entirety.

Every sane voter is normally inclined to believe whatever the democratic and republican parties say about each other’s politicians. After all, they are all looters, ideologically committed to the initiation of force.  Yet when was the last time you saw a Democrat quote verbatim and contest a plank from God’s Own Prohibitionists’ platform or vice-versa? Only thinking people read the platforms. Clueless folks read tweets about cankles, hairdos and vague allegations of email impropriety.

Most especially, voters in mi Puerto Rico querido. Puerto Rico is dominated entirely by superstitious prohibitionist republican and cynical communist democratic politicians. The Nixon anti-libertarian law shunts tax money into the island’s fake media to advertise these charlatans as “both” alternatives. Voters are aware of only one choice in elections: force women to bear unwanted children AND/OR send men with guns to kick in your door because of plant leaf products. “Both” parties are prohibitionists, but the Dems want to ban energy and God’s Own Prohibitionists want to bring back Prohibition and then some.

Superstition made boricuas susceptible to anti-nuclear propaganda. Econazi propaganda convinced the island voters that bird-killing windmills and useless solar panels can replace a power plant. Altruism caused them to elect looter politicians willing to squander 120 million borrowed dollars. That money bought the DemoGOP enough votes to bully women, kill birds and produce blackouts. Puerto Rico today is in the dark and vulnerable.  Look at the before and after outcome:


Quen es Juan Galt?

Slide the Atlas Shrugged divider… Page down, VIEW IMAGE COMPARISON shows before and after view.

La Rebellión de Atlas is available in Spanish translation. There is no excuse for Puerto Rico to live in the Dark Ages anymore. A libertarian governor and economy could soon enable a boricua power company to purchase a natural uranium Canadian CANDU reactor on reasonable terms. This would make our island the searchlight beacon of the Caribbean. Houston’s nuclear reactors were hit directly by the same hurricanes and never felt a thing. Puerto Rico more closely resembles a satrapy of the Spanish Inquisition because of energy prophesies–such as this one from the 2016 Democratic platform:

We are committed to getting 50 percent of our electricity from clean energy sources within a decade, with half a billion solar panels installed within four years and enough renewable energy to power every home in the country.

The Libertarian plank looked like this:

While energy is needed to fuel a modern society, government should not be subsidizing any particular form of energy. We oppose all government control of energy pricing, allocation, and production.

The Democratic Party final solution for Puerto Rico looked like this:

So if having electricity is more important than government ownership or making a pregnant girl suffer, consider voting Libertarian next election. If clear text is more important than garble, consider getting a bid from an ATA-certified Portuguese interpreter.

** I did not vote for Trump. I always vote Libertarian.

Find out how Puerto Rico went on strike against prohibition enforcement in 1931. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 shows how superstitious laws wrecked the entire U.S. economy and plunged us into the Great Depression. Live on Amazon Kindle for the price of a pint.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle in 2 languages

Altruism and the Panic of 1893

protective tariff gouging

Read the original… next column over

In the election of 1892 neither the Democrat or Republican party carried an income tax plank in its platform. That had appeared in the German-Language Communist Manifesto of 1848, translated 2 yrs later into English.

Small, pathetic groups formed short-lived parties to push the government back into the sort of robbery at gunpoint legislated during the War Between The States–the stuff Lysander Spooner opposed so vehemently. Suddenly the People’s Party–financed by mining interests that profited enormously from the free coinage of their silver into legal tender dollars–out of nowhere got 9% of the popular vote and over TWENTY electoral votes…

This came in the wake of the piously officious Republican Administration of Benjamin Harrison–a grasping protective tariff advocate running a War on Smuggling. Here is how Howells  (a prohibitionist Christian Socialist) interpreted the looter populism of 1892-1896 America in Letters from an Altrurian Traveler:

It is chiefly they [bourgeois merchants], therefore, who are anxious to Altrurianize America, as the sole means of escape from their encompassing dangers. Their activity is very great and it is incessant; and they were able to shape and characterize the formless desires of a popular movement in the West, so that at the last presidential election twenty-two electoral votes were cast in favor of the Altrurian principles which formed the vital element of the uprising. …

The friends of Altrurianization will not fail to bring before the American people some question of the very nature of money, and of the essential evil of it, as they understand money. They will try to show that accumulated money, as a means of providing against want, is always more or less a failure in private hands; that it does not do its office; that it evades the hardest clutch when its need is greatest. They will teach every man, from his own experience and conscience, that it is necessarily corrupting ; that it is the source of most vices, and the incentive, direct or indirect, of almost every crime. (…)

Realizing the alternative to money is the initiation of force, Ayn Rand countered with The Money Speech in Atlas Shrugged. Go ahead, make the comparison…



Ever need translations of financial and economic news from South America?

Letter to ATA director Maier

The American Translators Association Board of unpaid Directors is meeting in Denver today and tomorrow. Jane Meier is a former president and current boardmember.

Hola Jane,
The others can heave a sigh of relief that I won’t be in Denver. But I do have some concerns I will share with you, as suggested on the HITA maillist.

By now it should be clear that letting the ASAE take over the ATA was a mistake. I recommend getting rid of their lawyers and all staff that are ASAE members, and to hire only half as many people to replace them. It should then be a simple matter to return our direct voting ballots—like all other NY non-profit corporations.

Inviting self-righteous impostors and infiltrators in as voting members was as big a mistake. I suggest voting a deadline for their taking and passing an exam to earn entitlement to continue to meddle in policy (). I also favor getting rid of all the Continuing Extortion racketeering.

The ATA website is practically useless. Portuguese is needlessly split 80/20 unlike any other language. Google Search “find a translator” and shows up in the first couple of pages, along with several local associations—even proz, Linked-in and whatnot—but not ATAnet. This is objective proof of GROSS dereliction or subtle sabotage—it doesn’t matter which. The goofy questionnaires, endlessly-looping gotcha capture challenges and screwy searches are befuddling to professionals who have been members for years. They amount to a Keep Out sign to potential clients searching to directly hire someone (someone verifiably holding credentials–rather than agency middlemen).

Now repeat that search with: “Find a translation company” and SHAZAM! The ATAnet website is front and center on the very first page peddling agency URLs. Ask yourself if this looks like a level playing field. Clearly, when Ben Teague and Patricia Newman were in the saddle, with 17% annual growth this was an association of, by and for tested translators. (ATA Chronicle, December 1981)

Oh yes, I still keep all that stuff posted at

The search engine results objectively demonstrate that today’s ATA is an association of, by and for the American Society of Association Executives and the agencies those worthies perceived as the key to their success in continue… symbiosis of sorts. I am asking you to champion as many of these changes as seem right to you and I’ll listen to your reasons for the ones that don’t.

I am pleased to note that ALMOST all of the boardmembers are certified in at least one language pair. But that has in the past not been a reliable defense against the inveiglements of highly-trained and experienced professional predators. Those folks are nice, agreeable and persuasive, but we were better off without them before and I’ll bet we will be better off without them once they’re working some other neighborhood.

There you have it. I’ll be posting this online just to make it difficult for the others to laugh off or ignore.
Cheerfully yours,

If you readers out there need a libertarian translator, now is your big chance. How about a book in either language?

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog