Shooter Gender Discrimination

Stalkers, multiple shooters, 97% male

The new Austrian Teabertarian party has an opportunity to right a wrong. Libertarians formerly repealed laws declaring some women to be non-individuals,(link) roughly equivalent to “other persons” in Constitutional language or “former persons” in Soviet Socialist usage.(link) But that language was dropped from the platform. However, the recently added “We oppose the administration of the death penalty by the state” is clearly a bid to stop the hanging and electrocution of communist and fascist anarchists convicted of murder, and/or to legalize the hunting of humans as trophy game. That stayed in!

Tatsuya Ishida Sinfest art.(link)

Murder is a hot topic among girl-bulliers, so much so that Texas–the first State to take up arms against the Union and the last to stop hunting down fugitive slaves–has relegalized the payment of bounties for hunting down women suspected of seeking to escape the involuntary labor of forced reproduction.(link) The Mystical Supreme Court majority seems inclined to view this as neither a bill of attainder nor a violation of the 14th or 9th Amendment. The Supreme Court already declared the hunting down of males of reproductive age as involuntary killers and cannon-fodder in foreign wars NOT a violation of the antislavery Amendment.(link) There is precedent for Supreme-court-approved gender discrimination and naked coercion, just like in the days of Dred.(link)

Only the Democratic party still regards pregnant women as rights-holding individuals, yet is troubled by extrajudicial collective shootings–especially in government schools–and 97.5% of the shooters are guys. There is open talk of “scheduling” unhinged whack jobs like Missouri Republican Senate candidate Eric Greitens (link) into the class of “other persons” denied gun rights before Lincoln’s version of the Emancipation Proclamation made them into armed voters.(link) In this heated atmosphere, a modest proposal comes to mind…

How about a Roe v Berserker law banning state governments from infringing the right of the women to keep and bear arms. By arms I mean fully-automatic, extended-clip handguns with laser aiming, mace sprays enriched with dyes, odorants, sarin or bio-weapons, body armor, attack dogs and carte blanche to assign qualified immunity reprisal rights to bodyguards so even successful assailants are readily dispatched. This would also cover adolescent girls in and out of school. Those kind of Second-Amendment-with-teeth laws could easily do away with school shooters AND those girl-bullying rednecks with green teeth chasing women across state lines.(link)


Good reading: Wayward World by Jon Roland.(link) Jon was Austin’s premiere constitutional scholar eve before he founded the Constitution Society. I never expected him to have a good grasp of geodesic geometry, cartography, physics, finance and the military side of history, but it’s all there.

Republican policies cause major crashes

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Brazilian blog

LIBtranslator on Blogger

Tagged libertarianmimesisparasitismpolitical economy and ethical valuesSpoiler cloutindividual rightswinning

A Shrewdness of Trumpanzees

Christianofascist Anschluss of Libertarian Party (link)

If you believed nothing could be worse than the 2020 anarcho-communist infiltration of the National Libertarian Party, welcome to the mini-Donald Trump, Christian National Kleptocracy version of the Beer-Belly Putsch! (link) This is not the first hostile infiltration of the LP by carpet-biting grrrl-bulliers.

Libertarians pro-choice, reject fascist girl-bullier 1992. (link) This coup comes after gradual erosion of recognition of women as individuals.(link)
Oh look… libertarians are joining the Gee-Oh-Pee!

The LP won 3.28% of the vote (four million) running two bland (pro-choice, non-communist, non-fascist) candidates. Anarcho-communist Republicans and Democrats immediately stepped up infiltration efforts and changed the platform. In 1972-1972 the LP platform contained Roe. That was deleted in 1980. Women–half of all voters and growing–felt alienated and party growth went from 12% a year to zero until 2012 when the platform was shortened. As soon as we tripled our pro-choice vote, truculent saboteurs, infiltrators and fifth columns demanded the borders plank be amended to delete: “we support control over the entry into our country of foreign nationals who pose a credible threat to security, health or property.”(link) Inviting terrorists, vectors and murderers to sneak in was the set-up, then came the sting.

Their fruit tastes like… Austrian National Socialism!

The smaller, harder, more angry Austrian Republicans could have restored the “no terrorist” language to the borders plank. They could have deleted the plank calling for vigilantes to administer death sentences–like the Klan did before the 14th Amendment: “We oppose the administration of the death penalty by the state.” These were added to make sure we never again get 3% of the vote. After going to all that trouble, do you really expect this Anschluss of disaffected Trump supporters to lift a finger to undo the vandalism done by the terrorist importation, girl-bullying and anarcho-fascist Trojan Horse infiltrators who arrived before them?


Good readingHitler’s American Friends, by Bradley W. Hart (link)

Republican policies cause major crashes

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Brazilian blog

LIBtranslator on Blogger

Tagged libertarianmimesisparasitismpolitical economy and ethical valuesSpoiler cloutindividual rightswinning

Feats With Your Vote

Anarcho-fascist planks alienate mainstream voters

Eric Boehm in a recent Reason magazine article produced a graph trying to put the best face on voter reaction to the anarchist burdening Jo Jorgensen’s otherwise-libertarian campaign. That ticket came in dead last in libertarian-friendly Travis County, Austin Texas. (link) That’s where Roe v Wade was fought and won thanks to the first Libertarian Platform.(link) Wasted votes are the ones that help the Kleptocracy bully women and rob the innocent. Libertarian spoiler votes perform feats: ending the draft, legalizing birth control, reversing the growth of bureaucracy, halting entanglements in deadly foreign violence, rolling back cruel prohibition laws, asset-forfeiture looting and systemic police abuse. That’s clout! That’s WINNING!

Absolute last place in Travis County/Austin TX thanks to Jeremy

But Eric graphed a column showing how the LP ranked in the battle for popular votes where we took third-party place in 2020 even after losing ballot access and wiping out our 328% gain over 2012.(link) Being the real third party is no small matter, because third parties armed with under 3% of the popular vote are the ones that–throughout American history–have written and repealed the law of the land.

First among rabble while losing ballot access and 8 years of gain is poor showing

The way we change laws, however, is by bleeding the looter Kleptocracy of votes, not by absorbing some pathetic anarcho-Socialist rabble’s rounding-error-from-zero vote total. Voters are convinced those flash-in-the-pan parties can be safely ignored. Ranking outcomes by percentage of ideological third party vote puts the LP in third place with anywhere from 0.3 to 3.3% of the vote–a loose fit indeed. But the history of spoiler vote clout shows us the law-changing spoiler effect kicks in at about 1.4% of the popular vote.(link)

Fewer words, more loyal voters!

Those fringe parties, like The Kleptocracy, want the LP to keep planks promising child molesting, uninspected entry of enemy aliens and plague vectors–even executions by vigilantes–such as were added before the 2020 debacle. Observe that the LP only became THE clout-wielding third party after the 2008 “revolt” that deleted a bunch of idiotic platform verbiage. Kleptocracy party platforms each take about 5 hours to read. The LP platform can be recorded in a 30 minute podcast in many languages. Omitting needless words–perhaps even deleting words to make room for new planks could yield balanced verbiage and a platform attractive to voters sick of shrill, grasping extremism.


Good reading: Vices are Not Crimes, by Lysander Spooner

Republican policies cause major crashes

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Brazilian blog

LIBtranslator on Blogger

Tagged libertarianmimesisparasitismpolitical economy and ethical valuesSpoiler cloutindividual rightswinning