German Libertarian in English

English, German and Dutch are in the same family of languages. See Naomi in German (link)
Welcome to the world of people who not only think, but do it in two languages!

Finally! Germany is waking up to alternatives to genocidal national versus international socialism and noticing other parts of the Venn Diagram and Nolan Chart.

Since 1972 the Libertarian Party has advocated for repealing cruel laws passed by religious fanatics to torture and criminalize gays. We also advocate abolition of coercive manipulation of fuel markets to cater to imaginary energy hobgoblins created by collectivist pseudoscience. Girl-bullying conservatives are trying to claim Naomi, but she self-identifies as libertarian in her own words.(link)

This hasn’t stopped ecological national socialists and watermelon greens from flinging innuendo to paint the youngster as a brainwashed religious zealot eager to join male Landover Baptists to deny individual rights to women. Washington Post fake news seeks to depict the libertarian lady as a racial collectivist. Both character assassination attempts have been pitiful and dodge the issue of what thermometers have to say about temperature trends.(link)

Conservatives have men point service pistols at doctors and pregnant women.(link) This they justify with mystical and race-suicide claptrap.(link) They also seek to have uniformed police and plainclothes criminal shoot people over plant leaves, and they believe the world is warming when thermometers say it isn’t.(link)

Interestingly, Naomi self-identifies as Libertarian on a number of different videos, but pulpit-thumping, girl-bullying, doctor-shooting conservatives insist on hearing “conservative” every time she says “libertarian.” Why? 

“Beware of altruism. It is based on self-deception, the root of all evil.” –Robert A. Heinlein

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Alexandria replacement

Lolita Lebrón 3.0

To replace Alexandria Occasional Cortex

AOC did not funnel enough pelf, boodle and honest graft into Tammany Hall coffers to suit the communist democratic party. There is even talk of making her district go away as other party candidates stampede to run against her. Meet the front-runner for replacement.(link)

Alexandria Sheriff’s Office has all the commitment and daring of Lolita Lebrón 1.0 and since she claims to be Palestinian or at least trans-Palestinian and eager to “stab everyone on the plane,” the Democratic National Committee psychiatrist joined her in jumping up and down yelling “STAB! STAB! STAB!” An official from the Bernie campaign came over, shook her hand, pinned a medal on her chest and said “You’re our gal!”

Alexandria promises to fit in well with the rest of the turbaned Dems praying to Mecca and is sure to bring in the votes if she is able, like Teedy Rosenfeld, to timely establish residence in New York rather than Carolina. This contest between the party of slavery that denies being communist, and the party of religious prohibitionism that denies being fascist can only gasp on the ventilator thanks to the Nixon subsidies that since 1971 pay the media to ignore the Libertarian Party. (link)

Hockey stick? I've gotcher hockey stick right here!

Libertarian Hockey Stick: voter rejection of communism & fascism. Wanna debate us?

Communovirus update: Dictatorship dereliction and GAFI/FATF sabotage has caused enough economic damage to justify demanding reparations payments from the looters the way Europe demanded reparations of The Accursed Hun in 1919. These were finally paid of in 2010, after delays by Herb Hoover’s Moratorium on Brains and the National Socialism he helped to power in Germany.(link) (link)

Today reparations could take the form of asset-forfeiture (a popular communist measure) or cancellation of Treasury bills issued to the dictatorship by other dissolute looter governments (such as that of the USA). Every penny the communist state owns is proceeds of slavery and trafficking in humans, and ought to be subject to Versailles and FATF rules on forfeiture. If this hastens the final collapse of communi-fascist variants of socialism, so be it. Hong Kong and Taiwan will doubtless help install something more closely resembling a post-mercantilist mixed economy–or, who knows, maybe even Libertarian freedom.

“Well, your honor has the right to hope.” –Clarence Darrow at Dayton, Tennessee Monkey Trial

Why not delve into what sort of voting caused the 1929 Crash? Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 does exactly that, matching newspaper accounts against stock market reactions and competing theories. It is live on Amazon Kindle for the price of a pint.

My other-language blog, Expatriotas.blogspot is

1920s legalization trends

China’s republican revolution overthrowing the Quing Dynasty and restoring antiopium prohibition in 1911-12 caused a massive opiate glut. Withdrawal sickness, often medicated with alcohol as a palliative, blurred the distinction between opiate addiction and fascination with alcohol before and during the World War. The war itself was sparked by the glut in opium-producing Balkan nations and morphine-refining Austria-Hungary, Germany, France and England as pressure mounted to ratify the Hague convention. Mr Dooley, a humorous political philosopher quoted by Milton Friedman, reported surplus morphine being added to distilled spirits during the depression begun in 1907. (link)

After the Great War, the Hague antiopium convention set afoot in 1909 was finally ratified at bayonet-point as part of the Armistice and Treaty of Versailles. With President Wilson’s corporate income tax inspections as public records announcement of July 28, 1914, wheat dropped and many stock markets closed. A sharp panic and depression attended federal enforcement of Volstead prohibition beginning the night of January 16th, as coercion and banking problems spread across These States.

Death, prohibition and income taxes

Income tax and prohibition amendments lead to Crash

Canada had experienced a similar narcotic shock, and many provinces had adopted prohibition laws after the pattern of U.S. States during wartime conditions. A black market busily reallocated supply and demand, and with the return to peacetime normalcy much churchly legislation hastily enacted in the heat of war revealed itself a financial burden.

Within a few years most provinces repealed Prohibition: Quebec, British Columbia and the Yukon in 1921, Manitoba in 1923, Alberta in 1924, Saskatchewan in 1925, New Brunswick and Ontario in 1927 and 1929, and Nova Scotia in 1930. Iceland modified its dry law to admit Spanish wine, and even Russia legalized beer and vodka as violent anarchy alternated with deliberate mass murder.

A similar trend occurred in the USA, beginning with repeal of New York’s Mullen-Gage Act, to which womanizing druggie President Harding retorted that a “small and a greatly mistaken minority” imagined prohibition would be repealed. Yet Turkish authorities were busily repealing curbs on narcotics in April 1923. The 1924 Democratic platform expressed shock and dismay at the way narcotics had replaced beer.

Get the complete story in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at or

Opium Glut Canada

Let 'em eat opium!

How to increase morphine consumption

Prohibitionist China, defeated in the Opium Wars, ruined financially by the silver drain, wrecked by weaponized Tae-ping christianity, then humiliated anew in the Boxer Rebellion, finally ditched Manchu rule in 1911, as Jackie Chan so visually demonstrated. Opium and morphine from India, France and Scotland sat in the rain, for dock workers were not permitted to touch it. Prices fell, product backed up and warfare, rapine and looting ramped up in the Balkan States as the Taft-Roosevelt coalition sought a Hague agreement to regulate the international dumping of opiates.

Prohibitionism–as fanatical in Methodist America as dry Mohammedanism in the Ottoman Empire–was scaring the bejeesus out of the opium-farming Balkans, Raj, Cochin-china and Afghanistan. Everyone involved in converting that opium into acetylated morphine was also in a cold sweat–only without the cold-turkey prickling. England, France, Austro-Hungary, Germany-Prussia, The Netherlands, Switzerland and (less than before 1907) These United States were becoming anxious about the future. So why not pit one brand of prohibitionism against another in a sort of “Only Cure” economic jiu-jitsu?

Hatcher murderers for Jesus

Accept no free-market substitutskys

It was widely known, thanks to the philosophical outpourings of Mr Dooley of Arrchy Road, that morphine was added to liquor as prices fell. Mystical pseudoscience already regarded alcohol as an addictive narcotic, so the cloak of camouflage was ready-made. The added inducement, now that Mrs Winslow’s Soothing Syrup no longer put crying babies in dreamland had palpable economic and religious benefits. The richest woman in America, addicted since childhood, used ethanol to lessen the discomfort of withdrawal sickness.

Get the complete story in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at or

Harding pulls out of League of Nations

Party Prez Pronouncement

Harding resists League of Nations seduction: read original

Ninety-seven years ago another fake 97% consensus sought US backing in a European bid for revenge on Germany. European politicians and field-marshals cried like babies, pouted and threw tantrums in disappointed outrage.

As in the Kyoto self-immolation “protocol,” US Senators realized their constituents would hang them from lampposts if they signed away American sovereignty for a vultures’ pact over the bleeding remains of defeated Germany. We weren’t Europe’s “ally” at all. To avoid such a sucker stigma Congress entered the war on behalf of Daddy Warbucks’ Belligerents Loan Collection Agency as an “Associated Power.” These States refused to sign the Treaty of Versailles or the League of Nations, both of which showed in their Article 23 they were drug cartels out to fix prices–now that The Accursed Hun had (they hoped) been elbowed out of the dope market.

America signed a separate peace with Germany and Austria-Hungary–and had never for a minute been at war with Ottoman Turkey. (Australians were less circumspect in their dealings with the Old World oligarchies, and some lived to regret their gullibility.)

So as Progressive prohibitionist Wilson died of complications from the Spanish Flu, The Fourteen Points and a stroke, Harding and the Senate–not Trump and the Senate–became the evil cabal determined to plunge the Precious Planet into another ghastly World War by withdrawing from pacts with the perpetrators of the instant war. To avoid that horror they needed only sign the hundreds of clauses those friendly European nations needed signed… so the US government could again be entangled in their web of deadly intrigue over smoldering ruins stalked by cadaverous starvelings.

Warren Gamaliel Harding became president, scoffed at prohibitionism, hired his stoner buddies to government posts and was apparently poisoned by his own Republican Party pals in Canada after a visit to Alaska. Whatever his faults, Harding did not wreck the economy nor send tens of thousands of young men to hideous deaths in foreign feuds.

Harding’s words are an object lesson to today’s looter kleptocracy politicians:

I rejoice that America is still free and independent and in a position of self reliance and holds to the right of self-determination.

Remember this lesson, and the next time you wonder what is written on a foreign document, hire a translator to reveal its meaning.

Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 explains how men with dry kleptocracy service pistols destroyed the U.S. Economy. Harding and Coolidge tried to hold them back but Herbert Hoover released the Dogs of the War on Beer. Live on Amazon Kindle for the cost of a pint; read it on your cellphone.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle



Denazification of Brainwashees


Read the original

Denazification of Christian National Socialists was a major problem for the Truman administration after Germany surrendered in May of 1945.

Those Christian socialists dismissed everything occupation forces said as a foreign or communist plot. Communist socialists just as balefully suspected Yanks were in league with plutocrats. Germany in 1945 was divided–pretty much like These American States in 2016–between Christian socialists and socialists less impressed by the Sermon on the Mount than by the equally apocryphal “Give unto Caesar“.

Religious conservatives want more censorship and laws outlawing sex, choice, herbs, cacti, mushrooms, having cash, crossing borders and speaking one’s mind. Conservatives want more mind control, fewer individual rights, but prefer prohibitionist asset-forfeiture looting to outright nationalization.

Gaian ecological nationalsocialists and yellow-dog communists pine in unison for the complete abolition of economic freedom. This false dichotomy within a universe of discourse restricted to variants of socialism was precisely the situation that allowed National Socialist ideology to completely tailor Germany while cursing “liberal” ideas as narcissistically selfish and irresponsible. Actual American Liberals, before 1932, sought voluntary solutions–especially the repeal of Blue Laws and Prohibition–not the mystically-motivated initiation of force.

People without the slightest notion of the definition of energy or the dimensions of its units are passionately committed to the banning of most electrical power plants. Others just as ignorant of physics, chemistry and economics want men with guns to arrest Planned Parenthood doctors and shoot teenagers who smell like the munchies. To fanatics of both camps the only alternative to sending men with guns to kick in doors is “to do nothing” and simply “let” the End of the World happen any minute now

The spell cast by years of altruist propaganda from teevee sets, pulpits, yellow journals and journalistic hack books has taken its toll on those susceptible to altruist seduction–mystical right-wingers and lefties alike. After the 1945 surrender, German nationalsocialists were conditioned en masse into the serried ranks of Soviet international socialists. Anyone with experience in running a slave pen or death camp could certainly find work in East Germany or Soviet Russia.

Just so in the post-Soviet USA fifth-column technocrats formerly advocating nuclear disarmament and surrender to peaceful Soviet altruism are today welcomed into the loving arms of new, improved, Ecological National Socialism. New improved nationalsocialism tolerates the existence of selfish jews and imposes prohibitionist jail sentences as a Christianizing influence to improve people of color–in 2016 as in 1857.

But what about the rest of us? What about people who understand enough physics to realize that no energy means no work, and no work  means no voluntarily-acquired income? Four million voters voted pro-choice, pro-electricity, anti-prohibition and against attacking people on the other side of the planet. Libertarians voted against the initiation of harmful and deadly force as a political tool. We did it in numbers large enough to shift the tallying of 124 electoral vote outcomes in 11 states.

The people of Germany had no libertarian choice in 1932, but they do today. France also has a functioning Parti Libertarien dutifully ignored by that kleptocracy’s media. All those countries’ voters lack is the courage, understanding and ethical values it takes to act on that choice. Come to think of it… these are exactly the same things that are in desperately short supply in These United States.

Are you interested in replacing coercive violence with a peace, prosperity and freedom?

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

If you are looking for a libertarian linguist check out my interpreting service.

Vichy Amerika Collaborators


DemoGOP politicians were trying to keep contraceptives illegal in 1968

How Gary Johnson’s party alienated women voters:

Judges should be appointed who will interpret the Constitution according to its original meaning. Any court decision that does not follow this original meaning of the Constitution should be revisited. That is particularly true of decisions such as Roe vs. Wade, which have expanded the reach of the Federal government into areas of society never envisioned in the Constitution. With the overturning of Roe vs Wade, laws regarding abortion would be decided by the individual states. (Gary Johnson campaign, 2012)

Of the three Libertarian candidates left standing at the convention, one was a recycled Republican indifferent to the individual rights of women (Johnson). Another was an antichoice Republican infiltrator bent on making the initiation of force to violate rights a Libertarian policy (Petersen). The third (McAfee) was a pro-choice newcomer in his first half-year of membership who enjoyed the persona of a loose cannon.

The 2016 candidate spread is evidence of gradual infiltration by surplus mystical bigots of the sort now populating the Tea and Consta2shun parties–spoiler vote holdouts for another religious autocracy in violation of the First and Fourteenth Amendments. The result has been a crippled semi-Libertarian party, fully 2/3 male earning 3% of the vote–but with way more than half the potentially sympathetic electorate mostly alienated.

Ask yourself how you would feel if some ex-GOP “Libertarian” candidate were to smugly suggest defunding the Center for Disease control and auctioning off all vaccination and epidemic control programs to corporate bidders? The program looks less like government handouts when men are also exposed to the unplanned need for medical intervention.

Never forget that the Italian Fascist and German National Socialist parties were deeply religious organizations. But Jewish voters were a tiny minority in Germany, Austria and Italy in 1933. Non-geriatric women voters in These United States amount to well over half the electorate.

Italian fascism decrees school prayer

religious instruction in state schools particularly desired by the Vatican will be carried out to the letter… See 1929 original

The Libertarian Party was the first viable party to feature a woman vice-presidential candidate. Tonie Nathan, a founding LP member who defends individual rights (choice) for women. The Libertarian Party won a rational electoral vote on December 19, and the Supreme Court smartly decided in Roe v. Wade that women were in fact individuals with the right to make their own choices–even if pregnant–on January 22, 1973. Time elapsed between the vote and the Supreme Court decision was 31 days.

The 1972 Libertarian Party plank on women’s rights read as follows: 

We further support the repeal of all laws restricting voluntary birth control or voluntary termination of pregnancies during their first hundred days.

Yes it is true that post isn’t exactly propter. “All men are mortal” was once an untested hypothesis. But by logical induction understood by all but the most superstitious of mystics the generalization became a factual premise upon which valid conclusions may be rigorously drawn. But election campaigns are statistical affairs. Both of the looter parties seeking to install their tools and puppets on the government payroll with a hand in the till understood that infringing the individual rights of all female voters would be a really stupid thing to do. Even Germany and Italy learned the hard way that mystical demagoguery doesn’t pay.

A Supreme Court decision to keep American women at the mercy of state legislatures dictated to by Klavern Christianity was one option facing the Court. But that choice made as much sense in 1973 as the 1932 Republican decision to keep light beer and wine a federal felony with a 5-year prison sentence and $10,000 (gold) fine.

As a result of the Republican party selling out the voters, backing instead the Wizened Christian Temperance Union, Anti-Saloon League and Methodist White Terror, Democrats were elected to the top offices in 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944 and 1948. There was the stark result of that one episode of pandering to the demagogues of the coercive imposition of Comstock Laws embodying the mandates of mystical beliefs.

The pre-urinalysis GOP was still smarting in 1973, having in the previous 40 years been defeated in 71% of all presidential campaigns since siding with the Klan and its dry cohort against “The Demon Rum.” New York repealed its liquor prohibition law in 1923, and “Whiskey” Al Smith–the NY Governor who had signed the bill into law–became the Democratic Party’s 1928 candidate. In 1970 New York–flanked by Hawaii and DC–repealed the most onerous of its antichoice legislation.  Nine male political appointees saw the handwriting on the wall, and on Roe v. Wade sided with Constitutional freedom rather than the coercive imposition of religious practices.

The Canadian Abortion Rights Action League, organized six months later, successfully pressed for repeal of ALL antiabortion laws there. More women than men have annually emigrated to Canada since its government began enforcing the individual rights of all women.  While consistent with the current published platform of the Libertarian Party, Canada’s total repeal went to the logical conclusion that follows from our Fourteenth Amendment’s introductory premise that NO State may enforce laws infringing the rights of

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof…

That is the line in the sand the Libertarian Party must again draw by deleting all of the “good faith” Vichy Plank language dictated by the shrinking remnants of dogmatized Prohibitionist infiltrators. In looter party platforms, “good faith” is invariably a pretext for overlooking violations of the Bill of Rights. The current “Vichy” plank is a cowardly reproach and stands as a monument to betrayal of the individual rights of fully half the population of These United States of America.

Small wonder women voters looked elsewhere in 2012 and 2016. But they discovered that the Democratic party was about pseudoscience and the banning of electrical power generation, rather than the competent defense of individual rights. It is a safe bet that educated women voters will not repeat that mistake. We must by then offer them a clear alternative–a party eager to turn their spoiler votes into political clout that will admit of no spurious interpretation–by November of 2020.

The libertarian party needs pro-choice female candidates to help rid us of the invasion of “former” religious bigots.

Are you eager to understand the content of a political speech given in South America? offers quick sight translation, gisting, and even edited professional translations suitable for publication in English. Contact me.

Get the complete economic story in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Whither the Accursed Hun?

derspiegel0217It is a topsy-turvy world indeed in which the Russians are “our” associates against communism, and Germany is all pissed off at the America First Committee. Barely a century ago Daddy Warbucks’ America was angry at the way Russia caved in to communism, dropped out of World War I, and left US banks no alternative but to order conscripts drafted for sacrifice and glory Over There–that and to ensure loan repayments.

But bygones were bygones and dry America kissed and made up with beer swilling, heroin-exporting Germany. Soon the German-American Bund was goose-stepping up and down, spouting Christian conservative values while cursing FDR’s “Jew Deal” in the Bronx. The Teutonia Society formed in Detroit, and ‘Murrican flags fluttered alongside swastikas in parades. By 1933, that voice of US primness, the Ladies Home Journal, opined that Der Fuehrer wasn’t so bad–for a leftist–after Herbert Hoover’s bailout of soon-to-be-Nationalsocialist Germany via the Moratorium on Brains.


Thanks and a tip to Wikipedia

When France and England again grew jealous of Germany’s narcotic export revenues, and the howling of the dogs of war drewamericafirstmoms0541 nearer, America-firsters like Hoover and Lindbergh became national icons in the Vaterland.  Moms urged neighbors to support America First lest  their sons become cannon fodder in another foreign entanglement. The US had been spared much involvement in World War II, mainly by memories of how France and England had done their utmost to welch on repayment of war loans taken out in World War I.

But look at today!  America-firsters–once the delight of Germany and the despair of England–are depicted on post-Brexit German magazine covers as the mohammedan suicide-berserkers les Boche now strive to import! What’s the deal?

Mainstream German media are filling up with grumblings about fifth columnists playing into the hands of the God’s Own Prohibitionist régime. The idea is that the Spiegel spiel is so over the top that US Trumpeters are likely to fall on it with whoops of joy as proof of a hostile commie Kraut media conspiracy.  Fake News City!

If these events make no sense whatsoever, why not turn off the teevee and spend a half-hour perusing a Libertarian Party platform.  You might ponder why Rolling Stone Magazine and The Atlantic denounced our political campaign–sounding so much like Neville Chamberlain and Oswald Moseley during their denunciations as to help guide us into this current predicament. But that’s OK. Four million Americans–a whole Virginia’s worth–fell upon our campaign ballots with whoops of joy and a 328% increase in market share.  Now that the word is out that our spoiler votes force looter politicians to repeal bad laws or lose their sinecures, our votes repeal bad laws and make good jurisprudence, as in 1973, only three times as much as before.

Need Latin American laws, lawsuits or government codes translated? Visit my site.