Voting against communo-fascism

The Texas LP is finally responding to the whining entreaties of “both” Kleptocracy parties.(link) Democrats are beginning to understand their party is only democratic in the sense that East Germany was “democratic” in 1989. George Wallace and burning Beatles records at Klan rallies were still getting top Democrat billing in 1974, as the Hero of Chappaquiddick quietly shuffled out of the bid for nominations.(link)

Send a message to Washington!

Remember George Wallace’s War against Race Suicide birth control?

Joe Biden is a man to thank if your children or dog were shot by no-knock Exorcists of Satanic plant leaves.(link) (link) (link) If your property, vehicle or bank account were taken from you via asset forfeiture, Joe Biden, Ron and Nancy and the Bush dynasty are the perpetrators of the Anti-Drug Abuse Law of 1986 making that happen.(link) (link) Biden may not recall the law that caused the Crash of October 1987, but I do.(link) I vote Libertarian.(link) Read the law and find out why the Comstock-tool Post Office is failing, about mandatory minimums, Doomsday prohibitionism for the “wrong” kind of leaves and seeds took decisions out of the hands of the judicial branch.(link) That Doomsday Machine caused the Crash of 2008 and Flash Crashes of 2010 and 2015.(link

Learn, Baby Learn

The Bush Dynasty bombed distant fanatics and brought retaliation on Americans

The Republicans lost with every religious fanatic candidate since the George Bush Jr asset-forfeiture crash.(link) Daddy Bush bombed primitive Mohammedan tribes to steal oil instead of permitting U.S. nuclear power reactors to light our cities–and look what happened! Trump is perhaps more competent than those losers, but the Republican Party isn’t. Now the Chinese Communist party is using germ warfare to wreck the economy in hopes of gulling Americans into electing a senile, mindless puppet.(link) Rotsa ruck with that!

Libertarian Competition increases Freedom

We are freer today than we were before the Libertarian Party got the looters looking over their shoulders!

So you can maybe understand our raucous laughter when looter shills whine that “a vote for Jo is a vote for (looter kleptocrat)” My vote for Jo is a vote for Libertarian Party principles that have worked for me since 1972. My vote for JO packs 20x the law-changing clout of a vote wasted on lying looters. They know that 0.0000014% is 20 times more than the normal grovelling 0.00000007% cast my a herded peasant.(link) My vote tells the looters to go directly to hell, do not pass Go, do not rip me off for another $200. Patrick Henry sent a similar message to the British Government.(link) They laughed, they made fun of us, attacked us… six years later we won and the King stopped laughing.(link

Remember mercantilist monarchies?

We send communo-fascism to the dustbin of mystical monarchies!

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog


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