Votes per Dollar 2020

Republicans had to pay nine times as much per vote as Libertarian candidates.

Democrats had to pay 13 times as much per vote as Libertarian candidates. This shows that individuals are disproportionately more willing to vote for Libertarian (not anarchist) policies than be gulled by either faction of the entrenched Kleptocracy. These disparities contribute hugely to our leveraged, law-changing clout.(link)

Biden won by the largest popular margin since 1932, when the Democratic Party copied the Liberal Party plank calling for the repeal of prohibition laws and Amendment, and candidate FDR promised to legalize beer in a Pittsburgh speech October 19, 1932 shown at movie theaters nationwide.(link) No Republican calls attention to that. Instead they whine that a MERE 44000 votes sprinkled over Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin in 2020 COULD HAVE thrown the election to the House. This is the same election in which Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen–burdened with anarco-communist running mate Boothead Junior and a woman-hating Austrian Anschluss platform–earned 42 TIMES the 44000 the votes the looters now moan and gnash teeth over. Results of anarchist girl-bulliers here: (link)

Before Gary Johnson shuffled the electoral outcomes in 13 states, Democrats repealed no prohibition laws to speak of. (link) With empty assurances they left protection of individual rights for women–gained by the Libertarian party in 1972–in the hands of a lady judge born the month FDR beat Herbert Hoover.(link) Suddenly, after being whopped upside the haid by the court-packing, girl-bullying mystical Orango-Thing, the fanatically prohibitionist Democrat NOW says maybe someday he’ll kinda sorta look at getting the feds to shoot fewer hippies over pot. State governments meanwhile chainsaw plant prohibition laws like loggers in a rainforest. States are also chainsawing Comstock laws passed when nekkid photographs were a new invention and Prohibitionism was Settled Science. Biden talks about restoring the LP’s Roe régime and RFK Jr says he’d sign a bill legalizing psychedelics. Getting beaten by Libertarian Spoiler votes was what trained the Jackass party to repeal bad laws.(link)


The states that once gave Wallace dozens of electoral votes now vote solidly Republican.

Get the big picture in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

Check out LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at or

My financial history blog, is at

simultaneous interpreting, legal and financial

Republican cigarettes or Dem?

One brand or the other
Either-or, pick a pack, smoke and be impotent–just like the Looter Kleptocracy

Both entrenched kleptocracy parties are selling to the same crowd, and the crowd pays with its votes. Neither party wants voters to read its platform. Excerpts are of course unrolled in front of particular pressure groups in much the spirit of a Klan rally or Socialist pogrom schedule. “Help us harm these hated scum” is the message. Cigarette ads also referred to their competitors obliquely, hinting, suggesting and insinuating but never stating forthrightly that “our” smokes–unlike that other trash–soothes your throat almost like a medicinal balm, only enjoyably.

Chesterfield uses Turkish tobacco – from Sansoun, Smyrna, Cavalla and Xanthi, the ads proclaimed. Then it blends and cross-blends those leaves with various kinds of choice home-grown tobaccos in the right balance to give you a cigarette that’s milder, a cigarette that tastes better. Better than not smoking? (link)

That same paper printed another ad on the same page as the ORIOLE FLASH – Official Publication of the 600 Pupils of Ludington High School. (link)

TURKISH TOBACCOS… One reason why Luckies taste better, smoother. These tender, delicate Turkish leaves are blended with choice tobaccos from our own Southland – to make your Lucky Strike a cigarette that is fully packed – so round, so firm – free from loose ends. That’s why Luckies taste better, smoother. “It’s toasted” – throat protection – for finer taste. It’s the Giant Douche versus Turd Sandwich false alternative back in 1934, two months after the Prohibition Amendment and Volstead Act which wrecked the economy after eroding it for 15 years was finally repealed. 

The 2016 Libertarian Party ticket allowed Democrats–tired of being busted, robbed and shot over plant leaves–to let Hillary’s party know they were fed up by handing Gary and Willie a 2×4 of 4 million spoiler votes. (link) Once the votes were counted, Dems proceeded to immediately repeal a bunch of marijuana laws and pretend to act on behalf of the individual rights of women they’d frittered away through dereliction.(link) That’s how spoiler votes work–by making the stupidest looters lose first.

God’s Own Prohibitionists could hardly believe their luck and doubled down on looting, shooting, raping and enslaving for Christ. Anarco-fascist infiltrators multiplied like loaves and fishes to wreck LP planks and organize a hostile takeover or Anschluss of the Libertarian Party during the pandemic. People who value their lives and wanted to go to Austin, stayed away from Reno. The result: a smaller, harder, angrier bunch of girl-bullying superstitious republicans gained control of the Libertarian Party we worked for 50 years to build. Once the violent MAGAts that mobbed and vandalized the Capitol are themselves being violated in prison we might be able to retake the party. If so, the best approach is to reset to the original 1972 platform and install mechanisms to guard against Christian National Socialist putsches and infiltration.

As in the case of cigarettes, where thinking people give up tobacco entirely and either quit, vape, chew gummies or take an occasional bong hit–there is always the option of sending the mystical insurgency no money and giving their girl-bullying candidates no votes. Only the first two lp platforms gave us scary increases in vote share. Looters with vandal planks ruined that and will keep on trying as long as we let it happen.(link)

Good Reading: Remember Obama? The guy who won by NOT being G Waffen Bush or stirring up asset-forfeiture night-riders to burn down the economy? After whupping Hockey Mom and Flaming Torch, Obama was next threatened by Mormon Mitt and Fake Objectivist Boy. Sally Denton saw the Obow signal and fired off The Plots Against The President to save These States from ANOTHER economy-wrecking christiano-fascist demagogue.(link) No way can anyone read this book and fail to grok the ominous paralells between 1934-6 and now. Ku-kluxers marched 20 abreast in tens of thousands when Bert Hoover was building a dry new race. Laws making trade and production a felony were then, as now, the hypnotic swastika for which the Republicans had sacrificed the 1932 election. Then, as now and in 1924 Germany, mesmerized myrmidons rose up to proclaim “we wuz backstabbed!” The current crop even paid Sally the compliment of having a MAGAt novel-writing machine crank out a Newspeak Testament bemoaning the Crucifiction of Donald Trump at the hands of the women voters his minions struggle to re-enslave.(link)

Unlike Denton I agree with FDR that the anarco-assassin midget deliberately hunted and killed Chicago Mayor Cermak. Murderers DO lie on occasion, but this–like the scattered OCR typos–is quibbling. The book is an enjoyable and timely read by a historian who writes about the subjects others ignore.

Get the complete story in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

Check out LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at or

My financial history blog, is at

A Smaller, Harder, Angrier Republican Party

The Alabama Mises caucus, funded in part by entities interested in the economics of Hitler’s homeland, has a video out that is so cringey I can’t even link it. The only thing missing is Marjorie Greene-Teeth’s machine-gun ambush video, which is also getting hard to find.


Go to Youtube and search for “Operation Warhawk Removal”… you’ll see girl-bulliers, Republicans, prohibitionists and poseurs cross-dressing as libertarians in the greatest bait-and-switch since the Klan went over to the Gee Oh Pee in 1928… then again in 1972. The warmongers in this epic are, of course, Democrats from the wrong side of The Kleptocracy. The letter panhandling for this thing is signed Angela McArdle.

Anti-rights anarchists differ markedly from libertarians on weapons and the Second Amendment too. The loudest of the Austrian voices make it clear that their interpretation of 2A is that every bigoted mystical fanatic needs to be armed to the teeth with portable weapons in order to open fire on women’s clinics, shoot physicians, and resist arrest. The Libertarian and Objectivist position is that the Constitution forbids politicians to infringe the right and readiness of our well-regulated militia (SAC, Looking Glass, SDI, State militias) to keep and bear any and all arms that deter or repel attackers–including bombers and ballistic and other missiles.(link) Yet Republican and Democratic politicians perist in paltering with dictatorships to sign away Second Amendment protection.

Austro-Alabaman Anschluss anarchists right this minute ignore protection from nuclear attack, preferring to pose as defenders of the National Guard. The posture is about the same as that of the Christian Front, German-American Bund, Silver Shirts, American Nazi Party, radio priest Trilbys and similar Fifth Column organizations of the 1930s. Shifting from traditional efforts to reimpose prohibition and shore up Comstockism, those soi-disant patriots emphasized keeping These States from hindering the expansion of Christian National Socialism in Europe. Hitler’s calls for universal disarmament of liberal non-aggressor democracies down to the levels imposed by military victory over Germany’s force-initiating absolute monarchy, busily carving up Czechoslovakia, found eager listeners among those Amerika-Firsters.

Similarly, Putin’s revanchist Christiano-czarist monarchy is revered by worshippers of televangelism and Donald Trump as it carves up the Ukraine. West Virginia electors recently voted 2/3 to keep the Grabber-Of-Pussy in office. Jo Jorgensen, burdened by an anarco-communist on the ticket, managed 1.3% there, a 90% decrease from votes our pro-choice ticket of 2016 drew. (link) So now, entrenched Army Of God invaders can be expected to keep libertarian spoiler votes from interferring with Beer-Belly Putsch efforts to reinstall Orange Hitler.

Still, keeping autocrats from press-ganging the National Guard into foreign looter skirmishes is not a bad idea, even if it aids and abets czarist policies under color of libertarianism while ignoring the need for protection against incoming nuclear warheads. (link) This whole Republican State dog-and-pony-show is also autographed by Angela McArdle.


Good Reading: They’ve Shot The President’s Daughter, by Edward Stewart. This used-bookstore pulp-fiction discovery harks back to post-Nixon-impeachment Amerika. Instead of ‘Nam, our soldiers (and maybe guardsmen) are getting killed and crippled in Monroe-indoctrinated Latin America, while controversy rages around efforts to mess with the Second Amendment. Look for it on and Amazon

Get the complete story in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

Check out LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at
Tradutoramericano Curitiba, Paraná

Jane Fonda, Scientist Impersonator

Hanoi Jane cannot let go of straws grasped in Soviet efforts to make energy illegal and disarm the USA into surrender to the nearest communist dictatorship. Every single professional liar and scientist impersonator I have tracked since 1977 has shifted from predicting nuclear winter, to non-communist reactor doomsday, to misanthropic global warmunism–without a single exception. 

But here you have a dizzy actress entirely incapable of differentiating a constant, fatuously reporting scientific credentials and capacity as fabricated as the hysteria she has fanned. Maybe in another 40 years we’ll see videos of Titanic Boy and the Bourne Impersonation actor claiming their place among scientists who never finished high school.

Thanks to Tony Heller at realclimatescience for making this available…

If you want to know what a real scientist looks like. look! (link)

Here is what a Libertarian candidate looks like.

She's with Us!

She’s with Us!

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

The WordPress interface is becoming unbearably bad.

The Forgotten Man, 2020

Drug Czar Jim Carroll

Forgotten man in Opposition to Legalization and Public Awareness–The Drug Czar

William Graham Sumner wrote the original Forgotten Man essay back in 1883, and produced several versions. He explained that whenever altruists A and B get together to decide what C (Citizen) shall be forced at gunpoint to do for D (Destitute). C is the Forgotten Man in the equation, the man coerced into footing the bill.(link) This Citizen was in 1883 the Forgotten Man whose interests and happiness were entirely overlooked and ignored. Franklin Roosevelt tried to recast the scenario with Destitute–the victim of prohibition-induced economic collapse–as the Forgotten Man, but the ploy never did replace Sumner’s original–namely you, dear Reader. 

Just recently we’ve had to acknowledge a spate of murders committed by lazy, out-of-shape, union-collectivized policemen. Typically the victims are brown people. Eric Garner was suspected of letting people buy single cigarettes to allay cravings instead of loading up with sealed packs of habit-forming, Polonium-transmitting excise-generating drugs. He was gang-lynched by First Responders™. Philando Castile was murdered in his car with child and ladyfriend because Minesota First Responder™ Jeronimo Yanez imagined he smelled hemp–the stuff upon which the Bill of Rights is printed.

The Forgotten Quaker Warmonger

War On Drugs, Anti-Libertarian Law, bombing of children 1971

Atlanta cops woke a man up and shot him in the back. A black policewoman was no-knocked and riddled with bullets in her bed because Louisville politicians signed prohibitionist zealot orders to raid her apartment. The same happened to an elderly couple in Houston on orders no less fraudulent. And just the other day a brave First Responder™ shot an unarmed man in the back seven times for no good reason. Another 1009 people were snuffed out this year, always on orders from Democratic and Republican Party zealots imagining plant leaves to be avatars of Satan. No libertarian Party elected official ever issued such orders.(link)

And murder you with total immunity from prosecution

And shoot you dead in bed, and loot your belongings

Like Newton’s Second Law–the one with the equal but opposite reaction force–persons terrorized by politicians using arbitrary police as hired killers have taken to attacking police no less arbitrarily and just as violently in places like Los Angeles and Phoenix, Maryland, Washington and Oregon prompting a political officeholder to remark: 

“Thus far this year, 74 law enforcement officers have been killed in the line of duty in the United States of America,” he added. “Unfortunately, I don’t hear a lot of people speak to that.”

Well listen up. In 2020 America, entirely controlled by the East German Democratic and God’s Own Prohibitionist soft machines, altruists A and B issue orders for C (Cops) to murder D (Drug suspect), mostly brown and youthful. As inevitably as night follows day, fake news media hold microphones into which red-faced police union goons fume and sputter over the “senseless and cowardly” treatment of maimed and murdered officers–protected, of course from civil and criminal liability by the sort of “qualified immunity” that did not save Christian National Socialists from the gibbet at the Nuremberg trials. Their victims need not even be charged under Reagan-Bush-Biden Civil Asset Forfeiture, and may be shot like dogs with perfect impunity on any fanciful pretext thanks to the Asset Forfeitures Amendment Act of 1986 as amended in 1988.(link)

The usual link to the text of this law–“the” law which caused the Crashes and recessions of 1987 and 2008, and the Flash Crashes of 2010 and 2015–has been interdicted by looters in protest against a competing gang of looters.(link) See for yourself. (link) They call the censorship a “hiatus.” I was expecting this, so here’s a link to the full searchable text of the law with errors in the original preserved.(link)

The big difference today is that the Forgotten Man is no longer C, the angry Citizen or remorseless Cop on the beat. The perpetrators unnamed, unmentioned and unquestioned are the Politician, the Preacher, The Bureaucrat, the Prosecutor and the Judge who in the roles of A and B got together to have people murdered as “no-nonsense” examples. They are murdered to please “shall not be questioned” Legislators and Lobbyists whose pseudoscientific votes declare War on plant leaves feared as avatars of Satan. Voters aid and abet this connivance out of fear of social pressure.(link)

Plant leaves are incapable of surrendering, but the War proposition still makes sense to looters granted immunity from even being mentioned in connection with the results of their weaponized acquisitive altruism.  Today’s Forgotten Man is the Politician and Bureaucrat of the mixed-economy Political State soft machine. These are the deadly people I vote against; I vote Libertarian.(link)

These hidden persuaders–the Politician, the Preacher, the Prosecutor and the Judge–are never mentioned in the aftermath for the same reason Libertarian Party candidates are never mentioned. You wouldn’t want voters to think too clearly about the deeds their votes ordered done by the better people who know what’s good for the riff-raff.(link

She's with Us!

She’s with Us!

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog



Repeal Victimless Usurpations


If either Kleptocracy party wants to “win,” its platform should include repeal, decriminalize and expunge. Tarl tells it like it is, but leaves out the relative law-changing clout of Libertarian spoiler versus Kleptocracy bootlicking votes.(link)

Remember Jerome Tuccille? He was a Libertarian candidate back about 1976, and wrote “It Usually Begins with Ayn Rand,” which I recommend.(link) He also wrote a Trump bio I haven’t read. But the important thing was the lesson he learned as a candidate. Every vote cost $6 in campaign spending at that time. Converting to current dollars, all else held constant, today’s votes would cost $36 apiece in 2020 dollars. 

It's a hard rain...

Spoiler vote replacement effect

So if I were to waste a vote on the Dem or GOP platform promises, that 0.00000007% of the vote total would accrue to the benefit of one or the other looter party as $36 worth. But the Libertarian party vote growth rate in 2016 was increasing at a slope of 1.2, which is an angle of 50 degrees, accelerating rapidly. This rapid growth imparts extra law-changing heft to each libertarian vote–heft that does not require that our candidates be sworn in

But Libertarian candidates did win 73 races last year, a palpable drain of money away from Kleptocracy coffers and an enormous decrease in their effective social pressure.(link) Their party mathematicians are painfully aware of these facts–especially the fact that when the vote share is larger than the difference between their “winner” and “loser,” the probability projections for their loot, pelf and boodle go out the window. Libertarian spoiler votes pack roughly 20x the law-changing clout of bootlicking Kleptocracy votes. So on average, LP spoiler votes are worth $720 apiece. If you instead vote Kleptocracy you are throwing away $684 worth of vote clout!


Nixon almost lost when girl-bullying racial collectivists handed George Wallace the electoral votes for four Dixiecrat States. Wallace, like JFK, was quickly riddled with bullets, which was the equivalent of a Chappaquiddick incident for nomination purposes.(link) The GOP absorbed the Klan and broke up the Solid South. On their third confrontation with the Libertarian Party–whose 1972 plank was rewritten as the Roe v Wade decision, Dems in 1980 plunked for subsidized birth control (link) rather than the Libertarian solution of deregulating the medical cartel. Their open borders preference for flowers and granola to repel Soviet nuclear attacks did them in.

NOW the Dems and God’s Own Prohibitionists(link) are realizing how spoiler votes change election outcomes, and whining lest your vote benefit YOUR FREEDOM rather than some looter politician’s hand in your pocket! Ain’t that something? Listen to what the looter parties say about each other and remember all that on election day!

Withholding sex?

Racial collectivism AND shooting your kids?

No thanks. We’re with Jo Jorgensen, why? 

She's with Us!

She’s with Us!

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog



Killers with Badges, 1929

First Responder murderers acquitted

Gunfire-riddled auto in which Henry Virkula was murdered by ICE agents in 1929

Henry Virkula was out for a drive with his wife and kids when customs agents leapt out of the bushes and riddled their flivver with buckshot the night of June 8, 1929. This was during Dry Hope Herbert Hoover’s Administration under the Five and Ten law making beer a chain-gang felony 2 days before his Inauguration. Like today, the Methodist Board of Temperance, Prohibition and Other People’s Morals bellowed that the killing was “justified” under the eugenicist tenets of Positive Christianity. Dry Killers was the exact technical term used by citizens and newspapermen alike.

Army of God, just following orders

Christian National Socialists exulted in dry killer antics

First Responders were, as always, justified in murder, according to the experts on what Jesus would have done: 

“The second case was that of the De King killing in Aurora, Illinois.  That seemed perfectly horrible until the facts were ascertained and broadcast.  Now the most intelligent people know what happened and see considerable significance in the fact that the grand jury refused to indict the officer involved.  (…) On the Rouse case, the Board said Officer Rouse “killed a rum-runner in the act of committing two felonies,” adding: “The rum-runner had made an assault upon him by the use of poisonous gases produced by a smoke-screen device.  Officer Rouse was completely exonerated by the grand jury.  (…) (LA Examiner 6/17/1929)

Does this sound like a Minnesota cop union mouthpiece waving an “official” medical examiner’s report?(link

There were no throwdown guns, throwdown beer or throwdown medical examiner documendacities or rumors of active warrants to get overeager ambush murderers off the hook. In fact, the International Falls City Council promptly gave notice to Republican President Herbert Hoover on 18JUN1929: 

Dear Mr. President: The International Falls City Council voted and passed upon the following resolution:
                “Whereas at an open meeting of business men and city officials of this border city last June 14 an informal appeal to the President was drawn up, asking him to end the terrorism inflicted upon our citizens and neighbors by Federal customs patrolmen, engaged in prohibition enforcement;
                “and whereas, our appeal has remained unanswered, even though the vicious and unlawful conduct of said government agents have continued unabated‑‑except that there has been no fresh murder of our innocent neighbors;
                “Therefore, be it resolved that we, the City Council of the City of International Falls, in regular session assembled, do hereby remind the President that the memorialization of the citizens’ appeal was and is the articulate pleading of the community:
                “And be it further resolved that the City Council of the City of International Falls does hereby join its official voice in requesting from our President an urgent response to the pleas for help from our people. (Hoover 1929 1974  195)

Senator Millard Tydings of Maryland was at the time compiling a list of prohibition murders, naming names and giving particulars for publication in “Before and After Prohibition,” so politicians encountered tough sledding trying to ignore over a thousand slaughters.(link)

I thought I smelled beer... BLAM BLAM BLAM!

“Send these murderers to the penitentiary” appeared in Congressional debates.(link)

None of this mattered. It was only late in 1929 that statistician Clark Warburton began pointing out that the black market in banned beverages amounted to 5% of the entire U.S. economy, an amount larger than the entire budget of the federal government tasked by the 18th Amendment with killing, confiscating, libeling, padlocking, jailing and murdering every man woman and child in These States if that’s what it would take to force people to drink what the Prohibition Party ordered them to drink.(link) The Prohibition Party averaged 1.4% of the vote in 11 electoral campaigns. There was no Libertarian Party, but there was a Liberal Party demanding repeal.(link)

Libertarian vote growth

Can you say hockey-stick replacement curve?

By January of 1930, no religious fanatics dared debate the Association Against the Prohibition Amendment, armed with Warburton’s exhaustive reports and calculations on consumption of every possible ingredient used in the production of recreational beverages.(link) Women came out for repeal and financial collapse, unemployment, burgeoning prisons, Hoovervilles, riots, blockades, arson, cop-killings, hunger and economic contraction got the voters’ attention.(link)

The Democrats copied the Liberal Party plank demanding repeal of the Prohibition Amendment.(link)  Hoover promptly became a repeal advocate, but Republican National Socialism was into coercive eugenics and helping Hitler to power, and wouldn’t listen.(link) By March 4, 1933, with every bank in the nation already closed down, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was sworn in and the Dems–who had not yet become communists–ruled the roost for 20 years. 

Does any of this sound familiar? like it rhymes? Why not compare the short and simple Libertarian Party Platform? 

Are you surprised to learn how the repeal of prohibition began? Buy my book, Prohibition and The Crash, for a month-by-month examination of how President Hoover’s enforcement of the Jones Five and Ten Law crushed the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

A simultaneous interpreter has to think outside the box in order to mediate between cultures, concept and languages. Get in touch for translation or interpreting.





Nazi Snowflakes then and now

Nazis outside of Syracuse

See original newspaper story (link)

Google News Archive contains the Spartanville Herald-Journal report of German Ambassador Dieckhoff getting all bent out of shape over former U.S. Ambassador William Dodd’s insensitive and hurtful comments on Hitler having his enemies rounded up and shot. As a private American citizen, Dodd could say anything he pleased. The story ran on 15JAN1938. An American comedian is said to have been arrested by National Socialists for a Berlin nightclub quip that most dictators jail their enemies; but Hitler jails his friends!

But that was then and this is now and America, right? Not so fast! At Syracuse University, according to Reason Magazine, The Tab Syracuse, a social media account that covers Syracuse University news, posted a photo of a syllabus that references the coronavirus as both the “Wuhan flu” and “Chinese Communist Party Virus.”(link) Here again, nothing hurts socialism like the truth leaking out.(link)

You can test this theory by describing a school owned and coercively operated by any level of government as a “government school” in the presence of intellectuals of the looter persuasion. The descriptor is objectively accurate, yet collectivist programming requires hotly riposting with the false belief that coercion is voluntary and that “The” government is “the” people–unless the wrong party is elected.

Oddly, the most strenuously worked up are the weak-minded derivative socialists divided along religious lines. “Right” conservatives wish they had the fortitude of Hitler, Franco, Mussolini and Moseley, while “Left” progressives pine for the decisiveness of Bellamy, Howells, London, Browder, Reed, Lenin, Mao and Marx. Today’s Bushes, Romney, Christie and Palins are just as insipid and tentative as Ocasio-Cortez, Pelosi and Sanders compared to the real thing in the bottom square.

The yellow streak

The yellow streak seeks to parcel out coercion

To recognize that a communist dictatorship released a germ warfare agent on the planet is thoughtcrime pure and simple.(link) When the Soviet communist dictatorship next door allowed an unnoticed Xenon buildup to explode and ignite a  power reactor with no containment powering a military radar, looter newspapers knew better than to even hint of such an event even as fallout triggered radiation alarms all over the globe.(link) Yet the folks triggered and upset by the thought the communist virus may have been a germ weapon are just as upset by mention of the cover-up. (link)

Objectivists and libertarians are no less consistent in the defense of freedom than are communists and fascists in their insistence on coercion. Only the confused, cowardly or indecisive seek to compromise on a Guyana Kool-Ade cocktail blending free speech with censorship. Why not take a stand and cast a highly-leveraged law-changing spoiler vote for freedom and categorically against coercion? Why not send a message on principles instead of paranoia and personalities? 

She's with Us!

She’s with us!

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Republican Election Fraud 1864


Articles on same page of Hartford Weekly Times 19NOV1864 (link)

America was at war over the same tariff policies that brought her to the brink during the Nullification Crisis. The Morrill tariff enacted after Lincoln’s election was no less abominable and prompted Texas militias to seize federal armories. This second Tariff of Abominations was signed by President Buchanan on March 2, 1861, two days before Lincoln’s Inauguration. Did none of your “educators” mention this detail?

A similar bomb was planted on Herbert Hoover 58 years later. The “Increased Penalties Act” of 1929 demanded five years in prison and a fine equivalent to 14 pounds of gold for Beelzebub’s Beer and The Demon Rum. Its enforcement using the new Manifesto capitation tax wrecked the stock markets and fractional-reserve banking system and put an end to Republican Administrations for 20 years. (see book below)

But politics continued and Civil War Democrats split into Peace Democrats, who wanted to sue for peace, and War Democrats, who believed in fighting it out to enforce “the” laws, but not for the object of abolishing slavery. This faction also voted for McClellan. Both DEM factions supported McClellan, but “the” laws meant the Fugitive Slave law to one faction and the protective tariff to the other. Here is another snapshot of that election: 


Same page as above, along with other letters…

There were two types of oaths, one was administered to voters. The other was the pauper’s oath–a formal declaration by a person that he is destitute and incapable of self-support. This was required in certain states to be eligible for public relief. Such an oath normally operated to deprive someone of the vote.

Today’s government school system harps on slavery, yet primly elides mention of the antebellum sexual abuse to which the women were subjected. Harriet Beecher Stowe dared bring this up–instead of mentioning the protective tariff. Similar strategy prevents today’s Kleptocracy historians from mentioning the causal connections between Prohibition and The Crash, but inducing ignorance in no way changes the facts. Orwell warned that lying about such things eventually backfires when the truth leaks out.(link)

Then, as now, both entrenched parties were soft machines in a kleptocracy dedicated to the initiation of force, rather than the defense of individual rights. Campaigns, as now, featured all the dignity and seemliness of two looters fighting over a bottle of gin snatched from a smashed liquor store window. A hand in the till and another confiscating your assets over plant leaves are high priorities to both doting factions. Both legacy looter parties want to continue “penetrating” weaker neighbors urging shoot-first repression of recreational plant leaf derivative markets. Nevermind that exporting prohibitionist policies PREVENTS those countries from developing functional economies. 

The other priority shared by both entrenched parties is meddlesome invasion and bombing of distant primitive villages in some sort of religious war designed to bring terrorist retaliation. The only leveraged way to clearly say NO to all these dishonest and murderous policies is to vote for libertarian candidates in November–especially State and County LP candidates. 

But let’s be fair. Listen to what our adversaries say about each other before you choose LIBertarian on the ballot. 

She's with Us!

She’s With Us!

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Voting against communo-fascism

The Texas LP is finally responding to the whining entreaties of “both” Kleptocracy parties.(link) Democrats are beginning to understand their party is only democratic in the sense that East Germany was “democratic” in 1989. George Wallace and burning Beatles records at Klan rallies were still getting top Democrat billing in 1974, as the Hero of Chappaquiddick quietly shuffled out of the bid for nominations.(link)

Send a message to Washington!

Remember George Wallace’s War against Race Suicide birth control?

Joe Biden is a man to thank if your children or dog were shot by no-knock Exorcists of Satanic plant leaves.(link) (link) (link) If your property, vehicle or bank account were taken from you via asset forfeiture, Joe Biden, Ron and Nancy and the Bush dynasty are the perpetrators of the Anti-Drug Abuse Law of 1986 making that happen.(link) (link) Biden may not recall the law that caused the Crash of October 1987, but I do.(link) I vote Libertarian.(link) Read the law and find out why the Comstock-tool Post Office is failing, about mandatory minimums, Doomsday prohibitionism for the “wrong” kind of leaves and seeds took decisions out of the hands of the judicial branch.(link) That Doomsday Machine caused the Crash of 2008 and Flash Crashes of 2010 and 2015.(link

Learn, Baby Learn

The Bush Dynasty bombed distant fanatics and brought retaliation on Americans

The Republicans lost with every religious fanatic candidate since the George Bush Jr asset-forfeiture crash.(link) Daddy Bush bombed primitive Mohammedan tribes to steal oil instead of permitting U.S. nuclear power reactors to light our cities–and look what happened! Trump is perhaps more competent than those losers, but the Republican Party isn’t. Now the Chinese Communist party is using germ warfare to wreck the economy in hopes of gulling Americans into electing a senile, mindless puppet.(link) Rotsa ruck with that!

Libertarian Competition increases Freedom

We are freer today than we were before the Libertarian Party got the looters looking over their shoulders!

So you can maybe understand our raucous laughter when looter shills whine that “a vote for Jo is a vote for (looter kleptocrat)” My vote for Jo is a vote for Libertarian Party principles that have worked for me since 1972. My vote for JO packs 20x the law-changing clout of a vote wasted on lying looters. They know that 0.0000014% is 20 times more than the normal grovelling 0.00000007% cast my a herded peasant.(link) My vote tells the looters to go directly to hell, do not pass Go, do not rip me off for another $200. Patrick Henry sent a similar message to the British Government.(link) They laughed, they made fun of us, attacked us… six years later we won and the King stopped laughing.(link

Remember mercantilist monarchies?

We send communo-fascism to the dustbin of mystical monarchies!

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog