Voter Suppression, 1931

Voter Suppression under Prohibition

Read the original stories (link) (link)

Beer was a felony, and Herbert Hoover was sworn to use federal agents to enforce the Women’s Christian Temperance Union’s war on getting high. The Methodist Board of Temperance, Prohibition and Public Morals declared all police shootings justified, with total immunity for the dry killers. The Liberal Party was formed by Pittsburgh Pennsylvania businessmen to run Thomas W. Phillips for governor on a platform to repeal prohibition. Socialist candidates avoided discussing prohibition, calling it a “red herring.” See Socialist Head Hails Cleanup.(link)

The idea was to eliminate a wishy-washy “moist” Republican named Francis Shunk Brown, and nominate Gifford Pinchot–a fanatical dry who even censored beer and hip flask scenes from movies at local theaters. Stage two of the plan was to defeat the hated Pinchot in an up-or-down vote on Prohibition.(link) The second stage called for throwing Liberal Party support to defeat dry bigot Pinchot and elect the proudly wet Democrat John Hemphill. This is the classic third-party chessboard maneuvering the looter kleptocracy fears most.(link)

Phillips’ candidacy eliminated the spineless Brown. There followed a race in which Republican Gifford Pinchot beat Democrat Hemphill by 5% thanks to a last minute patronage agreement with the Pittsburgh soft machine. This maneuver mooted the 366,572 votes, or 15% of the total, cast by Phillips’ Liberal supporters for Hemphill, the only Democrat the Liberal Party endorsed. The same paper elided mention of Phillips, and misnamed the Liberal Party the Liberay Party after the election.(link)

Kleptocracy looters lose 1931

Third party spoiler votes change everything!

That edition also mentioned the “almost forgotten Prohibition party” at the bottom of page 2.(link) One year later Herbert Hoover would be tossed out of office after every bank in the nation closed its doors, with the Dems winning the first of five consecutive elections. The Party of Principle seen its chances and took them to rid the nation of the primary cause of the Great Depression. The other causes, plant leaf prohibition and the individual income tax, are only now nearing repeal thanks to the Libertarian Party’s spoiler vote clout. 

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Anarchists in the news

Republican Party news channel is lambasting an anarchist conspiracy to imperil the lives of jackbooted minions First Responders™ who are simply following orders. The orders sclerotic Kleptocracy parties give to officers is to rush out there with service pistols to initiate the use of force against the peaceful. Unlike Libertarian candidates, they justify this by horrible scenarios of what they imagine would happen without force-initiating laws creating victimless “crimes.”

Those same arguments brought the Prohibition Amendment, and not one of its proponents prophesied the 1929 Crash and Great Depression.(link) They blame THAT on too much freedom as well. Now, when Kleptocracy minions learn about the Second Law of Retaliation, guess who Faux News, MSNBC, CNN and CPUSA will blame? 

Only Violent Communists are Real Libertarians™

Pinhead: “Only First-Responder™ endangering Anarchists are Libertarians!” (link)

For the past couple of hundred years anarchist has meant violent communist.(link) But as soon as the Libertarian party platform stopped race-suicide Dixiecrats from threatening doctors and pregnant women, in 1973, communist infiltrators occupied the Libertarian Party and began jumping in front of cameras and proclaiming that only murder-legalizing anarchists are Real Libertarians™.(link)

Uninspected entry, no passports or visas

Importation of undesirables, terrorists, public charges, infected herds–Party Platform contamination!

Democrats and Republicans were quick to agree with this guilt-by-association method of tarbrushing an honest competitor.(link) In 1975, Republican opinionist James Kilpatrick was smearing Libertarians as communist anarchists. Nowadays communist infiltrators posing as candidates, delegates and even directors are rewriting the party platform to redefine all libertarians as bomb-throwing anarchists. With friends like these…

Das Boothead libertarian Impersonator

Who needs enemies?(link)

So fifth-column non-libertarians (the Mises Caucus) failed to nominate mental institution candidate Das Boothead for president, but nevertheless foisted his MS male companion and communist anarchist “Spike” onto Jo Jorgensen’s campaign in a blatant act of sabotage.(link)  Now the chickens are coming home to roost and Republicans are greeting this imitation game with whoops of joy.

With little effort, Ted Cruz may declare the Libertarian Party the real terrorist organization, arrest our candidates and apologize to Antifa rioters and arsonists for having mistaken them for “Libertarian anarchists.”(link) With our 2016 platform a pro-choice candidate tripled our vote share.(link) Remember that when the communist anarchist takeover and terrorists-without-borders plank plunges the LP back down to the half-percent vote share typical of antichoice candidates running on a pederasty platform.


LP Spoiler Votes WERE increasing by 80% per year…

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog



Anarchist looters versus libertarians

Since the national Libertarian Party has since 2016 been infiltrated into an engine of self-inflicted death, other sources have to be called on to get out the Libertarian message. Tarl has probably never heard of the law-changing clout of spoiler votes (link), and has doubtless never read “The Case for Voting Libertarian.”(link) No surprise there. This is the one subject area BOTH halves of the looter kleptocracy struggle to evade, ignore and wish away. Still, the guy is the only sensible commenter urging libertarians to waste potentially law changing spoiler votes on the Gee-Oh-Pee in a cup half of The Kleptocracy.

Simply put, the socialist platform of 1920 had become law before Milton Friedman published Free to Choose. Yet the socialists got very few votes and elected hardly anybody. Same is true of the Prohibition party–except that after it caused the Great Depression, the Prohibition Amendment was repealed and those looters focussed on other enjoyable plant products.(link) All major changes in U.S. laws have sprung from the platforms of minor parties. Look at how the George Wallace campaign made the GOP eat Jim Crow and helped Yippie communist infiltrators turn the Dems into a Soviet satrapy.(link)  As libertarian planks draw increasingly large vote totals, the senile, sclerotic altruist parties of the 19th Century co-opt those planks in a bid for more votes.(link)

The Libertarian Party’s first platform had a plank copied and pasted into the Supreme Court’s Roe v Wade decision stopping Dixiecrats from press-ganging women into involuntary labor in the service of race-suicide pseudoscience.(link) Draft cards suddenly disappeared. And ever since the George Waffen Bush faith-based asset-forfeiture looting spree again wrecked the economy, plant leaf prohibition has increasingly been repealed as libertarian vote share increased by 80% per year.(link


LP spoiler votes cause repeal of bad laws and taxes

Remember how Nixon’s Silent Majority suddenly started backing away from victimless crime coercion when Tricky was cornered into resigning? But they again hoisted torches and pitchforks once Jimmy turned our embassies into KFC ovens for diplomats and crash pads for mummy-brained jihadists. Compromise with the looter kleptocracy is a waste of time. The two-party system is a switch-hitting tag team. A third party has to actually make them lose on policies (not personalities) before the message sinks in. When it does sink in, they ratchet back coercive legislation that has been accumulating since the 1870s.(link)  Eventually the LP can displace one or the other the way the Whigs did the Federalists, Republicans did the Whigs or brood parasite hatchlings do their hosts.

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Let Her Speak


Four years ago a woman came within 80,000 votes of winning the presidential election according to Vanity Fair.(link)

Today two males representing looter prohibitionist parties are asking for your vote. Your vote for Trump or Biden’s platforms will keep police looking for ways to shoot your child using plant leaves as an excuse. Should the child survive, that will mean the addition of another victimless person to the world’s largest prison system. Both legacy parties are cruel, dishonest and violent. Thanks to the Libertarian Party may choose between the old coercive kleptocracy and a new dawn–not being bullied at gunpoint

Webcomic to end all webcomix


The Democratic and Republican parties are about the initiation of force. Any murders, no matter how heinous or cowardly, they will again write of as the price “we” must pay for eugenics, or climate pseudoscience, or the worship of their invisible friends, or some imagined conspiracy by selfish egoists. I say again because this happened before already.(link

From 1938 to May of 1945, Christian National Socialist Germany systematically disarmed, arrested, enslaved and exterminated millions of Jews on the Eugenic theory that they were born selfish, whereas Christians are born altruists, and the world had to be made safe for altruism. This is still the ideology of the Republican Party.(link

From 1919 through the 1930s, Soviet communists systematically enslaved and mass-murdered Ukraine farmers to steal their grain. The pretext was that they were selfishly hoarding seed grain from the glorious altruist revolution that just accidentally left everyone but party officials in starvation and pestilence. This is the ideology of the Democratic Party.(link)

Cowards casting votes for either gang of violent looters will of course see these charges not as falsehoods, but as exaggeration or too bluntly put. Republicans will argue that only a few teenagers are murdered by the looter police or coathanger abortions they insist on perpetuating. Dems will likewise claim that all criticism of socialist regimes are lies, fake news, and that even if the Russian, Chinese, Vietnamese, East German, Romanian, Cuban, Angolan and Guyana communists hosted “a few” mass murders, their altruistic motives plainly justified those actions.(link

Republicans agree with Hitler in Gemeinnutz vor Eigennutz (the Greater Good before the Individual Good) in the interest of “Positive Christianity,” and Mussolini’s Credere, Obbedire, Combattere. Democrats nowadays agree with nationalsocialists that altruistic motives justify the initiation of force, but that “the” other party “isn’t really” altruistic in its sacrifice of individuals on the altar of prohibitionist purity or in the war on race suicide.(link

spoiling for a fight

Nineteen million votes said to keep electricity, enjoyable leaves, women’s rights and self-defense uncoerced.

By merely LISTENING to what Jo Jorgensen has to say you undermine the power of these bloated entrenched kleptocracy forces–with their secret police and no-knock warrants–to confiscate everything you own for no reason. Well over 4 million libertarian spoiler votes upset China’s plans to have the Dems ban electrical power.  Nineteen million votes from municipal races to federal office were cast in support of the Libertarian Platform. Does spoiler voting work? Seen any draft cards lately? So yeah, let her speak!

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Republicans then and now

Pope endorses 24-hour work shifts

Republican exploitation was fun back then. Plant leaves were legal.(link)

I found the above item in the Meriden Daily Republican for Saturday, December 31, 1878. That was the year the Infallible Pope Leo, appreciative fan of Vin Mariani,  issued a papal bull decrying the cults formed by “semi-barbarian men calling themselves socialists, communists or nihilists…” (link) A free-trade agreement was entered into with the Samoan Islands, silver dollars were coined as legal tender and greenbacks were kept in circulation to please the Grangers and to simplify eventual resumption of the gold standard. 

There had been some ruffled feathers over dry fanatic Rutherford Hayes having been declared winner in 1876 with 165 electoral votes to Samuel Tilden’s 184.  The difference required a swap of 20 electoral votes from Southern States for withdrawal of federal troops so that ku-klux “Redeemers” could make damn good and sure Black voters were suppressed, and kept from voting against Democrats.(link) Four years of “Lemonade Lucy” Hayes refusing to serve alcohol at the Executive Mansion were enough.(link) Hayes was succeeded by Arthur Garfield who was quickly shot by a fellow Republican who had not been awarded “his” hoped-for political sinecure.(link) Observe that in 2016, Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson got more votes than either of these Reconstruction-era candidates.(link)

Amid the fallout from crony-assassinations and Jim Crow election-stealing, Democrat Grover Cleveland was elected, defeated by another religious prohibiton fanatic, then reelected despite voter suppression on a platform to do away with “sumptuary laws which vex the citizen and interfere with individual liberty.” (link) Oddly enough, the silver glut and monetary crisis so stressed agrarian cheap-money parties as to bring a surge in neo-communist electoral votes. Cleveland’s second term was so awash in post-Republican financial problems and socialist orators that it stood by as Congress approved a Communist Manifesto Income Tax in 1894.(link)

The banking collapse was so widespread that Supreme Court Justices struck down that Income Tax and saved enough banks to cash their own tax-free paychecks. So ended the first Republican war on enjoyable drugs, and the closest thing to a libertarian Administration since the Jefferson and Jackson Administrations. Communist anarchist assassins and meddlesome coercive prohibitionists rapidly proliferated in These States and in the effete mystical mercantilist monarchies of the Old World, and communist income taxes proliferated apace.(link) World War I soon followed.(link

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Minneapolis, July 1934

Communist rioters = ANTIFA

Antifa 1934; see original (link)

The Tuscaloosa News p. 1 STATE’S TROOPS PATROL STREETS IN MINNEAPOLIS–City Placed under Military Rule as Governor Fears Further Disorders–CITIZENS UNAFFECTED BY CONTROL FOR MOST PART–Radicals Again Blamed for Strike as New Peace Plan is Drafted— MINNEAPOLIS, July 27 (AP) Employers rejected the suggestion that they can reconsider the refusal of peace terms advanced by federal mediators in the truck drivers strike as federal authorities turned inquisitive eyes on two suspected Communists linked by police with the strike. 

MINNEAPOLIS, July 27 (AP) Concentration of National Guard troops in downtown Minneapolis because of the truck drivers’ strike, was increased by the moving in of an especially trained “shock” troop Battalion today.

  Quietness pervaded the city as the Third Battalion of the 206th Infantry entered the downtown district with a heavy complement of arms, including gas guns, field machine guns, and automatic rifles. The men, most of them veterans with war experience were specially trained in dispersing crowds.

  Military rule of the city, decreed yesterday by Gov. Floyd B Olson, this morning brought guardsmen to every corner of the heart of the downtown district. They acted on instructions to prevent parking within a 76-block area except to discharge passengers, and to forbid the gathering of crowds. They wore steel helmets and carried rifles with fixed bayonets.

1200 in City

  The total strength of the guard within the city approximated 1200. Some 2800 more men still remain at city limits, ready for call. Whether this reserve force would be demobilized and sent home, depended on developments in the next few days. Sixty-eight persons were injured, most of them wounded and one fatally, by police shotguns a week ago today when pickets attempted to halt a loaded truck.
Armed guardsmen patrolled the downtown district as federal mediators, the Rev. Francis Haas and E.H. Dunnigan, prepared a new peace plan they expected to complete today and the employers’ advisory committee again publicly blamed Communists for the strike. All efforts to settle the controversy so far have failed.

Citizens Not Affected

  For the most part, citizens were unaffected by control of the National Guard. Striking drivers, however, were forbidden to congregate out-of-doors in large numbers without written consent of Adjutant General E.A. Walsh. This order also applied to all gatherings of 100 persons or more.

  Employers were unable to move commercial vehicles, save trucks bearing necessities, without official permits from the military. Trucks that did not move today, plied the streets without armed police convoys for the first time in almost a week.
  Deliveries of breadstuffs, milk, ice, beer, gasoline were unhampered by guardsmen. This did not (Continued on Page 2)LINK

STATE’S TROOPS PATROL STREETS – (Continued from Page 1)
include deliveries of pie, cake and pastry, for which permits were required. Automobile parking in the downtown area was forbidden from 5 AM today until termination of the military rule.

  A few hours before the troops got underway, both sides failed to agree on peace terms promulgated by the federal mediators. After the military took control, the employer’s advisory committee issued a public statement condemning communism.

Communist Boast

  Quoting “the Militant,” organ of the Communist League of America, as boasting “our comrades played a leading role in the preparation and conduct of the great strike in Minneapolis which electrified the entire labor movement,” the employers concluded:

   “Communists are daily throwing additional Minneapolis workers out of employment by obstructing delivery of supplies. Communists are defying civil authorities. The strike in Minneapolis is not a strike of union labor for redress of any wrongs. It is a Communist uprising aimed at gaining control of our government by force – using labor organizations as the means. (…) Compare with today (link)

FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT had inherited the Banking Panics and Great Depression from Herbert Hoover’s enforcement of the March, 1929 Increased Penalties Act.(link) Like the Harding crash of 1920, that larger economic trainwreck caused citizens to line up to join the Communist party–its membership growing by a factor of 9 from 1929 to 1939.(link)  

Prohibition Crashes increase Communism

Communist membership 1934 prohibition crash hockey stick (link) Cf National Membership by Year

Meanwhile in Germany, where the Herbert Hoover’s 1931 Moratorium on Brains made it possible for National Socialism to win elections, rearm Germany and meddle in European politics…

Christian Socialists thick as thieves

Just like Nixon helped the Kleptocracy with the 1971 Anti-Libertarian Law–only it backfired…

Front page of same newspaper: HEIMWEHR WORKS FRANTICALLY FOR DEFENSE OF CITY – Anarchy Prevails over Whole Sections of Country; Battles Rage – SOLDIERS DRAWN AROUND GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS – 500 Men Believed Killed in Fighting; Nazis Attempt Drive from Bavaria – BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, July 27 (AP). An Unconfirmed Report That Italian Troops Have Already Crossed the Austrian Border near Villach caused grave concern in government circles tonight. (…) 

Strange how History rhymes, no? (link)


Libertarian vote share hockey stick, 2016…

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Tarl’s Trump Commercial

Tarl is the only intelligent commentator in favor of wasting a vote on Trump’s Republican party.

And here is Trump himself giving reasons why–if you value the U.S. economy–you should vote for Libertarian Candidate Jo Jorgensen and not any of the geriatric entrenched prohibitionist kleptocracy candidates. Southern Command is a branch of the U.S. military charged with invading, robbing, kidnapping and murdering foreign citizens and elected politicians in pseudoscientific zealotry to prohibit plant leaves in other people’s territories. (link)

Kill! kill! kill! and we was both jumpin up and down hollering

Trump rally for support in armed invasion of neighboring countries to suppress plant leaves with OUR money and lives (link)

For the benefit of Democratic Party readersGeriatric: relating to old people, especially with regard to their health care. Cf a geriatric hospital. Prohibitionist: the action of forbidding something, especially by law Cf Joe Biden, Mandatory Minimums, Bush Dynasty, Herbert Hoover, Crash, Depression

For the benefit of Republican Party readers: Entrenched: firmly established and difficult or unlikely to change; ingrained: an entrenched resistance to change. Kleptocracy: a cabal that uses political power to steal its country’s resources.

Hockey stick for Libertarians!

Libertarian vote share after Bush asset-forfeiture crash

For the benefit of any who believe in wasting their potentially law-changing spoiler vote to instead legitimize coercion at the hands of an entrenched looter politician: Winning: gaining, resulting in, or relating to victory in a contest or competition; changing bad laws–NOT the act of electing some grinning politician to rob murder and enslave you a minute slower than some equally ruthless murderer.  

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

simultaneous interpreting, legal and financial

Trump Reelection Speech–IRS Attacks

The 2016 platform on which I was elected your president said that “To guard against hypertaxation of the American people in any restructuring of the federal tax system, any value added tax or national sales tax must be tied to the simultaneous repeal of the Sixteenth Amendment, which established the fed­eral income tax.” I am telling you today that the tax you are working on, with all its myriad forms, schedules, questionnaires, threats and impositions does not have to exist.(link)

The Polish People, the Hungarians, Czechs, East Germans and Russians learned to repeal communist manifesto policies back in 1991. The American people could–in the midst of a biological pandemic from a communist country–act to free themselves of this involuntary compulsion of increasingly complicated individual income tax forms that ate a clear and blatant violation of the 13th Amendment.(link)

slavery or involuntary servitude

Congressmen force us to do what they cannot!

Today I, Donald Trump, am asking my fellow Republicans to strengthen that plank into a promise to repeal the individual income tax. That tax is a capitation tax prohibited by our Founding Fathers, and it only pays for that half of the Federal Budget we ought to cut anyway.(link) Corporations have lawyers and accountants who get paid for filling out tax forms. We must drain the swamp by beginning the process of repealing the 16th Amendment which was copied from the Communist Manifesto of 1848.(link

Let us stop letting the federal swamp grate away your life savings. The Income Tax passed by the Democrats with the help of the Progressive Party and People’s Party socialists, must be repealed. Just as we helped the Europeans free themselves from the communist manifesto, we need to help ourselves toward that same freedom and Make America Great Again.(link)

Individualists may invest a spoiler vote in the… Hear Jo: (link)

There may be one or two people out there who do not like me, and they are entitled to their opinion. But I also understand that NOBODY likes Assistant Drug Czar Joe Biden. For those people I call attention to the fact that Jo Jorgensen, the libertarian party candidate, also favors repeal of the individual income tax and all other victimless crime laws. Asked about Libertarianism in 2016, I replied “I like it!”(link) That’s two of the top three political parties in favor of repealing that bad Amendment, and two out of three ain’t bad.(link)

Disclosure: This is NOT a real Donald Trump speech–yet. It is only a speech I wish he would make, a speech that could win him a second term. 

Read pro-American compulsory racial-eugenics appeals touting prohibition and collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

simultaneous interpreting, legal and financial

It Takes a Village Idiot

Irishwoman 1971

Ireland, 1971, no

As soon as the Libertarian Party used a single electoral vote to secure rights enjoyed by women in England and even Russia, God’s Own Prohibitionists began casting about for ways to counter, offset, weaken, ridicule, infiltrate and sabotage the Party of Principle. At the time the Libertarian party was formed, the English Parliament had already passed the 1967 Abortion Act stating essentially what our 1972 plank contained–at a time when nobody but George Wallace stood in opposition.

Shoot Me!

Wallace spoiler votes crippled America, and bullets crippled Wallace

But no sooner had the Supreme Court swung that plank like a mace to unhorse the latest Dixiecrat appeal to “race suicide” fears in Roe v Wade than national socialist soft machines went into high gear. The Prohibition Party platform added demands for yet another Prohibition Amendment, this one aimed at influencing Republican Party reproductive policies back to the Comstockism of 1873 via the threat of drawing away spoiler votes.(link) Sure enough, the Republican Party immediately copied that antichoice plank into its 1976 platform, in yet another proof of the law-changing effectiveness of casting spoiler votes.(link) (link)

Religious looters dominating the GOP and Prohibition Party essentially held their breath hoping nobody would mention the 1967 English (much less Russian) laws ensuring the individual rights of women. But after the LP let the cat out of the bag and Canada also jumped on the individual rights bandwagon, faith-based nationalsocialism began a sustained bombardment of amendment proposals to coerce women and doctors.   Ireland–politically a suburb of Vatican City at the time–fell prey to the whipped-up frenzy and joined a witchhunt against women and physicians with Amendment 8 passed in 1983 (then was repealed by 2/3 majority May 26, 2018). Communist Romania’s antichoice dictator Ceausescu was tried and executed on Christmas of 1989.(link

Village Idiot politics

Mises Caucus Anarchist Infiltrator The Village Idiot infiltration tactic

Yet here we are in the 21st Century and God’s Own Prohibitionists in their platform and policies STILL pressure, bribe, entice, infiltrate and intimidate the Libertarian Platform Committee back toward the halcyon days of the Panic of 1873. That was when sending a packet of condoms through the mail was good for ten years in the penitentiary and a fine equivalent to $300,000 at today’s gold conversion rate. What has changed is that ONLY Americans born before Herbert Hoover was nominated for the Presidency believe mysticism is increasingly important to politics. Those pre-1928 Landover Baptist, Billy Sunday, Father Coughlin, Billy Graham and Bob Jones Republican tools insist on poisoning our platform with planks designed to repel women voters. Their latest tactic is to subsidize LP infiltration by clowns and mentally disturbed exhibitionists.  

The smart way to break the cycle is to vote Libertarian, and let the Republican Party flounder and sink as voters flee the national socialist shipwreck and vote 21st-Century American Libertarian policies instead of 12th-Century Mohammedan attitudes toward women. Don’t worry. Many thinking people are poised to flee the sinking hulk that is the Democratic People’s Party as well. You cannot lose by exchanging 0.00000007% of a wasted vote total for 0.00002% of clout-leveraged spoiler votes guaranteed to put bad laws in the dustbin of history. That’s a leveraged gain of 3 orders of magnitude in the importance of your individual vote.

Much of the political strife of the Prohibition era, and its economic consequences, are covered in Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929. Live on Amazon Kindle in two languages


I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at or