Alexandria replacement

Lolita Lebrón 3.0

To replace Alexandria Occasional Cortex

AOC did not funnel enough pelf, boodle and honest graft into Tammany Hall coffers to suit the communist democratic party. There is even talk of making her district go away as other party candidates stampede to run against her. Meet the front-runner for replacement.(link)

Alexandria Sheriff’s Office has all the commitment and daring of Lolita Lebrón 1.0 and since she claims to be Palestinian or at least trans-Palestinian and eager to “stab everyone on the plane,” the Democratic National Committee psychiatrist joined her in jumping up and down yelling “STAB! STAB! STAB!” An official from the Bernie campaign came over, shook her hand, pinned a medal on her chest and said “You’re our gal!”

Alexandria promises to fit in well with the rest of the turbaned Dems praying to Mecca and is sure to bring in the votes if she is able, like Teedy Rosenfeld, to timely establish residence in New York rather than Carolina. This contest between the party of slavery that denies being communist, and the party of religious prohibitionism that denies being fascist can only gasp on the ventilator thanks to the Nixon subsidies that since 1971 pay the media to ignore the Libertarian Party. (link)

Hockey stick? I've gotcher hockey stick right here!

Libertarian Hockey Stick: voter rejection of communism & fascism. Wanna debate us?

Communovirus update: Dictatorship dereliction and GAFI/FATF sabotage has caused enough economic damage to justify demanding reparations payments from the looters the way Europe demanded reparations of The Accursed Hun in 1919. These were finally paid of in 2010, after delays by Herb Hoover’s Moratorium on Brains and the National Socialism he helped to power in Germany.(link) (link)

Today reparations could take the form of asset-forfeiture (a popular communist measure) or cancellation of Treasury bills issued to the dictatorship by other dissolute looter governments (such as that of the USA). Every penny the communist state owns is proceeds of slavery and trafficking in humans, and ought to be subject to Versailles and FATF rules on forfeiture. If this hastens the final collapse of communi-fascist variants of socialism, so be it. Hong Kong and Taiwan will doubtless help install something more closely resembling a post-mercantilist mixed economy–or, who knows, maybe even Libertarian freedom.

“Well, your honor has the right to hope.” –Clarence Darrow at Dayton, Tennessee Monkey Trial

Why not delve into what sort of voting caused the 1929 Crash? Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 does exactly that, matching newspaper accounts against stock market reactions and competing theories. It is live on Amazon Kindle for the price of a pint.

My other-language blog, Expatriotas.blogspot is

Restore the Libertarian Party

The speaker, Tarl Warwick, understands pretty clearly what is going wrong with the LP. He understands the definition of government as formulated in 1919 by Weber and accepted by objectivists and libertarians. A border is a necessary component of a government and outlined in the Constitution candidates swear to uphold. Furthermore, the Red republican/communist exploit for hacking in their Manifesto Plank 2 as the 16th Amendment was the protective tariff. They promised the income tax would replace it!

There is nothing wrong with the constitutional revenue-only tariff that tax-and-spend Republicans sneeringly referred to as “free trade.” A 10% tariff taxes powerful corporations, not disarmed individuals. We need to repeal the individual income tax and let collectivist corporations fend for themselves. Ask yourself when was the last time some publicly-traded corporation got your back?

Texas: no Kristalnacht gun laws!

LP national convention, Austin Texas, this May!

Tarl is way more libertarian than any of the moon-eyed useful idiots, angry anarchist infiltrators and overt agents provocateurs the looters have boosted onto our platform committee. Read our 1972 platform, the one that repealed Dixiecrat abortion bans when it was copy-pasted into Roe v. Wade (argued by Austin, Texas lady lawyers–LINK) Compare and the recently-injected sabotage planks leap out at you, just as they leap out and alienate intelligent voters.

Deserting a Scuttled Ship!

Libertarian party Brain Drain! Sabotage planks added since 2016 repel donor-members

The LP is the only thing that can reverse the damage brought on by looter pressure brought to bear on the kleptocracy through small collectivist party spoiler votes. Letting a bunch of losers, liars, skunks and political lepers wipe it out would be a terrible waste of resources and opportunity.  We need objectivist volunteers and women who value individual rights to help set matters straight. “Former” communists cross dressing in Antifa and bomb-throwing anarchist drag have their own CPUSA, Econazi and Dem parties.

Peace out.

Find out how looter party infiltration brought on the Income Tax and Prohibition Amendments that caused the Crash and Great Depression.

cause and effect

Why do refugees flee Statesward? Because the Republican Party’s 1928 Good Neighbor Policy began the exportation of the fanatical prohibitionism that brought on the Crash and left the US economy smoldering in the Great Depression. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929, explains how fanatical agents raiding banks in a fractional-reserve monetary structure SHRINK economies here, there and everywhere into black holes of banking panics and liquidity crises. LIVE on Amazon Kindle in 2 languages.