Before the Libertarian Convention

Before the Libertarian Convention of 2020 planned for Austin, Texas, some sort of Red Chinese bio-weapon release began a global pandemic. Financial Action Task Force looters soon met in Paris under that shadowy outfit’s Chinese president and a financial crash promptly hit securities markets and banking systems. The LP convention in Austin was scrubbed, no big deal, right? Another convention could be planned. (link)

The Libertarian Party had way more than tripled its vote share in the middle of a bare-knuckles fistfight between Grabbers Of Pussy and East German-style Democrats. The GOP priority–ever since that single Libertarian spoiler vote for a woman led the Suprema Corte to protect women’s individual rights against Christian National Socialist efforts to bring back involuntary servitude and forced labor in 1973–was to bring back Comstockism and deprive women of individual rights. Against this was former First Lady Clinton seeking to protect that jurisprudence while still allowing shoot-first prohibitionism against plant leaves, no-knock Stasi searches and asset-forfeiture looting. Only women and a few libertarians noticed a clear distinction between the two Kleptocracy halves in America, or were aware of parallels between the Republican platform and those of Christian National Socialist Germany. (link)

Those similarities were noticed–with whoops of joy–by other Christian racial collectivists, notably in Germany. Barely four years old, the Alternative für Deutschland popped up on radar as the AfD, whose regional chair for Nuremberg–of all places–was outed for circulating a photo of Adolf Hitler captioned to beg for his return. This was in February, 2017. By September of that year, the party had metastasized into a nuisance rabble shouting slogans at competing party rallies.

The Wall Street Journal reported that a 2018 poll showed 71% of U.S. voters were happy with the Roe v Wade curb on selective coercion of women by the several states. By then the Germanic version of the “pro-life” movement–financed in part by gold chiseled out of Jewish teeth–had doubled down on its 2017 platform calling for female loss of individual rights the minute fertilization of an ovum occurs. By November the party’s racial collectivism, xenophobia and mystical fascination with the “race-suicide” theories TR had discussed with the Kaiser had replaced all ties with the facts of reality. The AfD meanwhile became a major party in Germany. The AfD was fined several times for campaign finance irregularities and in 2019 added a “Jugend” wing.

German government agencies in war paint began circling the AfD, which sensibly shifted emphasis to the relegalization of energy conversion, exposing warmunist fraud, and maybe looking for an escape route. Libertarian Wes Benedict reacted defensively to AfD criticism of Saracen hordes moving into Germany, preaching toleration. Yet cracks again began to form in the LP. At our convention in Orlando, Florida, anarcho-communist infiltrators put one of their own on the top ticket. That, the uninspected entry plank amendment and the vigilante extrajudicial killings plank sufficed to reverse our 328% gain in votes and kick us off the ballot in half the states. The LP was ripe for a hostile takeover by some hostile foreign ideologues. Already Donald Trump had shown how effective it was to feign appreciation of the love-starved Libertarian Party and get a foot in the political door. Could Nazi-financed foreign ideologues experienced in infiltrating American politics and smuggling their agenda succeed the way Trump had succeeded?

Stay tuned. The next blog entry will make more sense if you read Nazi Billionaires: The Dark History of Germany’s Wealthiest Dynasties, by David Jong. Also helpful is Hitler in Los Angeles: How Jews and Their Spies Foiled Nazi Plots Against Hollywood and America. Both are available on Amazon Kindle.

My Financial blog

My Brazilian blog


Republican policies cause major crashes

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Tagged: leveraged, libertarian, mimesis, parasitism, political economy and ethical values, Spoiler clout, individual rights, winning

Tagged: leveraged, libertarian, mimesis, parasitism, political economy and ethical values, Spoiler clout, individual rights, winning

Biden on Prohibition, 1986

September 27, 1986 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD – SENATE (Bayes page number) S 13973 (link)
Mr. BIDEN… These vitally important programs will now go unfunded if this amendment is not adopted. The TASC Program was designed as a response to a rapidly increasing proper crime rate caused, in significant part, by drug offenders. We all know why that is. The fact of the matter is that, unless you happen to be a multimillionaire or have access to a bank, if you have a drug habit, it is an expensive habit. And there is no doubt in anyone’s mind why there is so much street crime. Somewhere on the order of 50% of all the street crime in America is attributable to drug abuse. That is, when someone wants to go buy the cocaine or go buy the heroin or go buy the marijuana, they crack someone over the top of the head, take their wallet, take their purse, and half the time they are under the influence at the time. I see my colleague from Arizona standing, I am happy to yield to him.

Mr. GOLDWATER. I was interested in what the Sen. had to say about the cost of the dope habit. And I recall – I may be wrong – but I think I recall that England at one time sold narcotics at drugstores without prescriptions or anything else. I have often wondered – not facetiously – whether that might not be a cure in our country. They are going to kill themselves eventually. Let them do it cheap.

Mr. BIDEN. Well, you know, Mr. President, we sometimes smile about that, but the Senator from Arizona has raised a question that a number of very, very thoughtful and intelligent people have raised, and that is the argument that has been underway for some time in this country along the following lines: If, in fact, we not only have spawned a multibillion-dollar industry – over $110 billion a year and profits to illegal syndicates and individuals, not unlike the days of prohibition – in light of that fact and coupled with the fact that 50% of the crime on the street, violent crime, is attributable to a junky going out and forcibly wresting from a citizen their dollars and their cents and their money and in the process, many times, killing, maiming, or at least abusing them; and the fact that over 50% of the burglaries in America, the reason why people break and enter into homes is in order to pay for their drug habit – they steal your television, sell your television, and by the heroin – they say. “Well, if that is the case, why don’t we just legalize it?”

Now, it sounds funny, but look at it for a moment. If, in fact, drugs were legalized, that any heroin addict could walk into a clinic and get heroin, then the need to go out and mug my mother in the parking lot of the Acme is diminished, because they do not need the money in her purse. And also those major crime syndicates, which flourish and feed off society, would have their pocketbooks emptied very rapidly because people would not be paying for it. So it is not a crazy idea.

But I would say to my friend from Arizona, who is in fact one of the true civil libertarians in this country – and I mean that sincerely – the answer is one that will not come to him is one that is unexpected and one that his philosophy, understandably, will find somewhat difficult. It is that big brother made a judgment that, in fact, we not only should protect those addicts and junkies who will kill themselves – the average age, for example, of a heroin addict, the life expectancy is about 28 years of age. They die by then not because they are shot, by the police as they are jumping barriers, but because they overdose on heroin. They, in fact, kill themselves with the drug. And that is why the average life expectance of a drug user is relatively low.So we, as a society, have made the judgment, which I happend to subscribe to, that we should, in fact, protect our citizens even those who are inflicting this sin upon themselves.

When did the Crash arrive with a Depression?

The second reason is that as a people it seems to me, I say to my friend from Arizona, the government of the United States should not knowingly condone something they have no doubt about the effect of the use of. In other words, even though we would diminish, I have no doubt, diminish crime, and we would diminish the size of the syndicates, it seems to me, I say to my friend from Arizona, we would be making such a statement about the morality of this country that it is something we could not live with, that if we as a country were to conclude that notwithstanding the fact we could reduce crime, the price at which we would reduce it would be to legalize something that is patently immoral on its face, and legalize something that in fact we know will result in the death of thousands and thousands of American. Although on balance the argument can be made we probably would have less crime, and we would have less of a pernicious impact on the part of organized crime, and we have as a society opted not to do that. As usual – and I am not being solicitous – my friend from Arizona not only has the insight to raise the tough questions, but has the courage to raise them.

Quite frankly, as my colleague from Arizona knows, most people would not even want to raise that question for fear that the political opposition would run around saying, “Charlie Smith is for heroin, and Charlie Smith is for such and such.” We need more of that kind of input into this question. I compliment my colleague. I do not ask him to accept the answer other than to acknowledge that it is the reason why we have chosen not to go that route.

Mr. GOLDWATER. I am quitting politics. So I can accept the Senator’s answer. He has satisfied me.

By spewing forth such absurd lies couched in the unvarnished superstition and strutting ignorance that “we” must be forced at gunpoint to send police to shoot kids over plant leaves, Biden revealed his true colors. Today, plain thermometer readings show no increase. Yet this doddering blowhard expects your sanction to be thrust back into the Dark Ages of answers that cannot be questioned.(link) If Big Brother, after listening to lobbyists, chooses to send men with guns out to shoot kids and confiscate bank accounts until the economy again crashes into a depression, it was a good time for Goldwater to retire.

This is your 12th chance to vote Libertarian or sanction coercion. Which will it be? 

Make your vote MATTER for a change!

She’s with Us!

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

The Looter Kleptocracy has evidently pressured media companies such as WordPress to make blogging as difficult as possible before the election. Twelve million libertarian votes would go a long way toward removing new impediments to blogging and restoring the usual formatting tools.

This is your 12th opportunity

What (not who) will you vote for?

 In 1840 your male vote for Northern Democrats said “rob me;” for Whigs said “raise import tariffs,” and for Southern Dems said “rape black women and beat the men to death.” Your vote said one or the other

In 1860 there were no more Federalists or Whigs, only high-tariff spenders on improvement and primitive rapists and bulliers of slaves.  Your male vote said either “protective tariff” or “secede from the monopolistic high-tariff Customs Union.”

In 1880 your male vote could say “arrest, tax and rob people over whiskey and beer” and “bully them for Jesus,” or “bring back White Supremacy,” or “tax and rob people for communism.” That was the third-party alternative. 

In 1900 your male vote could say “make war, raise tariffs and ban liquor and drugs,” or “White Supremacy but no sumptuary laws,” or “tax and rob people for communism.” All three alternatives required coercion.

In 1920 your vote could say “White Supremacy and sumptuary laws” or “sumptuary taxes, confiscation and imprisonment,” or “tax and rob people for communism.” All three alternatives required the initiation of force.

FINALLY in 1972 your vote could say “White Supremacy and sumptuary laws” or  “conscription, bombing, fascism and Comstockism,” or “replace the initiation of force with freedom and individual rights for women!” For the first time ever, spoiler clout leverage worked in favor of freedom and against coercion at gunpoint. The LP got under 4000 presidential votes then, and over 4.5 million in 2016. That’s an increase of a factor of 1100 over the course of 44 years in which the world population doubled.

Now that we still have such a clean cut alternative, in 2020 you may for the 12th time choose one of 3 alternatives on the ballot in every state: You may vote to “endorse Nixon fascism,” or “endorse Eurasian communism” or “increase freedom by reducing coercion!” Two of these choices are the same as asking to be whipped, paddled and humiliated. Only one tells politicians that you have enough dignity to recognize and enforce your own individual rights and the rights of others. 

This is your 12th chance to vote Libertarian or sanction coercion. Which will it be? 

Make your vote MATTER for a change!

She’s with Us!

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

The Looter Kleptocracy has evidently pressured media companies such as WordPress to make blogging as difficult as possible before the election. Twelve million libertarian votes would go a long way toward removing new impediments to blogging and restoring the usual formatting tools.

Jane Fonda, Scientist Impersonator

Hanoi Jane cannot let go of straws grasped in Soviet efforts to make energy illegal and disarm the USA into surrender to the nearest communist dictatorship. Every single professional liar and scientist impersonator I have tracked since 1977 has shifted from predicting nuclear winter, to non-communist reactor doomsday, to misanthropic global warmunism–without a single exception. 

But here you have a dizzy actress entirely incapable of differentiating a constant, fatuously reporting scientific credentials and capacity as fabricated as the hysteria she has fanned. Maybe in another 40 years we’ll see videos of Titanic Boy and the Bourne Impersonation actor claiming their place among scientists who never finished high school.

Thanks to Tony Heller at realclimatescience for making this available…

If you want to know what a real scientist looks like. look! (link)

Here is what a Libertarian candidate looks like.

She's with Us!

She’s with Us!

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

The WordPress interface is becoming unbearably bad.

Economic Power v Political

Remember in physics how force x distance is Work? And the rate at which the work is done is Power?

John Hospers, the first Libertarian Party candidate for President, then an organizer of the Libertarian Defense Caucus gave a definition of economic power in his book Libertarianism (link)

Economic power is simply the right under freedom to refuse to make an exchange.

Ayn Rand defined it thus: 

It is the power to produce and to trade what one has produced.

She went on to explain that: 

Political power is exercised by means of a negative, by the threat of punishment, injury, imprisonment, destruction. 

In a free society, economic power is like the generation of electricity. It therefore follows, as night follows day, that the generation of electric power draws the boiling wrath of all sensitive, concerned and aware totalitarians, who imagine it will exterminate mankind, cause Misanthropic Global Warming Climate Change Sharknados as predicted by 1961 Soviet propaganda.

To politicians and weapons designers, political power is the rate at which disobedient citizens or foreign aggressors (or both) can be transformed into cadavers. It is the line integral of harmful and deadly force over whatever distance is needed within a timeframe important to them.

So next time you cast a vote, look at the ballot and notice that of the three options you have, only Libertarian Party candidate Jo Jorgensen offers you the opportunity to vote AGAINST the initiation of deadly force required by the increase of political power. That same option enables you to vote FOR the increase in freedom that means the same thing as the reduction of coercive force. It also means an economy less threatened by prohibitionist asset-forfeiture crashes, collapses and Depressions.

Hockey stick for Libertarians!

Libertarian vote share after Bush asset-forfeiture crash

THIS is the either-or. The Republicans and Democrats BOTH want your sanction to beat the other looter so they can rob and coerce you with less interference. Only by voting Libertarian can you go on the historical record and figure in important statistical curve plots as being FOR the increase of freedom and AGAINST coercion.

This is the ethical decision, the choice between right and wrong, now placed before you. Germans made the wrong choice in 1933 by voting for a politician. The Japanese, Russians and Italians made similar mistakes in their choice of men while ignoring the laws of physics and ethical distinctions popular candidates urged them to ignore. 

Make your vote MATTER for a change!

She’s with Us!

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Altruistic Climate Arson

Open Borders Burn Baby Burn!

Read the original (link)

Would a self-sacrificing woke altruist toss a handful of burning straw into a forest to wake people up and Save The Planet? The job is easy… no annoying surveillance cameras to provide embarrassing evidence, and there are thousands of instances of similar arson going on right now within cities bristling with cameras. West Coast newspapers are now trying to avoid the subject and whine at how elected officials avoid being looted by the IRS.(link)

Use your Chinese computer to search for “forest arson” and screen after screen fills up with “climate arson nonsense,” “forest arson rumors,” and innuendo branding as loony anyone able to think for a minute that the people who deliberately set fire to stores to send a political message would ever dream of torching a single bough of one of Joyce Kilmer’s trees. (link)

The 1988 forest torchings torchings in Israel coincided with a sharp upswing in forest firebuggery in California, Oregon and Washington–States so loaded down with Asians that they insisted on a Chinese Exclusion Law back in 1882–renewed in 1893. The communist system in Europe was collapsing in 1988, with people fleeing by hundreds of thousands to escape totalitarian altruism. It’s a rare communist anarchist zealot who would pass up the chance to make Fearless Leader look good by amplifying terror of Misanthropic Climate Warmunism. But China itself has its own mysterious forest fires blazing, suggesting that two can play.  “Open Borders” rhetoric inviting uninspected entry is one of the chinks in Uncle Sam’s territorial jurisdiction that invite invasion by foreign commandos and facilitate arson by miscreants within.(link

But that’s crazy talk. “Sane” talk is Assistant Drug Czar Joe Biden bawling that Boss Trump is engaging in “climate arson.” Libertarian voters are witnessing the failure of a Kleptocracy so enraged by it’s own Janus-faced other half that it will deliberately burn cities and forests and shoot people in the back in a bid for more political power with which to wield added harmful and deadly coercive force. Voting Libertarian is voting against aggression. (link)

She’s with Us!

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Chinese Communivirus weapon


Watch the latest video at


The communivirus release walks and quacks like a biological weapons attack on the relatively free world. As the State of Missouri sues the Chinese Communist party(link), a real Chinese scientist has finally stepped up to the plate and is revealing what she knows about the deliberate tailoring and release of this modified virus weapon. The same sort of corporate cowardice that abetted the crippling of the U.S. nuclear energy industry now seeks to shut her up. THIS is one of the protesters the Libertarian Party should be supporting–not Jim Jones socialist racial collectivism.(link

I fully expect–and will bet money–that EVERY climate “science” impersonator, including Jane Fonda (link)–will absolutely deny the virologist’s report and call the lady a liar while struggling to keep a straight face. Since 1977 I have followed the documendacities and lies spread by scientist impersonators denying that nuclear electricity plants produce more Gigawatt-hours of electrical current per injury, death or disability than ANY other electrical energy production method.(link) This means that every time superstitious fears are invoked to block a reactor, that act creates a health hazard by forcing folks to use some more hazardous plant or freeze in the dark.(link) Many people are injured by this dishonest maneuvering, whereas life expectancy is increased whenever nuclear engineers are free to do their work unmolested.  

Communist coercion loose in the banking system

FATF President 2020

Keep in mind that the Financial Action Task Force–a predatory mechanism designed to cripple economic development–is now completely under the control of the Communist Party of China. The crash in February occurred during that body’s Paris meeting. 

Nothing to see here folks...

FATF meets in Paris, economic collapse

 After witnessing 43 years of plausible deniability in sabotage by agents of the looter persuasion, this virologist’s revelation comes not as a surprise, but as a long-awaited act of courage by someone with the technical competence and courage to expose treachery. Jo Nova is also reporting on this new information. (link) and (link)

May Dr. Li-Meng Yan and Libertarian Candidate Jo Jorgensen live long and prosper. 

She's with Us!

She’s with Us!

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog



Repeal Victimless Usurpations


If either Kleptocracy party wants to “win,” its platform should include repeal, decriminalize and expunge. Tarl tells it like it is, but leaves out the relative law-changing clout of Libertarian spoiler versus Kleptocracy bootlicking votes.(link)

Remember Jerome Tuccille? He was a Libertarian candidate back about 1976, and wrote “It Usually Begins with Ayn Rand,” which I recommend.(link) He also wrote a Trump bio I haven’t read. But the important thing was the lesson he learned as a candidate. Every vote cost $6 in campaign spending at that time. Converting to current dollars, all else held constant, today’s votes would cost $36 apiece in 2020 dollars. 

It's a hard rain...

Spoiler vote replacement effect

So if I were to waste a vote on the Dem or GOP platform promises, that 0.00000007% of the vote total would accrue to the benefit of one or the other looter party as $36 worth. But the Libertarian party vote growth rate in 2016 was increasing at a slope of 1.2, which is an angle of 50 degrees, accelerating rapidly. This rapid growth imparts extra law-changing heft to each libertarian vote–heft that does not require that our candidates be sworn in

But Libertarian candidates did win 73 races last year, a palpable drain of money away from Kleptocracy coffers and an enormous decrease in their effective social pressure.(link) Their party mathematicians are painfully aware of these facts–especially the fact that when the vote share is larger than the difference between their “winner” and “loser,” the probability projections for their loot, pelf and boodle go out the window. Libertarian spoiler votes pack roughly 20x the law-changing clout of bootlicking Kleptocracy votes. So on average, LP spoiler votes are worth $720 apiece. If you instead vote Kleptocracy you are throwing away $684 worth of vote clout!


Nixon almost lost when girl-bullying racial collectivists handed George Wallace the electoral votes for four Dixiecrat States. Wallace, like JFK, was quickly riddled with bullets, which was the equivalent of a Chappaquiddick incident for nomination purposes.(link) The GOP absorbed the Klan and broke up the Solid South. On their third confrontation with the Libertarian Party–whose 1972 plank was rewritten as the Roe v Wade decision, Dems in 1980 plunked for subsidized birth control (link) rather than the Libertarian solution of deregulating the medical cartel. Their open borders preference for flowers and granola to repel Soviet nuclear attacks did them in.

NOW the Dems and God’s Own Prohibitionists(link) are realizing how spoiler votes change election outcomes, and whining lest your vote benefit YOUR FREEDOM rather than some looter politician’s hand in your pocket! Ain’t that something? Listen to what the looter parties say about each other and remember all that on election day!

Withholding sex?

Racial collectivism AND shooting your kids?

No thanks. We’re with Jo Jorgensen, why? 

She's with Us!

She’s with Us!

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog



Republican Election Fraud 1864


Articles on same page of Hartford Weekly Times 19NOV1864 (link)

America was at war over the same tariff policies that brought her to the brink during the Nullification Crisis. The Morrill tariff enacted after Lincoln’s election was no less abominable and prompted Texas militias to seize federal armories. This second Tariff of Abominations was signed by President Buchanan on March 2, 1861, two days before Lincoln’s Inauguration. Did none of your “educators” mention this detail?

A similar bomb was planted on Herbert Hoover 58 years later. The “Increased Penalties Act” of 1929 demanded five years in prison and a fine equivalent to 14 pounds of gold for Beelzebub’s Beer and The Demon Rum. Its enforcement using the new Manifesto capitation tax wrecked the stock markets and fractional-reserve banking system and put an end to Republican Administrations for 20 years. (see book below)

But politics continued and Civil War Democrats split into Peace Democrats, who wanted to sue for peace, and War Democrats, who believed in fighting it out to enforce “the” laws, but not for the object of abolishing slavery. This faction also voted for McClellan. Both DEM factions supported McClellan, but “the” laws meant the Fugitive Slave law to one faction and the protective tariff to the other. Here is another snapshot of that election: 


Same page as above, along with other letters…

There were two types of oaths, one was administered to voters. The other was the pauper’s oath–a formal declaration by a person that he is destitute and incapable of self-support. This was required in certain states to be eligible for public relief. Such an oath normally operated to deprive someone of the vote.

Today’s government school system harps on slavery, yet primly elides mention of the antebellum sexual abuse to which the women were subjected. Harriet Beecher Stowe dared bring this up–instead of mentioning the protective tariff. Similar strategy prevents today’s Kleptocracy historians from mentioning the causal connections between Prohibition and The Crash, but inducing ignorance in no way changes the facts. Orwell warned that lying about such things eventually backfires when the truth leaks out.(link)

Then, as now, both entrenched parties were soft machines in a kleptocracy dedicated to the initiation of force, rather than the defense of individual rights. Campaigns, as now, featured all the dignity and seemliness of two looters fighting over a bottle of gin snatched from a smashed liquor store window. A hand in the till and another confiscating your assets over plant leaves are high priorities to both doting factions. Both legacy looter parties want to continue “penetrating” weaker neighbors urging shoot-first repression of recreational plant leaf derivative markets. Nevermind that exporting prohibitionist policies PREVENTS those countries from developing functional economies. 

The other priority shared by both entrenched parties is meddlesome invasion and bombing of distant primitive villages in some sort of religious war designed to bring terrorist retaliation. The only leveraged way to clearly say NO to all these dishonest and murderous policies is to vote for libertarian candidates in November–especially State and County LP candidates. 

But let’s be fair. Listen to what our adversaries say about each other before you choose LIBertarian on the ballot. 

She's with Us!

She’s With Us!

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Libertarian Party 20 years ago

We're still here, growing at 80% a year!

See the original newspaper (link)

The Southeast Missourian, July 3, 2000, page 5 of 56 = page 8A
Libertarians Nominate Browne for Second Run (AP) ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA – More than 1000 libertarians gathered at the party’s national convention on Sunday nominated Harry Browne, their 1996 candidate for president, to run again in 2000.
The 67-year-old investment banker from Nashville Tennessee acknowledged he has little chance of winning the presidency. He said he hoped his campaign would reinvigorate what was formerly the nation’s top third-party.

“We’re the only political party that’s offering to set you free,” Browne said. “It’s the most powerful political message in the world.”

Officials with the Libertarian party claims some 30,000 dues-paying members. It also identifies itself as the biggest third-party movement in the United States.
However, the party has lacked the star power of the Reform Party and the Green Party in recent years.
Browne finished fifth in 1996, behind Reform Party candidate Ross Perot, and Green Party candidate Ralph Nader, garnering less than 1% of the national vote.
He has proposed a program that would eliminate income taxes, Social Security, the war on drugs and federal welfare.
Competing against Browne were: Don Gorman of Deerfield New Hampshire, a former four-term New Hampshire state legislator; Barry Hess, a salesman from Phoenix Arizona; David Hollist, a charter bus driver from Alta Loma, California; and Jacob Hornberger, president of the future of freedom foundation, a think tank in Fairfax, Virginia. 

She's with Us! Libertarian candidate 2020

She’s With Us!

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog