LSD replaces masturbation

From George Orwell’s reminiscences of boarding school days in 1915 comes this jewel of an aide-memoire:

A feeling of doom descended upon me. So I was guilty too. I too had done the dreadful thing, whatever it was, that wrecked you for life, body and soul, and ended in suicide or the lunatic asylum. Till then I had hoped that I was innocent, and the conviction of sin which now took possession of me was perhaps all the stronger because I did not know what I had done.

Forty-five years later both Kinsey reports had been published, Atlas Shrugged and Stranger in a Strange Land were best-sellers, and every boy had surreptitious access to articles debunking superstition and pseudoscience in Satan’s own Playboy Magazine. Christian National Socialist Truths had–like their predecessors asserting that beer and rum led to murder, insanity, suicide–become the object of braying laughter, and nobody believed that touching oneself would result in blindness, insanity or hair growing on the palms of one’s hands. Enter Aldous Huxley and Timothy Leary as the involuntary Saviors of doomed disciplinarian dogma.

Senator John F Kennedy established a dallying liaison with next-door-neighbor and later acidhead artist Mary Pinchot Meyer back when Huxley and Leary were early adopters. A year before the assassination the name Dr Dana Farnsworth began appearing as attribution in fake news “scientific” articles insinuating that LSD and similar drugs “have the power to damage the individual psyche, indeed cripple it for life.” The “scoutmaster’s stern talk” was again resurrected to save youth from leather-winged Satanism.  Here was Satan’s own drug “abuse” as replacement for the disparaged and discredited self-abuse theories of the previous century!

Sure enough, Congress and the Several States deputed bands of armed thugs authorized to arrest, rob, shoot and kill such LSD users as had not already leapt to their deaths out of skyscraper windows. Abusive fathers whose daughters ran away from home now had The Devil’s Own Temptation as an alibi–until medical examiners disproved the hogwash after the furore had died down.(link) Millions upon millions or youths meanwhile met for Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Hendrix, The Doors, Cream and Mammas and the Papas, etc. concerts to disprove by experiment the rabid disinformation–yet were robbed, jailed and shot just the same for another three decades. Nixon was forced out, the Libertarian party began getting pro-choice votes before there even was such a thing anywhere else, and now earns a thousand times as many votes as in that 1972 election–a share now growing at 80% a year.

So here we are 49 years later. Those pro-choice, anti-war, and pro-rights votes stopped the Prohibition-Dixiecrat-Republican fascist dreikaiserbund from threatening birth control clinics with guns, and have by now removed deadly prohibitions on many plant leaves… Best estimates indicate that Libertarian candidates have drained off over 200 million votes since 1972. Many a fascist kleptocrat has lost to a communist kleptocrat (and vice-versa) after local voters chose instead to cast ballots for THEIR OWN FREEDOM!

Today a new bunch of pseudoscientists assert that “electrical generation has the power to damage the collective environment, indeed cripple it”–unless men with guns are sent out to arrest, rob, shoot and kill such electrical energy providers as have not already been lynched by addled regulators. Since the evident victims of this latest superstitious lynch mob consist predominantly of instigators of the earlier superstitious lynch mobs enacting Comstockism, national prohibition, Blue Laws, military involuntary servitude and additional cruel prohibition laws, it is not at all easy to work up a lot of sympathy while schadenfreude comes quite naturally.

The LP has no prejudice against electrical energy, so elections–to the extent not rigged by Nixon subsidies–now include a sort of Darwinian intelligence test that will determine the survival of the parties most fit to cope with a reality-based environment.

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses, and how its causes changed the laws. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Climate data v. Reason magazine


A thought experiment for congregants of Misanthropic Global Warming. Data since 1900 show a decreasing temperature trend and an exploding population..

People are easier to count than tenths of a degree

Common Era Population Growth

Reason magazine has added a mathless science guy to our sources of documendacity, someone Zack evidently listens to.(link) The story is that although untampered data show no warming trend, warmunist scientist impersonators at the State Science Institute and Ministry of Truth have altered temperature data records cooling the past so as to create an apparent warming trend where thermometers say none exists.(link) (link)

This is another mutation of the 1960 Soviet prediction that unless greedy egoism is again disarmed (by a new set of Kristallnacht laws), we’re all gonna die.(link) Preceding that was Thomas Malthus, who–shortly after the calculus was developed and became widespread–predicted too soon a catastrophe based on 18th century technology and a linear hypothesis. Because Malthus and Paul Ehrlich both made math errors–the story goes–there is no problem, and anyone apprehensive about a population increasing vertically at 220,000 people a day on a planet of constant surface area is deluded. This is, again, too hasty a generalization.(link)

The math is not all that simple, granted.(link) But the second derivative (rate of change of rate of change) of the population growth curve changed sign in the early sixties–with birth control pills. Data show such a change happened twice before, in the mid-1300s when the Black Death spread from Asia to Europe, then again in secondary bubonic plague epidemics in the 15th and 16th centuries.

The second derivative went from positive to negative and the population curve itself did the same, albeit briefly, after nearly half of everyone died (some 200 million), then again because another 150 million or so died out of a population of about 600 million. The changes were quick because only a small fraction as many people existed when the plagues hit. Later, WWI and influenza made an almost invisible wobble in the data sequence.(link)

The pill was widespread when Reason became a thing, yet our second derivative had gone from positive to negative shortly before with 3.5 billion people alive. Now, after a half-century of growing less steep (after 11,950 years of steepening) the growth curve is still all but vertical and population increases by 7 million people a month. Even though that rate of change in the rate of change has been mainly decreasing since Hospers and Nathan were LP candidates and population was increasing by 76 million a year, world population is currently increasing by 80 million a year and will continue to increase for another century we get to zero population growth–barring some Malthusian disaster.

Nuclear electricity (as the reason article acknowledges) if freed of coercive strangulation, could enable humanity to continue along mathematical curves. If aggressive coercion prevails, nuclear and biological weapons can distort the curve to look like we’d been broadsided by bubonic plague or Great Leap Forward. During economic collapse, death rates can change really fast.(link)

Banking systems can also change pretty fast under coercive duress–this occurred in the 1920s.

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses, and how its causes changed the laws. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Geodesic Gifs

Fans of David Kruschke’s Dome Cookbook of Geodesic Geometry will get a kick out of the B&W gifs at the Necessary Disorder Tumblr site (link)

The domes are difficult to scroll down to--not because of the loading of other gifs so much as the sensory overload of how the same creator’s competing GIFs clamor for admiration. These are gorgeous works of art.

And speaking of gorgeous works of art, how would an inexpensive Kindle book unfolding the mysteries of the stock market Crash that warned of the coming Great Depression grab you?

Get another complete story in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages


I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at or

Brazilian echoes Christian National Socialism

Auguste Compte flag design

Note the AMEN replacing the Compte slogan

A lot of commotion has been raised about a recent appointee to a socialist bureaucracy in Brazil. The suit got all hissy over Fernanda Montenegro (imagine Brazil’s answer to Helen Mirren or Meryl Streep) posing tied to a stake atop a pile of books ready for burning. In America, the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice PROUDLY depicted its advocacy of book burning and laws banning ALL birth control with ten-year tours on a chain gang and hefty fines in gold–16 years before Hitler was born! The last of those Comstock Laws were overturned in 1973. The hysteria was repeated with Beatles albums after a John Lennon remark about popularity.(link)

Christian National Socialist Censorship

BURN them nasty books!

What the bureaucrat said:  Continue reading

Brazilian comedians v. Lynch mobs

“Porta dos Fundos” is itself a play on words worthy of the Firesign Theater. Indeed, Fire Exit works as one of the myriad translations for the name of Brazil’s premier comedy troupe. In a country plagued by Richard Nixon’s campaign subsidy laws–where folks are forced to vote for some 16 fascist and another 16 communist parties–all of them campaigning at the pleasure of a politically-appointed panel of legal geezers–comedy becomes a dangerous profession. Continue reading

Energy Egoism

Chattel slavery collectivism

Energy slaves or human bondage?

Much of the 20th Century was a struggle between the non-chattel slavery of collectivism and the liberation of humanity by bringing electric power into the service of production and survival. But electric power requires understanding of Faraday’s law and the Maxwell equations, which the looter intelligentzia eschew scornfully as egotistical hubris or worse: pulp science fiction!

Michael Faraday as Prometheus

A 1953 edition of Ayn Rand’s Anthem

Yet Rand’s predictions made after Herbert Hoover had comfortably ensconced Adolf Hitler into power over Germany–while Soviet and National Socialism closed in on  Poland–have come awkwardly true again.

How dared you! 1937

How dared you! 1937, 2019

“How dared you think that your mind held greater wisdom than the minds of your brothers?” —Collective 0-0009 in Anthem, by Ayn Rand

The chairs this child sits in Mommy’s lap on while cutting long-division class cost roughly nine grand apiece used.

And if this (electricity) should lighten the toil of men,” said Similarity 5-0306, “then it is a great evil, for men have no cause to exist save in toiling for other men.” (Anthem, by Ayn Rand, 1937, 1946)

Le plus ça change, le plus c’est la même chose. Altruism leaves no choice but between predatory dictatorships for either the priesthood (conservatism, fascism) or the politicians (socialism, communism).

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses, and how its causes changed the laws. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog


North Carolina LP Growth

Roe v Wade Libertarian victory

Pro-choice NC Libertarian Party performance

by Brad Hessel, copied from their Facebook page
Another year, another new all-time record for the Libertarian Party of North Carolina.

In a year in which the number of registered voters overall in NC declined by 4%—due to the usual off-election year purge of inactive voters—the number of registered Libertarians edged up 3% to a new all-time high of 39,631 as of the end of 2019. In contrast, the number of Democrats declined 7% year-over-year, Republicans lost 4%, and even the number of independent (“unaffiliated”) voters declined by 1%.

The 2019 purge was the second biggest in the last 26 years (as far back as our annual data go), exceeded only by a 5% reduction in the voter rolls in 2001. The declines were the worst ever for the Ds, second worst ever for the Us, and tied for second worst for the Rs during that time span. It was also the slowest annual growth rate recorded for the LPNC (excepting the three years we were off the ballot, the number of registered Ls in NC has never declined year-over-year).

Bucking the trend were the two new parties: the number of Green party members was up 90% in 2019 to 1,938 and the Constitutionalists did even better, up 217% to 2,786. The Greens—who had a head start in 2018—started the year ahead of the Constitutionalists, but are now decidedly eating the latters’ dust.

Looking at the entire quarter century, the LPNC continues to lead the pack with a robust compounded annual growth rate of 14% compared to 8% for independents, 2% for Republicans, and 1% for Democrats. The Rs and Ds are consistently failing to keep pace with the overall 3% CAGR for the number of voters. The Democrats have grown slower/declined faster than the overall number of voters 25 out of the last 26 years, only beating the average in 2008 thanks to Barack Obama. The Republicans have beaten the average 11 times…but their last win was in 2004 and they are currently on a 15-year losing streak.

Overall, the percentage of voters registered as either D or R—the “Ubinger rating”—fell to an all-time low of 66.58% at the end of 2019, down (as it has been every year for 26 years in a row) from 91.87% in 1993. ***

Libertarian organizations like the NCLP are what brought us the pro-choice hockey stick vote share growth tracked by Fisher-Pry and other logistic growth curves.

History shows us that a growing small party gets its platform plagiarized by both halves of the entrenched kleptocracy. Every time votes flow away from a decayed and derelict political party, its swineherds get the message no amount of self-deception can distort.  Laws change as a result. The technical term for causing the looters to change bad laws is winning.

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses, and how its causes changed the laws. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Dividing Private Property

Franco, caudillo de Dios, Mussolini, Lateran treaties

Fascism is socialism cut with christian altruism. All socialists are fascists today in that none seek to nationalize everything

The four squares on the Nolan Chart are the result of grasping the fact that altruist ideologues seek to destroy freedom by attacking individual rights with a meat cleaver.  Two 2-position switches yield four possible combinations or states for two light bulbs. Looters are horrified at the naked way this representation depicts their darling coercion, so their standard reaction is to claim that clarity is oversimplification and there are no either-or choices in real life.

Not for dim bulbs!

Is this difficult?

Such facile dismissal prompted a rebuttal by replacing the flip switches with dimmer switches. This carries the analogy out to more decimal places without giving up the basic conceptual information either version of the model allows you to visualize. So why four possibilities instead of a flip switch and a single light bulb? or just a horizontal line?

If you start with the premise that life is valuable, therefore aggression is wrong, a bar magnet suffices as illustrative visual aid. Objectivists (link) and libertarians flock like iron filings to the pole labeled Voluntary while altruists (fascists, communists, anarchists, socialists) gather at the end labeled Coercive. Agorists see Voluntary as Right, but altruists regard that pole as Wrong after rejecting the life premise.

Undecided voters with neutralized minds or values are imagined to clump near the center of the horizontal line (hence the centrist label). Christians and Mohammedans view the magnet differently. They flock to the Church pole, and imagine themselves squared off against sinners assembled at the Saloon end.

The Nolan Chart was not designed to delight ethical purists nor attract iron filings, but to illustrate to voters the advantages of consistency. Religious conservatives din voters’ ears with horrible prophesies of Race Suicide (in order to rob pregnant women of individual rights). Contrariwise, socialist orators predict appalling Starvation if a rich speculator is allowed to corner the market on food or energy. So the second axis was added to help voters visualize where inconsistency leads.

Even a concept as simple as Private Property can be attacked by lunatics. Officious mystical conservatives will attach to “Private” evidence of a shameful conspiracy to violate a sex taboo, or to experiment with plant leaves. Their socialist comrades single out “Property” as the baaad word, since it is what likens them to thieves. The truth is that such imbeciles are allowed to vote, so the Nolan Chart accommodates the fact by listing the outcome of unprincipled people armed with the suffrage voting the way altruist zealots urge them to vote.

If there were no coercive zealots urging use of ballots to crush economic freedom, scientific inquiry or consensual adulthood, there would be no need for a Nolan chart. A simple line from Good through Muddled to Bad would suffice. Ignoring muddled fools, however, is the formula for failure in politics. Soviet communism and christian National Socialism are examples of failure in politics–you want more?

Why not delve into what sort of voting caused the 1929 Crash? Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 does exactly that, matching newspaper accounts against stock market reactions and competing theories. It is live on Amazon Kindle for the price of a pint.

Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle in 2 languages

My other-language blog is

Pascal’s Wager v. Freedom

Nobody can know anything

Are facts unknowable before death?

There was a time when politicians called attention to their party’s platform, predicting that its planks would benefit undecided voters. The obverse strategy, now in vogue, claims that the opposition candidate’s secret plans are an existential threat to the life and liberty of the voter being gulled, and to the future of all life on earth. Only the looter demanding your vote pretends to know anything. In its epistemology, the premise is that you cannot know the facts–not until AFTER you’re dead–so there is no point in trying. Instead, you should play it safe, obey, believe what the persuader is telling you.(link) Since the other premise is that you’ll be dead before you could possibly notice it’s a lie, as the conundrum is set up, you can only lose by disobeying the instruction to sacrifice knowledge and settle instead for belief.

screw the Bill of Rights!

No ABM! Freeze and Surrender!

This was the argument against the Second Amendment during the Cold War, and it persuaded Richard Nixon and his Republicans to betray the Bill of Rights. If Tricky were right, he’d be no worse off than Quisling or Petain.(link) If wrong, the communists assured him all life on Earth would end and it wouldn’t be their fault–all they ever do is initiate the use of force–just like Republicans. It was a slow-motion replay of the Molotov-Ribbendtop pact, but with America, not Poland, in the victim’s hood.

A similar gambit nowadays is the “argument” persuading 12-year-olds against generation of electric power, or persons innocent of mathematical sophistry against voting for candidates running on the Libertarian Party platform. Conservatism on both the fascist and communist sides seeks to keep the same decrepit parties in power, and crush new ones in the cradle lest their spoiler votes repeal tax laws.(link

13th Amendment Superhero

Energy Slaves, not Human Slaves!

Energy nihilists reject the R Bucky Fuller notion of energy as our working servant, and will settle for nothing less than a reversion to actual human slavery. Asking for evidence, of course, merely identifies you as an apostate, infidel, denier–precisely at this delicate juncture that is the tipping-point beyond which “Abandon All Hope” prevails.(link) This is unless you repent and believe that “Arbeit Macht Frei” and vote some looter ticket. Nevermind that its congregants do not know the definition of energy and are unsullied by any grasp of its dimensions or units of measure.(link) People who are against energy invariably favor coercion as the approach to problem-solving.

Nolan's wager

Vote for what you value, and that vote will help make it happen–with added interest!

Political nihilists are baffled by consistency. Your one vote in 133 million does nothing to change an election outcome–unless you leverage that vote by casting it for the Libertarian ticket. Then when a prohibitionist bigot loses by a smaller margin than the LP vote slice, a message is received. That candidate suddenly realizes that girl-bullying or ordering cops to shoot kids just cost an entire series of government paychecks.

Conversely, when libertarian spoiler votes cause some nonreligious totalitarian to lose to someone not in favor of higher taxes and collectivized rights charged to others at gunpoint, that message is not soon forgotten.(link) Losing, to activists in both looter parties, means not getting hired. To libertarians, winning is changing bad laws.(link)

All you have to do is vote honestly for legal policies you prefer and, if these are libertarian, your vote packs something like 20 times the law-changing clout. The Pascal’s Wager bluff did not make you surrender and fold your hand, but call and compare the strength or your convictions with fake kleptocracy premises, thereby raising the stakes by adding your own values to the table. This is a win-win approach to getting rid of bad laws.(link)

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Sarajevo: anarchy is war

A 2014 movie Das Attentat, americanized in translation as Sarajevo, tells a fictionalized version of the routine murder of a government big-shot by youthful dupes enthralled with communist anarchism. Why routine? Hardly a week went by without some collectivist or other trying to murder a mercantilist, politician or royalty.  The German-language movie on Netflix and Youtube seeks to convince the viewer that The Accursed Hun plotted and paid for the assassination for the payoff in railroad stocks for a rail line through Serbia/Servia.

Omitted from mention were the two time bombs hidden under the table at which the Archduke and Duchess Sophia were to have lunch–had not an anarchist bomb and gunshots intervened. Bombs in the chimney at another nearby eatery were also left out, along with the seven being smuggled by a woman in the neighborhood.(link) But the entire region had seen nothing but violence for the past four years.

Political violence was unremarkable for the opium-farming region of Bosnia at the time, and socialists and mercantilists routinely killed each other. But the important detail was that the Chinese revolt of 1911 had blocked dumping of morphine there. This meant that unshipped opium grown in the Balkans and refined in Austro-Hungary, Germany, Prussia, France, Italy and Holland began to accumulate in a heroin and morphine glut. The Balkan States promptly attacked their competitor, Turkey, then flew at each other’s throats with 240,000 killed amid looting, rapine, arson, starvation, disease, mutilation and religious genocide until August 10, 1913.

NOT Mrs Winslow's Soothing Morphine syrup

Glut: cheap morphine was a commodity additive

Another unmentioned detail was the Hague Opium Convention. This had been building since 1909 in a U.S.-led effort to stop the dumping of morphine in China and other Asian and African nations formalized . The Final Protocol of the Third International Opium Conference was signed at the Hague June 25, 1914 by former U.S. Minister to China, former Philippine commissioner and then-current Consul General at Vienna, Austria, Mr. Charles Denby, and also by M.A.A. de Jongh, former inspector general, head of the opium monopoly in the Dutch Indies (at the time also a major source of cocaine).

WWI to save the German Heroin Industry

Read the original document (Link)

This June signing began the ninth inning of years of signature-gathering.  At a series of meetings beginning June 15, Conference attendees resolved that the Convention would come into force between all the signatory powers as soon as existing signatory powers and enough others had ratified it. Enforcement was expected to begin by December 31st, 1914. Instead, the Austrian Archduke and consort were assassinated three days after the preliminary signings, on June 28th, 1914.

Opium producers and refiners were thus saved by the bell when “former” anarchist Gabrinovic and his buddies carried out the assassinations.  Sir Edward Gray proposed a convention on problems in the Balkans, and on Black Saturday, July 25, all European securities markets crashed. Three days later President Woodrow Wilson decreed that under the newly-enacted income tax, returns filed by corporations would be public records open to inspection by State revenue agents of States with an income tax. U.S. stock markets immediately crashed and were shut down. They did not reopen for a long time because Austria also chose that very day to attack Serbia/Servia.

Word War I is also on the list of reasons voters are not attracted by anarchists. It is among the myriad reasons adding anarcho- to libertarian or capitalist (a 1972 smear tactic) does nothing but convince voters we are a band of bomb-hurling communists, just like every other anarchist that has ever made the news in any language.

Why not delve into the failure of Prohibitionism that caused the 1929 Crash? Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 does exactly that, matching newspaper accounts against stock market reactions and competing theories. It is live on Amazon Kindle for the price of a pint.

My other-language blog is