Spoiler Votes: Evolution in action

Spoiler vote evolution for change

Spoiler vote evolution in action: prohibitionists, socialists, averaging 2% of the vote. Votes above the horizontal line covered the gap between parties gaining and losing a hand in the till. Tall bars that did not cover the gap still exert great pressure for change on entrenched parties.


Libertarian votes are replacing Kleptocracy votes like CDs replaced vinyl LPs

Evolution is a process whereby DNA-based living things adapt themselves to reality in order to survive. Failure to deal with the facts of reality results in increased attrition, that is, death rate. Political systems evolve similarly. A century ago dead monarchies were washing ashore, replaced by democracies or dictatorships relying on a modified form of brainwashing and coercion. The Federalist Party went extinct, its niche occupied by the Whig, then by red Republican partisans. None of this happened overnight, but the 1st World War sped up the process. The 2nd raised the potential cost of aggression to levels that voters realize they cannot afford. The initiation of force now entails risk of retaliation with nuclear and biological weapons.

The logistical replacement curve above shows that voters are increasingly aware of this risk and acting to reduce it. Looter parties are also aware of this shift, and increasingly meddle with elections through subsidies, voter suppression, gerrymandering, intimidation, propaganda, character and actual assassination, trumped-up charges, infiltrators, agents provocateur, tarbrushing, sabotage, arson and violence–and not just in the United States. 

Comunists abolish elections

Russian voters increasingly shun the Communist Party, so Putin seeks appointment as Dictator For Life instead of more elections. Trends matter!

Since our own War Between the States, small looter parties fattened on Marx, Bellamy, Howells, London and less literate but still active communist anarchists. The constitution was mutated by artificial selection favoring the initiation of force, resulting in the Income Tax, Prohibition and direct Senate election amendments.

From 1868 to 1968 there was not a single party dedicated to the increase of freedom. All of them sought to maximize coercion–especially the seizure of other people’s goods. Young men had to choose between exile, prison or meddling as foreign murderers. Plant leaves were good for a prison term and forfeiture of assets. American women were conscripted in a eugenic War Against “Race Suicide”–the sort of law even Catholic Ireland has since repealed.

When Irish sights are open

Irishwoman before Libertarianism

All that changed when the Libertarian Party platform earned a ten thousandth of half the vote, and with one electoral vote assisted the Supreme Court in the defense of the individual rights of women. For the past 48 years voters have increasingly realized they can vote for individual rights for women without endorsing communism. Voters can reject entangling alliances and transfer payments from producers to non-producers without endorsing fascism. It is now possible to vote for economic freedom without attacking individual rights, and vice-versa.

We got 4 million presidential votes in 2016, up 328%, plus a similar number of votes in down-ballot State and county elections won by several of our candidates. A clout-wielding, law-changing Libertarian spoiler vote is never wasted. A vote for the Kleptocracy is a ballot wasted as 0.00000007% of the votes endorsing increased coercion, violence, war, debt, imprisonment, shooting of youth over plant leaves, torture of Americans abroad, and menacing of doctors who offer birth control. Your libertarian vote packs about 20 times the law-changing clout, and changes the laws to favor freedom, not add coercion.(link)

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog


Prohibition and spoiler votes

1922-3 no deposits till after nullification of dry laws

US v Sullivan, 1927, income tax looting causes slow, steady withdrawals

Prohibition–the constitutional product of the shotgun wedding of fanatical mysticism, socialist controls and eugenics theories–became reality and a nightmare all at once on the night of January 16th, 1920. Socialist candidate Eugene Debs got nearly a million votes in the showdown between the Dems (who got us into WW1) and God’s Own Prohibitionists (who insisted we stay in the War on Beer). Why? Because in 1916 Debs had said “There is too much prohibition.” 

German stocks crash as heroin export income taxable

Germany exported heroin and had U.S. plants in the 1920s

When the economy collapsed after 6 months of wartime prohibition plus 1 month of Constitutional prohibition, membership in communist organizations promptly doubled. But the Kleptocracy ignored reality in 1920-1923. Prosecutor Willebrandt didn’t, and got the Supreme Court to squelch the 4th and 5th Amendments and declare evidence from tax returns admissible for prohibition and evasion liability in mid-May of 1927. German stocks immediately went sour. Neither entrenched party published a repeal or modification plank, and in 1928, Dry Hope Hoover beat Whiskey Al Smith 5 to 1. The small looter parties were obviously no help to freedom–their platforms called for coercion. 

The Increased Penalties Act foisted onto Hoover destroyed the economy when ex-prosecutor Willebrandt (yes, the same lady) explained in over 20 nationally syndicated papers how income tax asset forfeiture would be used to enforce Prohibition laws. Federal Reserve bank balances also began dropping as soon as Willebrandt got the Supreme Court to scrap the Bill of Rights and use the income tax–copied from Karl’s Manifesto of 1848–to enforce prohibition. 

No surprise here. The addition of that same communist manifesto plank to a tariff bill in 1894–in violation of the Constitutional prohibition of capitation taxes–so completely destroyed the economy that the Supreme Court had to strike it down the following year in order to have banks at which to cash their own paychecks. When was the last time you saw or hear tell of this partially concealed newspaper story?

1 in 1000 blurred illegible

Druggan, Lake Indicted by U.S. as Tax Dodgers 14MAR1928–Markets panic

Moreover, the income-tax-as-bludgeon decision in US v Sullivan immediately coincided with a German bourse crash, while French stock exchanges also began falling for years to come. Markets went haywire when Druggan and Lake were grabbed by Internal Revenuers mid-March, 1928. The Liberal Party formed in 1930, drew up a wet plank which the Dems accepted with tears of gratitude, then won five consecutive elections while battling the National Socialist government Hoover’s 1931 Moratorium foisted onto Germany.

The outcome of that election was FDR beat Dry Hope Hoover 11 to 1, but the collapsing economy–officially unexplained–had opened the floodgates increasing communist party growth in These United States by a factor of ten by the time Ayn Rand formulated the Non-Aggression Agreement. 

Only by keeping the American people confused about Prohibition and The Crash have the subsidized media managed to keep voters mesmerized by subsidized Republicans who deny being fascist and subsidized Democrats who deny being communist. Then again, that’s what the Nixon law of 1971 pays them to do. Understanding how these looters wreck your retirement savings, then voting Libertarian to let them know the jig is up; that’s the road to recovery. Doing the right thing–using your leveraged LP spoiler vote to change bad laws–is winning. It’s your decision. 

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog


Infiltrator Camouflage

parasite mimesis

Passionfruit caterpillars mimic tendrils to escape detection while ruining crop

Pests, predators, parasites and infiltrators are as quick as their hosts and prey to adapt appearance to purposes. The butterfly caterpillars in the photo are adapted to prey on passionfruit, and their dimensions and coloration mimic passion fruit tendrils. This works among humans as well. Spies, undercover agents, con artists, snipers and even journalists resort to cross-dressing and disguises to facilitate their purposes. 

Communism with training wheels

Fabian Society Socialism

Laws against trade and production engender black markets. When the Libertarian Party was first being established, prohibition agents had for years been cross-dressing as acidheads to infiltrate the hippie community for confiscation, arrests and asset forfeiture seizures. These seizures have since 1920 caused liquidity crises, fractional-reserve banking panics, recessions and depressions. Burglars and bank robbers wear masks for the exact same purposes, but with differing voter approval. What better camouflage for men attracted to young boys than a priest’s robe? And how for over a century have fascist and anarcho-communist fifth columnists infiltrated political parties to alter their platforms and influence choice of candidates? Subtly. This is ordinary newspaper material, no exotic imaginings.(link

Smuggling Communist Manifesto plank 2 into the 16th Amendment of the Constitution was accomplished through camouflage and misdirection. Instead of a communist party openly declaring its intent, post-Reconstruction Granger movements were infiltrated and exploited by a soi-disant Greenback Party whose 1880 platform demanded the exact same income tax as the communists, and won. They did not get their candidate elected. That was never their goal. With less than 3% of the vote on average they got the enslaving tentacle of collectivist coercion wrapped around the Constitution to protect the illegal capitation tax from the Supreme Court meddling that repealed such a tax during the Depression of 1895. By their lights, THAT was winning.(link)

The Libertarian Party is the only ideological enemy of totalitarian collectivist imperialism. Communist dictators control trillions of dollars, and repressive, mixed-economy autocracies (including our own Kleptocracy-dominated government) control additional trillions. Americans are but 5% of the world population; the other 95% favor even more coercion than our own entrenched looter parties. Only 55% of voting age Americans bother to vote, and The Kleptocracy has for years been losing adherents.

Foreign autocracies and native bureaucracies can afford to back whack-job activists unable to infiltrate competent looter parties, and to groom their own infiltrators, make selective donations, talk their way onto the platform committee or inveigle us into backing dead-end candidates. And they would be fools not to, for it is the cheapest method of obstruction out there.

We should certainly expect no less. The federal government doesn’t. Federal employees piss into sample cups and have their hair clipped over plant leaves. Federal employees too libertarian to submit to such indignities were fired back in 1987. Notices to that effect coincided with a major stock market crash as Biden and Reagan-Bush pushed mandatory minimums and asset forfeiture laws through Congress, amid grandstanding demands for death sentence execution of prohibition violators. The Kleptocracy uses security clearances for all sorts of reasons.  

More: Prohibition and The Crash is live on Amazon Kindle for the cost of a chilly pint of craft beer.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

simultaneous interpreting

American racial collectivism

Das Boothead, killing by sabotaging freedom

Did Your State delegates vote for Das Boothead or Zippy Anarcho-Pinhead instead of a Libertarian?

Seen from the outside, American racial collectivism is clearly the only kind of conflict the viewers have been conditioned to perceive: religious national socialists beating the stool out of international socialists, and vice-versa, as in 1933 Germany.(link) South Americans are programmed to be unable to form the concept of libertarianism. The libertarian-objectivist square in the Latin America version of a Nolan chart is typically completely blank or populated by communist anarchists loudly claiming to be soi-disant “capitalists” (which is a Marxist term). Orwell described the purpose of totalitarian language. 

The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of Ingsoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible. It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought — that is, a thought diverging from the principles of Ingsoc — should be literally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words. Its vocabulary was so constructed as to give exact and often very subtle expression to every meaning that a Party member could properly wish to express, while excluding all other meanings and also the possibility of arriving at them by indirect methods.

To anarchists, non-aggression means legalized murder and the sort of institutionalized brigandage through which England’s East India Company turned India into an opium farm for export to Burma and China, since renamed Myanmar and Red China.(link) Their smearing of libertarian positions and platforms preserve the looter kleptocracy in its efforts to increase coercion by initiation of deadly force. This is the second way anarchism kills. By stopping us from getting the spoiler votes needed to make the initiation of force a political liability, anarchist infiltrators aid and abet the initiation of harmful, coercive and deadly force.   

Communist anarchism infiltrates and destroys

Coming soon to an insane asylum near you

A lot of conservative and communist effort (all of it altruist) has gone into convincing the illiterati that legalizing murder and institutionalizing war are libertarian positions–just not contained in the 1972 platform. This was so intense and started so early that even Ayn Rand fell for it.(link) Unfortunately for violent anarchists and their dupes, another concept, menacing, has just as objective a definition as government.(link) What we are witnessing is an organized effort by infiltrators to sabotage Jo Jorgensen’s candidacy for President. Downtown Seattle is today paraded as a model of what legacy media and entrenched parties want you to believe is the outcome of voting libertarian. Are the delegates that denied Jo her preferred running mate proud of this outcome?


Infiltrating to reduce our law-changing spoiler vote count, saboteur! (link)

–over time I went from being a neocon, to just regular conservative, to constitutionalist, to minarchist, to eventually down to a, a, a, “libertarian.” –Zippy Spikehead (link)

The spoiler votes we lose through this interference by outsiders are leveraged law-changing spoiler votes that could save someone from being murdered by redneck cops, or condemned to decades in prison over plant leaf products, of have their car, savings and home nationalized by eugenic prohibitionists.

Help Libertariantranslator compile a list of all the States whose delegates voted to albatross Jo’s historic campaign with this poster child for Antifa anarchism. Send an email, confidentiality assured. 

Read pro-American compulsory racial-eugenics appeals touting prohibition and collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

simultaneous interpreting, legal and financial



LP candidate meets the press-gang

Like nearly all actual libertarians I was thrilled to see Jo Jorgensen beat Das Boothead, Angry Shellshocked Vet, Hanging Judge Dred and other uninspiring contestants. And it is a pity that a goofy voting system kept her from having Jacob Hornberger as the competent Vice-Presidential candidate she and I preferred.(link) But her first “friendly” LPTV interview could have gone better. 

Jo agreeing with prohibitionist characterizations? (link)

So now what we have is a community of poor people, because the government put them all in one place, where they can’t help each other, and guess what’s the only way you can drive a Mercedes? The only way you can drive a Mercedes is if you sell drugs. So now, what the government has created is an enclosed community, without fathers, and the only role model is the drug dealer, who’s got the, the great jewelry and the Mercedes. And now we’ve got a criminal as the role model. It is just tragedy what the government has done to motivation and incentive.

So… prohibition scofflaws are bad people who buy fossil-guzzlers from The Accursed Hun? Contrast THAT with what HL Mencken said about “drug” dealers back when light beer was a hard time felony

What is needed, obviously, is a new hero for the infantry of the land, for if one is not quickly supplied there is some danger that the boys will begin admiring Y.M.C.A. secretaries, crooked members of the Cabinet and lecturers on sex hygiene. In this emergency I nominate the bootlegger not, of course, the abject scoundrel who peddles bogus Scotch in clubs and office buildings, but the dashing, romantic, defiant fellow who brings the stuff up from Bimini. He is the true heir, not only of the old-time Indian fighters and train-robbers, but also of the tough and barnacled deep-water sailors, now no more. He faces the perils of the high seas in a puny shallop, and navigates the worst coast in the world in contempt of the wind and storm. Think of him lying out there on wild nights in winter, with the waves piling mountain-high and the gale standing his crazy little craft on her beam! Think of him creeping in in his motorboat on Christmas Eve, risking his life that the greatest of Christian festivals may be celebrated in a Christian and respectable manner! …

This brave lad is not only the heir of Jesse James and Ned Buntline; he is also the heir of John Hancock and all of the other heroes who throttled the accursed Hun in 1776. All the most gallant among them were smugglers, and in their fragile craft they brought in not only rum but also liberty. The Revolution was not only against the person of the Potsdam tyrant, George III; it was also, and especially, against harsh and intolerable laws the worst of them the abhorrent Stamp Act. But was the Stamp Act worse than Prohibition? I leave it to any fair man. Prohibition, in fact, is a hundred times as foul, false, oppressive and tyrannical. (link)

Quick to learn, however, our candidate gave a much better account of herself before the Public Brainwashing System interrogator over at Nationalsocialist Public Radio: 

SIMON: I’ve got to ask you about your running mate. His name is Spike Cohen. He calls himself an anarchist. He says he’s running to troll the system. He has a platform that promises, as I understand it, free ponies and a Waffle House on every corner.

JORGENSEN: I believe you are reciting the presidential platform of one of my competitors who lost, and Spike is now on my team. And so no, that’s not our platform.

SIMON: Well, it’s not your platform. You mean – are you saying Spike Cohen never said that?

JORGENSEN: What I’m saying is now that Spike Cohen has joined my team, we’ve got a combined platform that is mine. (link)

Already Jo is deftly coping with the humiliation of having a communist anarchist impostor thrust on her campaign by machinations of the Anschluss Caucus.(link) Good work! 

Monteiro Lobato wrote a pro-American book bristling with eugenics and endorsements of Prohibition in 1926. Here is the science fiction story of the U.S. presidential election of the year 2228, translated into English by J Henry Phillips. (link)

For more on how Republican prohibitionism crushed the U.S. economy and brought on the Great Depression, why not download Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929? The book is live on Amazon Kindle and you can read it on a cellphone for the cost of a craft pint at a pub.

cause and effect

Brazilian blog (link)


Hormesis and Freedom

Chusch of Communism

Anarchist communism is an altruist religion

Communist anarchists hyphenated and rebranded as soi-disant “anarcho-libertarians” or Ancapistanis confuse taking a limit (useful math) with dividing by zero (mathematical fallacy). This is what happens when you abandon definitions.(link) Libertarians have since 1971 sought to reduce government functions to the protection of individual rights through objectively-defined laws against theft fraud and violence.(link) Even in 1776, before communist anarchism was invented, Thomas Jefferson pointed out the obvious

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. 

That sort of democratic laissez-faire is precisely what anarchists do NOT want. Anarchists loudly insist that ALL government is an evil poison, and that no tiny amount of it is safe. In this, as usual, they are joined by eugenicists, nationalsocialists and prohibitionists–all of them division-by-zero fanatics who reject the virtue of voluntary temperance.(link)

Buzzing is healthy

Moderate doses of radiation, alcohol, hashish, mescalin, LSD, INCREASE life expectancy, to the horror of eugenicist prohibitionists

Back when communist anarchism was popular among the clueless, prohibitionism was also on the march.(link) The two factions collaborated to increase coercion via the 16th, 17th and 18th Amendments–with almost no spoiler votes and hardly anyone elected.(link) Just as anarchists want no laws against murder, prohibitionists (like their communist pals) want murderous laws against trade and production, especially of things like freedom, beer and plant leaves. 

Radiation and drugs are healthy

Hormesis curve looks like Laffer Curve

Republicans finally endorsed prohibitionism in their 1928 platform and lost the next five elections. 

The people through the method provided by the Constitution have written the Eighteenth Amendment into the Constitution. The Republican Party pledges itself and its nominees to the observance and vigorous enforcement of this provision of the Constitution.

Real life had another surprise in store for prohibitionists, who say ALL enjoyable drugs are poison, and ANY poison kills and therefore ALL must be banned for your safety by men brandishing loaded service pistols. Prohibition made it a felony for drinking water to contain over half a percent of alcohol. That’s 0.6 fluid ounces per gallon. Understand that drinking two gallons of pure water–without the shotglass of Everclear–means a 50% chance of death from shock. We know this because people died in water drinking contests during Prohibition, their electrolytes that severely imbalanced.(link)

A handful of hemp seeds was a prison time felony in 1969. German National Socialists wanted to exterminate ALL people suspected of selfishness when Herbert Hoover helped them to power.(link) All of these wrong positions arose from the pseudoscience of Eugenics.(link

Even assuming there were something bad about laissez-faire government, as nations move toward it (that is, away from communo-fascist socialism), life expectancy increases along with per-capita Gross National Product. So as is the case for beer, magic mushrooms, hemp, LSD, and any number of maligned items, the initial effect at least is beneficial

Hormesis curves are a lot like the Laffer curve. To Kleptocracy looters, cutting taxes is arterial bleeding. But whenever the Coolidge Administration lowered taxes back closer to 8% of GNP, government revenue increased.(link) To Reefer Madness fanatics, one light beer is Demonic Possession, but medical statistics indicate two shots of single-malt are a fortifying tonic.(link)

This stamp is the East German Communist ANTIFA anniversary celebration of the “protective” Berlin Wall, five years before the collapse of Euro-Communism. I have interacted with hundreds of communists over the years, and all are rabidly opposed to anything that makes human life longer or less miserable. Electric power, individual rights–the things without which life worth living is impossible–these they oppose just as religious bigots oppose beer, plant leaves, contraception and deterrents to aggression. Aggression is the one thing that communist anarchists and mystical caudillos together seek to maximize. Aggression is what libertarian voters seek to minimize so that freedom is increased.

Caudillo de Dios

God’s Own Dictator

Read pro-American compulsory racial-eugenics appeals touting prohibition and collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Words you can dance to

Clarity isn’t oversimplification

Libertarian candidate and Zippy Pinhead


On May 28 educated Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen spoke on Libertarian TV. Here is something her unwanted running mate said: (link)

I actually uh started my uh belief my political belief as somewhat of a neocon. Uh my parents were more kind of libertarian leaning Republicans, but I uh after 9/11 I bought into the whole neocon lie that we had to spread democracy to keep us safe from the terrorists who hated us for our freedoms and so forth and over time, seeing the reality of what happened during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, it really made me re-examine what I believed, uh and over time I went from being a neocon, to more of a just regular conservative, to a constitutionalist, to a minarchist, to eventually down to a, a, a, libertarian.

[Translation: people who want a democratically elected government to defend their individual rights against aggression through objectively-defined laws against theft, fraud and violence are NOT libertarians but rather, “minarchists,” whereas anarchist communists who want to do away with our government, do away with all laws against murder, rape and violence, and inhabit no-man’s-land between trenches of opposing armies are the real libertarians.] 

Baby Cuckoo Fratricide

Brood Parasite Infiltrators Kill the Hosts that Feed Them

You couldn’t ask for a clearer example of parasitical mimicry or of the fallacy of equivocation. Cuckoos and cowbirds are brood parasites.(link) They lay their eggs in other birds’ nests. Then those hatch, the baby impostor parasite pushes the real baby birds and eggs out of the nest.

This is what communist anarchists are doing to the Libertarian Party. This is what Ayn Rand grasped almost immediately.(link) Exponents of conservative fascism (whom Ayn appreciated as at least opposed to communism) began slipping “anarchist” into their op-ed pieces casually mentioning the LP.(link) The rest is what we saw at the convention and still can see in post-1972 platform planks–and are seeing as mass looting and amok rampagers.

Wavy Gravy 2.0

Das Boothead, Trojan Pony

Forty-eight years have passed in which the LP was infiltrated by communist anarchists, child-molester advocates, anti-choice mystics, failed republicans, and now Wavy-Gravy Dada-ists, angry shellshocked vets and the bewildered. We finally got Gary Johnson (Of NM, not TX) to stop pushing to bully pregnant women. Sure enough, his vote share went UP by 328% just like that, putting us on a replacement logistics curve that increased 80% per year headed toward half of the vote in the variable future.(link)


Libertarian vote share hockey stick on logistics curve

Naturally, the Kleptocracy dirtied its drawers. Uninspected entry anarchism was quickly injected into the platform in 2018, alienating even liberal-minded lay conservatives but thrilling non-voters. This was momentarily reversed, but 2020 platform hacks again invite terrorists, infected herds and communist paupers to invade America with no visa or inspection (plank 1.9).

Even the child-molester language of the late 1980s has been resuscitated as “gender autonomy” vote-repellent.(link) In order to attract more Autozone looters and communist anarchist infiltrators, platform proposals now include abolition of copyrights (plank 2.14), death sentence by lynch mobs, not government (plank 1.8 or 1.10), and to make sure THAT message sinks in, the platform draft spits Jefferson squarely in the eye: 

The only proper purpose of government, should it exist, is the protection of individual rights. 

Traitors now entrenched in the LNC had some trouble slipping that fraud past delegates not entranced with the idea of free ponies. The platform now resembles something defecated upon by professional anarchists. Should anyone wish to send a warning shot across their bow, I have here a modest suggestion: NOT A PENNY! 

Your donations to the LNC feed looter anarchist infiltrators!

Find a state or county whose delegates voted against Vermin Das Boothead and Zippy Spike Pinhead and send THEM donations instead. With fewer honest donors as camouflage, it might be easier to identify who is corrupting the National Libertarian Party and putting Jo’s campaign at risk. ***

Read pro-American compulsory racial-eugenics appeals touting prohibition and collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog


Comparison Voting

Zippy Pinhead for Vice President

Today Dems and fake Libertarian Delegates favor communist anarchism

Remember comparison shopping? You look at different product features and compare before choosing? Here is a table for voters:














Bombings abroad




Capitation tax




Race Collectivism




Asset Forfeiture












Ballot access












Free markets




If you are shocked to see the Kleptocracy’s own media feigning surprise at the initiation of force, aggression and violence sweeping the nation, ask yourself if the aggression you see is not what you voted for. ***

Read pro-American compulsory racial-eugenics appeals touting prohibition and collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog