Voter Suppression, 1931

Voter Suppression under Prohibition

Read the original stories (link) (link)

Beer was a felony, and Herbert Hoover was sworn to use federal agents to enforce the Women’s Christian Temperance Union’s war on getting high. The Methodist Board of Temperance, Prohibition and Public Morals declared all police shootings justified, with total immunity for the dry killers. The Liberal Party was formed by Pittsburgh Pennsylvania businessmen to run Thomas W. Phillips for governor on a platform to repeal prohibition. Socialist candidates avoided discussing prohibition, calling it a “red herring.” See Socialist Head Hails Cleanup.(link)

The idea was to eliminate a wishy-washy “moist” Republican named Francis Shunk Brown, and nominate Gifford Pinchot–a fanatical dry who even censored beer and hip flask scenes from movies at local theaters. Stage two of the plan was to defeat the hated Pinchot in an up-or-down vote on Prohibition.(link) The second stage called for throwing Liberal Party support to defeat dry bigot Pinchot and elect the proudly wet Democrat John Hemphill. This is the classic third-party chessboard maneuvering the looter kleptocracy fears most.(link)

Phillips’ candidacy eliminated the spineless Brown. There followed a race in which Republican Gifford Pinchot beat Democrat Hemphill by 5% thanks to a last minute patronage agreement with the Pittsburgh soft machine. This maneuver mooted the 366,572 votes, or 15% of the total, cast by Phillips’ Liberal supporters for Hemphill, the only Democrat the Liberal Party endorsed. The same paper elided mention of Phillips, and misnamed the Liberal Party the Liberay Party after the election.(link)

Kleptocracy looters lose 1931

Third party spoiler votes change everything!

That edition also mentioned the “almost forgotten Prohibition party” at the bottom of page 2.(link) One year later Herbert Hoover would be tossed out of office after every bank in the nation closed its doors, with the Dems winning the first of five consecutive elections. The Party of Principle seen its chances and took them to rid the nation of the primary cause of the Great Depression. The other causes, plant leaf prohibition and the individual income tax, are only now nearing repeal thanks to the Libertarian Party’s spoiler vote clout. 

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Republicans then and now

Pope endorses 24-hour work shifts

Republican exploitation was fun back then. Plant leaves were legal.(link)

I found the above item in the Meriden Daily Republican for Saturday, December 31, 1878. That was the year the Infallible Pope Leo, appreciative fan of Vin Mariani,  issued a papal bull decrying the cults formed by “semi-barbarian men calling themselves socialists, communists or nihilists…” (link) A free-trade agreement was entered into with the Samoan Islands, silver dollars were coined as legal tender and greenbacks were kept in circulation to please the Grangers and to simplify eventual resumption of the gold standard. 

There had been some ruffled feathers over dry fanatic Rutherford Hayes having been declared winner in 1876 with 165 electoral votes to Samuel Tilden’s 184.  The difference required a swap of 20 electoral votes from Southern States for withdrawal of federal troops so that ku-klux “Redeemers” could make damn good and sure Black voters were suppressed, and kept from voting against Democrats.(link) Four years of “Lemonade Lucy” Hayes refusing to serve alcohol at the Executive Mansion were enough.(link) Hayes was succeeded by Arthur Garfield who was quickly shot by a fellow Republican who had not been awarded “his” hoped-for political sinecure.(link) Observe that in 2016, Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson got more votes than either of these Reconstruction-era candidates.(link)

Amid the fallout from crony-assassinations and Jim Crow election-stealing, Democrat Grover Cleveland was elected, defeated by another religious prohibiton fanatic, then reelected despite voter suppression on a platform to do away with “sumptuary laws which vex the citizen and interfere with individual liberty.” (link) Oddly enough, the silver glut and monetary crisis so stressed agrarian cheap-money parties as to bring a surge in neo-communist electoral votes. Cleveland’s second term was so awash in post-Republican financial problems and socialist orators that it stood by as Congress approved a Communist Manifesto Income Tax in 1894.(link)

The banking collapse was so widespread that Supreme Court Justices struck down that Income Tax and saved enough banks to cash their own tax-free paychecks. So ended the first Republican war on enjoyable drugs, and the closest thing to a libertarian Administration since the Jefferson and Jackson Administrations. Communist anarchist assassins and meddlesome coercive prohibitionists rapidly proliferated in These States and in the effete mystical mercantilist monarchies of the Old World, and communist income taxes proliferated apace.(link) World War I soon followed.(link

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Minneapolis, July 1934

Communist rioters = ANTIFA

Antifa 1934; see original (link)

The Tuscaloosa News p. 1 STATE’S TROOPS PATROL STREETS IN MINNEAPOLIS–City Placed under Military Rule as Governor Fears Further Disorders–CITIZENS UNAFFECTED BY CONTROL FOR MOST PART–Radicals Again Blamed for Strike as New Peace Plan is Drafted— MINNEAPOLIS, July 27 (AP) Employers rejected the suggestion that they can reconsider the refusal of peace terms advanced by federal mediators in the truck drivers strike as federal authorities turned inquisitive eyes on two suspected Communists linked by police with the strike. 

MINNEAPOLIS, July 27 (AP) Concentration of National Guard troops in downtown Minneapolis because of the truck drivers’ strike, was increased by the moving in of an especially trained “shock” troop Battalion today.

  Quietness pervaded the city as the Third Battalion of the 206th Infantry entered the downtown district with a heavy complement of arms, including gas guns, field machine guns, and automatic rifles. The men, most of them veterans with war experience were specially trained in dispersing crowds.

  Military rule of the city, decreed yesterday by Gov. Floyd B Olson, this morning brought guardsmen to every corner of the heart of the downtown district. They acted on instructions to prevent parking within a 76-block area except to discharge passengers, and to forbid the gathering of crowds. They wore steel helmets and carried rifles with fixed bayonets.

1200 in City

  The total strength of the guard within the city approximated 1200. Some 2800 more men still remain at city limits, ready for call. Whether this reserve force would be demobilized and sent home, depended on developments in the next few days. Sixty-eight persons were injured, most of them wounded and one fatally, by police shotguns a week ago today when pickets attempted to halt a loaded truck.
Armed guardsmen patrolled the downtown district as federal mediators, the Rev. Francis Haas and E.H. Dunnigan, prepared a new peace plan they expected to complete today and the employers’ advisory committee again publicly blamed Communists for the strike. All efforts to settle the controversy so far have failed.

Citizens Not Affected

  For the most part, citizens were unaffected by control of the National Guard. Striking drivers, however, were forbidden to congregate out-of-doors in large numbers without written consent of Adjutant General E.A. Walsh. This order also applied to all gatherings of 100 persons or more.

  Employers were unable to move commercial vehicles, save trucks bearing necessities, without official permits from the military. Trucks that did not move today, plied the streets without armed police convoys for the first time in almost a week.
  Deliveries of breadstuffs, milk, ice, beer, gasoline were unhampered by guardsmen. This did not (Continued on Page 2)LINK

STATE’S TROOPS PATROL STREETS – (Continued from Page 1)
include deliveries of pie, cake and pastry, for which permits were required. Automobile parking in the downtown area was forbidden from 5 AM today until termination of the military rule.

  A few hours before the troops got underway, both sides failed to agree on peace terms promulgated by the federal mediators. After the military took control, the employer’s advisory committee issued a public statement condemning communism.

Communist Boast

  Quoting “the Militant,” organ of the Communist League of America, as boasting “our comrades played a leading role in the preparation and conduct of the great strike in Minneapolis which electrified the entire labor movement,” the employers concluded:

   “Communists are daily throwing additional Minneapolis workers out of employment by obstructing delivery of supplies. Communists are defying civil authorities. The strike in Minneapolis is not a strike of union labor for redress of any wrongs. It is a Communist uprising aimed at gaining control of our government by force – using labor organizations as the means. (…) Compare with today (link)

FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT had inherited the Banking Panics and Great Depression from Herbert Hoover’s enforcement of the March, 1929 Increased Penalties Act.(link) Like the Harding crash of 1920, that larger economic trainwreck caused citizens to line up to join the Communist party–its membership growing by a factor of 9 from 1929 to 1939.(link)  

Prohibition Crashes increase Communism

Communist membership 1934 prohibition crash hockey stick (link) Cf National Membership by Year

Meanwhile in Germany, where the Herbert Hoover’s 1931 Moratorium on Brains made it possible for National Socialism to win elections, rearm Germany and meddle in European politics…

Christian Socialists thick as thieves

Just like Nixon helped the Kleptocracy with the 1971 Anti-Libertarian Law–only it backfired…

Front page of same newspaper: HEIMWEHR WORKS FRANTICALLY FOR DEFENSE OF CITY – Anarchy Prevails over Whole Sections of Country; Battles Rage – SOLDIERS DRAWN AROUND GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS – 500 Men Believed Killed in Fighting; Nazis Attempt Drive from Bavaria – BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, July 27 (AP). An Unconfirmed Report That Italian Troops Have Already Crossed the Austrian Border near Villach caused grave concern in government circles tonight. (…) 

Strange how History rhymes, no? (link)


Libertarian vote share hockey stick, 2016…

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Economic Recovery, 1923

Prohibition, ergo Crash

Beer precursor crop crushed by prohibition, then relieved by nullification

There were two significant components to the economic recovery of 1923. One was nullification of prohibition law enforcement, when dry killers learned it was better to accept bribes than take return fire. The increase in U.S. hop production is proof of increased demand for the precursor plant buds used in brewing Beelzebub’s brewski. Continue reading

Open Borders, European Style

Importing Kristallnacht and National Socialism

Uninspected Entry for gentiles at Austria/Germany Border

There was a time when Europeans did not fear people crossing the border to disarm, capture and exterminate populations accused of insufficient altruistic zeal. By May of 1945 that open borders policy was no longer popular and the Austrian Government repealed the Anschluss law.

German politicians have since then adopted a sort of national flagellation movement. Rather than realize that their problems stemmed from mystical altruism, today’s Germans deliberately import racially semitic but culturally anti-Jewish fanatics, perhaps out of a sense of sacrificial atonement.

Some of our nouveau “libertarians” have been persuaded by anarchist infiltrators that “within a particular territory” ought to be removed from the objective definition of government framed by Weber and ratified by Ayn Rand and all other moral philosophers. Political change can be gradual, by vote, or bloody–take your pick. The harsh facts of recorded reality show that the closer one moves toward a state of warfare (that is, anarchy), the higher the rate of rape, murder, robbery and other unpleasant violations of individual rights.

Functionally, these data show that a shift toward anarchism/war has the same outcome as a shift toward socialism, especially in its communo-fascist variants–fewer rights, earlier death. One cannot ask for more objective evidence that anarchism and communism are the identical monstrosities newspapers have proclaimed them to be for the past 150 years. Machine-gunnings in Paris nightclubs, crushing of pedestrians and another refugee Exodus into Israel reinforce the proof with graphic explicitness only willful blindness can evade.

American voters have evidently perceived this. The vote in 2016 shifted overwhelmingly toward Libertarian candidates (up 328% to 4 million Presidential votes). A comparable shift in 1968 Comstockery empowered anti-communist Republicans of the sort that passed the Nixon Anti-Libertarian Law subsidizing entrenched looter parties out of tax revenue. The result of the Nixon law is that the IRS pays the media to ignore, dismiss and smear libertarian candidates. The only remaining way of communicating to Congress which laws we want repealed is through the mechanism of coercion-toppling, law-changing spoiler votes.

George Wallace Dixiecrats, irritated by JFK’s enforcement of judiciary rulings against segregation, netted 46 electoral votes from 5 southern states and shifted the entire Solid South into the Republican camp with 13% of the popular vote. Bryanist communism got the prohibition and income tax amendments into the Constitution after People’s Party candidates got 9% of the vote and 22 electoral votes in 1892. That’s the kind of law changing clout the LP could have with a little less sabotage from within.

Our mission has not changed:

“Even within the United States, all political parties other than our own grant to government the right to regulate the life of the individual and seize the fruits of his labor without his consent.”

We can earn more spoiler votes, hence change more laws, by minding our own business. By levering the fratricidal parasitism of looter parties against each we are gradually but broadly rewarding policies that reduce coercion. With another 6% we can excise the remaining force Amendment out of the Constitution. Shucks, another 10% of the vote would enable us to change the colors on the election map via the same sigmoid-curve process of substitution whereby tapes replaced LPs and were themselves replaced by digital media. Recall that this writer published The Case for Voting Libertarian in February 2007, and the math was aired on Gary Johnson’s “Live and Let Live” public access TV series in Austin, Texas.

Spoiling is Winning!

The Case for Voting Libertarian published February 2007

Oddly enough, the Libertarian Party’s share of the vote has increased in a consistently steep trend since that time. What you see in these graphs could easily be a causal correlation. I personally was sad and frustrated that our candidate’s weren’t being placed in office. But since the day I realized that Libertarian candidates are the ones causing the looter kleptocracy to back away from shooting kids over plant leaves, frog-marching youngsters into wars, bombing primitive villages–in short, all the things the 1972 LP Platform was against–I’ve been a happy camper.


Learn, baby learn how the Liberal Party–whose 1930 mid-term spoiler votes sold Dems their law-changing 1932 repeal plank and enabled 5 consecutive Democratic victories! This happened after Republican prohibitionists wrecked the economy and helped put National Socialism in power abroad. Prohibition and The Crash is LIVE on Amazon Kindle. Read it on your cellphone for the cost of a pint at a pub.

Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle in 2 languages

Brazilian blog

simultaneous interpreting


Prohibition and Finance

How many dollars flowed through the illegal liquor, beer & wine business in 1929? Historians assure us that liquor consumption did decrease by as much as 40% under the dry law. Supposing that to be true we could use 60% of the ASL guesstimate as a proxy for the volume of liquids. But making a thing illegal is one of the most effective ways to raise its price. Marijuana prices have fallen by roughly 2 orders of magnitude after decriminalization in some areas, but beer doesn’t grow on bushes.

My estimate after 20 years of gathering figures is that beverages became four times as expensive under prohibition. Applying that multiple to 60% of the guesstimated 1914 liquor total yields 4.2 billion gold dollars. But the U.S. population had grown dramatically between the night of January 16, 1920 and the unleashing of Herbert Hoover and the 5&10 law upon the corn sugar and yeast industry that produced at least 80% and possibly as much as 95% of all the illegal beverage consumed occurred in 1929. Adding the effect of the 14% population growth that decade gives $4.8 billion. So how does that dollar amount compare to the size of the U.S. economy of 1929? (Hint: it was more than the Federal budget–about 5% of GNP). The Wickersham Commission, appointed to downplay the total, came up with a slightly smaller figure. Clark Warburton, the economist who coined “Gross National Product,” came up with a slightly higher figure.

That’s right. Gangland trafficpreneurs had more income from liquor alone than the Federal Government got from corporate and individual income taxes, customs tariffs and the squeeze put on States. God fights on the side with the biggest budget, so of course repeal won, thanks to the Liberal Party repeal plank.

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Live on Amazon Kindle in 2 languages

Brazilian blog

Lest We Forget

Too late, baby

86% 2 yrs after Bush faith-based asset forfeiture wrecked the economy!

Every time Sharia Law Republicans wreck the economy in their endless wars on Beer, The Demon Rum, or Enjoyable Plant Leaves, there’s a recession, unemployment, and memory loss. On March 4, 1933 not a single Republican outside of the Chicago Tribune could remember the Jones 5&10 law, or Mabel Willebrandt’s use of the communist income tax to jail Beer Barons and confiscate property, plant & equipment along with bank and brokerage accounts. The commercial banks financing docks, cargo ships, radio station, warehouses and logistics at Atlantic Highlands were lost down a memory hole along with how Bert Hoover’s Moratorium on Brains helped National Socialism gain power in Germany.

The Prohibition party soldiered on, urging shoot-first prohibitionism as what Christ would be doing. Their Creation Pseudoscientists insisted that Jesus had turned raisins, not water, into wine, as GOP ward heelers tried their best to forget THEM as Alf Landon, Wendell Willkie, Thomas Dewey, then Dewey again struggled to revive interest in chain gangs, bank account confiscation and the gunning down of motorists by dry killers in the interest of Christian purity.

Finally the Ike/Nixon ticket was elected and now you now know who Ike was talking about when he said “military-industrial complex.” Silent Majority brownshirts, Moral Majority blackshirts, Operation Intercept, market crashes, and oil crises. Non-poisonous LSD was declared dangerous and Agent Orange safe by government drug bureaucracies.

A couple of dead Kennedys later Nixon pulled the brass ring and won again after a bullet-riddled George Wallace threw in the towel and quit blocking kids from entering schools. History shows us that Republicans who win a second term promptly push the Prohibition Party planks calling for police to shoot people over plant leaves, then use those same guns to threaten and intimidate physicians with female clients.

History also shows us that just as Bryanist and Prohibitionist spoiler votes brought the income tax and Prohibition amendments, Libertarian spoiler votes are undoing past experiments with National Socialism. Women knelt in front of saloons to urge prohibition. Realizing their error, VOTING women in 1932 cast ballots for the Liberal Party repeal plank and ended most of the initiation of force accelerating the Depression.  Now is a good time to take a new pledge:

I certify that I oppose the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals.

To find out more about how weaponized fanaticism in the US–as elsewhere–uses the violence of law to cause economic collapse, read Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929, is live at Amazon Kindle for the price of a pint.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle in 2 languages

Brazilian blog

simultaneous interpreting, legal and financial

Prohibition, Crash, Repeal, repeat

Depression drives repeal

Black indicates Dry Counties banning Drink in a 1913 newspaper

A lot of misdirection goes into keeping voters from noticing recurrent patterns. No Republican wants to hear awkward questions like “Why did the economy collapse during alcohol prohibition in 1907 and 1929?” It took the GOP twenty years to erase connection between Prohibition and The Crash and again put religious zealots in the saddle–with Richard Nixon as Vice-President. “Under God” was added to the Bellamy Pledge of Allegiance and graven images were added to our currency.

Yet the record of history won’t go away. The internet has made it possible for people to look up unrevised history and see “politics as she is.” Take the Panic of 1907, when the labeling requirements of the Pure Food and Drug Law of 1906, brought on by a Chinese boycott of US exports, became enforceable. Sears and Montgomery Wards could no longer quietly ship heroin-spiked alcoholism cures and syringes to China. Distillers were brought under scrutiny as the US Pharmacopeia became a legal standard for defining words such as “whiskey.”

Surely similar events had nothing to do with the asset-forfeiture Crash the George Bush Jr. Administration oversaw in 2007–that by 2008 had completely collapsed the United States economy. Or could they? The one word you never see in connection with the Panic of 1907, Crash of 1929 or Depressions of 1932, 1988, or 2007-12 is PROHIBITION.

During TR and Taft’s Republican “noughts,” only Mr Dooley had the courage to mention the spiking of whiskey with cheap morphine in the South. There was a morphine glut because the Chinese were again (as in 1837, 1840, 1856, 1900 and 1907) upset enough to forcibly exclude the dumping of genuinely addictive narcotics over there. Such dumping was indeed permitted by a punitive treaty the US had ratified after the Boxer Rebellion.

The dumping of opiates in the Philippine Islands and Hawaii at about this time led to a frightening surge in addiction. Pretty soon, Americans enforcing sudden “cold turkey” prohibition in the Philippine Islands (while also banning the relatively less harmful alternative, beer) were picked off by snipers and hacked to bits in insurgent raids.

The US economy felt a depression in 1903-04 as another haughty treaty (defining Christians as good) heaped humiliation upon the Celestial Empire. Domestically, the excesses of crony mercantilism clashed with fanatical prohibitionism, this time under Republican Theodore Roosevelt. It was Teddy who, as Police Commissioner, had closed down so many saloons in New York City. Beer was banned from all US military canteens and Post Exchanges.

The 47th Annual Brewers’ Convention in 1907 reported that “Legislation of an unfavorable character has been undertaken in the legislatures of many states.” Ice was what made beer cold. Then as now “ice house” was usually a name for places cold beer was served. Dry Christianity, fresh from legislating Chinese Exclusion laws and labeling of narcotics as such, now declared Total War on The Ice Trust, including Knickerbocker, and Gambrinus’ Kingdom of Beer.  This struggle, assisted by Attorney-General Bonaparte, stretched and tore at the fabric of the US economy in the year 1907.

The Panic of 1907 was driven mainly by unintended consequences of prohibitionism, mostly in the Deep South. Alabama, for instance, made beer and the Demon Rum hideous crimes, with most of the state bone-dry in early 1907. A year later, after the economic collapse, the picture was completely reversed, yet no one admitted that prohibition had caused the Crash and Panic or that repeal was the logical response.


When the stock market began its collapse in March of 1907, the President loudly denied government action had been the cause. Likewise both George Bush asset-forfeiture Crusades–especially once the government had been packed with “faith-based” organizations and activists for Bush Jr’s second term–ended in economic disaster which Bush blamed on the market “not working.” There were recessions in 1988, 1992 and 2007. Here is George Bush acting like the government had nothing to do with the debacle.

Sure enough, not a word is said about the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) his daddy’s Administration unleashed. But New Mexico, Vermont, Michigan, New Jersey, Arizona, Massachussetts, Washington, Maryland, Alaska and Oregon all legalized marijuana within seven years of George Bush’s asset-forfeiture crash. States had reacted to collapse in much the same way after President Hoover’s use of asset forfeiture to enforce laws that made light beer a felony.


The Flash Crash of May 6, 2010 coincided with DEA seizures of bank accounts belonging to Colombian nationals, and the Flash Crash of March 18, 2015 coincided down to the minute with international reaction to the release of the Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, Volume II, Money Laundering and Financial Crimes on that date.


None of these things are mentioned in the financial press or platforms of the entrenched political parties.  The 2016 Republican Party Platform likewise says nothing about the financial hazards of coercive prohibitionism, but rather:

The progress made over the last three decades against drug abuse is eroding, whether for cultural reasons or for lack of national leadership. In many jurisdictions, marijuana is virtually legalized despite its illegality under federal law.

Compare that with the 2016 Libertarian Party Platform:

Therefore, we favor the repeal of all laws creating “crimes” without victims, such as the use of drugs for medicinal or recreational purposes.

Lest there be any doubt about whether the Libertarian Party with its anti-coercion platform is The Enemy, get a load of the FATF propaganda video.(link)

Spare a thought for these myriad shocks to the US (and world) economies. Consider the safety and financial future of the younger generation as you prepare to vote.


My explanation of how prohibition helped cause the Crash and Great Depression is in English and Portuguese on Amazon Kindle

If you need translations for an international lawsuit or immigration papers, visit my websites. My other blog is