Women Tank Tesla

This 5-yr Tesla stock chart shows that on 05NOV2021, the day word of MAGA Supreme Court plans to look at the Texas Senate Bill 8 Abortion Ban hit The Texas Tribune, Tesla stock went from rising to falling.(link) Tesla Tanking in Trading is now WAY too obvious for anyone to ignore.(link) What happened?

My theory is a boycott. The Republican party platform has since 1976 called for a constitutional amendment to again strip women of individual rights upon conception. Before the Civil War, forced sex and childbirth were routine for black women held under Southern slavery. (link) For five decades I have voted against Republican candidates and refused to buy products their abettors sell. Boycotting is a way to keep economic power from being spent on coercive political power. Nor is this anything new in political economy.(link) The Boston Tea Party was a boycott. Nations have prohibition laws because China boycotted the US back in 1905 for that purpose (not as futile retaliation for the renewed Geary Act). WW1 was caused in part by revolutionary China successfully closing its ports to opium dumping in 1911-12, causing a glut in the Balkans.

Pushback against Republican Party prohibitionism and Jew-baiting automakers also included boycotts. In June 1929, Henry Ford discussed prohibition with President Hoover, then stepped in front of the White House to announce: “Prohibition is here to stay. Absolute enforcement must come. Nobody wants to fly with a drunken aviator.” Ford claimed the dry law made high wages possible in mid-Depression 1931, after other countries withdrew money and sold off U.S. stocks to avoid taxes on drug profits. Less than a month later, on 02MAY1931 the NYT reported that “Milwaukee county officials refuse to buy Fords because of Henry Ford’s dry stand.” So why would women–and libertarian-minded men who believe women have inalienable individual rights–hesitate to boycott an automaker allied with Republican efforts to have women enslaved on conception?

People again boycotted Fords after Hitler praised Henry in Mein Kampf and Nazis pinned a medal on his chest for his collaboration.(link) Musk is photographed licking the blacking off of Trump’s shoes before and after the MAGA court overturned the Libertarian plank that was ROE.(link) Lately, as Argentina’s anarco-fascist imitation “libertarian” (link) and Brazil’s ousted christiano-fascist are photographed pumping Elon Musk’s hand, why the surprise that women of all colors are boycotting re-enslavement by wielding The Almighty Dollar? (link)

Think about it. Tesla stockholders are clearly experiencing a dawning of comprehension! Investers suddenly understand the sunk investment fallacy, are dropping those Tesla stock anvils to the bottom of the Lake of Losses and swimming ashore.(link)

Libertarian Spoiler votes work a lot like boycotts where results matter. This is why Republicans and German descendants of National Socialist billionaires lavishly funded a hostile takeover of the Libertarian Party by the Alabama-based Mises Institute with their infiltrated girl-bullier caucus. Here’s a link to a typical Mises article postulating that it’s much better for Ku-klux States to strip women of individual rights than for federal courts to recognize pregnant women as individuals and enforce their Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendment rights.(link)

The MISES article bragging about policies imported from Hitler’s Austria appeared a year almost to the day after the MAGA-packed Court began reassessing whether women can be forced at gunpoint into involuntary reproductive labor.(link) Many of those fortunes were amassed precisely by stripping Jews–male and female alike–of individual rights, forcing them to labor and retiring them at death camps. Elon might have been the American version of Quandt, Krupp or von Finck.(link) Too bad he and his stockholders hitched their wagon to the Trump, Bolsonaro, Milei and von Mises (link) versions of resurgent pronatalist Comstockism.(link)

Good Reading, lest we forget: The Nazi Billionaires, by David De Jong. “In 1946, Günther Quandt—patriarch of Germany’s most iconic industrial empire, a dynasty that today controls BMW—was arrested for suspected Nazi collaboration.” Günther’s wife left him for Goebbels long before both poisoned their kids in Hitler’s bunker. (link)
The Arms of Krupp, by William Manchester (link) It is shocking to realize that civilian slaves, mostly Jewish, were press-ganged into German National Socialist armaments plants, mines and industry. But terror-imposed slavery obviously was made to work for Christian National Socialism, as this book shows in detail.
Hell’s Cartel, the making of Hitler’s War machine (link) is another informative look at the spreading influence of Theodore Roosevelt’s race suicide theories for criminalizing recalcitrant women.(link)

Get the big picture in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle (link)

ASYLUM APPLICATION FORM i589 INSTRUCTIONS IN PORTUGUESEINSTRUÇÕES PARA O FORMULÁRIO DE ASILO i589. What we did was make the instructions accessible to and understandable by people accustomed to thinking in Portuguese. This costs one dollar ($1) and you can read it on a cellphone with the Kindle app.(link)

Check out LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at https://libertrans.blogspot.com/

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at http://www.expatriotas.blogspot.com or www.amigra.us

My financial history bloghttp://www.Libertrans.us, is at libertrans.blogspot.com

simultaneous interpreting, legal and financial

Killers with Badges, 1929

First Responder murderers acquitted

Gunfire-riddled auto in which Henry Virkula was murdered by ICE agents in 1929

Henry Virkula was out for a drive with his wife and kids when customs agents leapt out of the bushes and riddled their flivver with buckshot the night of June 8, 1929. This was during Dry Hope Herbert Hoover’s Administration under the Five and Ten law making beer a chain-gang felony 2 days before his Inauguration. Like today, the Methodist Board of Temperance, Prohibition and Other People’s Morals bellowed that the killing was “justified” under the eugenicist tenets of Positive Christianity. Dry Killers was the exact technical term used by citizens and newspapermen alike.

Army of God, just following orders

Christian National Socialists exulted in dry killer antics

First Responders were, as always, justified in murder, according to the experts on what Jesus would have done: 

“The second case was that of the De King killing in Aurora, Illinois.  That seemed perfectly horrible until the facts were ascertained and broadcast.  Now the most intelligent people know what happened and see considerable significance in the fact that the grand jury refused to indict the officer involved.  (…) On the Rouse case, the Board said Officer Rouse “killed a rum-runner in the act of committing two felonies,” adding: “The rum-runner had made an assault upon him by the use of poisonous gases produced by a smoke-screen device.  Officer Rouse was completely exonerated by the grand jury.  (…) (LA Examiner 6/17/1929)

Does this sound like a Minnesota cop union mouthpiece waving an “official” medical examiner’s report?(link

There were no throwdown guns, throwdown beer or throwdown medical examiner documendacities or rumors of active warrants to get overeager ambush murderers off the hook. In fact, the International Falls City Council promptly gave notice to Republican President Herbert Hoover on 18JUN1929: 

Dear Mr. President: The International Falls City Council voted and passed upon the following resolution:
                “Whereas at an open meeting of business men and city officials of this border city last June 14 an informal appeal to the President was drawn up, asking him to end the terrorism inflicted upon our citizens and neighbors by Federal customs patrolmen, engaged in prohibition enforcement;
                “and whereas, our appeal has remained unanswered, even though the vicious and unlawful conduct of said government agents have continued unabated‑‑except that there has been no fresh murder of our innocent neighbors;
                “Therefore, be it resolved that we, the City Council of the City of International Falls, in regular session assembled, do hereby remind the President that the memorialization of the citizens’ appeal was and is the articulate pleading of the community:
                “And be it further resolved that the City Council of the City of International Falls does hereby join its official voice in requesting from our President an urgent response to the pleas for help from our people. (Hoover 1929 1974  195)

Senator Millard Tydings of Maryland was at the time compiling a list of prohibition murders, naming names and giving particulars for publication in “Before and After Prohibition,” so politicians encountered tough sledding trying to ignore over a thousand slaughters.(link)

I thought I smelled beer... BLAM BLAM BLAM!

“Send these murderers to the penitentiary” appeared in Congressional debates.(link)

None of this mattered. It was only late in 1929 that statistician Clark Warburton began pointing out that the black market in banned beverages amounted to 5% of the entire U.S. economy, an amount larger than the entire budget of the federal government tasked by the 18th Amendment with killing, confiscating, libeling, padlocking, jailing and murdering every man woman and child in These States if that’s what it would take to force people to drink what the Prohibition Party ordered them to drink.(link) The Prohibition Party averaged 1.4% of the vote in 11 electoral campaigns. There was no Libertarian Party, but there was a Liberal Party demanding repeal.(link)

Libertarian vote growth

Can you say hockey-stick replacement curve?

By January of 1930, no religious fanatics dared debate the Association Against the Prohibition Amendment, armed with Warburton’s exhaustive reports and calculations on consumption of every possible ingredient used in the production of recreational beverages.(link) Women came out for repeal and financial collapse, unemployment, burgeoning prisons, Hoovervilles, riots, blockades, arson, cop-killings, hunger and economic contraction got the voters’ attention.(link)

The Democrats copied the Liberal Party plank demanding repeal of the Prohibition Amendment.(link)  Hoover promptly became a repeal advocate, but Republican National Socialism was into coercive eugenics and helping Hitler to power, and wouldn’t listen.(link) By March 4, 1933, with every bank in the nation already closed down, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was sworn in and the Dems–who had not yet become communists–ruled the roost for 20 years. 

Does any of this sound familiar? like it rhymes? Why not compare the short and simple Libertarian Party Platform? 

Are you surprised to learn how the repeal of prohibition began? Buy my book, Prohibition and The Crash, for a month-by-month examination of how President Hoover’s enforcement of the Jones Five and Ten Law crushed the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

A simultaneous interpreter has to think outside the box in order to mediate between cultures, concept and languages. Get in touch for translation or interpreting.





Denazification of Brainwashees


Read the original

Denazification of Christian National Socialists was a major problem for the Truman administration after Germany surrendered in May of 1945.

Those Christian socialists dismissed everything occupation forces said as a foreign or communist plot. Communist socialists just as balefully suspected Yanks were in league with plutocrats. Germany in 1945 was divided–pretty much like These American States in 2016–between Christian socialists and socialists less impressed by the Sermon on the Mount than by the equally apocryphal “Give unto Caesar“.

Religious conservatives want more censorship and laws outlawing sex, choice, herbs, cacti, mushrooms, having cash, crossing borders and speaking one’s mind. Conservatives want more mind control, fewer individual rights, but prefer prohibitionist asset-forfeiture looting to outright nationalization.

Gaian ecological nationalsocialists and yellow-dog communists pine in unison for the complete abolition of economic freedom. This false dichotomy within a universe of discourse restricted to variants of socialism was precisely the situation that allowed National Socialist ideology to completely tailor Germany while cursing “liberal” ideas as narcissistically selfish and irresponsible. Actual American Liberals, before 1932, sought voluntary solutions–especially the repeal of Blue Laws and Prohibition–not the mystically-motivated initiation of force.

People without the slightest notion of the definition of energy or the dimensions of its units are passionately committed to the banning of most electrical power plants. Others just as ignorant of physics, chemistry and economics want men with guns to arrest Planned Parenthood doctors and shoot teenagers who smell like the munchies. To fanatics of both camps the only alternative to sending men with guns to kick in doors is “to do nothing” and simply “let” the End of the World happen any minute now

The spell cast by years of altruist propaganda from teevee sets, pulpits, yellow journals and journalistic hack books has taken its toll on those susceptible to altruist seduction–mystical right-wingers and lefties alike. After the 1945 surrender, German nationalsocialists were conditioned en masse into the serried ranks of Soviet international socialists. Anyone with experience in running a slave pen or death camp could certainly find work in East Germany or Soviet Russia.

Just so in the post-Soviet USA fifth-column technocrats formerly advocating nuclear disarmament and surrender to peaceful Soviet altruism are today welcomed into the loving arms of new, improved, Ecological National Socialism. New improved nationalsocialism tolerates the existence of selfish jews and imposes prohibitionist jail sentences as a Christianizing influence to improve people of color–in 2016 as in 1857.

But what about the rest of us? What about people who understand enough physics to realize that no energy means no work, and no work  means no voluntarily-acquired income? Four million voters voted pro-choice, pro-electricity, anti-prohibition and against attacking people on the other side of the planet. Libertarians voted against the initiation of harmful and deadly force as a political tool. We did it in numbers large enough to shift the tallying of 124 electoral vote outcomes in 11 states.

The people of Germany had no libertarian choice in 1932, but they do today. France also has a functioning Parti Libertarien dutifully ignored by that kleptocracy’s media. All those countries’ voters lack is the courage, understanding and ethical values it takes to act on that choice. Come to think of it… these are exactly the same things that are in desperately short supply in These United States.

Are you interested in replacing coercive violence with a peace, prosperity and freedom?

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

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