Vice: Jo Jorgensen, domestic terrist

Brawling looters matter

I mean Portland, Seattle? OK, Chicago, Minneapolis, Nueva Jork, Los Angeles, Kenosha?

A blue-eyed Aryan Portland murderer self-described as 100% Antifa was recently pumped up on VICE “news” as the goodthinkful Aryan First Responder™ providing “security” at brawling looters matter riots.(link) Someone claiming to be Krishna Andavolu cites one Tess Owens as the internationalsocialist reporter on nationalsocialist memes, rumors and hearsay.(link) Tess revealed that Libertarians dress up in shirts and march (or dance) with loaded guns wherever Antifa and brawling looters assemble. Listen to it yourself.(link) The part about Libertarians–who by definition and agreement reject the initiation of force–being the same thing as Boogaloo Boys described by the Vice reporter as (7:40 to 7:57), “code for civil war…” ackshully

because it was used to refer to as an sort of uprising against the government among the Libertarians and Second Amendment gun rights crowd.

At Radikaal an altruist (Coughs Murder?) who, like Krishna recites English as though thinking in Urdu, introduced Tess of the d’Uber-shrills. Tess speaks propah English, much like Robert Griffiths or Jeremy Corbyn–and recites many of the same stanzas, only without the boojwah and WORKing Class punctuators.(link) Her verbiage is sound-edited into a smarmy stacatto on and on about: anti-government kind of troubling lot who exploit and are plotting with explosives, wear shirts with dangerous underpinnings conflated with dangerous neo-nazis down rabbit-holes and [get this!] “dancing with guns!” Considerable airtime also went into making the Federation for American Immigration Reform out to be worse than the SS guards who kept prisoners from escaping from Treblinka, Auschwitz, Sobibor and Majdanek. Why? Because they help preserve inspection of entry visas.

Tess rattles on like a George Waffen Bush two-minutes Hate about domestic islamofascist terrists and mean-type fashions, and accellerationists who hate Law Enforcement™. Like any antichoice Republican or other looter she is absolutely in favor of the initiation of deadly force and breathes “Law Enforcement™”(link) the way RNC attendees breathe “First Responders™” (the murdering cops to whom they dedicate their Positive Christian National Socialist platform.) Oh, the blonde looter gunman, remember him? Like Goering, he preferred the firing squad to the noose. 

None of the Vice crowd have in my hearing said anything about getting rid of cruel laws or dialing back coercion. On this score they (Vice, Radikaal, Antifa, Dems, GOP) are more like Biden and Pence, Lenin and Hitler than any Libertarian I know… They sound a bit like successful hijacker Jeremy “Spike” Pinhead, the legalize-murder anarchist infiltrator hostile to the U.S. Constitution now hobbling Jo’s campaign. We have the Mises Caucus to thank for helping Jeremy shove the Libertarian Party into an anarchist jurisdiction. With friends like these… (link) who needs embarrassments!(link

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