Patriot Act, 1913

First the Balkans, now U.S.-occupied Afghanistan!

See the original article…

Remember Serbia? It was Servia back when communist youths shot European politicians practically every month before World War One. But war in the Balkans did not begin in 1914. Only when China overthrew its imperial government in 1911 and halted British and German dumping of narcotics did the price glut destabilize prices, then politics, in that opium-farming region. That particular outbreak of European opium wars began in 1911. Newspapers at the time juxtaposed related articles and let readers draw their own correlations and conclusions.

Prohibition linked to War

Decriminalization instead of legalization circumvents government dependence on addictive dope

Here is a sample of an Enabling Act or Patriot Act enacted by the Serbian government. This was over a year before another communist youth shot yet another feather-bedecked Germanic militarist as ratifying signatures slowly accumulated on the Hague anti-opium convention.

Article 1. The police authorities are authorized, in case of a deficiency in the regular organization for securing the liberty and security of persons and property, to ask military commander for the troops necessary for the maintenance of order and tranquillity. The military commander is bound to comply immediately with these demands, and the police is bound to inform the Minister of the Interior of them.

Article 2. Any attempt at rebellion against the public powers is punishable by five years’ penal servitude.

The decision of the police authorities, published in the respective communes, is proof of the commission of crime.

If the rebel refuses to give himself up as prisoner within ten days from such publication, he may be put to death by any public or military officer.

Article 3. Any person accused of rebellion in terms of the police decision and who commits any crime shall be punished with death.
If the accused person himself gives himself up as a prisoner into the hands of authorities, the death penalty shall be commuted to penal servitude for ten or years, always provided that the commutation is approved by the tribunal.

Article 4. Where several cases of rebellion occur in a commune and the rebels do not return to their homes within ten days from the police notice, the authorities have the right of deporting their families whithersoever they may find convenient.
Likewise the inhabitants of the houses in which armed persons or criminals in general are found concealed, shall be deported.
The heads of the police shall transmit to the Prefecture a report on the deportation procedure, which is to be put in force immediately.
The Minister of the Interior shall, if he think desirable, rescind deportation measures.

Article 5. Any person deported by an order of the Prefecture who shall return to original domicile without the authorization of the Minister of the Interior shall be punished by three years’ imprisonment.

Article 6. If in any commune or any canton the maintenance of security demands the sending of troops, the maintenance of the latter shall be charged to the commune or the canton. In such a case the Prefect is to be notified.
If order is restored after a brief interval and the culprits taken, the Minister of the Interior may refund such expenses to the canton or the commune.
The Minister may act in this way as often as he may think desirable.

Article 7. Any person found carrying arms who has not in his possession a from the police or from the Prefect, or who shall hide arms in his house or elsewhere shall be condemned to a penalty varying from three months’ imprisonment to five years’ penal servitude.
Anyone selling arms or ammunition without a police permit shall be liable to the same penalty.

… and so on for another two pages. The lesson here is that economic dislocation–such as resulted from the George Bush Jr. asset-forfeiture crash or the religious terrorism the Bush Dynasty invited by the entangling shelling and bombing of former Ottoman territory–results in even grosser initiation of force in a mystically mixed economy.

The initiation of harmful and deadly force sets in motion a feedback loop with forced oscillations. Voting Libertarian is the only effective way to counter these buildups, as the Kleptocracy parties are well aware. Why? Because candidates and partisans oppose the initiation of force for political or social reasons. No initiation of force means there is no pretext for violent retaliation.

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a time-travel scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Defeat doublethink and reality control
Orwellian interpreting and translations. Don’t miss out: foreign blog….



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