Republican Coercion Kills American Women

Source: Elizabeth Lawton (link)

The Bush Jr Administration selectively killed American women. Graphs in a 2011 Elizabeth Lawton paper show maternal deaths DECREASED after Roe (link)

The death rate then INCREASED after George was awarded Florida’s electoral votes after losing the popular vote. In his two terms before his faith-based, prohibitionist asset-forfeiture Crash of 2008, the maternal death rate for FOREIGN-born women increased by 2 (per 100k)–from 10.3 to 12.3. Meanwhile, the death rate for AMERICAN-born women rose by 6.5–from 7 to 13.5! Bullying and coercing women is clearly NOT the panacea for race-suicide alarmists terrified of Being Replaced by folks better adapted to move away from and survive mystical coercion. See full article at ResearchGate… (link)

Here is a current BBC Canada topical news item with video.(link)

Here is a website for Pro-choice Libertarian Presidential Candidate Chase Oliver (link)

Here is a George W Bush faith-based asset -forfeiture executive order (link) This and its attendant Crash was what elected Obama to two terms.

Here is a United Nations document contrived to abet U.S. incitement of prohibitionist asset-forfeiture confiscation under color of laws prohibiting victimless “crimes”: (link)

Good reading: THE INEVITABLE CRIMES OF CELIBACY, the Vices of Convents and Monasteries, Priests and Nuns by Thomas E. Watson. Free from (link) George Orwell dismissively mentioned some of the topics covered here, so no way could I resist a closer look. I stumbled upon the tome prompted by a article. It turns out the book agrees with many of Lysander Spooner’s positions. Here are the first few lines:
When any species of wrong-doing can wear the disguise of righteousness, the blindest among us can see how dangerous that kind of crime may become—how hard to prove, punish and put down.
There are immense Arabian plains where nomad robbers have practised their profession, from a time whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary; yet those plains and the nomad bands that pitch their tents beneath the Oriental sun remain very much as they were in the days of Abraham.
But where robbery has disguised itself as Law, and one class has aimed the law-making machine at the others, saying “Stand and deliver!” whole regions have become deserts, and great peoples have been blotted out.
In fact, the highwayman, the cattle-lifter and the pickpocket have never in the least affected the destinies of nations. The pirate and the buccaneer have never been able to destroy the commerce of the seas, beggar provinces, and change noble harbors into neglected pools.
It is when the robbers intrench themselves in Parliaments, Reichstags and Congresses, and the robbery takes the form of “Law,” that spoliation becomes destructive. Bank laws and money-contraction laws beat down more victims than armies. (…)

The book also tracks some obscure authors obliquely referenced in Mr Dooley’s meanderings by Finley Peter Dunne. accepts donations, by the way.

Get the big picture in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle (link)

ASYLUM APPLICATION FORM i589 INSTRUCTIONS IN PORTUGUESEINSTRUÇÕES PARA O FORMULÁRIO DE ASILO i589. What we did was make the Political Asylum instructions accessible to and understandable by people accustomed to thinking in Portuguese. This costs one dollar ($1) and you can read it on a cellphone with the Kindle app.(link)

Check out LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at or

My financial history blog, is at

simultaneous interpreting, legal and financial

Women Tank Tesla

This 5-yr Tesla stock chart shows that on 05NOV2021, the day word of MAGA Supreme Court plans to look at the Texas Senate Bill 8 Abortion Ban hit The Texas Tribune, Tesla stock went from rising to falling.(link) Tesla Tanking in Trading is now WAY too obvious for anyone to ignore.(link) What happened?

My theory is a boycott. The Republican party platform has since 1976 called for a constitutional amendment to again strip women of individual rights upon conception. Before the Civil War, forced sex and childbirth were routine for black women held under Southern slavery. (link) For five decades I have voted against Republican candidates and refused to buy products their abettors sell. Boycotting is a way to keep economic power from being spent on coercive political power. Nor is this anything new in political economy.(link) The Boston Tea Party was a boycott. Nations have prohibition laws because China boycotted the US back in 1905 for that purpose (not as futile retaliation for the renewed Geary Act). WW1 was caused in part by revolutionary China successfully closing its ports to opium dumping in 1911-12, causing a glut in the Balkans.

Pushback against Republican Party prohibitionism and Jew-baiting automakers also included boycotts. In June 1929, Henry Ford discussed prohibition with President Hoover, then stepped in front of the White House to announce: “Prohibition is here to stay. Absolute enforcement must come. Nobody wants to fly with a drunken aviator.” Ford claimed the dry law made high wages possible in mid-Depression 1931, after other countries withdrew money and sold off U.S. stocks to avoid taxes on drug profits. Less than a month later, on 02MAY1931 the NYT reported that “Milwaukee county officials refuse to buy Fords because of Henry Ford’s dry stand.” So why would women–and libertarian-minded men who believe women have inalienable individual rights–hesitate to boycott an automaker allied with Republican efforts to have women enslaved on conception?

People again boycotted Fords after Hitler praised Henry in Mein Kampf and Nazis pinned a medal on his chest for his collaboration.(link) Musk is photographed licking the blacking off of Trump’s shoes before and after the MAGA court overturned the Libertarian plank that was ROE.(link) Lately, as Argentina’s anarco-fascist imitation “libertarian” (link) and Brazil’s ousted christiano-fascist are photographed pumping Elon Musk’s hand, why the surprise that women of all colors are boycotting re-enslavement by wielding The Almighty Dollar? (link)

Think about it. Tesla stockholders are clearly experiencing a dawning of comprehension! Investers suddenly understand the sunk investment fallacy, are dropping those Tesla stock anvils to the bottom of the Lake of Losses and swimming ashore.(link)

Libertarian Spoiler votes work a lot like boycotts where results matter. This is why Republicans and German descendants of National Socialist billionaires lavishly funded a hostile takeover of the Libertarian Party by the Alabama-based Mises Institute with their infiltrated girl-bullier caucus. Here’s a link to a typical Mises article postulating that it’s much better for Ku-klux States to strip women of individual rights than for federal courts to recognize pregnant women as individuals and enforce their Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendment rights.(link)

The MISES article bragging about policies imported from Hitler’s Austria appeared a year almost to the day after the MAGA-packed Court began reassessing whether women can be forced at gunpoint into involuntary reproductive labor.(link) Many of those fortunes were amassed precisely by stripping Jews–male and female alike–of individual rights, forcing them to labor and retiring them at death camps. Elon might have been the American version of Quandt, Krupp or von Finck.(link) Too bad he and his stockholders hitched their wagon to the Trump, Bolsonaro, Milei and von Mises (link) versions of resurgent pronatalist Comstockism.(link)

Good Reading, lest we forget: The Nazi Billionaires, by David De Jong. “In 1946, Günther Quandt—patriarch of Germany’s most iconic industrial empire, a dynasty that today controls BMW—was arrested for suspected Nazi collaboration.” Günther’s wife left him for Goebbels long before both poisoned their kids in Hitler’s bunker. (link)
The Arms of Krupp, by William Manchester (link) It is shocking to realize that civilian slaves, mostly Jewish, were press-ganged into German National Socialist armaments plants, mines and industry. But terror-imposed slavery obviously was made to work for Christian National Socialism, as this book shows in detail.
Hell’s Cartel, the making of Hitler’s War machine (link) is another informative look at the spreading influence of Theodore Roosevelt’s race suicide theories for criminalizing recalcitrant women.(link)

Get the big picture in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle (link)

ASYLUM APPLICATION FORM i589 INSTRUCTIONS IN PORTUGUESEINSTRUÇÕES PARA O FORMULÁRIO DE ASILO i589. What we did was make the instructions accessible to and understandable by people accustomed to thinking in Portuguese. This costs one dollar ($1) and you can read it on a cellphone with the Kindle app.(link)

Check out LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at or

My financial history blog, is at

simultaneous interpreting, legal and financial

Every Libertarian Vote Counts

In 1968, every single presidential vote was wasted, in the sense that it furthered increased coercion. Voting Republican or George Wallace’s “American” Party meant to enslave and shoot kids here (over plant leaves) and bomb slave kids elsewhere. The communists (socialists, socialist labor, etc parties) wanted higher taxes and more government coercion than even the Entrenched Kleptocracy. The Prohibition party wanted men with guns to ban all enjoyable substances, burn books and enslave young women. There was a Peace and Freedom party on the ballot in a couple of places. Those were mostly looters impersonating hepcats and demanding coercive economic laws. The word “repeal” is generally avoided among such parties the same way “enforce” is parroted.(link)

Reason was circulated as mimeographed sheets, Stranger in a Strange Land had just turned seven and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress was as distressing to Christian National Socialism as it was to East German Communism. Nobody got addicted to and nobody died of overdoses from the non-toxic psychedelics available everywhere. We all argued about Atlas Shrugged, not The Constitution. Suddenly George Wallace got the Democratic Solid South’s electoral votes, and Richard Nixon–the guy who sued Texas after losing to JFK–was declared President. That was what losing felt like.

Timothy Leary had an idea. “THE ONLY ALTERNATIVE to violent authoritarianism is to start a New Party, a fresh celebratory reunion based on a positive psychology of affectionate reward; to develop a rational good-humored social system which rewards healthy, honest, harmoniously individualistic behavior…”(link) Next thing you know, the Libertarian Party organized to repeal prohibition laws, extend individual rights protection to women, abolish conscription and foreign meddling and run candidates on that platform to wield leveraged, law-changing spoiler votes and compete with the entrenched Kleptocracy.(link)

Spoiler vote leverage made that repeal happen time and again.(link) Looter parties eager to send men with guns to kick in doors and coerce women feared our spoiler votes because their platform was written by Rockefeller-funded Prohibition Party spoiler votes. Some Democrats wanted to reenact racial collectivism and others dreamt of someone else’s money. The Libertarian party was the only way–and still is the only way–to vote against deadly coercion. Every time sorehead Republican or Democrat losers delete a freedom-crushing plank from their party’s platform, every time our spoiler votes get them to repeal a coercive law–THAT’S A LIBERTARIAN VICTORY! (link)


Good reading: Bad things were happening on the planet Earth, things few understood. “Guided missile defenses were especially in demand. If there was anyone, anywhere, who pointed out that the cattle in Chicago did not die of disease, he was denounced for his denial of the general belief that they had. But anyone who observed that if the cattle had died of plague, antiaircraft batteries would be useless was regarded as subversive.” Sound familiar? The year was not 2020 and the quote is not from the paper. War With The Gizmos by Murray Leinster was published in 1958! Fanatical belief in imaginary Truth was causing heretic-hunters to brand skeptics as deniers 66 years ago!

Get the big picture in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle (link)

ASYLUM APPLICATION FORM i589 INSTRUCTIONS IN PORTUGUESE: INSTRUÇÕES PARA O FORMULÁRIO DE ASILO i589. What we did was make the instructions accessible to and understandable by people accustomed to thinking in Portuguese. This costs one dollar ($1) and you can read it on a cellphone with the Kindle app.(link)

Check out LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at or

My financial history blog, is at

simultaneous interpreting, legal and financial

Votes per Dollar 2020

Republicans had to pay nine times as much per vote as Libertarian candidates.

Democrats had to pay 13 times as much per vote as Libertarian candidates. This shows that individuals are disproportionately more willing to vote for Libertarian (not anarchist) policies than be gulled by either faction of the entrenched Kleptocracy. These disparities contribute hugely to our leveraged, law-changing clout.(link)

Biden won by the largest popular margin since 1932, when the Democratic Party copied the Liberal Party plank calling for the repeal of prohibition laws and Amendment, and candidate FDR promised to legalize beer in a Pittsburgh speech October 19, 1932 shown at movie theaters nationwide.(link) No Republican calls attention to that. Instead they whine that a MERE 44000 votes sprinkled over Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin in 2020 COULD HAVE thrown the election to the House. This is the same election in which Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen–burdened with anarco-communist running mate Boothead Junior and a woman-hating Austrian Anschluss platform–earned 42 TIMES the 44000 the votes the looters now moan and gnash teeth over. Results of anarchist girl-bulliers here: (link)

Before Gary Johnson shuffled the electoral outcomes in 13 states, Democrats repealed no prohibition laws to speak of. (link) With empty assurances they left protection of individual rights for women–gained by the Libertarian party in 1972–in the hands of a lady judge born the month FDR beat Herbert Hoover.(link) Suddenly, after being whopped upside the haid by the court-packing, girl-bullying mystical Orango-Thing, the fanatically prohibitionist Democrat NOW says maybe someday he’ll kinda sorta look at getting the feds to shoot fewer hippies over pot. State governments meanwhile chainsaw plant prohibition laws like loggers in a rainforest. States are also chainsawing Comstock laws passed when nekkid photographs were a new invention and Prohibitionism was Settled Science. Biden talks about restoring the LP’s Roe régime and RFK Jr says he’d sign a bill legalizing psychedelics. Getting beaten by Libertarian Spoiler votes was what trained the Jackass party to repeal bad laws.(link)


The states that once gave Wallace dozens of electoral votes now vote solidly Republican.

Get the big picture in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

Check out LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at or

My financial history blog, is at

simultaneous interpreting, legal and financial

Boston Buys Chase Oliver


This is good news. I’m convinced Chase Oliver is far and away the best candidate based on past performance and current ability.(link)

Good reading: The Banana Wars, by Captivating History. Who was Sandino? What was the Platt Amendment? Why does Cuba hate our government? Why does Venezuela hate our government? For that matter, why do LOTS of Central and South American countries hate the same looter government many Americans hate? The question is both practical and rhetorical. Back in 1986, before America went from Force Everyone to Just Say No to a market Crash and Depression, I debated a college professor before an audience of Crockett High School kids in Austin on the subject of national defense against nuclear attack. My adversary, a government-employed UTexas professor had no clue or notion of libertarian anything except as imaginary fascist, right-wing allies of girl-bullying religious Republicans. He harped on Ronald Reagan, the Moral Majority, South American religious fascism, and destabilization, infiltration and bombardment of the entire planet by greedy Americans. As a Libertarian Defense Caucus regular, I handed out free Ayn Rand books, explained the Non-Aggression Principle and defended legalization and free (but armed) trade. My mistake was pointing at Soviet aggression with no clue of how much the American looter Kleptocracy had bullied and invaded Latin America. It almost lost me the debate. The guy rattled off every boatload of Marines from the shores of Tripoli through the Halls of Montezuma to the Pacific isles and on to China. Don’t let it happen to you.

Good music: Marcos Kaiser takes classical, folk and traditional Brazilian guitar to a whole ‘nother level. See for yourself.

If only Carmen Miranda could hear this…

Get the big picture in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

Check out LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at or

My financial history blog, is at

Republican cigarettes or Dem?

One brand or the other
Either-or, pick a pack, smoke and be impotent–just like the Looter Kleptocracy

Both entrenched kleptocracy parties are selling to the same crowd, and the crowd pays with its votes. Neither party wants voters to read its platform. Excerpts are of course unrolled in front of particular pressure groups in much the spirit of a Klan rally or Socialist pogrom schedule. “Help us harm these hated scum” is the message. Cigarette ads also referred to their competitors obliquely, hinting, suggesting and insinuating but never stating forthrightly that “our” smokes–unlike that other trash–soothes your throat almost like a medicinal balm, only enjoyably.

Chesterfield uses Turkish tobacco – from Sansoun, Smyrna, Cavalla and Xanthi, the ads proclaimed. Then it blends and cross-blends those leaves with various kinds of choice home-grown tobaccos in the right balance to give you a cigarette that’s milder, a cigarette that tastes better. Better than not smoking? (link)

That same paper printed another ad on the same page as the ORIOLE FLASH – Official Publication of the 600 Pupils of Ludington High School. (link)

TURKISH TOBACCOS… One reason why Luckies taste better, smoother. These tender, delicate Turkish leaves are blended with choice tobaccos from our own Southland – to make your Lucky Strike a cigarette that is fully packed – so round, so firm – free from loose ends. That’s why Luckies taste better, smoother. “It’s toasted” – throat protection – for finer taste. It’s the Giant Douche versus Turd Sandwich false alternative back in 1934, two months after the Prohibition Amendment and Volstead Act which wrecked the economy after eroding it for 15 years was finally repealed. 

The 2016 Libertarian Party ticket allowed Democrats–tired of being busted, robbed and shot over plant leaves–to let Hillary’s party know they were fed up by handing Gary and Willie a 2×4 of 4 million spoiler votes. (link) Once the votes were counted, Dems proceeded to immediately repeal a bunch of marijuana laws and pretend to act on behalf of the individual rights of women they’d frittered away through dereliction.(link) That’s how spoiler votes work–by making the stupidest looters lose first.

God’s Own Prohibitionists could hardly believe their luck and doubled down on looting, shooting, raping and enslaving for Christ. Anarco-fascist infiltrators multiplied like loaves and fishes to wreck LP planks and organize a hostile takeover or Anschluss of the Libertarian Party during the pandemic. People who value their lives and wanted to go to Austin, stayed away from Reno. The result: a smaller, harder, angrier bunch of girl-bullying superstitious republicans gained control of the Libertarian Party we worked for 50 years to build. Once the violent MAGAts that mobbed and vandalized the Capitol are themselves being violated in prison we might be able to retake the party. If so, the best approach is to reset to the original 1972 platform and install mechanisms to guard against Christian National Socialist putsches and infiltration.

As in the case of cigarettes, where thinking people give up tobacco entirely and either quit, vape, chew gummies or take an occasional bong hit–there is always the option of sending the mystical insurgency no money and giving their girl-bullying candidates no votes. Only the first two lp platforms gave us scary increases in vote share. Looters with vandal planks ruined that and will keep on trying as long as we let it happen.(link)

Good Reading: Remember Obama? The guy who won by NOT being G Waffen Bush or stirring up asset-forfeiture night-riders to burn down the economy? After whupping Hockey Mom and Flaming Torch, Obama was next threatened by Mormon Mitt and Fake Objectivist Boy. Sally Denton saw the Obow signal and fired off The Plots Against The President to save These States from ANOTHER economy-wrecking christiano-fascist demagogue.(link) No way can anyone read this book and fail to grok the ominous paralells between 1934-6 and now. Ku-kluxers marched 20 abreast in tens of thousands when Bert Hoover was building a dry new race. Laws making trade and production a felony were then, as now, the hypnotic swastika for which the Republicans had sacrificed the 1932 election. Then, as now and in 1924 Germany, mesmerized myrmidons rose up to proclaim “we wuz backstabbed!” The current crop even paid Sally the compliment of having a MAGAt novel-writing machine crank out a Newspeak Testament bemoaning the Crucifiction of Donald Trump at the hands of the women voters his minions struggle to re-enslave.(link)

Unlike Denton I agree with FDR that the anarco-assassin midget deliberately hunted and killed Chicago Mayor Cermak. Murderers DO lie on occasion, but this–like the scattered OCR typos–is quibbling. The book is an enjoyable and timely read by a historian who writes about the subjects others ignore.

Get the complete story in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

Check out LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at or

My financial history blog, is at

Teddy Roosevelt and Trump

Teddy and the Kaiser, sharers of all values save one. (link)

Grateful Republicans named wealthy donor Teddy Roosevelt New York’s Police Commissioner, but soon regretted it. Even before the Comstock years, prohibition cranks exploited every niche into which the entering wedge of deadly compulsion could be driven. The Sunday closing of saloons had been enacted by Bryanist Dems of the People’s Party persuasion allied with Prohibition Party regulars back when there was overlap. Tammany Dems used it as a stick to selectively close down saloons whose owners were uncooperative. But Roosevelt saw this as THE law of the land, to be enforced at all hazards. Soon everyone–from the Tammany bosses down to street urchin entrepreneurs rushing growlers of beer from bucketshops to all and sundry–hated his guts.

Christened Teedy Rosenfeld by fictional bartender Mr Dooley, Roosevelt remained a clueless but opinionated toff, cashfully blundering into political posts and spouting homilies. Elevated to the presidency by a communist anarchist assassin, Roosevelt became a fountain of instructions on the White Woman’s burden and the eugenic wisdom of the times.(link) Drawn dryward in its efforts to lure away Prohibition Party spoiler votes, the GOP became less and less Germanic toward tippling, sniffing of catarrh cures and high-volume dumping of refined opiates on primitive colonial peoples with imperfect regard to protectionist bounds and gentlemen’s agreements. America responded by poisoning industrial alcohol with methanol and wrecking the economy with a “Pure” Drug and Food law to impress Chinese emperor-minions into calling off the boycott of our goods. Tammany Democrats and liberal republicans stung by the Panic of 1907 were appalled by the prospect of that autocratic madman mounting another attack on “predatory men of wealth.”

Tammany Senator Thomas F Grady of New York in October 1907 moaned “I fear he will run.”–this despite TRs throwaway statement of 1904 that he would not run again. Grady considered Roosevelt unbeatable.(link) TR had enraged Filipinos into armed insurrection, promised women unending Comstockist enslavement, betrayed Colombia, encouraged Chinese insurrectionists, angered the Japanese, horrified free marketeers, kept blacks subservient and put their sons in uniform and guns as our colonial big stick. Worst of all, he’d pulled pelf, boodle, graft and government jobs away from the Democrats! Dems would pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to keep Roosevelt from accepting the Republican nomination. A way was found to snub the hunter of game and elect his pal and buddy Taft. Teddy was afterward drawn into running on a Fabian-style progressive ticket pushing toothy ideas that sounded wonderful to Germans then and Republicans now.

The Progressive “Bull Moose” outfit darkly disavowed the corrupt interests, the invisible deep state in its unholy alliance, and sought to forge a new power to give effect to their WILL in laws and institutions. It promised to amend the constitution as needed, and even hinted at letting women vote–but NOT read or write anything about birth control, much less work nights. Social and industrial justice were promised and the “system of social insurance” with “equitable retirement law”actually found its way into Hitler’s socialist platform in 1920. Quarantine could be racially interpreted, uppity trusts might be crushed underfoot and currency should be fully nationalized. Even the first of the Jones laws got a plug in, whereas tariffs would be protective, but not excessively so, especially since an income tax straight out of Karl Marx would obviate the need. Limitation treaties were blessed and good, nevermind the Second Amendment, and stock market crashes, banking panics and lengthy recessions were the result–not of government prohibitions on production and trade–but stock-market swindlers! Drug and liquor bans were pointedly unmentioned as not conducive to the success of the dry democratic Governor critical of Atlantic City laissez-faire. The trick worked, republicans split into fanatical versus practical factions and Woodrow Wilson took office, wielded the communist income tax, throttled the accursed Hun and vetoed the prohibition law.

Today’s Dems face a similar challenge. The Klan, formerly theirs, now backs Trump, alongside predatory prohibitionist agencies and televangelist girl bulliers. The Alabama Anschluss Libertarian Party has become the likely tool of MAGA Trumpanzees for a competing split from less godly RINO republicans. As a sort of anarco-Fabian party they could run a revenge campaign to punish deserters. Democrats can bet Joe Biden won’t suddenly freeze up like his Anti-Drug-Abuse-Law buddy Mitch, or drop dead like Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg–who refused to retire at 87 and got replaced by Mutterkreuz Mom. Drawing to an inside straight has worked in the past–just NOT very often.

…a choice between two admittedly regrettable yet clearly distinguishable post-election scenarios

One candidate has offered to save the democrats from senile dementia and Donald Trump. Robert Kennedy Jr has declared his willingness to sign a bill decriminalizing all Grateful Dead and Woodstock Nation psychedelics.(link) Hillary Clinton broke wind in the general direction of any such suggestion and was soundly beaten thanks to 4 million pro-choice, pro-repeal Libertarian votes rendering a new deal in 13 States. He has also played the Bull Moose card and Democrats must now make a choice. I am not endorsing RFK Jr and would never vote for his or any other looter party. But Americans face a choice between two admittedly regrettable yet clearly distinguishable post-election scenarios: one where you got a functional Democratic president whose party wants to outlaw gasoline, coal and nuclear electricity, and the other where you got that puppet of televangelist zealots who want to bring back economy-wrecking Hoover-Anslinger Prohibition and through Comstockism outlaw ALL birth control and increase the death rate among pregnant women.


Get the complete story in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

Check out LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at or

My financial history blog, is at


1913: After being backstabbed by the Supreme Court on the 13th, 14th & 15th Amendments (link)

That was then. Let’s look at now

2023: After being backstabbed by GOP-packed Supreme Court 110 years later!

These are individual rights for women under Christian National Socialism. Any questions? (link)

The National Libertarian Party, author of the Roe v Wade compromise of 1972-3 has been taken over by Alabama National Socialist fanatics. Donate to instead or find an uncompromised Libertarian candidate to support.


Republican Party policies also caused the Crash and Great Depression.

Get the complete story in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

Check out LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at or
Tradutoramericano Curitiba, Paraná

A Smaller, Harder, Angrier Republican Party

The Alabama Mises caucus, funded in part by entities interested in the economics of Hitler’s homeland, has a video out that is so cringey I can’t even link it. The only thing missing is Marjorie Greene-Teeth’s machine-gun ambush video, which is also getting hard to find.


Go to Youtube and search for “Operation Warhawk Removal”… you’ll see girl-bulliers, Republicans, prohibitionists and poseurs cross-dressing as libertarians in the greatest bait-and-switch since the Klan went over to the Gee Oh Pee in 1928… then again in 1972. The warmongers in this epic are, of course, Democrats from the wrong side of The Kleptocracy. The letter panhandling for this thing is signed Angela McArdle.

Anti-rights anarchists differ markedly from libertarians on weapons and the Second Amendment too. The loudest of the Austrian voices make it clear that their interpretation of 2A is that every bigoted mystical fanatic needs to be armed to the teeth with portable weapons in order to open fire on women’s clinics, shoot physicians, and resist arrest. The Libertarian and Objectivist position is that the Constitution forbids politicians to infringe the right and readiness of our well-regulated militia (SAC, Looking Glass, SDI, State militias) to keep and bear any and all arms that deter or repel attackers–including bombers and ballistic and other missiles.(link) Yet Republican and Democratic politicians perist in paltering with dictatorships to sign away Second Amendment protection.

Austro-Alabaman Anschluss anarchists right this minute ignore protection from nuclear attack, preferring to pose as defenders of the National Guard. The posture is about the same as that of the Christian Front, German-American Bund, Silver Shirts, American Nazi Party, radio priest Trilbys and similar Fifth Column organizations of the 1930s. Shifting from traditional efforts to reimpose prohibition and shore up Comstockism, those soi-disant patriots emphasized keeping These States from hindering the expansion of Christian National Socialism in Europe. Hitler’s calls for universal disarmament of liberal non-aggressor democracies down to the levels imposed by military victory over Germany’s force-initiating absolute monarchy, busily carving up Czechoslovakia, found eager listeners among those Amerika-Firsters.

Similarly, Putin’s revanchist Christiano-czarist monarchy is revered by worshippers of televangelism and Donald Trump as it carves up the Ukraine. West Virginia electors recently voted 2/3 to keep the Grabber-Of-Pussy in office. Jo Jorgensen, burdened by an anarco-communist on the ticket, managed 1.3% there, a 90% decrease from votes our pro-choice ticket of 2016 drew. (link) So now, entrenched Army Of God invaders can be expected to keep libertarian spoiler votes from interferring with Beer-Belly Putsch efforts to reinstall Orange Hitler.

Still, keeping autocrats from press-ganging the National Guard into foreign looter skirmishes is not a bad idea, even if it aids and abets czarist policies under color of libertarianism while ignoring the need for protection against incoming nuclear warheads. (link) This whole Republican State dog-and-pony-show is also autographed by Angela McArdle.


Good Reading: They’ve Shot The President’s Daughter, by Edward Stewart. This used-bookstore pulp-fiction discovery harks back to post-Nixon-impeachment Amerika. Instead of ‘Nam, our soldiers (and maybe guardsmen) are getting killed and crippled in Monroe-indoctrinated Latin America, while controversy rages around efforts to mess with the Second Amendment. Look for it on and Amazon

Get the complete story in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

Check out LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at
Tradutoramericano Curitiba, Paraná

Austin vote fraud fixer

Remember our plan to again celebrate the LP Roe v Wade plank? (link)

This is a letter to the editor this Greezy Wheels fan wrote to “the” newspaper in September 2008, when the Democrats were still sobbing “we wuz robbed.” Prohibitionist fanatic John Kerry had lost to prohibitionist George Waffen Bush the previous count. Michael Badnarik was running on the girl-alienating straddle plank platform adopted in 1992.

To the editor, Austin American-Statesman
Technology has made it possible for newspapers to restore confidence in our voting system. As things stand today, no voter can be certain that his vote was correctly counted. To change this, the receipts voters are handed on leaving the polls ought to consist of perhaps six alphanumeric characters. Shortly after the election, the Austin American-Statesman could publish those codes and, alongside them, the way the vote was counted. Posting them on the newspaper’s web site would work just as well. Once the individual can verify firsthand that his or her vote was properly counted, that person’s trust in the system will be restored. The vote will still be as secret as it is today, but verifiability will serve as a powerful check on vote fraud. Many lives were lost because of this issue during Reconstruction. The presidential election of 2000 underscored the necessity of adding credible verifiability to what purports to be an honest democracy.
Hank Phillips, Austin 78727

Two months later the clerk at Half Price Books was grinning. This told me the Book and Beatles Albums Burners had lost. I voted Libertarian, so I won as usual despite the cowardly straddle platform. It had been a year since Gary Johnson on Live and Let Live show had covered the theory of spoiler vote clout and how losing is winning if you vote libertarian. (link)

In the intervening 15 years nobody has mentioned that simple method for letting the voters verify their own ballots. I doubt the letter was even published. Like law-changing spoiler vote clout, the theory is simple. Any child can understand it. But I doubt my letter was even published.

If I deposit money in a bank ATM, I use a password known only to me to verify that it was counted correctly, and it is verifiable but still secret, right? So on the slip of paper with the voting machine code, additional figures could complete a password I could use to access a website to verify that my vote was counted the way I cast it, and it would be just as secret, no?

As things stand, the GOP/Dems control the voting machines and launder the ballots so I have no way of verifying that my vote was counted as I cast it. You therefore have no way to know that the politicians establishing taxes and victimless crime laws are actually elected officials. But if the elections are not rigged, then making them verifiable by individual voters can dispel allegations of fraud made by the Dems or GOP, depending on who loses.

Just a few extra digits could remove all doubt as to the honesty of machine-fed elections. The voting machine could, by adding a password for each voter, become objectively verifiable and replace “vote laundering” by partisan soft machines. We could at least find out if the taxes and prohibition laws are real or not, and whether politicians were actually elected as some assert that they were.

If verifiable secret votes suddenly turn up higher small-party vote counts, that would make them an engine for change through honesty.

Is there anything wrong with this reasoning? Newspapers, Amazon or Google could perhaps be persuaded to rent server space, so it need not be very expensive to enter the website, type in your password, and see the ballot just as you cast it. Unmasked individuals are welcome to comment.


Good Reading: Life is a Butt Dial, by Cleve Hattersley. (link) Cleve got early release like so many others after Congress threw President Nignew under the bus–good riddance. I was bleary eyewitnesss to his return to the stage at George Majewsky’s Soap Creek Saloon. This is the group that brought Austin Chronicle staffers in to wail “Cocaine, country music and good ole Lone Star beer.” The song, Country Music and Friends is Pat Pankratz’ best work. See the news archive yourself: (link) I have no idea if the song is available on some Apple or other source. It would be no surprise to find it suppressed by The same bipartisan Looter Kleptocracy that suppresses the Uranium Savages’ version of “On The Bayou…” the one about the Houston Police Department killing a veteran and throwing his body off a bridge. (link)
How I Spent My Summer Vacation is Lissa Hattersley’s latest CD. Buy it before it gets shortened or banned! (link)

Get the complete story in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

Check out LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at
Tradutoramericano Curitiba, Paraná