Sharknado Warmunist Whackos

This clip aired on a Reason interview I liked. It shattered all hope that the Dems had a Plan B for the eventuality Biden might go the way of Justice Ginsburg and invite yet another National Socialist Anschluss.

RFK JR 2014: I think they should be enjoying three hots and a cot at the Hague, with all the other war criminals.
Q: What about politicians people who deny, who express skepticism…
RFK JR: They’re selling out the public trust. And, you know, I think those guys who are doing the Koch brothers’ bidding, and who–against all the evidence of the rational mind–are saying that Global Warming doesn’t exist, that they are contemptible human beings and that, you know, I wish that there were a law they you could punish under. I don’t think there’s a law you could punish those politicians under but, do I think the Koch Brothers should be punished for reckless endangerment.

Of course the guy tried to backpedal, pretend he didn’t mean what you saw him say, wave red herrings and embark on evasive divagations. But this Dem politician is clearly as blindly brainwashed about atmospheric physics, electrical energy, thermometers and chemistry as the Republican party at large is stolidly brainwashed about altered states and whether individual women can be pregnant, be individuals, and have their rights Constitutionally protected from coercive mystical aggression–all at the same time. (link) Here’s a sight Dems struggle to evade:

Both of these NASA graphs can’t be right, but Republicans will confess there were three gunmen shooting JFK and Connally before Dems even concede these charts ever existed–or that they are inconsistent. Yet Misanthropic Sharknado Climate Warmunism was already a thing when Kennedy was sworn in as President. Here’s a pic from a Soviet prophecy storyboard for a video on how a communist utopia would by the year 2017 put an end to greedy capitalism with its ghastly Second Amendment weapons.(link) Every time I link to the propaganda, the file is taken down, reposted without the English subtitles or disappears altogether. So you need to hunt for 2016 predictions in Soviet propaganda that shaped the thinking of RFK Junior’s generation. Here the latest (hurry up and look) link to collectivist utopia v. capitalist weapons menacing all existence (link)

Good reading: U.S.S. Seawolf, Submarine Raider of the Pacific by Frank, Horan and Eckberg (link) In 1916 submarines brought drugs all the way across the Atlantic for sale in neutral America. Prohibitionist America did not join the League of Nations or Treaty of Versailles, but manipulated Europeans into using treaty prohibitionism to weaken German and Japanese drug market hegemony in July 1931. Ten years and five months later, bombs and torpedoes fell on Pearl Harbor as Japanese midget submarines surveyed the attack. America had submarines of its own in the Pacific. This is the engaging and idiomatic story of just such a sub. One of its first missions was to transport tonnes of ammunition to beleaguered islands in the Philippines where no Allied planes could land.

Get the big picture in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

Check out LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at or

My financial history blog, is at

simultaneous interpreting, legal and financial

Critical Mass–the unbook

Accept no Substitutski's!

Learn why energy became expensive and scarce

Another example of deliberate mutilation of language to disguise awkward facts is the title of the book Critical Mass by Jacque Srouji It originally sold for $11.95, cloth, 409pp., Aurora Publishers, 118 16th Ave. So., Nashville, TN 37203) and used copies may be found through online.

Unfortunately, the book is the work of a professional journalist of the same caliber as Eric Zuesse, author of “Love Canal, The Truth Leaks Out.” But search for it and Google filters out everything except bike clubs, pseudoscientific prohibitionism, shrieking hate groups and jihadists for “settled” pseudoscience.

The author, a professional journalist, started out as an anti-nuclear crusader. “One point I learned immediately: anti-nuke copy makes great reading and is a writer’s dream to shape and color. There are so many scary possibilities. . .” Her investigations soon uncovered the truth about nuclear power and its critics, as must have been the case for hundreds of other journalists who lack Mrs. Srouji’s integrity. The same thing happened to this writer. I was swayed by cant, propaganda and lying into picking an argument with nuclear advocate Jerry Pournelle. Pournelle set me straight, and the Travis County Libertarian Party informed me of Petr Beckmann’s “The Health Hazards of NOT Going Nuclear.

Beckmann’s book, like Strouji’s is never disputed or denied. Both are unmentioned down a memory hole by the liars they debunk, and their sponsors and abettors. But the fact remains that Energy translates into Work, as in work for a living. The freedom to harness energy naturally results in work done, wealth produced, life expectancy increased and totalitarian slavery embarrassed. The “energy slaves” R. Buckminster Fuller used to describe megawatts are what replace the chattel slavery that existed under Christian and Mohammedan mercantilism, Nationalsocialism and Soviet socialism. Every reduction in nuclear output capacity is a health hazard because a health hazard is that which reduced the life expectancy of a given population. Antinuclear activism is therefore mass murder.

So how did humanity repay Mrs. Srouji for publishing the meticulously documented truth? The publisher reveals in a foreword that she was fired from her job as a copy editor of the Nashville Tennessean, suffered a miscarriage, was sued by a host of anti-nukes, accused of being an FBI informer by some (a Soviet spy by others), and harassed in every conceivable way.

Thanks to the same liars who libeled nuclear energy into suspended animation and invented a nonexistent ozone crisis, fools shiver and sweat lest the Holy Inquisition of State Science Institute brainwashers cast them down into the fiery pit of Misanthropic Global Warming. Lost is their opportunity to have cheap and abundant energy, economic growth and increased life expectancy. 

Another book coercive congregants unmention is Prohibition and the Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929. For the cost of a craft beer pint you can use Amazon’s free Kindle app to learn how making beer a black felony enforced by taxes brought the Economy and Stock Market crashing down into The Great Depression.

Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

Second Amendment Antinuclear Weapons

Go ahead, make my day.

By 1992 preemptive surrender wasn’t a thing, and the SALT treaties were wastebinned. This is the Second Amendment in action. SEE ORIGINAL

The nationwide defense debate best represented in Physics Today had by 1982 descended into plans for surrendering to the Soviet Union based on Pascal’s Wager and Ignoring Kennan’s Long Telegram.

Science advisor George Keyworth built on Sam Cohen and Edward Teller’s ideas, then stepped out of the conflict spotlight, which was taken over by William Robert Graham and Gen’l Daniel Graham. The foolishness of Robert Strange McNamara’s insane policy of mutual civilian genocide with nuclear weapons sank in after Dr. Strangelove, and Sam Cohen’s defensive strategies developed a large following–and some pro-surrender opposition. The Libertarian Defense Caucus organized by LP Presidential candidate John Hospers, Michael J Dunn, Virginia Postrel and others favored defensive weapons policies. One LDC member questioned assertions by German-American physicist Wolfgang HK Panofsky in Physics Today regarding treaties under the Constitution.

Dr Panofsky’s statement that “Nothing in the U.S Constitution dilutes the responsibility of a president to comply with existing treaties in force.” [Physics Today, June, 1985, p. 37] ought to be evaluated in light of the actual text of the Constitution itself. Section 8 of Article I of the Constitution specifies, in clause 15, that “Congress shall have the power…To provide for calling forth the militia to… repel invasions;”. Article IV, section 4 charges the United States with the responsibility to protect each of the States from invasion. Finally, Article II of the Bill of Rights guarantees that our right to “keep and bear arms”, within the context of a well regulated militia, “shall not be infringed.” While it is true that Article II of the main body of the document grants the President the power to make treaties (Section 2, clause 2), and it is also true that these treaties “shall be the supreme law of the land” (Article VI, Section 2), it is nowhere stated that this treatymaking power shall override the Bill of Rights or the main body of the Constitution. In fact, Article VI, Section 2 specifies only that the treatymaking power takes precedence over “…anything in the Constitution or laws of any STATE to the contrary notwithstanding.” (Emphasis mine). In fact, the very last clause of Section 10 in Article 1 allows the States to defend themselves if “…actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay.” Nothing in the Constitution supports the conclusion that the treatymaking power is arbitrary and unlimited and supersedes all individual rights guaranteed us by the text of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. One can readily infer, however, that all arms limitation treaties which infringe on our right to have our military forces keep and bear defensive weapons of our choosing are unconstitutional and therefore illegal. This would apply specifically to the ABM treaty as well as both versions of SALT. Because I do not believe that the framers of the Constitution would have subordinated their rights or those of their countrymen and descendants to any arbitrary power, foreign or domestic; and because the legal language supporting this conclusion is clear and precise, I submit that the ABM treaty is unconstitutional and illegal.

This issue, it turns out, had been addressed by President Calvin Coolidge when Panofsky was not quite five years old. At a news conference on November 2, 1923, Coolidge tried answering a question about a prohibition-enforcement treaty with wet Great Britain changing the definition of international waters. (…) “The question here is raised as to whether this treaty would be in conflict with the Constitution or the present Volstead Law.”

Coolidge improvised an answer that reporters thought missed the point entirely, and so the press insisted:

PRESS: Mr. President, some of the editorial writers seem to think that the proposed treaty would contravene the Constitution–not the Volstead Law, but the Constitution itself. Do you believe it within the power of the government to make a treaty that would contravene the Constitution itself?
PRESIDENT COOLIDGE: Of course not. The only power the government has to make a treaty comes from the Constitution, and there wouldn’t be any question about it, for any treaty that might be made, that was contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, would be absolutely void.

Panofsky’s immediate reply, like Coolidge’s did not satisfy all readers:

J. H. Phillips raises the interesting point whether any arms-control treaty violates the Constitution of the United States. He agrees that Article VI, paragraph 2, of the Constitution states that treaties entered into by the United States preempt the constitution or laws of any state that might have contrary provisions. Indeed, the United States Constitution makes the President the Commander in Chief and gives him responsibility to conduct foreign affairs and thereby provide for the national security. Yet one must recognize that increased armaments and increased national security are by no means synonymous; in fact post-World War II history has amply demonstrated the contrary. The power of the President to negotiate treaties, even if they conflict with private rights involving arms or ownership of property, has been confirmed by numerous Supreme Court decisions.
Negotiated arms control is rightfully considered a component of the conduct of foreign affairs. According to Article VI of the Constitution, treaties are the supreme law of the land, subject only to other provisions of the Constitution. They can be modified by mutual renegotiation or abrogated unilaterally under specific provisions that provide for prior notice and invoke the supreme national interest of one of the signatories.
The specific claim by Phillips is that arms-control treaties are in conflict with the provision of Article II of the Bill of Rights that “a well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” No court has ever held the Second Amendment to impose any limitation on the President’s power to conduct foreign affairs, but the specific relation of arms-control treaties to Article II has, to the best of my knowledge, never been explicitly litigated. In view of the foregoing it seems to me to be patently absurd to claim that the US President and Executive Branch cannot negotiate and sign a treaty that limits weapons by all signatories if the President believes this to be in the security interest of the United States, and I see nothing in the Constitution that would prevent such a treaty from entering into force once the Senate, by a two-thirds majority, has recommended its ratification to the President and the President has then executed the instruments of ratification. The Constitution has done well in weathering the transition to the nuclear age. If Phillips were correct in his interpretation it would be a sad day indeed.

Some real attorneys were also attracted to this questioning of authority and chimed in:

The letter by J.H. Phillips and the response by Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky (April, page 90) raise interesting issues regarding the relationship between the Federal treaty-making power and the constitutional rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Although both Phillips and Panofsky deal solely with issues arising under the “right of the people to keep and bear arms” provision of the Second Amendment and with alleged infringements of this “right of the people” by arms control treaties, the issues are significantly broader in scope and deserve more careful analysis. According to Panofsky, the constitutional authority of the executive branch to conduct foreign affairs extends to the power of the President to negotiate arms control treaties, and such treaties when ratified by the Senate may abrogate any provision of the Bill of Rights. Although Phillips disagrees, both Phillips and Panofsky limit their discussion to consideration of the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights. However, there is nothing in the underlying issue that should limit the argument to the Second Amendment; rather, the issue should be treated more broadly for a better understanding. For example, it is not difficult to imagine a treaty with the following provision: Due to the utmost importance of this arms control treaty and the practical reality that it cannot be successfully implemented without mutual trust and harmonious relationships between the signatory nations, any critical or derogatory remarks, oral or written, against a signatory shall constitute a criminal offense against that signatory, and such signatory may search for and seize any offending writings, as well as punish the person making said criticism, in such manner as it deems appropriate, including trial by judge without jury in the courts of the signatory as it deems appropriate.
Of course, such a treaty would clearly abrogate the provisions of the Bill of Rights contained in Amendments I (free speech and press), IV (unreasonable search and seizure), V (due process of law), VI (right to counsel) and VII (trial by jury). But in spite of the fact that the constitutionality of treaties that conflict with the Bill of Rights has never been litigated, some obvious conclusions as to how the US Supreme Court would treat this sort of treaty can be drawn.
Moreover, that the precise issue has never been litigated does not justify Panofsky’s conclusion that it is “patently absurd” to claim that the treaty-making power cannot supersede the Bill of Rights. It is true that a treaty can override a state constitution or a state statute, but a Federal statute passed at a later date than a treaty prevails over the treaty, according to a line of US Supreme Court cases beginning with Head Money Cases, 112 US 580, 598-590 (1884). It is also well established that even Federal statutes violative of the Bill of Rights can be declared null and void by the judiciary. Thus, since Federal statutes can abrogate treaties, statutes have at least as high a dignity as treaties, and since statutes violative of the Bill of Rights can be invalidated by our courts, so can treaties.
Panofsky’s conclusion that arms control treaties can abrogate the Bill of Rights is thus, fortunately for America, clearly unwarranted. –David Caplan, NY & Richard Laumann, NJ

Panofsky of course denied having come to that conclusion, but the legalistic house of cards which Soviet weapons specialists had hoped would bluff These United States into submission came tumbling down. Soviet planners realized not even a single American State could be disarmed while the Second Amendment remained intact. The Strategic Defense Initiative grew, a German lad landed a Cessna near Red Square, and Soviet Socialist totalitarianism collapsed as entirely as German National Socialism had collapsed in May of 1945.

Having felt it on their hides...

Logarithmic decay of Communist vote, Russia

Prospects for resurrecting Soviet Communism are as hopeless as for bringing back the German National Socialism that prompted development of modern weapons in the first place. Russian voters are shrinking the communist party even faster than American voters are chipping away at the Dem & GOP kleptocracy. But the shrieking against the Second Amendment is today much shriller than in the 1980s, when gun violence was high but already eroding thanks to decreased initiation of force. Whether that–coupled with the feverish falsification of science by a tiny group of scientist-impersonators and former scientists in concerted efforts to lay an Energy-Conversion Tax on everyone except Not-Exactly-Communist China–is some sort of desperate comeback attempt by intellectuals of the looter persuasion, is unclear. After all, Republicans have published platforms for 46 years to Amend the Constitution to overturn the results of the 1972 Libertarian birth control plank–a fixation no less fanatical and hopeless.

There is, however, no question that infiltration of the Democratic Party Platform Committee by Socialists Against Buckminster Fuller Energy Slaves (and power plants in general) cost Democrats the Executive branch, both Houses of Congress, and appointments to the Judiciary, together with all associated pelf, paychecks, funding, graft and boodle. Now that Americans have notebooks and iPhones, getting them to ban electricity–even for Altruria–is as Quixotic a chimera as has ever before been dreamt up. The current war on energy is the one significant difference between the platforms published by the Dem and GOP factions of the ruling kleptocracy.

If the research that went into this article on legal questions was surprising, just imagine how surprised your competitors could be.  The author can be hired to translate materials pertinent to international legal cases involving your law office.
My other blog is usually in Portuguese.

For more on how Republican prohibitionism crushed the U.S. economy and brought on the Great Depression, why not download Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929? The book is live on Amazon Kindle and you can read it on a cellphone for the cost of a craft pint at a pub.

cause and effect

Freon Ban to Global Warming myth


Econazi freon substitute ruin refrigeration units!

August, 2018, HEB grocery at Mopac and Parmer in Austin, Texas

Remember the Ozone Hole over Antarctica where only 1000 people live? This is in the Southern Hemisphere where only 1/9 of all humanity resides. Of 7.6 billion human inhabitants, some 844,444,444 (way less than a billion) live in the Southern Hemisphere, the surface of which is mostly salt water, that is, water and sodium and chlorine. 

An Antarctic volcano, Mount Erebus, has been in continuous eruption for thousands of years. Erebus, like Deception Island, also spews chlorine into the atmosphere. What does this have to do with melting ice cream and expensive repairs to your failing home and auto air conditioners? You may recall the “consensus” of nameless ex-scientists that claimed (with no comparisons) that nuclear energy was “dangerous.”

The tiny number of very shrill voices claiming to represent a huge, educated crowd also had it in for Allied nuclear weapons. Surrender to Soviet communism was, by their lights, preferable to risking the possibility of another military action with nuclear weapons against socialism or its fellow travelers. Voters responded by electing Ronald Reagan and the Altrurian Empire collapsed within a dozen years–but not before a ban on freon coincided with a major stock market collapse in 1987.

Here are some of the scientist impersonators:

Ralph Nader, Union of Confused Saboteurs, Limits to Growth, Paul Ehrlich, Dr Henry Kendall, John Chancellor, Barry Commoner, Tamplin, Geesaman, Hugo Sternglass, George Wald, Cochran, John Goffman, Natural Resource Defense Council, D.D. Comey, Dr E. Marten (or Martell), Alexis Parks, Amory Lovins, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Lola Redford, Jerry Brown, Tom Hayden, Paul Brodeur, A. Cockburn, Helen Caldicott, Sydney Wolff, Dennis Hayes, Dr John D. Isaacs, Gus Speth, Komanoff, Resdikoff, Cochran, Lash, Pollock (Critical Mass), John P. Holdren, John Bryson, Herbert N. Berkow, Karl Z. Morgan, Eliot Marshall, Norman Cohn, Nicholas Wade, Bernard T. Feld, McClosky…

And here are examples of scientists with integrity:

R.H. White-Stevens, D.J. Rose, P.W. Walsh, L.L. Leskovjan, Dr J.G. Edwards, T.H. Jukes, Mike Mc Cormack, Dr D.C. Williams, Andrei Sakharov, George Claus, Dr Thomas J. Connolly, Eugene Wigner, Bernard L. Cohen, Tom Bethell, L. Donaldson, Dr Ralph Lapp, Dr Allen Brodsky, Samuel McCracken, Scientists for Accuracy in Media, P.A. Anderson, Lester Berkowitz, Dr Edwin Zebroski, Dr H. Inhaber, Leona Marshall Libby, Pigford, Seitz, Weinberg, K.D.B. Johnson, Texas Energy Advisory Council, Larry MacDonald, Ron Paul, M.D., Mike Halbouty, John J. McKetta, Edward J. Mitchell, John D. Isaacs, James Randi, V.A. Benassi, Don Ritter, Henry Hurwitz, Dr Andrew Hull, Richard Wilson, Harold M. Agnew, Dr A. David Rossin, Mark Hugo, Sam Cohen…

A search on the surviving scientist-impersonators invariably reveals continued currish fawning in the lap of a Soviet altruist dictatorship now relegated to the dustbin of history.  Only senile idiots vote for the communist party in Russia, and their numbers decrease as actuarial science predicts.

A search on the real scientists reveals only that Nixon’s bought looter media still struggle to ignore them, the awkward questions they raise and the inconvenient facts to which they call attention. But voters in 2017 understood perfectly that the Democrats and Ecological Nationalsocialists still peddle the same Climate Change agitprop Soviet propagandists subsidized in 1960! The Dems lost because they promised to invent carbon taxes and treat electric power stations like Republicans treat LSD labs.

"I serve the Soviet Union."

See the original.

Is it any wonder air conditioners, chillers and freezers are failing? Real low-pressure freon is the optimum refrigerant in chemical engineering. It therefore follows, as night follows day, that ecological nationalsocialists and their illiterate minions seek to ban it whatever the cost in lives, health or freedom. When the ban results in broken equipment, the global warming fantasy explains away the consequence of superstition replacing science.

As a thought experiment, try to imagine anti-freon fanatics admitting that seasonal thinning of ozone was caused by lack of sunlight in the Antarctic winter plus chlorine spewed from two obvious and 91 unmentioned volcanoes under the ice sheet had panicked them into demanding bad legislation.

Now consider the alternative: would the same lying cowards instead make up a new lie to explain why cooling equipment, as modified per their demands, no longer works?

Pseudoscience also invents explanations of the Crash and Depression. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 explores the causes that by September 2, 1929, had caused investors to remove their capital from American banks and brokerages, then shows the mechanism of government that crushed the economy. For the cost of a pint you can read it on a cellphone using the Amazon Kindle app–in your choice of two languages.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

If in need of translations involving energy or other strategic resources, come visit.

Words you can dance to

Clarity isn’t oversimplification

Econazi v. Econazi

Canadian-born Green Party enthusiast tried in Econazi Germany for questioning “settled history.” (Since this was posted, a way was found to make the original photo vanish down a memory hole. So, picture a blonde with braided pigtails…)

national socialist child

Rectifies malreported memoryhole Partymember

Monika Schaefer (link), the perfect Green Party candidate and poster child, is was on trial in a post-National Socialist People’s Court for thoughtcrime. This highly-redacted deleted  video was her undoing. /The link above is to her 2019 blog, spewing venom about race suicide and chemtrails hobgoblins/ Germany has no free speech guarantees, and concepts like initiation of force and individual rights are evidently as baffling there as in 1933. The charge is “Volksverhetzung,” an ungoodthinkful sort of incitement to hatred. Volksverhetzung is the perfect vehicle for selective political persecution. It’s even money that before the year is out indictments will be true-billed for wondering aloud why there is no ozone hole at the North Pole, in the hemisphere where 8/9 of humanity live. Indeed, to question whether eco-Gestapo-ordered replacements for regular freon cause air conditioners to fail–making folks feel like climate is getting warmer–ought to be good for at least a 5-year prison term. A case of beer became a 5-year felony in America in March of 1929, so such things CAN happen. 

Circulating graphs of tampered-with ground thermometer measurements compared with satellite data ought to be good for a prison terms plus some asset forfeiture and heavy fines.
The German penchant for forced labor instead of Buckminster Fuller “energy slaves” has already led new-left and econazi politicos to legislate the shutdown of demonically-possessed nuclear power plants that generate no carbon dioxide but (gasp!) increase the supply of electrical power.

The prewar English translation of “Mein Kampf” recommended “extirpation” of all things Jewish in the name of altruist collectivism. Postwar editions changed the operative term to “extermination.”  Surely there is a clue about Holocaust eugenics to be had in the published works of politicians elected to office and preferred by those huge Christian majorities in Germany and Austria. The little old lady in tennis shoes is just the sort of person you would want to have trying to wreck your reputation. Who’d believe her? I once had a Christian roommate who believed most of this sort of drivel, but the guy was barely literate, harmless, polite hard-working and honest (with others, not himself). For anyone weak-minded enough to feel threatened by these chatterboxes, I recommend Atlas Shrugged by (Jewish) Ayn Rand.

If ever in need of technical translations from Spanish, Portuguese or English involving mining or nuclear energy, look me up.

I also have a book out in two languages explaining the causal connection between Prohibition pseudoscience and The Crash and Great Depression it caused.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

South American blog

Why voting Libertarian works

Why would anyone bother to drum up votes for the Libertarian party?

Read' em and weep, looters!

Libertarian share of votes earned in national elections.

Why ask for libertarian votes? Simple. Every such vote benefits ME, not the Kleptocracy candidate, by getting rid of violent laws.  Every time Ram Johnston loses an election by 2% when the Libertarian Candidate got 3% of the vote, that–like a smack upside the head–is a learning experience. For a Texas State Legislator, the loss of pay comes to $43,000 (not counting bribes and kickbacks).

Women voters who want to keep birth control safe and legal need not help the Democrats make electricity scarce and unaffordable. The Libertarian Party platform of 1972 wrote the Roe v. Wade decision into law with fewer than 4000 votes nationwide. Comstock Law Republican and Prohibition Party organizers are painfully aware of this fact, though they struggle to evade it–but they change their platforms and laws in hopes of staying on the payroll. Your vote can count even more if it replaces a bad 19th-Century party with a good 20th-Century party that values freedom and individual rights.

Here is what a logistical substitution curve looks like. This is how the Whigs replaced the Federalists, and Red Republicans replaced the Whig Party.

Freedom replacing Left=Right coercive collectivism

The Libertarian vote share curve starts at 0 but never reaches 100% in a democracy.

Technically competent individuals who understand that electrical power generation drastically reduces the death rate are free to vote Libertarian. You need not help Republican-funded militarized police crowd prisons, shoot foreigners and confiscate property because mystical pseudoscience says to ban plant leaves. Conscientious voters change bad laws by keeping their integrity. Simple arithmetic makes voting for candidates that support the Libertarian Party Platform the most effective use of the franchise.  The only wasted vote is one that tells violent looters to keep trying to ban electricity, prohibit plants and repeal the Bill of Rights.

Energy enables eudaimonia

Interfering with energy increases the death rate

I am asking naturalized citizens to vote Libertarian and resident aliens to contribute to Libertarian campaigns.  The hardest part is helping voters understand that your vote should benefit YOU, not some force-initiating politician. I prove this with algebra showing 1.4% of the vote in 11 campaigns brought the 18th Amendment which caused the Great Depression. Earlier, 9% of the 1892 vote brought an income tax law, so if 9% has the law-changing clout of 51%, then each People’s Party vote counted for six Republican or Democrat votes in terms of its effectiveness in forcing at least one of the soft machine factions to change its platform, and to change the Law of the Land. These are examples of spoiler vote leverage.

Solving the 1892 equation for x yields 6. This shows us that every populist vote had six times the law-changing power of a vote wasted on a machine politician. In the Prohibition case, 1.4% of the vote made beer a felony as if it were the same as 51%. So set 1.4x=51, x=36 means every such vote packed 36 times more law-changing clout. This is the mechanism whereby the entire Socialist platform of 1920 became law by 1980, even with the candidates all losing.

The libertarian party is simply reversing that process. Hitler, Stalin, Franco, Lenin, Mussolini, Ceaușescu and Pol Pot have demonstrated the legal and economic results of socialism via historical events not on record in 1913. That was the year American voters believed the Communist Manifesto income tax was a good idea.

Do you have a good idea that needs translation for a larger audience?


Can you explain whether Prohibition and The Crash were a coincidence? Were they perhaps causally related via by the Five and Ten law of March 2, 1929–the making beer a chain-gang felony with a fine worth 30 pounds of gold? For the cost of a pint you can discover the answers, LIVE on Amazon Kindle in a format you cell can read using the free app.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

Before assault flintlocks…

Seymour the Superstitious

Tatsuya Ishida’s

When I was a child, women dressed like penguins told us children gory stories about the Path of Righteousness. This one is relevant to today’s hot topic.

4 And there went out a champion out of the camp of the Philistines, named Goliath, of Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span.

8 And he stood and cried unto the armies of Israel, and said unto them, Why are ye come out to set your battle in array? Am not I a Philistine, and ye servants to Saul? Choose you a man for you, and let him come down to me.

9 If he be able to fight with me, and to kill me, then will we be your servants: but if I prevail against him, and kill him, then shall ye be our servants, and serve us.

10 And the Philistine said, I defy the armies of Israel this day; give me a man, that we may fight together.

11 When Saul and all Israel heard those words of the Philistine, they were dismayed, and greatly afraid.

12 Now David was the son of that Ephrathite of Bethlehemjudah, whose name was Jesse; and he had eight sons: and the man went among men for an old man in the days of Saul.

48 And it came to pass, when the Philistine arose, and came, and drew nigh to meet David, that David hastened, and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine.

49 And David put his hand in his bag, and took thence a stone, and slang it, and smote the Philistine in his eye, that the stone sunk into his eye; and he fell upon his face to the earth.

50 So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and smote the Philistine, and slew him; but there was no sword in the hand of David.

51 Therefore David ran, and stood upon the Philistine, and took his sword, and drew it out of the sheath thereof, and slew him, and cut off his head therewith. And when the Philistines saw their champion was dead, they fled.

59 But David was called before the Court, to answer the Philistines complaint he had vanquished by foul means. That one, said counsel for the Plaintiffs, not only drew first blood, but used an illegal basalt eyeful to slay our champion.

60 To this David replied that the challenge was Goliath’s, and that once it is decided that someone is to be killed, the moral question has been settled. The instruments of that killing are not affected by any moral or humane questions or considerations.

61 The Court ruled in favor of Respondent, and David bid goodbye to the uncircumcised Philistines and returned to bed with the King’s daughter. Together they watched a movie on the Burning Bush, titled “Swindler’s List” in which only the Pharaoh and his enforcers had basalt eyefuls.

Moral: better to have a basalt eyeful and not need it, than to need one and not have it.

Translating modern legalese is something I do with ease. Look me up.

Ticking Turing Machines

Why did British codebreakers—Polish codebreakers, actually–call their cipher machines “bombes”?

Background: before National and International Socialism signed the pact agreeing it was OK to invade and dismember Poland, Polish mathematicians were already working on breaking Enigma machine codes. These gadgets used wired wheels inserted into a cipher machine to scramble and unscramble text. Since business and Die Ewige Staat are much the same in Germanic Altrurias, commercial Enigma machines quickly evolved into military coders to meet the exigencies of the initiation of force. The initiation encountered resistance, much as in Newton’s Second Law, and war was declared.

After actual bombs rained down on British assets, the folks at Bletchley Park hired Alan Turing to work on decryption. Alan was comfortable with mechanical approaches and improved codebreaking machines the Poles called “bombes.” Why bombes?

The explanation in several Turing books that mention the name had to do with the ticking sound they made. The writers then leapt to the conclusion of ticking time bombs, nèe (or is it née?) “bombes,” Quod Erat Demonstratum. This explanation was, for some reason, facile and unsatisfactory.

Another unsatisfactory answer to a simple question was given by a couple of Brazilian students being prodded, poked, inspected and detected by Amerika’s own imitation of Germanic Altrurian officiousness. I refer, of course, to the Transport Sozialist Arbeiterpartei, affectionately dubbed the Tea Essay at U.S. airports. The unionized government employee doing the poking, prodding, inspecting and detecting produced from their luggage a plastic box with some heft to it, a wire going in and a tube coming out, and asked “Wuz dis?”

The Brazilian students knew exactly what it was: an aquarium pump to keep tropical fish from drowning—a bomba de ar.
“Eat ease a air bomb,” they replied politely–albeit none too fluently–and were immediately surrounded by semiliterate steroid abusers First Responders™ with loaded guns, handcuffs, pepper spray, clubs, nylon straps, badges and governmental impunity.

So returning to the bombes that defeated Europe’s christianizing eugenics program:
Q: what goes tick tick tick and is familiar to Polish scientists?

A: a vacuum pump.

Ever need technical translations?

Mentation and Malingering

Positive Christianity, Altruism, Duty

Painter of churches, Jesus and Madonnas honored

We imagine we understand malingering–at least until, upon reflection, the concept turns up surprises. Feigning illness or injury to avoid physical labor is the familiar meme. But what about feigning injury, outrage, condescension, pity, insanity or disbelief in order to avoid the necessity of thinking? “That can’t be right” is a wishful reply made by many a fool whose lunch tab added up to more cash than he carried. Other instances are not so trivial.

Mental malingering is the most popular form of self-deception engaged in by altruists of both the “left” and “right.”
Those that describe themselves as “conservative” commit thought-malingering no less assiduously others who, with equal smugness, describe themselves as “left-wing.”

Take the bell in the picture. No conservative can look at it and simultaneously realize that Adolf Hitler represented most of the voters in 98% Christian Germany. Yet every religious conservative defends at least half of Hitler’s 1920 National Socialist platform. Conservatives manage this by never reading the original, and imagining in its place some egotistical writings of a socialist atheist “madman.” Germany’s mystics engaged in the same self-deception. The fairly recent hagiography movie of Sophie Scholl (of The White Rose student protest group) injected gratuitous lines to depict Positive Christian National Socialists as virtually identical to Bolshevik atheists. Even the flyers for which these students were put to death specifically referred to Christian National Socialist Policies as “atheistic.” No religious conservative–German or American–can bear to admit that Adolf Hitler ran a christian religious conservative government complete with transfer payments from producers to non-producers and eugenics policies to build the “New Race” of Herbert Hoover’s inaugural speech..

Similarly, left wing socialists, communists and anti-industrial collectivists deny that Hitler was a socialist–a fact known to everyone on the planet before 1939.  But they do join mystical conservative bretheren in denying absolutely that there is anything altruistic about the National Socialist belief in “The Common Good Before the Individual Good.”
Looters of the bureaucratic persuasion swear hotly, loudly and vehemently that every communist government was “not really” socialist. This appeal to volume or carpet-biting is another form of malingering to avoid mentation.

The common ground both altruist factions share is the proof-by-insistence that there is something good about altruism and sacrifice. But to this day none have stepped forward to explicitly state what it is. What they do agree on, as a sort of corrolary Revelation or belief, is that the initiation of force must also be defended against all comers as the end-all Final Solution to all problems real or imaginary. What is clear–especially after demonstrations at Alamogordo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki–is that unsuperstitious science has retaliatory capabilities that have made the wholesale initiation of force as suicidal as its proponents have always wished it could be.

When in need of political or legal translations of the content of such things as treaties between nations, look me up.

The word comprehensive

The guy the Republicans hired to win the election likes two things: libertarianism and the word “comprehensive.”

The libertarian part is easy to understand. It was Trumps way of telling God’s Own Prohibitionists that he could hand them government jobs or hand them another beating–the same way Ross Perot got George Holy War Bush fired.

But my favorite Soviet website (we will Doonesbury you), recently took issue with the word comprehensive. After JFK negotiated the Limited Test Ban to keep strontium 90 out of children’s milk, communist intellectuals sought to puff comprehensive up into the entering wedge for unilaterally disarming the USA. That ran aground on the Second Amendment. So after the Soviet bloc collapsed like a Berlin Wall or US Embassy in Saigon, “comprehensive” went out of fashion. This graph shows the decline and fall of the word “comprehensive” before Trump.

Look into my eyes...

Go ahead, try it yourself

This we know from Wolfram Alpha, a collection of programmers who appreciate math AND language. The graph shows a falloff in stock (quotes, usage) for comprehensive dating from about the time the looters started mothballing their tens of thousands of fusion bombs after the failure of The Altrurian Experiment in the crumbling Soviet Empire. So, why is this important?

The current president got the nomination ten months after saying something nice about a burgeoning minor party. Four months later he was President and Libertarian Party stock (in votes) was up 328%. If comprehensive is welcomed back into the vernacular, its reformation glittering over its faults, that would suggest there is some truth to “master of hypnosis” theories for Trump being elected.

If it doesn’t, the fact would lend weight to the theory that infiltrators in the Democratic party platform committee threw the election by injecting the platform with pseudoscience depicting reliable electric power plants as a life-threatening plague. This was the way all US power generation facilities were depicted during the Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, Gorbachev and Yanayev dictatorships. The 2016 Republican platform also broke ranks with Prohibition Party’s ecological nationalsocialism planks of 2016:

We advocate… subsidies for consumers wishing to change from fossil fuels to renewable domestic sources of energy.
We believe that climatic change is an existential threat to civilization.

The Gee Oh Pee urinalysis platform trashed carbon taxes, promised to toss the Paris Capitulation into the same dustbin as the Kyoto Proctocol. The platform protects power plants and fuel from fanatical fearmongers, and even improves transmission line infrastructure.

The Libertarian party platform is also in favor of access to energy. Here is the LP energy plank in its clear and unambiguous entirety:

While energy is needed to fuel a modern society, government should not be subsidizing any particular form of energy. We oppose all government control of energy pricing, allocation, and production.

Can you say Hockey Stick?

WANTED: Fisher-Pry least-squares curve fit for these burgeoning vote counts

But what of that hockey-stick growth in Libertarian spoiler votes? Did the LP suddenly become popular because a real-estate mesmerist admitted to liking libertarianism? Perhaps it was because the recycled Republican candidate the LP resorted to abandoned his 2012 promise to try to bring back the coathanger abortion laws struck down by the reincarnation of the 1972 LP birth control plank as the lead paragraph in the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision. Is there a third hypothesis? Perhaps the American voter is discovering that the less you try to coerce others, the less others will respond in that particular kind.

Do you ever need simultaneous interpretation of a speech, or sight translation of a legal document?