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This thing popped up in my inbox. The email search returns a blank. It makes one wonder if keeping a Paypal account is worth the trouble.

Get the big picture in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

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Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

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simultaneous interpreting, legal and financial

Sue for Peace!

Spoiler vote clout

A Klanboy and His Dog, 1960

The abject terror with which both halves of the force-initiating kleptocracy now face each other is an opportunity not to be missed.(link) In one fell swoop, every voter with any capacity for independent thought can multiply a single ballot’s clout into a Sword of Damocles.(link) The beautiful part is that each libertarian spoiler vote’s sword can, with Solomonic impassivity, force all champions of the initiation of force in violation of individual rights to sue for peace by changing their platform demands and repealing their victimless “crime” laws.(link) Why not make the looters Sue for Peace on Drugs?

Hockey stick for Libertarians!

Libertarian vote share model predicts 9.2 million presidential LP votes in 2020.

Republican Richard Nixon added a War on Drugs to the War on the Vietnamese, the War on Poverty and the War on Women. Nixon’s Moral Majority televangelism deftly purchased the cooperation of the looter media via the Nixon Anti-Libertarian Law, then co-opted George Wallace’s Ku-Klux Kollectivist demands and parlayed them into the Republican Gentlemen’s Agreement to break up the Solid South.(link)

Teddy the Chappaquiddick Quitter

Democrats STILL favored Wallace’s racial collectivism in 1974!

By this mechanism (and some gunfire), Eugenic pseudoscience again became law and prisons filled with nonviolent hippies, black and brown folks, all thanks to the transubstantiation of victimless trade into imaginary crime.(link) Pregnant women nevertheless managed to escape religious fascism’s trap thanks to the Supreme Court’s adoption of a 1972 Libertarian plank into its Roe v. Wade decision.(link)

Democratic party communists promptly adopted the “War on X” concept in more garbled terms. “No Justice, No Peace” is another demand to surrender to communism no different from the “Freeze” movement disemboweled by the Second Amendment. “Just say No” (or be arrested) was a Biden favorite. “Black Lives Matter” is the same appeal to racial collectivism as “Saving American Lives” is an exploit of nationalism used to mask the identities of government-backed killers.

Change accelerates with integrity

Logistics replacement curves describe choices that change(link)

But now that BOTH the GOP and Dems favor men with guns shooting kids over plant leaves, and asset-forfeiture confiscations of homes, vehicles and bank accounts of innocent people, the stupidest thing anyone can do is vote for either party’s candidates. Republican asset-forfeiture as exorcism of Satan will ruin the economy even faster than the creeping communism favored by the Dems.(link) After that it guarantees they will win the post-Crash elections just as Dems won from 1932 to 1948. 

Fascist altruism or communist altruism?

This false alternative happened when Germans abandoned freedom

Listen to what they say about each other and it hasn’t changed. For the last eleven campaigns both looter parties have struggled to ignore the Libertarian party and sworn the other would destroy America.(link) Suckers and cowards repeat this endlessly–even fake libertarians.(link) Vote for the superstitious initiation of force to save us from the communist atheist initiation of force was what Von Mises, among others, intimated to help elect Hitler.(link) A looter vote says only that another cowardly 0.00000007% of Americans wants to be coerced toward fascism or communism. A Libertarian spoiler vote says 20 times louder: sever that hand from the till! Let the chips fall where they may–I will settle for nothing less than freedom from coercion and full individual rights!(link)

Why be a coward or a sucker when by having some integrity you make twenty times the difference for yourself and your loved ones? Winning is improving your lot. Losing is surrendering to the machine! Make a real choice. 

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

American racial collectivism

Das Boothead, killing by sabotaging freedom

Did Your State delegates vote for Das Boothead or Zippy Anarcho-Pinhead instead of a Libertarian?

Seen from the outside, American racial collectivism is clearly the only kind of conflict the viewers have been conditioned to perceive: religious national socialists beating the stool out of international socialists, and vice-versa, as in 1933 Germany.(link) South Americans are programmed to be unable to form the concept of libertarianism. The libertarian-objectivist square in the Latin America version of a Nolan chart is typically completely blank or populated by communist anarchists loudly claiming to be soi-disant “capitalists” (which is a Marxist term). Orwell described the purpose of totalitarian language. 

The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of Ingsoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible. It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought — that is, a thought diverging from the principles of Ingsoc — should be literally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words. Its vocabulary was so constructed as to give exact and often very subtle expression to every meaning that a Party member could properly wish to express, while excluding all other meanings and also the possibility of arriving at them by indirect methods.

To anarchists, non-aggression means legalized murder and the sort of institutionalized brigandage through which England’s East India Company turned India into an opium farm for export to Burma and China, since renamed Myanmar and Red China.(link) Their smearing of libertarian positions and platforms preserve the looter kleptocracy in its efforts to increase coercion by initiation of deadly force. This is the second way anarchism kills. By stopping us from getting the spoiler votes needed to make the initiation of force a political liability, anarchist infiltrators aid and abet the initiation of harmful, coercive and deadly force.   

Communist anarchism infiltrates and destroys

Coming soon to an insane asylum near you

A lot of conservative and communist effort (all of it altruist) has gone into convincing the illiterati that legalizing murder and institutionalizing war are libertarian positions–just not contained in the 1972 platform. This was so intense and started so early that even Ayn Rand fell for it.(link) Unfortunately for violent anarchists and their dupes, another concept, menacing, has just as objective a definition as government.(link) What we are witnessing is an organized effort by infiltrators to sabotage Jo Jorgensen’s candidacy for President. Downtown Seattle is today paraded as a model of what legacy media and entrenched parties want you to believe is the outcome of voting libertarian. Are the delegates that denied Jo her preferred running mate proud of this outcome?


Infiltrating to reduce our law-changing spoiler vote count, saboteur! (link)

–over time I went from being a neocon, to just regular conservative, to constitutionalist, to minarchist, to eventually down to a, a, a, “libertarian.” –Zippy Spikehead (link)

The spoiler votes we lose through this interference by outsiders are leveraged law-changing spoiler votes that could save someone from being murdered by redneck cops, or condemned to decades in prison over plant leaf products, of have their car, savings and home nationalized by eugenic prohibitionists.

Help Libertariantranslator compile a list of all the States whose delegates voted to albatross Jo’s historic campaign with this poster child for Antifa anarchism. Send an email, confidentiality assured. 

Read pro-American compulsory racial-eugenics appeals touting prohibition and collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

simultaneous interpreting, legal and financial




The webcomic to end all webcomics

Sinfest, by Tatsuya Ishida–no holds barred!

MEMBERSHIP DRIVE-BYs: PLATFORM PLANKS & RESOLUTIONS adopted by infiltrators and useful idiots to drive away voters and supporters.

These abound in political organizations. In Republican documents, lurid reefer madness propaganda and calls to arms for Girl-Bullying Amendment (ver. 8.0) are examples. Among Democrats, shrill misquotations of evasive pseudoscientific Doublespeak and mournful cries for new and higher taxes fill the bill. Both sclerotic looter gerontocracies with only coercion to offer seek to terrify voters by casting “the other” party’s candidate as the incarnation of Satan in cloven hooves. Ah! But this is what enables Libertarian spoiler votes to maneuver those parasites into letting go of their most obnoxious laws!

Are you between these two forms of socialism?

Either-or Left-And-Right Socialism

To traditional looter kleptocracies, a key to enabling collectivism to keep on coercing is binary either-or framing: communist or fascist, left or right, Trumpista or Antifa! They NEVER publicly acknowledge the law-changing power of outside-party, neither-nor spoiler votes. This they water down by declaring themselves centrists, moderates, or some linear miscegenation of part-Hitlerite part-Stalinist policymakers–at least in America. 

Observe that U.S. looters focus on the job-seeking competition as the embodiment of absolute Evil and struggle to evade mention of law-changing libertarian spoiler votes. But the LP vote share is nevertheless increasing in hockey-stick acceleration! What’s a wilting Kleptocracy to do?


Even looters know that ignoring a problem does not make it go away. To them, a way must again be found to cause the Libertarian Party to make really dumb mistakes–fritter away what money it can raise–and so alienate voters as to make us look bad even compared to The Kleptocracy! There’s a tall order…

The GOP and Dems would be careless indeed not to again infiltrate and sabotage the LP as they did in the 1980s. So how about treacherously poisoning our decision-making process? Here is another of the latest such efforts passed by the Libertarian National Committee:

Whereas, the plurality voting election method is the weakest voting method and a deeply flawed way of electing government representatives and officers; and Whereas, there are many alternatives to plurality elections, many of which have strong advocates promoting their specific benefits, and it is generally accepted by experts and advocates alike that there is no such thing as a perfect voting system, but each of these alternative systems is generally regarded as being superior to plurality elections; and (scolding cant omitted…)
Therefore, be it resolved, the Libertarian National Committee is committed to the widespread adoption and implementation of alternative voting methods to replace plurality voting elections.

Normal voting has been the American system for over two centuries. If it’s bad, then why is it that so many people seek to flee here that there is a movement afoot to build a wall to keep them out? The US Constitution stipulates the weakest voting system? By what standard, or compared to where? Generally regarded by whom?

There are exactly six (06) “preferential” collectivized vote countries (the same as the number of communist countries if you include Venezuela):
Australia (forced to vote at gunpoint, suffers rolling Blackouts; Only 12% of Australians enjoy being forced to vote in their collectivist system, and 19% consider it unfair),
Ireland (finally repealed 35 years of constitutionally coerced reproduction in May 2018–by normal 2/3 vote restoring individual rights for women),
New Zealand, (population similar to Alabama’s, with no LP)
Northern Ireland (there’s your ideal political State!),
Scotland (mystical girl-bullying laws eroding slowly), and
Malta (Comstock law birth control bans. A “libertarian” club with an antichoice GOP poster-child).

Of these 6 “superior” countries, only Ireland unequivocally recognizes the individual rights of women.

So if the idea is a Catholic or Mohammedan theocracy, or an anti-industrial revolution, only then does gauntlet-glob voting look better than that in the Constitution of These States. Individual reproductive rights for women are impaired in 5 of these 6 countries. Observe also that there are no swarms of refugees trying to get into these six easily-gulled countries, or the six communist countries. Of people who vote with their feet, 97% prefer elsewhere

Not so fast! Libertarians are comfortable with 3% of the vote repealing bad laws that once coerced 100%. And we’re no more popular with the Great Brainwashed than the communists were before they put the Income Tax into the Constitution. Perhaps there is some hidden advantage to collectivized gang-votes? Is there an upside for 3rd parties that only the LNC, in its majestic ideality, was able to perceive?

There are none better than the Australians to defenestrate THAT pipe-dream. Australians clearly state: 

3. It promotes a two-party system to the detriment of minor parties and independents.

That anything this dumb can pass in the LNC is evidence of gross mismanagement and self-deception. Ask yourself: Is this likely to rally voters to our candidates? Cause thinking people to join and pay dues? Attract donations from intellectually honest individuals? Not from what I’ve seen lately.

Objectively Orwellian language

For transparently clear translations!
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Koerner fallacy v. Winning

Same smear tactics the kleptocracy used on the

Small Human Rights Party ad placed before the LP plank legalized women’s rights. See Original

Surrounding every small party dedicated to change–for better or worse–is a fog of panhandlers eager to bleed off donations. Those donations would otherwise go to the gatherers of leveraged, law-changing spoiler votes. FEE, the Foundation for Economic Education fits the profile for one of these panhandlers.

Robin Koerner is a British-born recent convert to the USA. Like McAfee, a likable noob to whom the LP “owed” the nomination the same year he joined, Koerner has “answers.” But Koerner’s pitch is based on appallingly false, misleading and irrelevant suppositions. Foremost among these is Koerner’s view that ethics, law, history, economics and politics don’t matter, but pop psychologizing by an altruist from fascist Spain does. For guidance Koerner looks to a Franco-era mystical looter to whom life “is cosmic realization of altruism” (Ortega y Gasset, 2012:73). The Libertarian Party, on the other hand, asks us to sign a disavowal of fascist-style aggression. The disavowal was written by Ayn Rand in February of 1947. (Letters of Ayn Rand p. 366) That was back when altruistic fascist and nazi collaborators in Europe were kind of scarce because so many had been hanged by their former victims!

Koerner’s is the thinking of marketing people in Dilbert cartoons. Koerner also believes grinning candidates matter–not platforms, that you should emulate whiners and that the medium is the message. Sound familiar?
The premise–at least the part dense enough to identify–confuses a likable and successful single-issue lobby like UKIP with a political party. The conclusion is Koerner’s assertion that “…psychology must be the focus of any political party that is serious about doing what it is formed to do—which is win elections.”  UKIP won because Brits finally understood that Brexit is the antonym of Anschluss! Having felt the familiar sensation of losing on their hides, Europeans now grasp the meaning of winning! Winning is ditching coercion and gaining freedom.

It takes one to know one?

Like any huckster, this one is attracted to marks, suckers, losers “despondent because 47 years says that your guy never gets elected.” The error is that the LP is not in business to support pop-psych cheerleaders or manufacture paycheck politicians. For 47 years the LP has changed hundreds of laws and policies so as to reduce the initiation of force. We WIN this progress with the law-changing clout of principled spoiler votes. We win because the looters that ignore us get beaten by looters less coercive.

In its first campaign year the LP wrote the content the Supreme Court used in Roe v Wade to kill coathanger abortion laws. Does Koerner mention this? Democrats sure as hell don’t, but Republicans and Prohibition Party hucksters immediately drew up Constitutional Amendments to overturn Roe v Wade. To them the good old days were when a mail order diaphragm was cause for ten years in prison. They are STILL writing and pushing amendments to force women into involuntary labor.

Remember the draft? Napalming children in ‘Nam? Dixiecrats bombing prayer meetings? Middle East invasions and Republicans bawling for the death sentence for marijuana? All of those things felt the chill from fewer than 4000 spoiler votes and one electoral vote counted in December of 1972. Today we cast 4 MILLION such votes. Here’s what the logistics substitution curve fit looks like:

The LP is on track to earn 50% of the vote by 2075.

Fisher-Pry curves show democracy replacing monarchy as coal & oil replaced wood

Prohibitionists with 1.4% of the vote (assisted by venal and cowardly looter politicians) passed the 18th Amendment and Marxist income tax which wrecked the economy and brought the Great Depression. This is the power of spoiler votes cast in support of a principled (albeit idiotic) stand. All we need do is let voters know that the button next to the ones they’ve been pushing will speed up the rate at which violent laws are repealed so that freedom replaces coercion and prosperity replaces debt. Libertarians are not despondent. Libertarian voters are winning every election. All four looter parties are shrivelling. The growing LP record of vote share fits a logistical substitution curve that indicates the LP (or its policies) should have half the total votes by 2075.

Koerner’s whole message is designed to obfuscate that crucial point and lead confused customers down a blind alley. That the alley is full of muggers, pickpockets and predators is not news. The Human Rights Party–organized shortly before the LP (see top of this page)–found out the hard way. Its organizers knew nothing of the meaning of government or freedom, the nature of rights or the language of money! They are extinct, but the Libertarian Party is thriving despite the “help” of “friends” like Koerners and FEE.

hank phillips

If in need of simultaneous interpreting of the sort that made the Nuremberg trials of National Socialist war criminals possible, hire a Portugueseinterpreter. For general Latin American public faith translations visit Speakwrite.
My other blog is Brazilian. Buy the Portuguese-language edition of Prohibition and The Crash, A Lei Seca e o Crash.


Freeze, freon or freedom?


Erde Politische Arbeiterpartei

Huxley conditioning, not Orwellian brainwashing

Only America was “morally” required to violate its Second Amendment, disarm and surrender to Soviet Altruria before and during the 1980s. The Union of Confused Scientists, Physicians for Socialist Responsibility, Freeze advocates, those same pro-socialist, fifth-column infiltrators soon claimed penguins would roast unless freon were banned. Now that real freon is banned and air conditioners are failing as a consequence, they swear the world is heating up. Yet thermometers say the opposite. Why?

Remember the War on Freon? This was based on the superstition that humans–8/9 of whom live in the climactically different northern hemisphere–are to blame for a thinner ozone layer hovering over a constantly-erupting volcano in the southern hemisphere–where only 11% of humanity lives. The volcano, Mt Erebus, spews chlorine into the atmosphere near the south pole, and has done so for over a million years. Bozos and political scientists report no such hole at the pole nearest where 89% of industrial humanity lives and works. (Oddly enough, there is no such volcano at the North Pole either).

Freon–the coolant that replaced poisonous refrigerator gases fatal to housewives in the 1930s–was sacrificed on the Congressional Altar of the lobbyists and Volcano Gods in Crash year 1987. Freon was made a quasi-illegal controlled substance, regulated by force and priced out of reach. Real freon was replaced with an inferior coolant requiring much higher pressures. Home and auto air conditioners running the new coolant nobody would buy willingly, promptly began failing.

The manly and honest response is to look at ozone readings taken before and after the War on Freon. Those two Octobers–during the 1987 Crash and in just before Americans voted against banning energy in 2016–show no appreciable change to the ozone layer. But go ahead and view time-lapse videos and compare other years. But facts don’t matter, hence every man, woman and child in America–and in the world that once regarded Americans as scientific–has been forced at gunpoint to buy the clumsy substitute. Worse: all are now threatened with a tax on air and an additional ban on electric power stations by the same looter ideologues.

Neither the Democratic (or CPUSA) nor Republican (or Prohibition) parties have ever admitted error, and their looters in the House and Senate won’t either. Enter the tangled web of global warming deceit to cover up the discomfort you feel as electric bills rise and your air conditioner fails expensively. If you want an alternative that is non-totalitarian you can make your preference felt by voting Libertarian.

Four Fingers, 2+2=4

Courtesy Tony Heller,

By deliberately altering or cherrypicking NOAA thermometer records to make the past appear cooler and the present warmer, the temperature trend reverses the sign of its slope. This handily provides Congress with an alibi for the failure-prone AC units it sold us at gunpoint because of the War on Freon hysteria. As icing on the let-’em-eat-cake, a whole new hobgoblin has been created from which the ignorant and superstitious now clamor to be led to safety. The hobgoblin, designed by the same Anti-Industrial-Revolution Luddites, is Global Warming–the official Staat religion of Econazi Germany. The icing? Global Warming hysteria makes real cooling climate change feel like warming because your air conditioning is failing and costing you a fortune!

Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 verifiably shows how government fanaticism beginning March 2, 1929, wrecked the economy. Live on Amazon Kindle for the cost of a pint.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle


Do you ever need a translator able to graph charts and perform temperature conversions?

VAT: Vermin-Added Tax

Nixon Adds Vermin

Read the original

Europe’s Ecological National Socialist political parties gorge on what they call a Value-Added Tax. But does coercive parasitism really add value? The diversion of currency to unproductive hands was identified as the cause the ruin of nations observed and documented in 1775. Was Adam Smith wrong about this most subtly camouflaged of visible hands?

A lump of uranium is transformed by application of science and engineering into electricity plus isotopes useful to physicians. The work done by human intelligence added value to the original raw material. The “Business Activities Tax,” popular in today’s Bandana Republics and Junta dictatorships, was repealed in the United States back in the sixties. But European collectivists happily imported the VAT as another “sin tax.” Like every other Comstock penalty or sin tax, VAT is a means of adding the sustenance of increased numbers of unproductive vermin to the burdens borne by any who commit the sins of voluntary production and trade.

But value is something Americans want voluntarily–not something that has to be forced at gunpoint. To Europeans, “former” Soviet citizens, and South Americans forced to vote by compulsion, values apparently mean something politicians want from you, voluntarily or otherwise. Richard Nixon is the prominent American who comes to mind when I think of a Vermin-Added Tax.  By voting for the Libertarian platform and its candidates, I send a clear signal to ALL politicians that my vote will never support a Vermin-Adding Tax. Eliminating subsidies to looter parties by removing Nixon’s anti-libertarian Subtitle H – Financing of Presidential Election Campaigns from the IRS code could increase revenue more than anything I can think of.

Pre-Soviet Democrat

Before looters again took over the Dems

So why is Google appointing itself the assessor-collector to “eat out our substanceperpetrated, again, by foreign autocrats? How is vermin-added taxation different from a sin tax? I would gladly buy added Google Drive storage–just without burdening any foreign population with added vermin…

Do you ever need to make a presentation in a foreign language? An interpreter can help you prepare…

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

In the dark and vulnerable…

Every voter who missed the opportunity to vote libertarian (and make a difference) should read Hillary Clinton’s econazi mein kampf. The thing is a sobbing, altruistic tell-all exposing the utter cluelessness of an ignorant collectivist dupe.**  Hillary made it clear she has never understood the function of the President, to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and … Commission all the Officers of the United States.” Nor has she even read or understood the platform of her own party in its entirety.

Every sane voter is normally inclined to believe whatever the democratic and republican parties say about each other’s politicians. After all, they are all looters, ideologically committed to the initiation of force.  Yet when was the last time you saw a Democrat quote verbatim and contest a plank from God’s Own Prohibitionists’ platform or vice-versa? Only thinking people read the platforms. Clueless folks read tweets about cankles, hairdos and vague allegations of email impropriety.

Most especially, voters in mi Puerto Rico querido. Puerto Rico is dominated entirely by superstitious prohibitionist republican and cynical communist democratic politicians. The Nixon anti-libertarian law shunts tax money into the island’s fake media to advertise these charlatans as “both” alternatives. Voters are aware of only one choice in elections: force women to bear unwanted children AND/OR send men with guns to kick in your door because of plant leaf products. “Both” parties are prohibitionists, but the Dems want to ban energy and God’s Own Prohibitionists want to bring back Prohibition and then some.

Superstition made boricuas susceptible to anti-nuclear propaganda. Econazi propaganda convinced the island voters that bird-killing windmills and useless solar panels can replace a power plant. Altruism caused them to elect looter politicians willing to squander 120 million borrowed dollars. That money bought the DemoGOP enough votes to bully women, kill birds and produce blackouts. Puerto Rico today is in the dark and vulnerable.  Look at the before and after outcome:


Quen es Juan Galt?

Slide the Atlas Shrugged divider… Page down, VIEW IMAGE COMPARISON shows before and after view.

La Rebellión de Atlas is available in Spanish translation. There is no excuse for Puerto Rico to live in the Dark Ages anymore. A libertarian governor and economy could soon enable a boricua power company to purchase a natural uranium Canadian CANDU reactor on reasonable terms. This would make our island the searchlight beacon of the Caribbean. Houston’s nuclear reactors were hit directly by the same hurricanes and never felt a thing. Puerto Rico more closely resembles a satrapy of the Spanish Inquisition because of energy prophesies–such as this one from the 2016 Democratic platform:

We are committed to getting 50 percent of our electricity from clean energy sources within a decade, with half a billion solar panels installed within four years and enough renewable energy to power every home in the country.

The Libertarian plank looked like this:

While energy is needed to fuel a modern society, government should not be subsidizing any particular form of energy. We oppose all government control of energy pricing, allocation, and production.

The Democratic Party final solution for Puerto Rico looked like this:

So if having electricity is more important than government ownership or making a pregnant girl suffer, consider voting Libertarian next election. If clear text is more important than garble, consider getting a bid from an ATA-certified Portuguese interpreter.

** I did not vote for Trump. I always vote Libertarian.

Find out how Puerto Rico went on strike against prohibition enforcement in 1931. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 shows how superstitious laws wrecked the entire U.S. economy and plunged us into the Great Depression. Live on Amazon Kindle for the price of a pint.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle in 2 languages

Shocked Democratic Voters

Econazi Oven-worshippers

Photo credit: EPA, Erde Politische Arbeiterpartei

Hillary Clinton’s published effort to protect the Democratic Party platform committee from blame for the Republican Party victory proves she never really understood Orwell’s 1984.

Her party made the mistake of copying the government bureaucracy hallucination that urges persons entirely ignorant of basic physics to believe that the industrial application of Maxwell’s equations is increasing the Earth’s temperature. The Democratic platform seeks to make These United States into another Puerto Rico–a huge electrical blackout with no nuclear reactors. Here is what its candidate imagined George Orwell wrote:

This is what happens in George Orwell’s classic novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, when a torturer holds up four fingers and delivers electric shocks until his prisoner sees five fingers as ordered.

To be fair, none of Hillary’s religious conservative prohibitionist critics noticed the error in physics. Possibly the more literate among them recalled John Galt being tortured with electrical voltage. The far more numerous Republicans, every bit as illiterate as so many Democrats, probably recalled the same scene as remade in the second Rambo movie. This is understandable error, but Winston Smith was NOT tortured with electrical shocks in Orwell’s novel “The Last Man in Europe” (published as Nineteen Eighty-Four). Nor was there electric torture in the movie version with Richard Burton as the Inner Party member. Anyone with enough basic science education to vote to keep electrical power safe and legal AND WHO HAS READ THE BOOK will easily spot the error. Winston Smith, Orwell wrote:

… did not know whether the thing was really happening, or whether the effect was electrically produced; but his body was being wrenched out of shape, the joints were being slowly torn apart. Although the pain had brought the sweat out on his forehead, the worst of all was the fear that his backbone was about to snap. He set his teeth and breathed hard through his nose, trying to keep silent as long as possible. (…) ‘That was forty,’ said O’Brien. ‘You can see that the numbers on this dial run up to a hundred.

Winston Smith was being subjected to the initiation of force strong enough to deform his spinal column and cause intense pain.  The units are hardly important except in the proportional sense intended to intimidate, but one might expect some such result from 40 kilograms-force amounting to nearly 400 Newtons. (I do not vote Republican and am not a torture buff, so I’m only guessing). The point is that the torture was accomplished by the use of blunt force, not electric potential, in both book and movie. True, there may have been an electric motor compressing air or turning gears to make the table move.

There is considerable mention of electricity in 1984. In the book’s second paragraph Winston doesn’t bother trying the elevator… the electricity was cut off during daylight hours, so he climbed the seven flights of stairs–as happens today in North Korea or Puerto Rico. But there was always power for the teevee. Just as in Amerika, the Ingsoc teevee delivers the Two Minutes Hate in reaction to any defense of freedom of speech:

A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge-hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one’s will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic.

Does that quote remind you of any loser demonstrations after half the electorate preferred the Republican and Libertarian access to energy planks? The two pro-energy parties arguably won the popular vote because the Libertarian Party got as many votes as were cast in the entire State of Virginia, a million more than the “almost 3%” Hillary claimed for the Dems. Those Democrat protesters should be hunting down their own platform committee members–the ones that pushed planks to ban power plants instead of re-legalizing medicinal and enjoyable plant leaves.

Econazi policies cost the Dems a whole passel of cushy government jobs, grants, subsidies, handouts and opportunities to be the better people whose goons know what’s good for the riff-raff. They lost because of Fifth-Column infiltrators, not because of the candidate who can’t correctly read her own ghostwritten Mein Kampf.

But Hillary was right about another scene in 1984, where Two soft pads, which felt slightly moist, clamped themselves against Winston’s temples. O’Brien said to Winston “This time it will not hurt…” There was undoubtedly a blinding flash of light. Winston was not hurt, only prostrated. (…) “Just now I held up the fingers of my hand to you. You saw five fingers. Do you remember that?”

This, in Orwell’s book was cure, not torture. This electroshock therapy, which happened once, is what DemoGOP politicians, their lobbyists and backers mean by “providing help” for deniers with “mental health problems.” Peer-reviewed Government Health political scientists will show us altered records of temperature data and we will actually believe the data have not been tampered with! But that party lost the election, and all its votes were wasted.

Ignorance is Strength!

Courtesy, Tony Heller,

I voted libertarian, for the same party whose woman candidate for vice-president obtained an electoral vote in 1972. That 0.01% of the electoral vote forced the Supreme Court to strike down all George Wallace Dixiecrat coathanger abortion laws 45 days later. Our votes won us the repeal of superstitious laws, and a victory for individual rights. That’s winning!

If you ever need translations of laws, political analyses or court decisions, you might want to look for

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Tony Heller Wrecked my Theory

I follow a blog by an electrical engineer who writes code and graphs data. The delightful part is that the unaltered data graphs he produces do not agree with theories pompously put forth by Doomsday Cassandras. In fact, Tony Heller takes on the entire panoply of Millerite doomcrying by unemployable ex-scientists whose theories invariably require the initiation of force. And he does it as competently as Petr Beckmann did while still alive.

Petr Beckmann was a young electrical engineer working on the same project as physicist Arthur C. Clarke toward the end of WWII. As described in the novel “Glide Path,” with radio and radar they guided RAF bombers returning from Germany to land safely. Beckmann held a grudge against all socialist invaders of Czechoslovakia, and his delightful Access to Energy newsletter and book on nuclear safety weakened their efforts to trick Americans into disarming or crippling their own power plants. Watching dismantle perpetrators of hoaxes is a delight.

Suddenly Heller comes up with these Zapruder frames of the Kennedy assassination showing what looks like a luminous circle. I tried, like others, to imagine they were sunlight reflecting off of fragments.  I had a personal stake in the thing not being real. After years of research on the Kennedy assassination I was working on a fiction novella requiring only two snipers. That bright dot was not at all consistent with my theory or partial manuscript, and would require rewrites and edits. Finally, the dot would not go away. It recalled another video looking northwest from the south side of Dealey Plaza in which a flash of light at the picket fence was surmised to be evidence of a shooter firing at the President from behind a flimsy fence. But my fictional theory required only two snipers. From its height, Occam and I could loftily look down theories requiring more than two assassins and scornfully dismiss that flash. But the troublesome shiny dot ruined my manuscript by introducing reasonable doubt.

How was I supposed to know that gunslingers fancied putting mercury in bullets? But people act on all sorts of wrong beliefs. Police rushed up the slope at the north end of the grassy bridge abutment, perhaps with good reason. Yes there are holes in mobster Files’ story, but none so large as the politicians’ theory that had prompted me to work out a different explanation. Reasonable doubt has now wrecked my story before it was ready to publish–luckily for me. I pity people like Gavin and Gore, whose published documendacities Mr Heller has unpityingly gored. But I can’t help noticing that none of them find fault with his arguments or dispute the unimbellished data he presents. They could show a little gratitude to someone able to correct their papers. After all Gottlob Frege had the good grace to thank Bertrand Russell for derailing his mathematical work. Unfortunately, Frege, like Gore, Gavin and wishful thinkers on the IIPC had already published their errors.

If you ever need an experienced translator of forensic reports, death certificates and autopsy results from Portuguese or Spanish, look me up. I also write fiction about politicians and such.

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog