White League 1875

Conservative Democratic Party Values

Lysander Spooner called President U.S. Grant “the commander of our hired murderers” in his protest against the legal language of the Civil War income tax. Yet Grant himself had a lot to say about murderers in a speech reprinted in Canada. Here’s the context.

On Easter 1873 a bunch of Klan White League rednecks murdered a courthouse-full of Blacks in Grant Parish, Louisiana. The parish/county was named after Grant and the town of Colfax, where the arson and executions took place, named after his VP. Locals–including politicians, newspapers, businesses and cops–supported the rioters. They hired the indicted defendants’ lawyers, bought them hot meals, circulated petitions to free them as heroes and cheered them in court for the next three years.

Meanwhile, antiabortion/censorship Comstock laws enraged Northern voters against all Republicans. Indictments based on the Enforcement Act (a postwar anti-Klan law) resulted in a hung jury in New Orleans, where the defendants were tried in the Customs House. For the retrial a proslavery Supreme Court judge intervened to strike down the indictments and free the mass-killers by alleging a drafting error. The prosecutor predicted violence would run riot and it did. He got a hearing from Grant and Grant made the speech the Ottawa paper had the temerity to print. (link) Here are some highlights very reminiscent of the America that passed up the chance to elect Gary Johnson:

THE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE – Washington, January 13th. To the Senate of the United States:… “But it may be proper here to refer to the election of 1868, by which the Republican vote of the state through fraud and violence was reduced to a few thousands, and the bloody riots of 1866 and 1868 to show that the disorders are not due to any recent causes, or to any late action of the Federal authorities preparatory to the election of 1872.

A shameful and undisguised conspiracy was formed to carry the election against Republicans, without regard to law or right, and to that end the most glaring frauds and forgeries were committed in the returns. After many colored citizens have been denied registration, and others deterred by fear from casting their ballots, when the time came for a canvas of the votes in view of the foregoing facts, William Kellogg, the Republican candidate for Governor brought a suit upon the equity side of the United States Circuit Court for Louisiana against Warmouth and others who had obtained possession of the returns of the election, representing that several thousand voters of the state had been deprived of the election franchise on account of their color, and praying that steps might be taken to have their votes counted, and for general relief to enable the court to inquire as to the truth of these objections. (Plenty more… but already this sounds like the 2016 and 2020 elections).

“I quote from the charge of Judge Woods, of the United States Circuit Court, to the jury in the case of the United States versus Cruickshank and others in New Orleans in March 1874: (description of the Colfax massacre executions). It is a lamentable fact that insuperable obstructions were thrown in the way of punishing the murderers, and the so-called Conservative papers of the State not only justified the massacre, but denounced as federal tyranny and despotism the attempt of United States officers to bring them to justice. (Description of the Conshatta massacre in which six mostly white Republicans were kidnapped, taken away and murdered October 8th, 1873. Description of ads taken out promising to boycott farmers who hire “radical” voters).… See the full text for more, or read this excellent book on the entire affair. (link)

Grant’s use of “Conservative” harks back to the Democratic platform of 1856, where conservative meant “keep slavery in the Constitution or we shoot the Customs Union!” The threat was offered in flowery language, but see for yourself: (link) The situation then was similar to what we see now, package-deal alliances between strange bedfellows. Like today’s Christian National Socialists, younger rebs wanted to freely bully–even rape slave girls and make them breed. The plantation owners wanted to import agricultural implements with low import tariffs, so they became allies. The Northern Accumulation meanwhile wanted a high tariff wall so its industrial cartels could gouge the plantation owners with high-priced agricultural implements and rail rates. So they teamed up with religious fanatics eager to use the force of law to stop young southerners from making sexual use of slave girls who could not legally resist their advances–or paltering over them at venues such as quadroon balls. Hence the war.

It so happens this sort of thing was also going on in China. Settlements installed by dealers in opium, victuals and hardware kept Asian concubines in a jurisdiction all their own, and European women and religious fanatics were powerless to use force against them. The advent of photography–and cheap porn–exacerbated that fanaticism throughout Christendom… all the way to the pagan Tammany wards of New York, where pious prohibitionists tilted against the evils of dirty books, Sunday baseball and saloons staying open.(link) The very idea of Chinamen ogling nekkid white ladies was the opposite of what Kaiser Wilhelm, Teddy Roosevelt and any number of British blimps and toffs cared to think about. (link)

Softlee, softlee, catchee monkey. Racial collectivist kleptocracy then, as now, had reached through the hole into the ballot box for a fistful of ballots in support of its coercive agenda; suddenly the plan backfired but the fist would not let go of the ballots to break free. Both entrenched looter parties face this same dilemma. Cold War republicans want reliable electric power and bombs dropping on foreigners, yet their superstitious factions insist that bullying women and shooting blacks, latinos and hippies takes precedence. (link)

Some Democrats suspect that asset-forfeiture looting wrecks the economy and prefer live kids to dead conscripts or cop violence statistics.(link) But their collectivist factions prefer to eat the rich, castrate kids and ban energy to teach Whitey a lesson!(link) The Libertarian party works around these traps by using law-changing spoiler votes to make the looters drop their suicidal planks.(link) They can learn to tolerate freedom or OR go after the initiation of force their most vicious “friends” desire. But for every initiation of force there is unequal yet apposite reprisal force. Libertarian votes packed enough leverage to already do away with cruel laws against plant leaves in most states.(link)


Good reading: The Scramble for China, by Robert Bickers. (link)

Get the complete story in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

Follow LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at https://libertrans.blogspot.com/

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at http://www.expatriotas.blogspot.com or amigra.us

The Reluctant Cannibal Ploy

Let women decide birth control? Let people choose plant leaves? Legalize nuclear energy? Quit robbing us? RIDICULOUS!

God’s Own Prohibitionists cannot fathom how anyone could respond–other than with moist-eyed gratitude–to having their dog shot, the door kicked in and everything they own taken before being frog-marched to prison. The other half of the Kleptocracy, is likewise baffled that anyone can fail to understand that 2+2= not 4 but Global Warmunism and that freezing in the dark is goood, nuclear energy baaad. After all, anonymous sockpuppet scientist-impersonators tell them the alternative to banning electricity is to burn in Hell forever, just like the nuns and teetotalers taught them in third grade. So how do you sell these superstitions? (link)

A government bureaucracy? Fake or tamper with temperature records? RIDICULOUS! (link)

Men with guns were the choice of German national and Russian international socialists. Those, together with endless repetition and defining any alternative hypothesis as ipso facto Thoughtcrime, worked just fine for them. These techniques worked for the Catholic Inquisition, Mohammedan jihads and Lutheran Jew-burning crusades for centuries, following millennia of similar traditions. But the fallacy of equivocation and disjunctive fallacy do the heavy lifting for pyramids of severed heads in China and France and mass graves in the more Reformist régimes. Yet only in 1955 did the Solomon Asch experiment reveal that the social pressure of fake unanimity induces more error than torture or brainwashing. (link)

Ask an econazi to look at the NASA graph above, or ask a MAGA girl-bullier how any people died of LSD or marijuana overdoses, and you get the same answer: squirming evasion as doublethink kicks in, then glossolalia. The reproducible result is projectile spewing of half-digested lies–never the true and simple answer, which is zero. Try it: paste in the question and see.

Here’s another: “How many people have died from civilian utility reactor accidents?” Paste that in and the screen fills up with 6M pages of military deadly weapon accidents, communist government accidents, rumored possible maybes, what-ifs and “let’s suppose” fairy-tales, when the objectively true answer, again, is zero. Yet search engines are overwhelmed with both varieties of fake bullsh!t, just as schools and newspapers are overwhelmed. Anyone who gives the correct Emperor-is-naked answer is ignored, vilified and attacked in that order until they themselves become zero to the dupes. When surrounded by similarly-duped victims of fictional garbage, parroting is not only permitted but mandatory. Yet freedom to speak exists when surrounded mainly by people who have personal knowledge of the actual facts surrounding either question. Social pressure then is not the determining factor.

Nobody at a convention of electrical engineers will bat an eyelash at hearing that power utility reactor accidents have never killed anybody. Nobody at a Grateful Dead concert or anesthetists convention is the least bit surprised to hear that nobody has ever been killed by marijuana or LSD. But repeating “the wrong” one of these true statements at a Girl-Bullying MAGA rally or a screeching mob of ANTIFA anarchists can literally get you killed. These hysterical creeps cram Google full of 17 million pages of evasive drivel and doubletalk, not a true answer. They also elect force-initiating simians to both houses of Congress, who then name unquestionable fanatics to the courts. How? By getting you to vote against their enemies instead of for your friends.

The only way out is to look at what they target. Mystical bigots use political power to harm people they hate–jews, hippies, blacks, foreigners–whatever. Brainwashed anarcho-communists seek to weaken and disarm mystical bigot governments so they can be easily attacked or overthrown. Nothing attracts a following like blind hatred, so pressure groups with different agendas are attracted by the number of votes both hate groups can muster. People who do not want to be weakened, attacked and taken over by collectivist parasites (electrical engineers, bankers, corporate management, real estate moguls) gravitate around the powerful xenophobes to benefit from their voting followers. People who do not want to be forced to reproduce, or be shot, robbed and jailed over plant leaves or the wrong books gravitate toward the anarcho-communists–whom they correctly identify as just as violent as their competiors. Legitimate, factual knowledge counts for nothing as long as blindly ignorant hatred is what drives the ballot counts. Both tribes will tell any lie, silence any truth, abet any murderers to get the votes it takes to direct the men with guns to push their agenda. But for that they need those votes.

In answer to both the Libertarian party formed in 1971, successfully competed in the 1972 election and early in 1973 got the courts to overturn most bullying Comstockist legislation and put a stop to conscription.(link) Libertarians are not terrified by electrical power plants or plant leaves or non-poisonous drugs. Libertarians look for ways to replace rapine, disorder and “the violence of law” with voluntary commerce, security and opulence. It therefore follows, as night follows day, the LP has since 1973 been the target of mystical fascists and parasitical anarcho-communists alike, so eternal vigilance is still necessary. Americans have that third alternative, and even the fourth–of not voting at all–available to only a few citizens of the freest democracies. How will you exercise that choice?
* * *

Good Reading: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, by Adam Smith (link) An interesting exercise is to read the 42 sentences in which the author uses the word “violence.” Then ask yourself if this is not, like coercion, an antonym of freedom.

More Good Reading: The Volstead Act. This law was passed to enforce the 18th Amendment to the Constitution, which was gotten by the persistence of a small but intensely bigoted party earning 1.4% of the popular vote o average over the course of 11 electoral campaigns. Online at LIBtranslator: https://libertrans.blogspot.com/

Fun cartoons: http://www.sinfest.xyz Tatsuya Ishida alternates making fun of both halves of The Kleptocracy. See also Eyebeam: https://www.gocomics.com/eyebeam/2023/05/15


Get the complete story in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at http://www.expatriotas.blogspot.com or amigra.us

Libertarian Law-Changing

This is a simplified way to use a spreadsheet to approximate the lag phase of the sigmoid curve modeling the growth of the Libertarian Party. An online solver to worked to approximate this in the past, and the curve it produced looked a lot like this one. These curves are what election fraud forensics investigators use to test whether systematic tampering has occurred in elections, so you can see right away this sort of curve has practical applications. Petr Beckmann, PhD in Math and Electrical Engineering, recommended these curves in the July 1976 Access to Energy, and the book by Fisher, Energy crises in perspective, Wiley, 1974, which I cannot find. But how hard could it be?

The curve itself is spelt out with brisk alacrity as the Sigmoid Function on a Wolfram website.(link) Yet amid all the integrals, derivatives and Diff Eqs, there is not a single unit of measure to be had. All examples everywhere are of tree growth, Norway rats and how to use Chat GTP to deal with chicks–all extremes and no middle ground–like the Library in Hell made up entirely of Story Problem books. Greg Dunn, my long-suffering math tutor, suggested an alternative from the worlds of nuclear fallout and of finance and compound interest relevant to how vote share increases over the course of 13 election campaigns spanning 50 years: the Rule of 76. Here’s the plan:

The rule of 76 is useful in this case. To go from 4000 to 4 mil the number of votes would have to double about 10 times in 39 years or once every 3.9 years. 76/3.9 is aprox. 19. 4%. Open a spreadsheet and in 1A enter 1972, copy down incrementing 1 for each year up to 2011. In 1B enter 4000. In 2B enter “=(1b)*1.194. Copy down to the row of 2011. I got 4.029 mil.

Private correspondence

This worked. I changed the initial number to 1.172. The nice thing about spreadsheets is you can tweak and fiddle with them, like a lawyer leading a witness, and get the approximation you want. That tweak to the curve in the top image gives Gary Johnson 3,962,631 votes for the 2016 election. But Al Smith would say “Let’s look at the record.” The curve for this model gets all the other election counts wrong except the starting point where they say we got 3674–and the first electoral vote ever gotten by a woman in a national election. Here’s how reality stacks up against simple models:

Every picture tells a story. This one tells us women voters appreciated the LP having written the key verbiage that–like the Thirteenth Amendment–provided protection against the involuntary servitude of forced reproduction.(link) Even Canada benefited by the example and soon formed its own LP.(link) But that 12% per annum vote growth had to be gotten rid of. When Klan terrorists were lynching and intimidating black voters after the Civil War, Treasury agents infiltrated and testified. When Hitler’s National Socialists invaded Hollywood and Boston, Jewish volunteers infiltrated their organizations to bring them down.(link)

Visit Sinfest.xyz

This works both ways. The Looter Kleptocracy calling itself the Republican and Democratic parties is constantly infiltrated by agents, bigots and foreign influencers and does its own infiltrating to cut down on competition. They’d be fools not to, and we should have expected no less. The Libertarian party was instantly attacked by Bakuninistic anarchists like Murray Rothbard, of Mises Caucus deification, who practically wet himself with glee every time communist sloganeering replaced originalist Libertarian Platform language. Republicans and Democrats watched this with delicately suppressed chuckles of joy, but individualist women voters were not favorably impressed. When Reagan Republicans moved to reinstate Comstockist enslavement of women, the LP deleted individual rights for women from the platform–our booming vote share growth was instantly crippled. Only when it was too late–after God’s Own Prohibitionists packed the courts with mystical bigots–did voters wake up to the law-changing spoiler vote clout that WROTE Roe v Wade in the first place.(link) But the girl-bulliers saw that coming as well.

The LP needs volunteers conversant with logistics-curve spoiler-clout math, not whining anarco-pinkos or shellshocked MAGA rejects. Interestingly, there is an entire area of sigmoid curve math, the Volterra-Lotka equations, preoccupied mainly with predator-prey substitution scenarios. We don’t call it the looter Kleptocracy for nothing; those factions are nothing if not predatory aggressors, and blinkering the realization only makes the fact more dangerous.


Get the complete story in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at http://www.expatriotas.blogspot.com or amigra.us

Life v Anti-Life

1972 LP platform plank“We further support the repeal of all laws restricting voluntary birth control or voluntary termination of pregnancies during their first hundred days.” (link) Roe was decided 16 days after our electoral vote was counted.
“If he [Reagan] doesn’t respect that fundamental a right, he cannot be a defender of any kind of rights.” Ayn Rand, 1976.

As Al Smith used to say in the teeth of controversy: “Let’s look at the record.” The LP formed as The Pill turned ten. Women activists not seen in droves since 1932 were everywhere. A Jewish Physician was for the second time arrested by a Christian Gestapo–this time for helping Canadian women (as individuals not protected by any 4th, 9th, 13th or 14th Amendments) Just Say No to forced reproduction.(link) Death in Childbed was the Victorian-Comstockist era entry in coroners’ records for pregnant women killed by voluntary + coerced childbirth. In California that meant 21 women in 100,000 childbirths when the LP formed. The trendline shows a sharp and consistent decrease as forced labor in childbirth was repealed. Fewer women died.

The Libertarian party organized against coercion and for freedom and individual rights. That successful plank was followed by a 15-year falling trend for lady deaths until the Biden-Bush-Reagan prohibitionist and pronatalist coercive frenzy kicked into the record. Starting in 1980 infiltrators hacked at the platform to remove LP defense of women’s individual rights from the platform. The graph above shows how California’s pregnant women fared as coercive mysticism tightened its grip on the violence of law. More women died in childbirth as the LP was steered away from women’s rights and toward anarcho-pederasty.(link)

All I did was search for “deaths in childbirth” graphs. This turned out to be difficult, as though such data were taboo or proscribed. I finally found the above. Armed with the image and exact title of the vertical axis I leave it to the reader to try to find that article. (hint: Lady Scientist) You might find this (link), or this (link) inadvertently showing how American women suffered increasing wholesale death after the Reagan, Holy War Bush and G Waffen Bush faith-based subsidies for violent prohibitionist mystical fanaticism became entrenched. The Obama Administration adopted the same cowardly waffling as the compromised Libertarian Party, and the outcome is plain to see–if you can find the articles. (link)

The mystics, rent-seekers and politicians hoping to gain from the re-enslavement of women–ALL of them this time around–beat their hairy chests and bellow “Pro-LIFE” at skeptics, miscreants and libertarians. The data, with no input from Ayn Rand or yours truly, shows the exact opposite! These ignorant and superstitious dupes sow death by coercion. Let’s reset the LP back to its original platform. (link)


Good Reading: The Darkening Age is the largely unknown story of how a militant religion deliberately attacked and suppressed the teachings of the Classical world, ushering in centuries of unquestioning adherence to ‘one true faith’. The narration by Lalla Ward is the best voice talent delivery this professional interpreter has ever heard. (link)
Don’t miss my latest rechargeable batteries review.(link)
I have another, earlier battery review up as well… (link)

I am going to recommend The Scramble for China once I finish it. The author writes well but MISSES a key event triggering the Panic of 1837, which had a LOT do do with Britain attacking China and way less to do with Jackson not liking the central bank. Ya can’t have everything; where would you put it?


Get the complete story in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at http://www.expatriotas.blogspot.com or amigra.us