Votes per Dollar 2020

Republicans had to pay nine times as much per vote as Libertarian candidates.

Democrats had to pay 13 times as much per vote as Libertarian candidates. This shows that individuals are disproportionately more willing to vote for Libertarian (not anarchist) policies than be gulled by either faction of the entrenched Kleptocracy. These disparities contribute hugely to our leveraged, law-changing clout.(link)

Biden won by the largest popular margin since 1932, when the Democratic Party copied the Liberal Party plank calling for the repeal of prohibition laws and Amendment, and candidate FDR promised to legalize beer in a Pittsburgh speech October 19, 1932 shown at movie theaters nationwide.(link) No Republican calls attention to that. Instead they whine that a MERE 44000 votes sprinkled over Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin in 2020 COULD HAVE thrown the election to the House. This is the same election in which Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen–burdened with anarco-communist running mate Boothead Junior and a woman-hating Austrian Anschluss platform–earned 42 TIMES the 44000 the votes the looters now moan and gnash teeth over. Results of anarchist girl-bulliers here: (link)

Before Gary Johnson shuffled the electoral outcomes in 13 states, Democrats repealed no prohibition laws to speak of. (link) With empty assurances they left protection of individual rights for women–gained by the Libertarian party in 1972–in the hands of a lady judge born the month FDR beat Herbert Hoover.(link) Suddenly, after being whopped upside the haid by the court-packing, girl-bullying mystical Orango-Thing, the fanatically prohibitionist Democrat NOW says maybe someday he’ll kinda sorta look at getting the feds to shoot fewer hippies over pot. State governments meanwhile chainsaw plant prohibition laws like loggers in a rainforest. States are also chainsawing Comstock laws passed when nekkid photographs were a new invention and Prohibitionism was Settled Science. Biden talks about restoring the LP’s Roe régime and RFK Jr says he’d sign a bill legalizing psychedelics. Getting beaten by Libertarian Spoiler votes was what trained the Jackass party to repeal bad laws.(link)


The states that once gave Wallace dozens of electoral votes now vote solidly Republican.

Get the big picture in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

Check out LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at or

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simultaneous interpreting, legal and financial

Sue for Peace!

Spoiler vote clout

A Klanboy and His Dog, 1960

The abject terror with which both halves of the force-initiating kleptocracy now face each other is an opportunity not to be missed.(link) In one fell swoop, every voter with any capacity for independent thought can multiply a single ballot’s clout into a Sword of Damocles.(link) The beautiful part is that each libertarian spoiler vote’s sword can, with Solomonic impassivity, force all champions of the initiation of force in violation of individual rights to sue for peace by changing their platform demands and repealing their victimless “crime” laws.(link) Why not make the looters Sue for Peace on Drugs?

Hockey stick for Libertarians!

Libertarian vote share model predicts 9.2 million presidential LP votes in 2020.

Republican Richard Nixon added a War on Drugs to the War on the Vietnamese, the War on Poverty and the War on Women. Nixon’s Moral Majority televangelism deftly purchased the cooperation of the looter media via the Nixon Anti-Libertarian Law, then co-opted George Wallace’s Ku-Klux Kollectivist demands and parlayed them into the Republican Gentlemen’s Agreement to break up the Solid South.(link)

Teddy the Chappaquiddick Quitter

Democrats STILL favored Wallace’s racial collectivism in 1974!

By this mechanism (and some gunfire), Eugenic pseudoscience again became law and prisons filled with nonviolent hippies, black and brown folks, all thanks to the transubstantiation of victimless trade into imaginary crime.(link) Pregnant women nevertheless managed to escape religious fascism’s trap thanks to the Supreme Court’s adoption of a 1972 Libertarian plank into its Roe v. Wade decision.(link)

Democratic party communists promptly adopted the “War on X” concept in more garbled terms. “No Justice, No Peace” is another demand to surrender to communism no different from the “Freeze” movement disemboweled by the Second Amendment. “Just say No” (or be arrested) was a Biden favorite. “Black Lives Matter” is the same appeal to racial collectivism as “Saving American Lives” is an exploit of nationalism used to mask the identities of government-backed killers.

Change accelerates with integrity

Logistics replacement curves describe choices that change(link)

But now that BOTH the GOP and Dems favor men with guns shooting kids over plant leaves, and asset-forfeiture confiscations of homes, vehicles and bank accounts of innocent people, the stupidest thing anyone can do is vote for either party’s candidates. Republican asset-forfeiture as exorcism of Satan will ruin the economy even faster than the creeping communism favored by the Dems.(link) After that it guarantees they will win the post-Crash elections just as Dems won from 1932 to 1948. 

Fascist altruism or communist altruism?

This false alternative happened when Germans abandoned freedom

Listen to what they say about each other and it hasn’t changed. For the last eleven campaigns both looter parties have struggled to ignore the Libertarian party and sworn the other would destroy America.(link) Suckers and cowards repeat this endlessly–even fake libertarians.(link) Vote for the superstitious initiation of force to save us from the communist atheist initiation of force was what Von Mises, among others, intimated to help elect Hitler.(link) A looter vote says only that another cowardly 0.00000007% of Americans wants to be coerced toward fascism or communism. A Libertarian spoiler vote says 20 times louder: sever that hand from the till! Let the chips fall where they may–I will settle for nothing less than freedom from coercion and full individual rights!(link)

Why be a coward or a sucker when by having some integrity you make twenty times the difference for yourself and your loved ones? Winning is improving your lot. Losing is surrendering to the machine! Make a real choice. 

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Tarbrushing the

Bottom right corner: party stresses what could be termed… anarchy.

With friends like The Cavalier Daily, who needs the Nixon anti-Libertarian Law? Here is the typical looter media coverage once Nixon’s party began handing out baskets of money for smearing the LP. Abortion (which our platform legalized), and ride-sharing (before Lyft or Uber even existed), and marijuana relegalization–are all there… plus the obligatory tarbrush association with bomb-throwing communist anarchists. Here is a typical communist anarchist–what Republicans want you to think of when you hear “Libertarian”.

Keep repeating it. --Josef Goebbels

Keep repeating it. –Josef Goebbels

Democrats, which now include the CPUSA by its own proclamation, want you to think fascist Republican when you hear the word Libertarian. Both these parties have infiltrated the LP and added idiotic nonsense to our platforms, and by elision made the 2016 Migration plank into a liability.

Observe in the article MacBride’s reference to rideshare services 33 years before Uber or Lyft even existed. Republicans–for whom asset-forfeiture confiscation of cars, coupled with legal fees and fines are a source of income–do not want you thinking about how Libertarians advocated the concept of voluntary rideshare technology as a way for peoples to move past the G.O.Police state. I’m eager to bet money that no republican or democratic candidate will mention that on camera or in writing.

Nor will you find republicans or democrats pressing forth with convincing pitches that Prohibition making beer a black felony on March 2 1929 had nothing to do with the Crash and the Great Depression. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is live on Amazon Kindle for the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

Brazilian blog

Words you can dance to

Clarity isn’t oversimplification