ANcommunism 1924

Excluding European Looters

ANcommunists before the

After the 3-year Depression presaged by the first Prohibition Crash of 1920, Congress reacted to the sudden increase in looter anarchist partisans with the 1924 Immigration Act. Here’s how it worked. 

Encouraged by confiscation, fines, asset forfeiture and cruel prison terms imposed on miscreants not shot on sight, religious fanatics turned the force of law against Sunday baseball. They blacklisted merchandise and made a crime–not of violence–but of trade and production.** America then was (thanks to our oilfields) a mystical satrapy more like Saudi Arabia than Iran.(link)

But in a fractional reserve banking system where securities are sold on credit backed by the value of the stock shares, confiscations, fines and asset forfeiture cause depositors to remove money from banks and sell off their stocks. The money supply contracts sharply and a liquidity crunch generates a wave of bankruptcies. Depression results and voters rightly conclude they’ve been had.(link)

This happened in 1907, 1914, 1920, 1929, 1987 and 2008. The mechanism is described in Friedman’s “Free to Choose.” When these events of 1920 and 1929 impoverished the nation, there was no opposition Libertarian Party to turn to. Voters turned away from the failed Kleptocracy and canvassed for communists operating under several different names. Communist ranks increased both times.(link

Prohibition Crashes increase Looters

Prohibition and eugenic lead to poverty, communism,  fascism and war

The Kleptocracy dropped the ball, angry voters went elsewhere and communist membership doubled in the 1920-23 Depression. Communist membership fell when the dry laws were suborned and prosperity returned. But the 1929 Increased Penalties Act crashes caused communist numbers to double by 1932 and increase to five times the 1929 figure by 1937. With still no Libertarian Party to turn to, economic blight brought racial collectivist Christian National Socialists out of the woodwork in the US, Europe and Latin America. Another World War followed. That all changed after 1972.(link

After George Bush Jr orchestrated the asset-forfeiture Crash of 1980, seizing bank accounts and homes containing a potted hemp plant, the economy went to hell and ku-klux christianofascism suffered a telling blow. After twice failing to elect mystics, God’s Own Prohibitionists hired a trained persuader who was assisted to power by backlash against Global Warmunist pseudoscientists and anti-industrial doomcriers.

Gary Johnson running as a quasi-Republican girl-bullier in 2012 doubled our vote share thanks to the search for outside parties. But when Johnson recognized the individual rights the LP defended for women in 1972, our take went up 328% to 4.5 million votes in the federal elections and another 8 million or so in more important down-ballot elections.(link) The Libertarian Party is growing 80% per year and all the looter parties–communist and fascist alike–are losing members.

Once voters understand how government agent bank robbers and home-confiscators wreck the economy and attract coercive altruism, we stand to add another 8 million votes in general elections for 36 million overall. That kind of spoiler vote clout could repeal the 16th Amendment and free individuals of the IRS. But if the current Libertarian Platform Committee adds idiotic voter-alienating planks, or a conspicuously insane street person or girl-bullying republican gets the nomination, all is lost.(link

** Ragnar to Hank on conditions of life in the People’s States, remember?

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Republican electoral coercion

Lateran treaties with Mussolini and Hitler

Religious brainwashing in Government Schools

From the 35772-word 2016 platform of God’s Own Prohibitionists:

To guard against foreign involvement in our elections, we call for vigilance regarding online credit card contributions to candidates and campaigns.

(By vigilance they mean the violence of law.)

The result so far has been to infiltrate and intimidate local Libertarian parties to stop expatriate American citizens abroad from voting, paying dues or making a voluntary libertarian party donation via Paypal. Since this plank was published, then embellished by rumors of US elections being influenced by countries “we” subsidize, hate, invade or bomb, Internet Service Providers have gleefully blocked credit card submissions originating through ISPs outside of These Sovereign States and Dominions. The Libertarian Party of Texas has been infiltrated by Republican saboteurs to the point of turning away prospective members eager to sign the NAP and pay dues.

But is this even consistent? What about using taxation to rob foreign visa holders in America, then forcing them to support entrenched mixed-economy fascist and socialist parties? Nixon’s 1971 anti-Libertarian law says:

“(a) IN GENERAL. – Subject to the provisions of this chapter –
“(1) The eligible candidates of a major party in a presidential election shall be entitled to payments under section 9006 equal in the aggregate to $0.15 multiplied by the total number of residents within the United States who have attained the age of 18, as determined by the Bureau of the Census, as of the first day of June of the year preceding the year of the presidential election. (…)

Before their anti-energy candidate lost, the Dems were all gung-ho on opening up DATA borders. Their lengthy 2016 platform said:

We will increase access to global markets for American intellectual property and other digital trade by opposing quotas, discriminatory measures, and data localization requirements.

That was then, and this is now, and you can no longer order software from Amazon to be delivered within the borders of allied nations.  The Nixon anti-Libertarian law transfers your money to the media on a scale proportional to the number of dupes suckered by that looter party. Why? To take sides in election campaigns and strive to crush the one party that wants an objective, unsubsidized playing field for all parties and candidates.

Amazon will sell you a copy of Prohibition and The Crash outside US borders in Kindle format, and in your choice of English or Portuguese. Find out how the two parties that ratified the Prohibition Amendment and the Communist Manifesto Income Tax Amendment wrecked the economy, caused the Great Depression and helped bring Hitler’s, Franco’s and Mussolini’s parties to power in Europe.

Initiation of force destroys wealth

Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle, choice of 2 languages

Tax Revolt Alternatives

Spoiler votes that entrenched can uproot socialism

Governments never learn. Only people learn.

Milton Friedman made it impossible ignore that there are two ways of dealing with people: voluntarily, or by force.

Tax collectors and the parties that send them out to collect more and higher taxes invariably choose the second option. Of course they paper it over with sanctimonious doublespeak. At every turn they liken their men with guns to acceptors of voluntary contributions. Media outlets are all tax-subsidized since 1971 (thanks to Nixon). This anti-libertarian subsidy doles out influence to entrenched gerontocracy election campaigns and helps sell an image of eleemosynary voluntarism through the initiation of force.

But what of the people at whom their guns are pointed? Thanks to the Nixon anti-libertarian law, many voters are completely unaware of the existence of a political party whose members seek to gradually replace coercion with voluntary cooperation wherever possible. Here’s what happens when media subsidies–designed to favor entrenched parties–interfere to produce uninformed voters.

Is taxing people at gunpoint worth it? As a Libertarian voter I just say “no” every time I cast a ballot. No, I do not expect all taxation to disappear by the time I unchain my bicycle to return home after voting. But I know for a fact that my LP vote will pack the clout of at least six votes in favor of reversing the trend toward increased taxation. In the case of individual rights for women, fewer than 4000 libertarian votes handed the Supreme Court the language they used in the Roe v. Wade decision, a relative vote clout of 10,000 for 1 if you believe it takes 50% of the total to get anything done. That’s winning!

Forcible expropriation leads to situations like the Bay District standoff. People follow good or bad examples, depending on what they can see. This guy observed the use of force and imagined two could play.

Richard Nixon and Congress changed the tax code in 1971 to keep you from finding out about the no-guns alternative. Like the snake tossed into baby Hercules’ crib, it was an attempt to kill off the Libertarian Party.

But here it is, 46 years later, and we’re still here. What’s more, four million voters–as many as voted in the entire State of Virginia–stood with us this last presidential election. Our vote share is up 328%, and we got way more of the popular vote than the difference between the two looter parties dedicated to the initiation of deadly force. Here’s the sigmoid political party substitution curve, the hockey stick Republican Dixiecrat fascists and Democrat communists do not want you to see:

So, which will it be? If you like what you see, by all means listen to what the Republicans and Democrats say about each other. If you would rather take a positive step to increase freedom by reversing the growth of coercion, read the Libertarian Party platform and vote with us.

If you need a website localized into Brazilian Portuguese, look us up at Falascreve is how they translated Orwell’s speech recognition neologism in South America.

Try my Amazon Kindle explanation of Prohibition and The Crash and see how a small party wrote the plank that brought repeal.

Live on Amazon Kindle in 2 languages


Global Warming Math



Sinfest, the webcomic to end all

Does the USA need a State of Fear?

Fact: A = A
Inference: 2A = 2A
This is the way algebra works, like the scales of justice. It you add to or subtract from both sides of the equality equally, the truth value of the equation is unchanged.

Datum: over 31000 degreed scientists signed and mailed in the petition successfully urging the US Senate NOT to ratify the unconvincing Kyoto hara-kiri “agreement”.


Datum: Sierra Club president statement before the Senate, “97% of the scientists” believe the Earth is “cooking and heating up and warming.”

Programmed True Believer

President of Sierra Club before US Senate. See the video.

Assume both data are true, we can calculate the minimum number of people who earned science degrees from colleges and universities and believe the Earth is “cooking and heating up and warming.” Let’s do that.

100% minus 97% is 3%, and a percent sign % stands for 100 in the denominator or divisor.

Let x equal only those 31000-and-change scientists who do NOT believe the Earth is cooking and heating up. Those 31000 are 3% of what number?

3x/100 = 31000. Multiply both sides by 100, and
3x = 3,100,000 Right? Next we divide both sides by 3, so that
x = 3,100,000/3 Still with me? Now we simplify the fraction on the right by dividing, and
x = 1,033,333 scientists. That is five times the combined membership both the American Physical Society and American Chemical Society.

So supposing the 31000+ Petition Project American scientists alone are the entire dissenting 3%. Algebra tells us the 97% has to comprise at the very least 1,033,333 scientists. That is five times the combined membership of both the American Physical Society and American Chemical Society. Enrico Fermi would ask: Where are they?

Where is the list of these “consensus scientists” listed by name and by state? 

Q.E.D. = Quod erat demonstratum

If you ever need a technical translator with an adequate command of Junior High math, search me out.

Words you can dance to

My surprising analysis of Prohibition and The Crash is available on Amazon Kindle for the price of a pint of craft beer.


Live on Amazon Kindle in 2 languages


Denazification of Brainwashees


Read the original

Denazification of Christian National Socialists was a major problem for the Truman administration after Germany surrendered in May of 1945.

Those Christian socialists dismissed everything occupation forces said as a foreign or communist plot. Communist socialists just as balefully suspected Yanks were in league with plutocrats. Germany in 1945 was divided–pretty much like These American States in 2016–between Christian socialists and socialists less impressed by the Sermon on the Mount than by the equally apocryphal “Give unto Caesar“.

Religious conservatives want more censorship and laws outlawing sex, choice, herbs, cacti, mushrooms, having cash, crossing borders and speaking one’s mind. Conservatives want more mind control, fewer individual rights, but prefer prohibitionist asset-forfeiture looting to outright nationalization.

Gaian ecological nationalsocialists and yellow-dog communists pine in unison for the complete abolition of economic freedom. This false dichotomy within a universe of discourse restricted to variants of socialism was precisely the situation that allowed National Socialist ideology to completely tailor Germany while cursing “liberal” ideas as narcissistically selfish and irresponsible. Actual American Liberals, before 1932, sought voluntary solutions–especially the repeal of Blue Laws and Prohibition–not the mystically-motivated initiation of force.

People without the slightest notion of the definition of energy or the dimensions of its units are passionately committed to the banning of most electrical power plants. Others just as ignorant of physics, chemistry and economics want men with guns to arrest Planned Parenthood doctors and shoot teenagers who smell like the munchies. To fanatics of both camps the only alternative to sending men with guns to kick in doors is “to do nothing” and simply “let” the End of the World happen any minute now

The spell cast by years of altruist propaganda from teevee sets, pulpits, yellow journals and journalistic hack books has taken its toll on those susceptible to altruist seduction–mystical right-wingers and lefties alike. After the 1945 surrender, German nationalsocialists were conditioned en masse into the serried ranks of Soviet international socialists. Anyone with experience in running a slave pen or death camp could certainly find work in East Germany or Soviet Russia.

Just so in the post-Soviet USA fifth-column technocrats formerly advocating nuclear disarmament and surrender to peaceful Soviet altruism are today welcomed into the loving arms of new, improved, Ecological National Socialism. New improved nationalsocialism tolerates the existence of selfish jews and imposes prohibitionist jail sentences as a Christianizing influence to improve people of color–in 2016 as in 1857.

But what about the rest of us? What about people who understand enough physics to realize that no energy means no work, and no work  means no voluntarily-acquired income? Four million voters voted pro-choice, pro-electricity, anti-prohibition and against attacking people on the other side of the planet. Libertarians voted against the initiation of harmful and deadly force as a political tool. We did it in numbers large enough to shift the tallying of 124 electoral vote outcomes in 11 states.

The people of Germany had no libertarian choice in 1932, but they do today. France also has a functioning Parti Libertarien dutifully ignored by that kleptocracy’s media. All those countries’ voters lack is the courage, understanding and ethical values it takes to act on that choice. Come to think of it… these are exactly the same things that are in desperately short supply in These United States.

Are you interested in replacing coercive violence with a peace, prosperity and freedom?

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

If you are looking for a libertarian linguist check out my interpreting service.

Libertarian spoiler votes repeal bad laws. GOP hurting from unpopular win. LP covers gap in 11 states aggregating 124 electoral votes

The following post Illegal Voting Didn’t Cost Trump The Popular Vote, Gary Johnson Did appeared first on A Libertarian Future at A Libertarian Future – Spreading a Libertarian message across the internet.. It’s been months since the final state finished its recount and finalized its vote totals. The Electoral College voted for Donald Trump and he…

via Illegal Voting Didn’t Cost Trump The Popular Vote, Gary Johnson Did — A Libertarian Future

Libertarians cost GOP Popular vote win: Prohibition Repeal Introduced!

The following post GOP Rep Rohrabacher Introduces Bill To End Federal Marijuana Prohibition appeared first on A Libertarian Future at A Libertarian Future – Spreading a Libertarian message across the internet.. When at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. That’s definitely the motto of California Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher. Over the past four years…

via GOP Rep Rohrabacher Introduces Bill To End Federal Marijuana Prohibition — A Libertarian Future