Ayn Rand and Sex

Conservatives of the collectivist, chaste and “celibate” persuasions, and other socialists–especially those catasterized freaks whose reading is limited to scripts–fall all over themselves at the chance to criticize Ayn Rand’s views on sex. None leap to the fore with explanations of the value of altruism, or to castigate her views on the initiation of force.

For starters, the gal was Russian, educated, and not a congregant of mystical altruist sects. She arrived in These States a Hollywood aficionada and Pola Negri fan–but also a fully functioning young woman at a time when 99 and 44/100% of such cloche-hatted creatures watched Rudolph Valentino movies with an intensity unmanifested since Argos watched Io. American women made first use of the vote to place America’s handsomest womanizer, Warren Gamaliel Harding–he of dowdy wife and three pretty mistresses–in the Executive Mansion in Washington using their 1920 election ballots.

Ayn arrived in 1926, shortly after some 10 million young men had been killed and twice as many again wounded in the Great War to forestall ratification of the Hague opium convention in the middle of an opiate glut. There was certainly no glut of eligible bachelors as Ayn Rand surveyed the pickings in Hollywood.  She literally tripped herself a man while working as a ragged extra in King of Kings, and squired by Frank doubtless took in such flickering delights as  “Son of The Sheik” (1926).

In The Sheik, the manly Saracen Ahmed, played by Valentino, captures a white girl (Agnes Ayres) complete with jodphurs, pith helmet and scarf. He tauntingly inquires whether his coy and flighty captive she is not “woman enough to know” why he brought her to his tent. There followed this priceless repartée:

“I am not accustomed to having my orders disobeyed!”

“And I am not accustomed to obeying orders!”

“You will learn!”

But the macho Ottoman ravisher plays the nice guy and fails to make his move–to the horror and disappointment of neglected American girls smoulderingly jealous of those anorexic, à la garçonne hussies lately boosting the troops’ morale “Over There!” That fault was corrected in Son of the Sheik, which hit the silver screen just as young Ayn Rand joined silent movie audiences. In it, a reformed Valentino wastes no time having his way with an (unwitting) honey-trap Mata Hari (Vilma Banky)–by engraved invitation–in a plot twist foreshadowing Kira Argonouva’s gaining of young Lev Kovalensky. There is even some foreshadowing left over for one of Mae West’s signature quips–about a gun.

Glittering o’er his faults, Valentino lustily redeems himself in the eyes of Russian and American womanhood, performing much like Francisco D’Anconia would thirty years later in Atlas Shrugged. Similarities may not have been entirely coincidence. Francisco’s full name was Francisco Domingo Carlos Andres Sebastian d’Anconia. Rudolph Valentino answered to  Rudolfo Alfonso Raffaello Pierre Filibert Guglielmi di Valentina D’Antonguolla.

Ayn Rand was no different from the millions of young American women who flocked to Valentino movies and too soon mourned his passing. Pola Negri, young Ayn’s Hollywood heroine since childhood, made a point of swooning over Valentino’s casket at every opportunity. The Fountainhead and Atlas were devoured by Robert A Heinlein, who promptly responded with another protagonist named Valentine in Stranger in a Strange Land. That very expression was first uttered by Dracula in Bram Stoker’s allegorical endorsement of Comstock Laws and the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice! Robert Rimmer novels like The Harrad Experiment, the Rebellion of Yale Marratt and Proposition 31–not to mention Grace Slick’s version of Triad, made Ayn’s unopposed and muscular dalliance with her handsome young admirer seem so tame in context that Howard Roark couldn’t help but laugh.

So 62 years after the publication of Atlas Shrugged–now selling briskly in 29 languages–Republican, Democrat, Green and Communist looters mask squirming envy with feigned shock. None dare defend altruism or the initiation of force on ethical grounds, yet Dr Tara Smith of the U. of Texas Philosophy Department has produced several alternative derivations validating Rand’s ethical and political conclusions, with likewise no response from the cognoscenti and intelligentzia. Theirs is the face of looter cowardice unmasked.


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Ayn Rand also produced the first conceptually correct thumbnail explanation of the Crash, which occurred the year she married Frank, and the Depression which followed. To see up close what she experienced in those years, why not get a copy of my book, Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle?


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Koerner fallacy v. Winning

Same smear tactics the kleptocracy used on the LP.org

Small Human Rights Party ad placed before the LP plank legalized women’s rights. See Original

Surrounding every small party dedicated to change–for better or worse–is a fog of panhandlers eager to bleed off donations. Those donations would otherwise go to the gatherers of leveraged, law-changing spoiler votes. FEE, the Foundation for Economic Education fits the profile for one of these panhandlers.

Robin Koerner is a British-born recent convert to the USA. Like McAfee, a likable noob to whom the LP “owed” the nomination the same year he joined, Koerner has “answers.” But Koerner’s pitch is based on appallingly false, misleading and irrelevant suppositions. Foremost among these is Koerner’s view that ethics, law, history, economics and politics don’t matter, but pop psychologizing by an altruist from fascist Spain does. For guidance Koerner looks to a Franco-era mystical looter to whom life “is cosmic realization of altruism” (Ortega y Gasset, 2012:73). The Libertarian Party, on the other hand, asks us to sign a disavowal of fascist-style aggression. The disavowal was written by Ayn Rand in February of 1947. (Letters of Ayn Rand p. 366) That was back when altruistic fascist and nazi collaborators in Europe were kind of scarce because so many had been hanged by their former victims!

Koerner’s is the thinking of marketing people in Dilbert cartoons. Koerner also believes grinning candidates matter–not platforms, that you should emulate whiners and that the medium is the message. Sound familiar?
The premise–at least the part dense enough to identify–confuses a likable and successful single-issue lobby like UKIP with a political party. The conclusion is Koerner’s assertion that “…psychology must be the focus of any political party that is serious about doing what it is formed to do—which is win elections.”  UKIP won because Brits finally understood that Brexit is the antonym of Anschluss! Having felt the familiar sensation of losing on their hides, Europeans now grasp the meaning of winning! Winning is ditching coercion and gaining freedom.

It takes one to know one?

Like any huckster, this one is attracted to marks, suckers, losers “despondent because 47 years says that your guy never gets elected.” The error is that the LP is not in business to support pop-psych cheerleaders or manufacture paycheck politicians. For 47 years the LP has changed hundreds of laws and policies so as to reduce the initiation of force. We WIN this progress with the law-changing clout of principled spoiler votes. We win because the looters that ignore us get beaten by looters less coercive.

In its first campaign year the LP wrote the content the Supreme Court used in Roe v Wade to kill coathanger abortion laws. Does Koerner mention this? Democrats sure as hell don’t, but Republicans and Prohibition Party hucksters immediately drew up Constitutional Amendments to overturn Roe v Wade. To them the good old days were when a mail order diaphragm was cause for ten years in prison. They are STILL writing and pushing amendments to force women into involuntary labor.

Remember the draft? Napalming children in ‘Nam? Dixiecrats bombing prayer meetings? Middle East invasions and Republicans bawling for the death sentence for marijuana? All of those things felt the chill from fewer than 4000 spoiler votes and one electoral vote counted in December of 1972. Today we cast 4 MILLION such votes. Here’s what the logistics substitution curve fit looks like:

The LP is on track to earn 50% of the vote by 2075.

Fisher-Pry curves show democracy replacing monarchy as coal & oil replaced wood

Prohibitionists with 1.4% of the vote (assisted by venal and cowardly looter politicians) passed the 18th Amendment and Marxist income tax which wrecked the economy and brought the Great Depression. This is the power of spoiler votes cast in support of a principled (albeit idiotic) stand. All we need do is let voters know that the button next to the ones they’ve been pushing will speed up the rate at which violent laws are repealed so that freedom replaces coercion and prosperity replaces debt. Libertarians are not despondent. Libertarian voters are winning every election. All four looter parties are shrivelling. The growing LP record of vote share fits a logistical substitution curve that indicates the LP (or its policies) should have half the total votes by 2075.

Koerner’s whole message is designed to obfuscate that crucial point and lead confused customers down a blind alley. That the alley is full of muggers, pickpockets and predators is not news. The Human Rights Party–organized shortly before the LP (see top of this page)–found out the hard way. Its organizers knew nothing of the meaning of government or freedom, the nature of rights or the language of money! They are extinct, but the Libertarian Party is thriving despite the “help” of “friends” like Koerners and FEE.

hank phillips

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Left and Right Phantasms

altruism, collectivism, coercion

National Socialist platform word cloud

European speech habits place altruistic Soviet communism on the “left” of a line with no dimensions, and altruistic German nationalsocialism on the “right”. The only measurable difference between the two is the relative amount of praise/contempt each has for mystical notions of gods & demons, churches, revealed faith and invisible miracles that defy physics. Both credos define altruism (the benefit of others instead of oneself) as the standard of goodness and sacrifice (betrayal of values) as commendable. None of the “left” and “right” jargon shortcuts became widespread before 1932. Why?

Small wonder, then, that Libertarians who assume none of that, regard the one-dimensional distance distinction much like a Lineland, foreign to reality. Yet the denizens of the said Lineland have completely lost sight of the crucial, so to speak, distinction between the 20th Century Left&Right and its 19th Century predecessors. Most Germans and Americans are indoctrinated from birth to believe that altruism (the common good over the individual good) is good, and that selfishness (concern primarily with one’s own life) is bad.

Here’s how German journalist Karl Marx put politics and religion in 1843:

In Germany no one is politically emancipated. We ourselves are not free. How then could we liberate you? You Jews are egoists if you demand for yourselves, as Jews, a special emancipation. … The political state, in relation to civil society, is just as spiritual as is heaven in relation to earth. On the Jewish Question, 1843.

Here is how Adolf Hitler published his view in the National Socialist Platform of 1920:

The party as such subscribes to a positive Christianity without binding itself to a specific denomination. It opposes the Jewish materialistic spirit within and around us and is convinced that a lasting recovery can only come about from within based on the principle: THE COMMON GOOD BEFORE THE INDIVIDUAL GOOD.

U.S. President Herbert Hoover, Quaker enforcer of National Prohibition who referred to laissez-faire as dog-eat-dog, declared on  March 10, 1930:

The idea that the Republic was created for the benefit of the individual is a mockery that must be eradicated at the first dawn of understanding. (Hoover 1930 1976 p89)

We see then that the communist view is of government itself as god or religion. The nationalsocialist view is of a socialist nation of christians. Republicans who elected Hoover were clearly at least as opposed to egoism, individualism, ownlife, selfishness or independence as Hitler and Marx, who themselves differ mainly on whether government is god or simply god’s handmaid. Yet todays politicans and shriekers of political dogma claim that there is a straight, dimensionless line such that Marxist communism is at one far extreme, Hitlerite national socialism at another, and Herbert Hoover’s prohibitionism somewhere in between, on the yellow stripe, closer to where they say YOU belong. But if freedom were divisible into individual and economic, and mixed economy mavens could be for or against either, there would have to result four category areas–much like a Venn diagram–with only the top and bottom squares containing any integrity at all.

freedom, objectivity, reason, individuality, self-respect at top

Nolan chart compiled from the above original documents, plus Ayn Rand’s non-aggression principle

Libertarians, who regard freedom as indivisible, and individual rights as natural, do not fit anywhere on this strip. Why? Because to totalitarians any system that offers more freedom than theirs is, ipso facto anarchism, which, again, is communism, in a perfectly circular argument with no dimensions meaning, sense, values or definitions–only an imaginary, notional gradient. Nameless experts describe that as a sensible plan for comparing what politics and law are all about, with no standard of comparison included.


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Brexit or Anschluss?

Crowds are 97% catholic and protestant

Crowds cheer as Austria is annexed by engraved invitation into Reich

Anschluss was the eagerly consummated annexation of Austria by National Socialist Germany into the Third Reich. The Reich replaced the League of Nations, whose purpose was price fixing of “chemical drugs” (mostly heroin and morphine) confiscated from Germany by way of war reparations–and the collection of cash war reparations payments. This is in Article 23 of both the Treaty of Versailles and the Covenant of the League of Nations.

(cwill entrust the League with the general supervision over the execution of agreements with regard to the traffic in women and children, and the traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs;


Fool me twice, shame on me!

Brexit was a voted election whereby Britain decided to reclaim its sovereignty and extract itself from the Fourth Reich dominated by ecological National Socialism and taxes, fines and suffocating regulation of the very energy conversion required for the survival of an industrial society. Booty snatchers shriek “we wuz robbed” and seek to overturn the vote–just as their U.S comrades sought in December to convince State electors to vote against electric power and for carbon taxes instead. This is a repeat of 1990s propaganda urging bomber crews to surrender instead of retaliating against a Soviet nuclear attack.

In the USA, when voters rejected Democratic planks promising to make electricity generation as illegal as possible–complete with carbon taxes on everyone except the Communist Chinese dictatorship, ecological national socialists ran expensive advertisements pressuring electors. Electors were urged to vote against the pro-energy candidates–especially the party that actually won the greatest number of counties, hence states, in electoral college votes.

True, the Republicans LOST in the popular vote, because the pro-energy Libertarian Party earned 4 million votes. This is a vote total equal to the votes cast by the entire State of Virginia, and WAY more than the difference between the Democratic and Republican popular vote count totals. When was the last time you heard THAT on corporate teevee or radio?

Nobody in the Kleptocracy is eager to mention this because 1) the Democratic candidate’s husband also lost the popular vote but was elected President by the electoral college, and 2) the Libertarian Party influenced the casting of 90 electoral votes in 13 states. Last month, 27 Libertarians were elected to public office, for a total of 52 for the year. That’s a 53 percent increase over 2016! It wouldn’t do for The Great Unwashed to discover the sort of law-changing clout those spoiler votes wield. Here is the sinusoidal replacement curve fit that shows our hockey stick growth in law-changing votes. Ladies, looking for the party that values your rights more than carbon taxes? Here it is!

A fluke perhaps? The Libertarian Party fielded 827 candidates, 47 of whom were elected. That’s a 5.6% success rate at our secondary task, but still twice the candidates we elected in 2016. We are not in the business of converting people into politicians. Our main purpose is causing entrenched, subsidized looter politicians to change their votes and platforms by deleting planks that call for violation of individual rights by the initiation of force. Every time a duopoly politician loses to another, that loser will wish their platform committee had not alienated the 4% or so of voters that rallied to the Libertarian standard. We are closely tracking the Fisher-Pry logistical replacement curve, an instrument which–unlike GISS tampered-data temperature projections–has enormous predictive power, predictive power such as would do Hari Seldon proud in an Isaac Asimov trilogy.

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World Health Organization killers

Remember this argument? “We can’t stop arresting people for plant leaves; the country would lose its membership in the World Health Organization!” Yet when you visit the WHO website, there is no FAQ, paragraph or line in evidence about how wonderful it is for taxation to send men with guns to shoot and arrest teenagers and minority citizens as an example to would-be plant leaf aficionados. Portugal, Uruguay and Mexico–now joined by Canada, have decriminalized plant leaves. Women just recently achieved individual rights in Ireland! Yet there is little mention of these facts in the looter press or soi disant “World” organizations.

But the disinformation is still there in Animal Farm format: plant leaves baaad! The altruistic reader, however, is now expected to independently conclude: therefore weaponized prohibition goood! The conditioning method more closely resembles what Aldous Huxley wrote while living in Fascist Italy than the methods his student Eric Arthur Blair included in Nineteen Eighty-Four.  To induce politicians to order police to “regrettably” shoot our children, these tax-subsidized bureaucrats publish the following propaganda:

Chronic health effects of cannabis use (propaganda alert!)

  • selective impairment of cognitive functioning which include the organization and integration of complex information involving various mechanisms of attention and memory processes;
  • prolonged use may lead to greater impairment, which may not recover with cessation of use, and which could affect daily life functions;
  • development of a cannabis dependence syndrome characterized by a loss of control over cannabis use is likely in chronic users;
  • cannabis use can exacerbate schizophrenia in affected individuals;
  • epithetial injury of the trachea and major bronchi is caused by long-term cannabis smoking;
  • airway injury, lung inflammation, and impaired pulmonary defence against infection from persistent cannabis consumption over prolonged periods;
  • heavy cannabis consumption is associated with a higher prevalence of symptoms of chronic bronchitis and a higher incidence of acute bronchitis than in the non-smoking cohort;
  • cannabis used during pregnancy is associated with impairment in fetal development leading to a reduction in birth weight;
  • cannabis use during pregnancy may lead to postnatal risk of rare forms of cancer although more research is needed in this area.

The health consequences of cannabis use in developing countries are largely unknown beacuse (their spelling) of limited and non-systematic research, but there is no reason a priori to expect that biological effects on individuals in these populations would be substantially different to what has been observed in developed countries. However, other consequences might be different given the cultural and social differences between countries. (end propaganda alert)

Do the brainwashers apologize for the thousands of persons zealously shot to death? for the tens of thousands of man-years of prison sentences imposed? for the economic collapse brought about when prohibitionist asset-forfeiture raids on banks, brokerages, homes and automobiles cause money to flee into hiding, thereby contracting the money supply into liquidity crises? Not a word about that. The formula is the cowardly smear-by-association exemplified in Atlas Shrugged:

She saw at a glance what they (the State Science Institute) had done. She saw the sentences: “It may be possible that after a period of heavy usage, a sudden fissure may appear, though the length of this period cannot be predicted. . . . The possibility of a molecular reaction, at present unknown, cannot be entirely discounted. . . . Although the tensile strength of the metal is obviously demonstrable, certain questions in regard to its behavior under unusual stress are not to be ruled out.

The same sort of superstitious innuendo serves as pretext for the initiation of deadly force against anything suspected of bringing a smile to someone’s face or being of some utility to the living of their own lives. The World Health Organization–like all products of National or International Socialist coercion–is haunted by the fear that someone, somewhere, might be happy.


Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

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