Letter to Democrat voters

Howdy Dem Buckaroos, Thanks for reading my material on how–a month after the Libertarian Party managed to acquire a single electoral spoiler vote–the Republican Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade in favor of individual rights. In November your prohibitionist Luddite puppet lost by 77 votes. God’s Own Prohibitionists’ puppet got enough excess electoral votes to beat your half of  The Kleptocracy 77 times. Your candidates lost because of this anti-rights platform:

As we continue working to reduce carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gas emissions, we must ensure federal actions do not “significantly exacerbate” global warming.
…carbon pollution and rapidly driving down emissions of potent greenhouse gases like hydrofluorocarbons. We will support developing countries in their efforts to mitigate carbon pollution and other greenhouse gases, deploy more clean energy, and invest in climate resilience and adaptation.
…bold steps to slash carbon pollution and protect clean air at home, lead the fight against climate change around the world
To build on the success of the lifesaving Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, we will expand and strengthen background checks and close dangerous loopholes in our current laws…

True, the Democratic platform did stand up for the individual rights of women threatened by the coercive zealotry of mystical fanatics. But clearly the higher priorities of the Democratic party were leaving These States without electricity, and  disarming citizens like Kristallnacht National Socialists in violation of the Second Amendment. You also supported continuing the prohibitionist asset-forfeiture looting George Bush used to completely wreck the economy in 2007. And you wanted to lecture others about Alexander Hamilton to panhandle electoral votes?

I suppose it never occurred to you the panhandling idea might have originated in the Republican camp? The GO-Pee and its faith-based fanatics bore the brunt of the 1972 Libertarian Electoral vote. We had the pro-choice woman candidate  (Toni Nathan) and the economic freedom platform that terrified Nixon’s Party and its Suprema Corte into legalizing individual rights. Did they learn from this? You betcha! By loudly tricking your dupes into trying to transfer electoral votes to the other looters, they goaded the Christianofascists into circling their wagons and chambering a round. They also tricked your own totalitarian sympathizers into likewise refraining from transferring electoral votes from the sinking ship Altruria to the ONLY party left standing up for the individual rights of pregnant women. Thanks for telegraphing where your loyalties lie. We’ll remember that.

butthurtsalve16Here’s a little something to make you and your Chinese environazi handlers feel a little better. It’s a salve from the political party whose fascist agenda YOU helped to further! You wanted the cops to keep shooting kids and confiscating assets? YOU GOT IT! You wanted huge pseudoscience bureaucracies to rob us at gunpoint? YOU GOT IT! That’s the prohibitionism your party and the GO-Pee both supported, and YOU GOT IT!  You wanted to force idiotic legislation on the rest of the world?  YOU GOT IT! You wanted high taxes to support genocidal policies? YOU GOT THEM!

Congratulations, Democratic, Green and Communist Party USA! My schadenfreude goes out to you: both barrels!

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

For clearer understanding, see a translator!


Why Detailed Analysis Matters — The Deplorable Climate Science Blog (Tony exposes political data tampering–tr)

Gavin uses this smear graph to fool people into thinking he hasn’t changed the data very much over time. Data.GISS: GISTEMP HISTORY As I showed yesterday, a more detailed analysis indicates that the changes are huge. Link to NASA files 2016 2012 2000 Since the year 2000, the problems continue. Gavin’s surface data does not even vaguely match satellite…

via Why Detailed Analysis Matters — The Deplorable Climate Science Blog

Germany’s Herbert Hoover


Courtesy of Holocaust Museum

Heroin-peddling Germany tried to stop the opium-producing Balkan States from undercutting Hungaro-Prussian markets after China banned addictive narcotic dumping in 1911. The attempt escalated into Balkan wars and backfired. Germany’s competitors in the dope market–England/India, France/Vietnam, and Switzerland–soon held the whip. Britain, Belgium and France demanded reparations payments for all war damage, while the US tried to collect on war loans made to belligerents.

The US, like Switzerland, had at first been neutral and for a time sold materiel and supplies to the Allies on credit, with no collateral. Herbert Hoover became America’s Food Czar in WWI to keep France and Belgium–and later Germany–from starving. But after communism conquered Russia, the Allies began losing and These States entered the War as an Associated (not Allied) power. One significant difference was that These States (unlike Australia) did not to to war with Turkey, and never ratified the Treaty of Versailles. The US instead made separate peace treaties containing many similar clauses, but as an Associated Power, NOT an ally.

nazifoodczar1935When dry-hope Hoover became president, Germany was selling heroin in dry America to pay war reparations. A Moratorium on Payments, thought Hoover in 1931, would enable America and the League to persuade Germany to quit manufacturing Heroin™ (which export had been the whole point of WW1). This Moratorium on Brains cost American businesses all commercial debt (Germans simply refused to pay), plus the balance on war loans (Allied deadbeats in Europe followed suit, hence the Moratorium on Brains). Today’s “carbon tax” subsidies to totalitarian governments, inspired by pseudoscience alleging global warming, are all too similar to Bert Hoover’s noble Moratorium.

The Moratorium also enabled the Christian National Socialist party to gain power. Germany ramped up addictive exports and rearmed. Walter Darré became Hitler’s Food Czar shortly after These States abandoned altruist prohibitionism by adopting the Liberal Party repeal plank in the election of 1932. America repudiated the Republican dry fanaticism that helped finance National Socialism’s takeover of Europe, after it was too late. But instead of adopting the freedom advocated by the Liberal Party in 1931, non-prohibitionist Americans accepted its repeal plank, then reverted to the altruistic Soviet Communist ideals advanced by the Populist Party as a source of comfort and inspiration. Intellectuals of the looter persuasion went from giving lip service to the nobility and altruism of prohibition to pacing and guiding Democrats on the nobility and altruism of socialism.

The George Waffen Bush asset-forfeiture crash was the direct result of faith-based zealotry infiltrating the Federal government as of his first Executive Order. Its causes were the same as after the 1928 election, which also packed the government with Teetotalitarian zealots. Surely the pattern is clear: dry fanatics + the coercive power of the violence of law = market collapse, credit crunches, liquidity crisis, unemployment, recession deepening into depression–always, in every case, motivated by altruistic intentions. If this is not what you want, consider a contribution to your local libertarian party–available in every State in the Union.

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Dem Jeffersonian Electors could still WIN

Rights, not coathangers!

Libertarian electoral vote before Roe v. Wade

Democratic Party activists chosen to cast electoral votes can still WIN Dec 19–if by winning we mean preserving women’s individual rights to make their own reproductive choices, and ending the GO-Pee’s economically suicidal Prohibitionism and War on Everything and Everyone Everywhere.

Backing Red China’s coercive tithes to Gaian religious belief in Misanthropomorphic Global Warming was the non-starter that has already cost Dems the election, those federal paychecks, and the hand in the till. George McGovern’s pandering for unilateral disarmament and surrender to Soviet communism had the same effect when he lost to Dick Nixon in 1972.  But still on the table are the coat-hanger abortions faith-based fanatics struggle to bring back. Then there’s the ramping up of Prohibitionism to restore gunfights to the streets of El Paso and Chicago–plus another asset-forfeiture crash with unemployment and economic depression.

Roger MacBride’s Libertarian electoral vote made pro-choice non-looters impossible for Republicans to ignore. War was raging as Nixon’s National Socialists struggled to allow States to legally lynch Planned Parenthood doctors. Within about a month of that single Libertarian electoral vote hitting the Federal Register, the Supreme Court ruled that women, like blacks, should have individual rights after all. Roe v. Wade was the LP’s first major victory for enforcement of individual rights through spoiler votes.

Democratic electors can vote for Gary Johnson, and set the example for their Republican adversaries. One such vote sufficed to persuade the Republican-dominated Supreme Court to strike down state abortion laws. Their fear was that women might find out about the pro-defense, pro-choice party with Tonie Nathan on the ticket defending individual rights for women. Roger MacBride’s electoral spoiler vote for Libertarian candidate John Hospers caused–I’ll wager–the Nixon appointee to write that majority decision. The 1973 news article shown mentions Ayn Rand, Objectivism, victimless crimes and abortion rights–the true and original Libertarian party agenda. We just earned 4 million votes–as many as are cast in the State of Virginia for its 13 electoral votes.

The Libertarian Party handed the Dems New Mexico’s five (05) electoral votes plus .  They still lost, thanks to a platform preaching ecological fascism and men with guns busting our kids for marijuana. So why not return those votes to the LP.org rather than waste them in a Quixotic protest that only adds insult to injury? Democratic partisans lacked the courage to stop police from murdering youth over marijuana. This is their chance to make a move for freedom and rights. Democrats could set an example to governments all over the world that now violate the individual rights of women-including use of deadly violence to enforce prohibitionism to benefit organized crime. The LP was the first party to earn an electoral vote for a pro-choice woman candidate.

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

How Democrats can win

Death for Marijuana--Taiwan

Progressive Democratic Party female candidate elected President in 2016–of Taiwan!

Advice for Democrats: Hillary could have run in Taiwan without Legalization of Marijuana, but still lost for kowtowing to communism.

The DEMS LOST because they were against freedom and for communism, not because of the Grrrrrrl candidate. People who understand heat, power and energy preferred to side with christianofascists eager to coerce women and doctors–and hippies–even if it means another crash and multi-year depression… Why? Because the media ordered them to believe the only alternative was to allow evangelical econazis drunk on pseudoscience to destroy American generating capacity to please Communist China.

Even the Russians aren’t stupid enough to fall for a deal like that!

If Dems want to win next time, study some physics, and read The Health Hazards of NOT Going Nuclear by Petr Beckmann. Beckmann is to energy data fraud as John Scarne is to gambling cheats. Then tell Dem boys in Congress to try something new. Instead of sending goons with guns to meddle in electricity, try abolishing some fascist prohibition laws. The GO-Pee will still promise to coerce women to reproduce for Positive Christianity and the Jesusjugend–but only until they LOSE five elections in a row. Compare the libertarian vote count to the difference in the races you lost. Freedom is your only way to get that hand in the till. Republican National Socialists already have dibs on the coercive alternative.

I voted Democratic once. Jimmy lacked the guts to oppose prohibition, and failed when armed fanatical Mohammedans occupied Mecca and stirred up an anthill that got two U.S. embassies invaded. I voted Republican in one race, and Reagan did deliver on a nuclear defense initiative that collapsed a large Communist dictatorship. But Reagan also pandered to fanatical teetotalitarians of the sort that Herbert Hoover represented. Let go of Stalinism, and you will force the GO-Pee to let go of Hitlerism. If fellow Democratic partisans insist on looter prohibitionism, show them you mean business by joining the Libertarian Party.

Fact: the Prohibition party made light beer a felony for nearly 14 years by averaging 1.4% of the vote over the course of 11 election campaigns. The LP.org has managed similar performance, and repeal of prohibition is sweeping These States.

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Pascal’s Climate Wager

The reaction to recent elections displayed by most of those I observe–in Brazil and in the USA–resembles nothing so much as the Two Minutes Hate described by George Orwell. Orwell was the journalist Her Majesty’s Government sent to Germany in May or June of 1945 to reconnoiter and report on what there was to observe amid the vanquished NSDAP. Orwell observed miserable socialists staving amid ruins, dressed in ersatz paper clothing disintegrating into rags. Those memories came to life in the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.  

Goldstein was delivering his usual venomous attack upon the doctrines of the Party–an attack so exaggerated and perverse that a child should have been able to see through it, and yet just plausible enough to fill one with an alarmed feeling that other people, less level-headed than oneself, might be taken in by it. He was abusing Big Brother, he was denouncing the dictatorship of the Party, he was demanding the immediate conclusion of peace with Eurasia, he was advocating freedom of speech, freedom of the Press, freedom of assembly, freedom of thought, he was crying hysterically that the revolution had been betrayed…

Immanuel Goldstein: the original Global Warming Skeptic!

Now it is 2016, and the energy totalitarians infiltrating the Democratic party have caused that party’s womens’ rights agenda to be crushed by equally fanatical anti-choice totalitarians infiltrating the Republican party. So the Dilbert hypnotist-cartoonist who predicted this election outcome is working on a different filter for Radioactive PoisoningNuclear War, Nuclear Winter, The Coming Ice Age, Misanthropomorphic Global Warming, um… Climate Change?? Politicians and doomcriers have trotted out so many lame hobgoblins to frighten the ignorant that it is sometimes difficult to remember which are still fashionable and which “discredited,” old-fashioned, or out-of-date.

I dislike Scott Adams’ assumptions and find fault with his methods of inference. But his prediction that The Don would win the election, 4 to 1 odds against at Paddypower be damned, impressed me. Science is in the business of forming testable hypotheses and learning from how well they perform. All the antinuclear Millerites’ predictions failed—especially the surrender of the entire planet and its incorporation into Soviet Socialism. Theirs was a sort of Pascal’s Wager on the assumption that only the surrenderists were right, since only they had access to the inside scoop. Unfortunately, the unfalsifiable inside scoop, like Pascal’s Wager, made for predictions that were wrong. Global Warming prophets likewise relied on fear and assumptions rather than measurement and testing of hypotheses. The election result predictors–pollsters, prophets and bookies alike–also failed, to my immense surprise.

In Pascal’s day—specifically when he was eleven years old—the Holy Roman Apostolic Church burned one of its own priests at the stake for thoughtcrime everybody agreed had taken place at a nunnery. But Grandier had never so much as set foot inside of the nunnery. Young Pascal observed that facts did not matter in questions of his life and death. What mattered was consensus.

So it is not surprising that Pascal’s Wager comes across as a restatement of the supposition that the mob will burn you alive unless you parrot whatever the mob was duped into believing. Disguising the rationalization by papering it over with doublethink instead of admitting it is superstition is simply treacle on the pill. Any two superstitious mobs are all the pretext that is needed for Crusades, Jihads and thermonuclear combat over some trifling inanity way off to the right of the decimal place. I am indebted to Aldous Huxley, Eric Blair’s schoolmaster at Eton, for his presentation of the intellectual results of French catholicism in “The Devils of Loudon.” The book is out in English and Portuguese and there is even a really bad movie it spawned in the seventies. The silliness of Pascal’s wager, like the Emperor’s New Clothes wardrobe, becomes more transparent the closer you examine it.

I am mainly worried about the side effects of pseudoscience and superstition. That Mohammedans open boiled eggs at the skinny end and Christians at the fat end is of no consequence to me, nor will I take up cudgels for breaking eggs in the middle. It is the bloodlust—like the dog going batty when the other dogs all bark in unison at the Invasion of the Trash Collectors—that causes me just enough concern to pick up a pen and point out how foolish the whole show looks. I do this mainly so that I can enjoy electrical power and other harmless freedom (when it’s religiously fanatical Luddites barking). Nobel laureate physicist Ivar Giaever speaks for me on the absolutely unfounded assertions and moronic claims of this latest batch of looter ex-scientists, their flawed models and their WRONG predictions.

(Disclosure) I vote the straight Libertarian Party ticket, and I’m proud of it!

Apocalypse On. Trump appoints climate denier in charge of EPA. “Threatens planet!” like Nazi, ISIS, arsonist. — JoNova. –An admiring Jo fan reblog

It’s an eco-Worriers nightmare. Donald Trump appointed the man who’s been suing the EPA as its new chief. Scott Pruitt The Oklahoma Attorney General has been a leading figure in working to stop Obama’s EPA’s Clean Power Plan, an executive order that tried to circumvent Congress. Trump heard Al Gore’s best arguments on Monday and…

via Apocalypse On. Trump appoints climate denier in charge of EPA. “Threatens planet!” like Nazi, ISIS, arsonist. — JoNova

Record Ice Growth In Greenland Continues — By Tony Heller, not Hank Phillips

Greenland’s surface has been gaining about three billion tons of ice every day since September 1, blowing away all prior records for ice gain. Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI Meanwhile, fake news sites like the Guardian continue to lie about Greenland (and everything else.) Tweet

via Record Ice Growth In Greenland Continues — The Deplorable Climate Science Blog

Descaso no Brasil

Navios de guerra disparavam caminhões na baía de Guanabara no ano 1893, marcada por uma crise econômica global. Uma parte desta crise emanava das políticas monetárias adotadas nos EUA. Mas o que mais afetou o resto do mundo foi a falência do projeto francês para construir o Canal do Panamá. Estas obras desde 1889 vinham falhando por causa de mosquitos, sobretudo o Aedes aegypti, mas ninguém sabia disso.

Os magnatas americanos fizeram charme, fingindo estar ocupados com planos para fazer um canal na Nicarágua. Mas quando a bancarrota atingiu níveis de desespero nacional para a França, os americanos adquiriram os direitos àquele canal falido a preço de banana. Logo caíram na mesma armadilha. A salvação do projeto e da economia do país foi a falta de respeito com a qual os americanos encaram a autoridade. Um soldado americano derrubou um tenentezinho com um soco na cara. O oficial metido foi para o pronto-socorro e o soldado bruto foi metido em cana sozinho. Duas ou três semanas depois o soldado adoeceu com a febre amarela.

O médico encarregado concluiu que só poderia ter sido transmitido por um mosquito, pois nada maior do que isso entrava ou saía daquela cadeia. Os outros médicos–áulicos da mesma laia que hoje aconselha os políticos sobre  a proibição de arbustos e afins–insistia na crendice popular de que a febre amarela seria transmitida por ruas mal-varridas. Quando o presidente T. Roosevelt descobriu que o seu projeto de canal–a menina dos seus olhos–estava sendo ameaçado por mosquitos, tudo mudou de figura.

Os americanos instalaram encanamento hidráulico por toda a região. Inspetores iam de casa em casa multando quem permitisse a reprodução de mosquitos em águas paradas. Todas as janelas recebiam telas e pintava-se uma larga listra negra horizontal no exterior de vários imóveis para atrair insetos voadores. Os bichos que apareciam ali para comer os insetos foram criados e soltados em grandes números por toda a região enquanto laboratórios pesquisavam vacinas.

As crianças na Zona do Canal do Panamá toda noite colocavam tigelinhas de água limpa em volta das casas. No dia seguinte despejavam essa água na calçada quente para matar os ovos que os mosquitos botavam na água, e armavam de novo essas armadilhas de água limpa. Até 1906 a febre amarela foi conquistada e a malária bastante reduzida. O canal abriu em 1914.

aedesNo Brasil a situação é diferente. Os turistas estão evitando o país por quê? Por que um bando de saqueadores entocado em 33 partidos comunistas, fascistas e proibicionistas manda pendurar cartazes avisando as pessoas a “lavarem” a tigela de água do cachorrinho. Isso eles chamam de combate à epidemia. Ao mesmo tempo ameaçam de prisão os médicos que atendem as necessidades de profilaxia contra a gravidez das mulheres vitimadas por essas doenças — doenças que a reza do Vaticano não cura. Quer mais prova de descaso? Pois veja AQUI o relato da Wikipédia sobre o combate às doenças feita pelos materialistas científicos que, segundo o altruísmo, só pensam em ganância e desprezam a vida humana. Pergunte se na coluna da esquerda aparece algum link para versão desta reportagem em português? Não. ISSO é descaso.

Quer ver o que é valorizado pelos 33 partidos não-libertários? Procura no Wikipedia em inglês a palavra Communism. Experimente fazer uma busca por Operation Car Wash ou Martin Luther/Adolf Hitler, Stalin ou Mussolini e rapidinho pipoca tudo aquilo lincado à matéria em português. Busque Anti-abortion movements ou qualquer uma da inúmeras superstições proibicionistas circuladas pelo monroismo americano e no mesmo ato aparece link em português. Mas quem busca em português os métodos de William Crawford Gorgas que se provaram eficazes em combater as doenças transmitidas por mosquitos–métodos que possibilitaram a construção do Canal do Panamá não acha tradução.

Caso queira achar tradução, é no http://www.tradutoramericano.com ou http://www.juramentada.com