Shocked Democratic Voters

Econazi Oven-worshippers

Photo credit: EPA, Erde Politische Arbeiterpartei

Hillary Clinton’s published effort to protect the Democratic Party platform committee from blame for the Republican Party victory proves she never really understood Orwell’s 1984.

Her party made the mistake of copying the government bureaucracy hallucination that urges persons entirely ignorant of basic physics to believe that the industrial application of Maxwell’s equations is increasing the Earth’s temperature. The Democratic platform seeks to make These United States into another Puerto Rico–a huge electrical blackout with no nuclear reactors. Here is what its candidate imagined George Orwell wrote:

This is what happens in George Orwell’s classic novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, when a torturer holds up four fingers and delivers electric shocks until his prisoner sees five fingers as ordered.

To be fair, none of Hillary’s religious conservative prohibitionist critics noticed the error in physics. Possibly the more literate among them recalled John Galt being tortured with electrical voltage. The far more numerous Republicans, every bit as illiterate as so many Democrats, probably recalled the same scene as remade in the second Rambo movie. This is understandable error, but Winston Smith was NOT tortured with electrical shocks in Orwell’s novel “The Last Man in Europe” (published as Nineteen Eighty-Four). Nor was there electric torture in the movie version with Richard Burton as the Inner Party member. Anyone with enough basic science education to vote to keep electrical power safe and legal AND WHO HAS READ THE BOOK will easily spot the error. Winston Smith, Orwell wrote:

… did not know whether the thing was really happening, or whether the effect was electrically produced; but his body was being wrenched out of shape, the joints were being slowly torn apart. Although the pain had brought the sweat out on his forehead, the worst of all was the fear that his backbone was about to snap. He set his teeth and breathed hard through his nose, trying to keep silent as long as possible. (…) ‘That was forty,’ said O’Brien. ‘You can see that the numbers on this dial run up to a hundred.

Winston Smith was being subjected to the initiation of force strong enough to deform his spinal column and cause intense pain.  The units are hardly important except in the proportional sense intended to intimidate, but one might expect some such result from 40 kilograms-force amounting to nearly 400 Newtons. (I do not vote Republican and am not a torture buff, so I’m only guessing). The point is that the torture was accomplished by the use of blunt force, not electric potential, in both book and movie. True, there may have been an electric motor compressing air or turning gears to make the table move.

There is considerable mention of electricity in 1984. In the book’s second paragraph Winston doesn’t bother trying the elevator… the electricity was cut off during daylight hours, so he climbed the seven flights of stairs–as happens today in North Korea or Puerto Rico. But there was always power for the teevee. Just as in Amerika, the Ingsoc teevee delivers the Two Minutes Hate in reaction to any defense of freedom of speech:

A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge-hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one’s will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic.

Does that quote remind you of any loser demonstrations after half the electorate preferred the Republican and Libertarian access to energy planks? The two pro-energy parties arguably won the popular vote because the Libertarian Party got as many votes as were cast in the entire State of Virginia, a million more than the “almost 3%” Hillary claimed for the Dems. Those Democrat protesters should be hunting down their own platform committee members–the ones that pushed planks to ban power plants instead of re-legalizing medicinal and enjoyable plant leaves.

Econazi policies cost the Dems a whole passel of cushy government jobs, grants, subsidies, handouts and opportunities to be the better people whose goons know what’s good for the riff-raff. They lost because of Fifth-Column infiltrators, not because of the candidate who can’t correctly read her own ghostwritten Mein Kampf.

But Hillary was right about another scene in 1984, where Two soft pads, which felt slightly moist, clamped themselves against Winston’s temples. O’Brien said to Winston “This time it will not hurt…” There was undoubtedly a blinding flash of light. Winston was not hurt, only prostrated. (…) “Just now I held up the fingers of my hand to you. You saw five fingers. Do you remember that?”

This, in Orwell’s book was cure, not torture. This electroshock therapy, which happened once, is what DemoGOP politicians, their lobbyists and backers mean by “providing help” for deniers with “mental health problems.” Peer-reviewed Government Health political scientists will show us altered records of temperature data and we will actually believe the data have not been tampered with! But that party lost the election, and all its votes were wasted.

Ignorance is Strength!

Courtesy, Tony Heller,

I voted libertarian, for the same party whose woman candidate for vice-president obtained an electoral vote in 1972. That 0.01% of the electoral vote forced the Supreme Court to strike down all George Wallace Dixiecrat coathanger abortion laws 45 days later. Our votes won us the repeal of superstitious laws, and a victory for individual rights. That’s winning!

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Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

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