Vichy Canadian Collaborators

Religious conservative collectivism

Read the original article

The groundwork for a National Socialist takeover and Occupation of France was prepared in Canada in March of 1850. Shocking as it sounds, there is no denying the parallels. The pre-Bastiat appeal is primarily to unproductive hands (politicians, clergy) and other dim bulbs (cognoscenti, intelligentzia, workers). 

When Hitler’s armies conquered France in June of 1940, they changed the French national flag, motto and money. Liberté, Fraternité, Egalité became Travail, Famille, Patrie (Work, Family, Nation)–as befits a racial collectivist workers’ party (arbeiterparty). The 1850 Quebecois version above dinned Religion, Family, Property into its listeners’ ears. Quebec was 36% of Canada back then, and the country dominated by Catholics and Protestants–much like Germany when voters put the NSDAP in charge in 1933.

Interestingly, Canada’s religious conservatives pushed through an anti-abortion law in 1968. Granted, this was less restrictive than earlier laws also prohibiting sale, distribution and advertising of contraceptives, but it was a shocking step back toward the Dark Ages at a time the US was electing Richard Nixon. A Canadian physician was arrested and charged, but the forming of the Libertarian Party–with a pro-choice woman on the ticket that earned an honest electoral vote–occurred in 1971-2.

In 1973 a Quebec jury acquitted Dr Morgentaler and the US Supreme Court decided in favor of individual rights for women. Fanatics appealed, jailed the good doctor, made additional charges and intimidated Parliament with a petition to ban abortion. This backfired in 1976 and by 1982 Canadian legislation protected the rights of individuals, male and female. All medieval religious laws (except prohibition laws) were abolished in 1988, but mystical zealots resorted to murder and firebombing. The people remembered who had threatened and coerced them, and have since left the houses of organized mysticism in droves.

Huge decrease in brainwashing

Reduced dependence on mysticism

The good news is that there are 600% more nonmystical freethinkers in Canada than when Nixon Republicans were causing refugees to again pour into Canada.  The bad news is that renewed attacks on individual rights have attracted other medieval mystical cults famous for mutilating women. Germany has suffered a similar reaction to its past behavior. National Socialists in East Germany were simply replaced with Soviet Socialists in the “denazification” program there.

Here’s hoping Canada’s Libertarian Party Platform Committee drafts a suitable response to reassert freedom and rights before they’re gone with the wind.

Need to acquire some second language assistance? Visit my translation service website.

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Republican National Socialism

Truman denazified Germany

Truman and Trump stand at opposite ends of the approval spectrum

The most popular president ever at the 100-day mark was Harry Truman, who continued Roosevelt’s policy of keeping beer safe and legal.

Truman also presided the denazification of National Socialist Germany, a State Herbert Hoover had nurtured as Food Czar in 1919, and strengthened militarily with his Moratorium on Brains stopping collection of war reparations in 1931. Truman was sworn in on April 12, 1945. Two years later, while National Socialists were still being tried and hanged in Nuremberg, Ayn Rand wrote the Non-Aggression Principle whereby people should:

“…agree that no man or number of men have the right to initiate the use of force against any human being (and that includes the forcible seizure of his property)”

 But according to Scott Adams over at Dilbert, Trump is under-appreciated. According to Scott, the major accomplishment was:

“Trump erased the “Trump is Hitler” hallucination that the Clinton side spray-painted onto him during the election.”

Is this true? Shortly before anti-dog-eat-dog religious conservative Hoover was drummed out of office, religious conservative Adolf Hitler took office in Germany. Here are some of Adolf Hitler’s 25 National Socialist planks:

7. We demand that the state pledge itself to assure the productivity and livelihood of citizens above all others.  If it is not possible to support the entire population, members of foreign nations (non citizens) are to be expelled.

8. Any further immigration of non-Germans Americans is to be prevented.  We demand that all non-Germans… be forced to leave the Reich immediately.

We see immediately that tough nativist deportation policies are a big draw for both the NSDAP and GOP. The Dems and GOP also declared War on Drugs that cannot surrender, and have thrice wrecked the economy via prohibitionist asset forfeiture policies:

12. … personal enrichment because of war has to be seen as a crime against the people.  We therefore demand complete confiscation of all war profits.

And the current Republican president swears that eminent domain coercion is necessary and good for our country. Compare:

17. We demand land reform suited to our national needs, creation of a law providing for expropriation without compensation of land for common purposes, abolition of taxes on land and prevention of all speculation.

Trump’s Attorney-General, like Republican president Bush and Republican Newt Gingrich, called for the death sentence for marijuana dealers.** Germany outlawed marijuana in 1929, when Hoover was president and the NSDAP was a rising political force “over there.” Compare:

18. We demand a ruthless fight against those whose activities harm the common good.  Traitors, usurers, profiteers, and so forth, are to be punished with death, regardless of church and race.

Republicans, like National Socialists, worry about fake news…

23. We demand legal measures against the conscious political lie and its propagation through the press.

And the Republican Party is outraged at things at which many religious extremists take umbrage, favors a coercive Christian Nation, and, like the NSDAP, endorses altruism writ large. Check this out:

24. We demand freedom for all religious denominations within the state as long as they do not endanger the state or violate the ethical and moral feelings of the Germanic race.
The party as such subscribes to a positive Christianity without binding itself to a specific denomination. It opposes the Jewish materialistic spirit within and around us and is convinced that a lasting recovery can only come about from within based on the principle: THE COMMON GOOD BEFORE THE INDIVIDUAL GOOD.

All of these things, basically a nazification of These United States, are being pushed by Republican members of the House and Senate. The president is simply pushing the unpopular GOP platform he was elected to push. Republicans were elected by default because of the Democratic Party’s platform plank aimed at crippling the US economy for econazi carbon-tax pseudoscience. The plank banning reliable power generation was the only deliverable difference among the 71,000 words the two major parties published as their nearly indistinguishable platforms. Americans simply voted to keep electricity safe and legal. The oppression of fertile women, anti-semitic religious warfare entanglements, and jailing and shooting of youths over plant cultivars were package deals added to the GOP platform by mystical bigots.

Four million voters, equal to the voting population of Virginia, voted libertarian, causing the Republican candidate to lose in the popular vote count. The Libertarian platform offered to finish the work of repeal begun by the Democrats in 1932, and release millions of victims of victimless crime enactments–and keep electricity safe and legal.

If you understood this interpretation, it might be because I interpret for engineers, courts and attorneys.

** Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams in April 2019 declared in favor of the death sentence for plant-product kingpins and queenpins on Periscope.

Don’t miss the explanation of how Herbert Hoover’s Moratorium on Brains helped Hitler’s party rise to power in Prohibition and The Crash: live on Amazon Kindle for the cost of a craft pint.


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Federal Postal Monopoly v. Alaska

Those uppity Alaskans dared to imagine–like New Yorkers in 1923–that they could repeal their prohibition laws and still collect excise taxes? Think again!

God’s Own Prohibitionists have appointed another Harry “Sessions” Anslinger to bring the death sentence to pot peddlers as promised by George Bush in 1989! The Juneau Empire now reports that legal hemptrepreneurs eager to pay the government’s hemp tax were turned away by Post Office Gestapo. Those asset-forfeiture experts would have nothing to do with the proceeds of dope peddlers–unless maybe an opportunity for civil asset forfeiture were to present itself. God’s Own Prohibitionists aren’t about to let the grass grow under their feet. Harrumpf!

It remains to be seen which Alaska judge will sign a bench warrant for the arrest of federal meddlers interfering with State tax collection.

Don’t blame me! I’ve was suckered by both looter parties back when I was young and stupid. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog


Vichy Amerika Collaborators


DemoGOP politicians were trying to keep contraceptives illegal in 1968

How Gary Johnson’s party alienated women voters:

Judges should be appointed who will interpret the Constitution according to its original meaning. Any court decision that does not follow this original meaning of the Constitution should be revisited. That is particularly true of decisions such as Roe vs. Wade, which have expanded the reach of the Federal government into areas of society never envisioned in the Constitution. With the overturning of Roe vs Wade, laws regarding abortion would be decided by the individual states. (Gary Johnson campaign, 2012)

Of the three Libertarian candidates left standing at the convention, one was a recycled Republican indifferent to the individual rights of women (Johnson). Another was an antichoice Republican infiltrator bent on making the initiation of force to violate rights a Libertarian policy (Petersen). The third (McAfee) was a pro-choice newcomer in his first half-year of membership who enjoyed the persona of a loose cannon.

The 2016 candidate spread is evidence of gradual infiltration by surplus mystical bigots of the sort now populating the Tea and Consta2shun parties–spoiler vote holdouts for another religious autocracy in violation of the First and Fourteenth Amendments. The result has been a crippled semi-Libertarian party, fully 2/3 male earning 3% of the vote–but with way more than half the potentially sympathetic electorate mostly alienated.

Ask yourself how you would feel if some ex-GOP “Libertarian” candidate were to smugly suggest defunding the Center for Disease control and auctioning off all vaccination and epidemic control programs to corporate bidders? The program looks less like government handouts when men are also exposed to the unplanned need for medical intervention.

Never forget that the Italian Fascist and German National Socialist parties were deeply religious organizations. But Jewish voters were a tiny minority in Germany, Austria and Italy in 1933. Non-geriatric women voters in These United States amount to well over half the electorate.

Italian fascism decrees school prayer

religious instruction in state schools particularly desired by the Vatican will be carried out to the letter… See 1929 original

The Libertarian Party was the first viable party to feature a woman vice-presidential candidate. Tonie Nathan, a founding LP member who defends individual rights (choice) for women. The Libertarian Party won a rational electoral vote on December 19, and the Supreme Court smartly decided in Roe v. Wade that women were in fact individuals with the right to make their own choices–even if pregnant–on January 22, 1973. Time elapsed between the vote and the Supreme Court decision was 31 days.

The 1972 Libertarian Party plank on women’s rights read as follows: 

We further support the repeal of all laws restricting voluntary birth control or voluntary termination of pregnancies during their first hundred days.

Yes it is true that post isn’t exactly propter. “All men are mortal” was once an untested hypothesis. But by logical induction understood by all but the most superstitious of mystics the generalization became a factual premise upon which valid conclusions may be rigorously drawn. But election campaigns are statistical affairs. Both of the looter parties seeking to install their tools and puppets on the government payroll with a hand in the till understood that infringing the individual rights of all female voters would be a really stupid thing to do. Even Germany and Italy learned the hard way that mystical demagoguery doesn’t pay.

A Supreme Court decision to keep American women at the mercy of state legislatures dictated to by Klavern Christianity was one option facing the Court. But that choice made as much sense in 1973 as the 1932 Republican decision to keep light beer and wine a federal felony with a 5-year prison sentence and $10,000 (gold) fine.

As a result of the Republican party selling out the voters, backing instead the Wizened Christian Temperance Union, Anti-Saloon League and Methodist White Terror, Democrats were elected to the top offices in 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944 and 1948. There was the stark result of that one episode of pandering to the demagogues of the coercive imposition of Comstock Laws embodying the mandates of mystical beliefs.

The pre-urinalysis GOP was still smarting in 1973, having in the previous 40 years been defeated in 71% of all presidential campaigns since siding with the Klan and its dry cohort against “The Demon Rum.” New York repealed its liquor prohibition law in 1923, and “Whiskey” Al Smith–the NY Governor who had signed the bill into law–became the Democratic Party’s 1928 candidate. In 1970 New York–flanked by Hawaii and DC–repealed the most onerous of its antichoice legislation.  Nine male political appointees saw the handwriting on the wall, and on Roe v. Wade sided with Constitutional freedom rather than the coercive imposition of religious practices.

The Canadian Abortion Rights Action League, organized six months later, successfully pressed for repeal of ALL antiabortion laws there. More women than men have annually emigrated to Canada since its government began enforcing the individual rights of all women.  While consistent with the current published platform of the Libertarian Party, Canada’s total repeal went to the logical conclusion that follows from our Fourteenth Amendment’s introductory premise that NO State may enforce laws infringing the rights of

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof…

That is the line in the sand the Libertarian Party must again draw by deleting all of the “good faith” Vichy Plank language dictated by the shrinking remnants of dogmatized Prohibitionist infiltrators. In looter party platforms, “good faith” is invariably a pretext for overlooking violations of the Bill of Rights. The current “Vichy” plank is a cowardly reproach and stands as a monument to betrayal of the individual rights of fully half the population of These United States of America.

Small wonder women voters looked elsewhere in 2012 and 2016. But they discovered that the Democratic party was about pseudoscience and the banning of electrical power generation, rather than the competent defense of individual rights. It is a safe bet that educated women voters will not repeat that mistake. We must by then offer them a clear alternative–a party eager to turn their spoiler votes into political clout that will admit of no spurious interpretation–by November of 2020.

The libertarian party needs pro-choice female candidates to help rid us of the invasion of “former” religious bigots.

Are you eager to understand the content of a political speech given in South America? offers quick sight translation, gisting, and even edited professional translations suitable for publication in English. Contact me.

Get the complete economic story in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Florida Voters (not looters) Win Election!

Originally posted on THE LIBERTARIAN IDENTITY: BY BRIAN MCLAUGHLIN PUBLISHER – TLI One of the big pushes within the Libertarian movement is to be active on a hyper-local level – and there’s no better way to be active than to face that challenge head on and run for office on behalf of your friends and…

via Registered Libertarians Now Comprise 40% Of One Florida Town’s City Council — Libertarian Hippie

Climate Change & Nonaggression Pact

National Socialist–Soviet Socialist Pact, (August 23, 1939)–Paris “Agreement” November 4, 2016… a comparison

The National Socialist–Soviet Socialist pact is also called the Hitler-Stalin Pact, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the Nazi–Soviet Pact and the German–Soviet Non-aggression Pact and Russo-German Pact.** In much the way Global Cooling morphed into Anthropomorphic Global Warming, then (to cover all bases) Climate Change (which was everywhere long before mankind).  All of this is old hat. Externally, the socialist “non-aggression” treaty was short and flowery, with phrases like:

In any event both Governments will resolve this (Poland) question by means of a friendly agreement.”


“Should disputes or conflicts arise between the High Contracting Parties over problems of one kind or another, both parties shall settle these disputes or conflicts exclusively through friendly exchange of opinion or, if necessary, through the establishment of arbitration commissions.”

The treaty closed with a nondisclosure agreement that masked the existence of additional deals, but the thing was outwardly cute and fuzzy, as one might expect from neighboring altruistic People’s States. The fact remained that the preceding war had been largely a dispute over heroin markets in which to sell Papaver somniferum products grown in the Balkan States. Those markets and competition still existed in 1939.  The secret additional deals amounted to a divvying-up of the opium-producing Balkan States.

When the Democratic Party gained power after the George Waffen Bush asset-forfeiture crash and depression, it preserved existing domestic prohibition, high-taxes, asset forfeiture looting and other victimless “crime” legislation. However, stung by the Y2K election results in which the Green Party weighed in with enough spoiler votes to block Democrats from jobs, boodle and pelf, the Democratic platform committee hewed as close to the Republican line as possible–except for the part about trying to ban reliable power generation.

Bans on reliable power generation have been enacted in the People’s State of Australia (which replaced voluntary democracy with mandatory voting), and the Democratic People’s Republic of Germany. In both cases, utility bills skyrocketed and rolling blackouts and brownouts became familiar features of the environment. These provide pretexts for additional regulatory meddling. The result of curtailment of power generation anywhere is a net increase in the mortality rate in those places–in other words, a health hazard.

This latest Paris pact aimed at lowering life expectancy is couched in the most florid prose imaginable:

(c) Making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development

Translation: (c) Robbing taxpayers and monopoly victims to subsidize unreliable energy experiments

Propaganda expert George Orwell commented on totalitarian persuasion:

It is important to notice that the cult of power tends to be mixed up with a love of cruelty and wickedness FOR THEIR OWN SAKES. A tyrant is all the more admired if he happens to be a bloodstained crook as well, and ‘the end justifies the means’ often becomes, in effect, ‘the means justify themselves provided they are dirty enough’. This idea colours the outlook of all sympathizers with totalitarianism, and accounts, for instance, for the positive delight with which many English intellectuals greeted the Nazi-Soviet pact. (George Orwell)

Russo-German Pact of 1939. [Note 1, below] And when news of the Pact broke, the most wildly divergent explanations were of it were given, and predictions were made which were falsified almost immediately, being based in nearly every case not on a study of probabilities but on a desire to make the U.S.S.R. seem good or bad, strong or weak. (Orwell)

-issues like Poland, the Spanish civil war, the Russo-German pact, and so forth, are debarred from serious discussion, and that if you possess information that conflicts with the prevailing orthodoxy you are expected to either distort it or keep quiet about it–(Orwell)

If this sounds like 2017, welcome to the world of alternative facts.

** [Note 1: An example is the Russo-German Pact, which is being effaced as quickly as possible from public memory. A Russian correspondent informs me that mention of the Pact is already being omitted from Russian year-books which table recent political events. (George Orwell)]

There is a genuine non-aggression principle that socialists struggle to evade:

“I hereby certify that I do not believe in or advocate the initiation of force as a means of achieving political or social goals.”

This is the pledge required to join or donate to the Libertarian Party.

1929 Stock Market Crash One

Chapter 46

The First Stock Market Crash


Chicago Tribune 27MAR1929

On March 26, 1929, Al Capone was still sequestered for the federal grand jury as ordered by Judge Wilkerson, and the U.S. Attorney had sent a federal raiding party to the Lexington and Metropole hotels to seize Capone’s records. Although ostensibly over fallout from the Chicago Heights raids, Assistant United States District Attorney Daniel Anderson nonetheless asked the famous entrepreneur point-blank: “What is your business?”

“I must stand on my constitutional rights and refuse to answer anything particular about that,” was Capone’s answer. Al was charged with contempt and a warrant issued the following day. Health problems as a pretext for avoiding the courtroom had been successfully invoked by Jew-baiting magnate Henry Ford just two years earlier, but the court extended no such privilege to young Al Capone.[1] The market crashed with a record turnover of over 8 million shares on March 26, 1929.[2] Wall Street sources reported that Chicago banks withdrew substantial sums from Wall Street to meet credit exigencies in the “Middle West.” This announcement would be repeated in even stranger circumstances by Herbert Hoover before the year was out.[3]

Wall Street Journal headlines on March 27 glumly described severe declines on the “largest volume of dealings ever known.” Time Magazine chimed right in, announcing “the biggest stock market crash in Coolidge-Hoover history.” Some of the cash movement had to do with income tax payments—which back then were due March 1—and some with quarterly government financing. Indeed, call money bounced back up to 14% at the close of March. News came in of increased opium trade in China precisely coinciding with a new wave of suppression there.[4]

Judge Winslow’s impeachment was gathering steam, with attorney Isidore Kresel scheduled to conduct an investigation beginning Monday. City Trust, Lancia motors and the late F.M. Ferrari were also back in the news over a disputed note, and George McManus—Rothstein murder “suspect”—was released on bail for want of a speedy trial.[5]

Again the Journal reported that there had been a “drastic movement of funds to Chicago to replace funds called in that City by local banks.”[6] This pattern would repeat itself time and time again before 1933, yet remain a mystery to economists and financiers for the next seventy years. Just how much of the March panic was due the various forms of prohibition we may never know. We do know, however, that this record-volume stock market crash occurred well before the tariff debate had even begun and after no interest rate increases by the Fed.

Yet as the crash occurred, vigilantes closed in on Chicago racketeers, Al Capone fidgeted before Judge Wilkerson in a Federal courtroom interested in his income tax records, banks were caught financing bootleggers, League of Nations narcotics statistics reports were falling due, corporate magnates were tried without publicity or fanfare in a Buffalo star chamber and the Chicago-bound trunkful of drugs case slowly expanded into a conspiracy involving failed banks and other corporations. A pattern was taking shape.

The New York World scrupulously ignored the Illinois Alcohol trial, 73 subpoenas and all—yet covered the news of the following day’s “brief but violent tumble in stock prices.”

how credit contracts

Same day Chicago Tribune cartoon

Walter Strong, Publisher of the Chicago Daily News had visited President Hoover on March 19. Strong—together with Judge Frank Loesch of the Chicago Crime Commission—had given “chapter and verse for their statement that Chicago was in the hands of gangsters, that the police and magistrates were completely under their control, that the governor of the state was futile, that the Federal government was the only force by which the city’s ability to govern itself could be restored.” Thus spoke President Hoover, who at once gave orders that “all the Federal agencies at once concentrate upon Mr. Capone and his allies.” This was to be accomplished at once, without publicity and regardless of expense. Having thus ordered such Treasury agents as Eliot Ness and Elmer Irey unleashed upon Chicago’s shadow government, the President again turned his attention to the special session he’d been planning for Congress.[7]

If you had never heard of the March 1929 stock market crash, perhaps you have also never heard of court or financial interpreters for the Portuguese language.

[1] (Bergreen 1994 326) (Pasley 1930 73) (Lacey 1986 216-217)

[2] (Time Capsule 4/1/29 212)

[3] (WSJ 2/26/29; 3/27/29 1; 5/18/29 7)

[4] (NYT 3/31/29 III-6:2; 7/21/29 III-8:8)

[5] (NYT 2/26/29 24; 14) (NY World Almanac 1930 103)

[6] (WSJ 5/18/29 7)

[7] (Hoover Memoirs Vol. 2 277) (Myers & Newton 1936 376)


Settled Pseudoscience


Page 15 of The Church Guardian

Religious truth was in 1890 the same as it is today. Nowadays, its advocates call it “science.” Of course there is disagreement among folks who have rejected reason. Some of them point to “Creation Science” as proof that policemen who–in good faith–believe they detected the odor of a burning bush, should shoot unarmed teenagers and not be liable to criminal charges. It provided the moral basis for the President of These United States to go on the public record advocating the death sentence in 1989 for anyone dealing in agricultural products likely to lower the price of liquor or coffee–with their executioners given immunity. Others are congregants of climate science.

“Climate Science” is a religious truth according to which the entire global population should be forcibly subjected to health hazards in the form of blackouts, brownouts, and reduced access to the very energy that enables people to work for a living. In actuarial math, health hazards are anything that reduces the life expectancy of a population. This rests on the observation that pandemics and power outages alike cause suffering and death.

What we observe today is the merger of two distinct and mutually antagonistic pseudoscientific religions onto one, exactly as occurred in National Socialist Germany in 1933. Religious conservatives declared Germany a Christian nation dedicated to the common good, not personal profit. They wanted the Political State to provide pensions and censor not only fake news but also anything offensive to their ethical and moral feelings. Conservatives emphatically demanded “public health through protection of mother and child,” just like today, with altruist indoctrination a part of government education in Christian Germany.

National Socialists also demanded regulation of all professions, especially journalism–translations of foreign newspapers were banned, under penalties including deportation, and foreigners, especially if selfish–were deported. Asset-forfeiture laws were enacted in support of Germany’s War On Bad Things so that entire companies could be readily confiscated.

All of these things were published by Adolf Hitler in 1920, and read by German voters, some 99% of whom were Christians, 2/3 Protestant and 1/3 Catholic. Less than one percent were Jewish. But though Hitler’s party was repeatedly elected in a landslide by Protestant and Catholic voters for a dozen years, many who claim to speak for Christianity and for Socialism, deny that Hitler and his allies were Christian or Socialist. They evade mention of speeches, writings, photographs and artifacts to the contrary. Can you imagine an atheist, mohammedan or pagan being elected president of These United States today? Nor could German voters in 1928, 1932 or 1933-45. That political science was as settled then as it is today.

narcotic syrup

Page 16 of the Church Guardian, “Advice to Mothers”

And like today, the money behind the propaganda was put up by investors with a stake in the market. Banning alcohol increased demand for other stupefying drugs, such as opium. This ad for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup is from the next page of the Church Guardian. The syrup contained morphine, which competed for adult market share with beer, wine and spirits.

Behind every prohibition law directing the initiation of deadly force in violation of individual rights you will find hidden persuaders. All such laws are an offer to kill any number of people in order to force the survivors to obey market-distorting orders lobbyists hire politicians to enact. Lobbyists who want to ban coal or hemp are cut from exactly the same ideological cloth.

Why not delve into what caused the 1929 Crash? Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 does exactly that, matching economic theory and newspaper accounts against stock market reactions and competing theories. It is live on Amazon Kindle for the price of a pint.

Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle in 2 languages

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Income Tax, Manifesto Plank 2, 1913

incometax1913p13America’s third income tax arrived, armed and dangerous, in 1913. Here’s how it was received at the time.
Boston Evening Transcript April 15, 1913
INCOME TAX ABSURDITIES  [From the Baltimore Star Rep.]
No matter what may be the Individual attitude toward the income tax as a simple proposition, the section of the new tariff bill which embodies this employment of a war-time measure in the midst of peace is full of absurdities which, it is to be hoped, will be eliminated before the bill reaches the White House.

The requirement that employers shall withhold from employees the proportion of salaries required to be paid as income tax, and thus become responsible for their employees’ compliance with the law, is open to great objection. It infers (implies) that the employee is not himself sufficiently honest or responsible to take care of his own relation to the taxing power, and thus does serious injustice to a large class of salaried people. The man who is capable of earning as a salaried employee more than $4000 a year is usually a man of principle and responsibility, quite as capable of dealing fairly with the Government as the man who draws his income from stocks and bonds or a personal share in a business.

This human necessity of providing for the investigation of questionable returns shows how much of an invasion of private affairs this tax will allow. Its enforcement will be a source of scandal and annoyance and doubtless of much unfairness. It will encourage evasion and subterfuge and the withdrawal of funds from healthy enterprises to take advantage of the special classes of investment which are exempted. In its train will come many evils of a serious nature. It involves a more serious menace to the party assessing it than any other governmental measure in contemplation. ***

SO what was going on in the world as the US government fastened this vampire tax on citizens? 

China–desperate to rid the nation of foreign dumping of poppy sap chemicals–had completely dismantled and replaced its government in 1911, and repercussions fanned outward. Republican President Yuan called the poppy the “all-destroying weed!”  In January of 1912, an election year, Congress overrode President Taft’s veto to make it a federal felony to transport alcoholic beverages into ku-klux-dry territory (as most of the Southern states had enacted prohibition).  Corn Products Refining, flagship of The Glucose Trust–doing for America’s home distillation what the British East India Company did for opium addicts in China–was named in a criminal information in an Illinois district court. A ban on “foreign” alcohol provided protection from competition for corn sugar, the ethanol precursor chemical.

Persia, on signing the Hague Opium Convention, signed with reservations about helping to enforce Chinese opium prohibition. This growing Hague Convention was a direct threat to France, Great Britain, and to the Prussia-Austria-Germany axis refining morphine from opium produced in the Balkans. That entire region was already breaking out in scattered warfare–and a naval arms race between Germany and England gained momentum. Montenegro declared war on the opium-producing Ottoman Empire in the fall, so a global opium war became inevitable. In 1912 an assassin tried to shoot the King of Italy, and another shot and wounded former President Theodore Roosevelt. These things were almost routine.

George Orwell’s father, Richard Walmesley Blair retired to the safety of England after earning promotion to Sub-Deputy Opium Agent, first grade. England had given in to Pressure for the Hague Opium Convention, leaving Germany as the recalcitrant holdout. Germany also manufactured a stimulant, cocaine, which Americans–especially William Jennings Bryan–feared (and Europeans craved) as some sort of sex drug liable to drive down the price of coffee. German pharmaceutical companies were dismayed when–by British suggestion–cocaine was bundled into the Hague Convention as though it had anything in common with opium. Italy pressed for and got the inclusion of Indian hemp drugs. Hemp would only be effectively banned in These States after the legalization of heavily taxed beer and liquor failed to generate enough revenue to satiate the greed of politicians.

Such was the atmosphere as Woodrow Wilson–like T.R. a friend of prohibitionism, also opposed to “private and selfish purposes”–became President. Congress prepared to implement another income tax lifted straight out of the Communist Manifesto of 1848 in anticipation of a global opium war it then knew to be inevitable and imminent.

Get the details in Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

If you favor legalization of safer enjoyable drugs as harm-reducing competition to weaken the black market in addictive narcotics, consider volunteering or making a donation to your friendly neighborhood Libertarian Party.  The LP is as old today as JFK was when gunned down, and our votes change bad laws.

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