The Guns of Neverown

Government guns goood!

National Socialism enforced strict gun control laws

Cruz opens fire on a gun-free zone! These phenomena are in every case examples of the initiation of force, precisely what 96.7% of the voting population increasingly favors with its ballots, especially since the 1971 Nixon subsidies transferring tax dollars into electioneering. 

Republicans, drawing on the wisdom of the NSDAP, Prohibition Party and Progressive parties take the Kristallnacht view that “the wrong people” cause gun violence, making it an “education”/eugenics issue. Slaves should never own guns. That was clear to slaveholding plantation owners back in mercantilist times. Toussaint L’Ouverture, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, the Stono Rebellion–those and Lord Dunmore’s Emancipation Proclamation taught many a christianizing altruist the danger of letting “just anyone” get hold of assault flintlocks. National Socialist Germany (the Denmark of socialism in 1933-38) had its own Nat Turners, hence the Commando Order advocated in watered-down form today by the Democratic, Green, Socialist Labor and Communist parties and practiced by many of their First Responders™.  Judges at the Nuremberg War Crimes trials under the Government Of Occupation took a much dimmer view of Germany’s Second Amendment violations–which could have cost us Gregory Peck, David Niven and Anthony Quinn!

Kristallnacht gun laws result

Government guns goood, your guns baaad!

Democrats follow a post-Soviet collectivist dogma that makes government guns in the hands of State minions (First Responders™), tax collectors and politician bodyguards invisible. The dogma magnifies all non-authoritarian guns into animated Terminator things that use visible non-government hands for the killing of innocents as explained by the glossolalia of Historical Necessity.


Gun banners with corpse

The initiation of force at gun-free schools is the exact thing libertarians predict based on past induction and current deduction. It is also what 97% of the voters demand with their ballots. The platforms and policies of the entrenched Kleptocracy parties require aggression as a modus operandi and preferred approach to all problems.

Fortunately, America’s only growing party eschews the initiation of force. The looter legislation we seek to repeal was enacted with only a tiny number of spoiler votes–less than 3% for the Prohibition Amendment and slightly more to transform Marx Manifesto plank 2 into the 16th Amendment. Each libertarian ballot packs a large multiple of the law-changing clout of lemming votes cast in accordance with teevee commercials.

If you would like to understand what is going on in the rest of the world, look up a translator. My other blog is in a different language.

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog


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