Australians pity Biden

Australians have no skin in the coming American Kleptocracy election. They can witness the farce with libertarian equanimity and aloofness. Even after Communist China’s “accidental” release of a biological weapon to wreck the non-communist economy and save their Democratic puppet partisans, Boss Trump is clearly less incompetent. Joe “Mandatory Minimums” Biden is the Drug Czarist we can thank for the Flash Crashes of the Drug Czarist Obama-Boticcelli prohibition empire.(link) Biden’s own son was outed by a mandatory drug test, but having the cops shoot your offspring is all in a day’s work, and NOT nepotism.(link)

Voting for libertarian candidates as been my policy since Republicans and Democrats demanded the death sentence for plant leaves and such. I voted against Trump’s prohibitionist party just as I have the past 10 elections. Biden’s party also wants men with guns to kick in your door at 5 AM, kill everything that moves and confiscate everything else through asset forfeiture. These things running loose in the china-shop that is a fractional-reserve banking system are exactly what caused the Crash and Great Depression.(link) The George Waffen Bush asset-forfeiture crash and depression is as good an example as any.(link)

I totally understand how a party doomed to lose picks it’s own most irritating loser to push in front of the steamroller. Republicans did that to Willkie, Landon, Goldwater, Romney and McCain. Dems did it to Eagleton, Gore, and now Biden all the while hollering “now’s your chance.” At 77, Biden is obviously as incompetent today as he was cruel and ignorant while causing the 1987 Crash.(link)

Lies to explain away forfeiture Crash

The May 6 2010 Flash crash was caused by FATF asset-forfeiture bank account confiscations

Libertarians and Australians see this clearly and objectively. When the existence of a Libertarian party eager to repeal ALL victimless nonsense laws was still a secret, I even voted for Carter. Today I am doubly thankful for county and State LPs–and even what’s left of our besieged national party–for sparing me the temptation of ever casting another vote for the looter Kleptocracy. 

spoiling for a fight

Libertarian vote increases at all levels since 1972

Spare a thought for these myriad shocks to the US (and world) economies. Consider the safety and financial future of the younger generation as you prepare to vote.


My explanation of how prohibition triggered the Crash and Great Depression is in English and Portuguese on Amazon Kindle

If you need translations for an international lawsuit or immigration papers, visit my websites. My other blog is

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