Superstition against Science


First there was Mussolini’s Pope, signing Lateran treaties with Il Duce in exchange for religious indoctrination and conditioning in government schools. Then Pacelli was elevated to papal infallibility as Hitler’s Pope. Today, at long last, Herr Gavin Schmidt of the Econazi Internationale has finally managed to secure a Pope of his own, and one evidently predisposed to revive that Holiest of all Inquisitions, no less. That’s progress!

Chamberlin’sThe Bad Popes” may be due for an added chapter soon. The Dark Ages were those centuries in which Europe was dominated by Protestant, Catholic and Mohammedan warfare, torture and superstition. Eight centuries later, James Clerk Maxwell organized Faraday’s and Coulomb’s research into the equations of electrodynamics. This work proceeded even as Britain bombarded China to preserve an outlet for opium grown by Indians, themselves reduced to near-enslavement, and while tax-and-spend advocates of extortionate protective tariffs in These States bombarded, shot, pillaged and burned neighbors whose laziness had made them dependent on the exploitation of chattel slavery.

Science, not suicidal superstition, wins

Science overcame superstition when the derivative was 2.1%–The Pill saved the Planet

Yet here we are, 1867 years after the invention of the Jesus myth and actual ex-scientists, now devote their efforts to the spread of mysticism and superstition. This same ex-scientist seeks, in addition to interfere with the electrical generation that has increased human life expectancy. Earth’s population has grown from two billion–when Christian prohibition enforcers shot beer smugglers in cold blood–to 7.5 billion less than 90 years later–when Christians send men with guns to shoot people for harvesting the “wrong” plants, and to jail doctors for offering a safe alternative to coathanger abortions.

The Catholic papacy fought to have the pill banned, and today its agents control politicians who deny the individual rights of women in backward countries. Pope Francis is the person most responsible every time a woman dies for lack of medical assistance with an unwanted pregnancy. Everything that could forestall a Malthusian catastrophe or make life possible on an overcrowded planet the infallible coot opposes. Still, the Vatican burns electricity like it was going out of style, while Puerto Rico is without power.

Need a translator for power dams, nuclear reactors, coal or uranium mining?

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

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