Democrats Should Nominate Chase Oliver

John Hospers was the LP candidate in 1972

The People’s Party assembled from a clutter of smaller communist groupings came together in 1892. In that year’s election it carried four states with 9% of the vote. The Prohibition Party raked in a respectable 2% spoiler vote, largely because it supported women’s suffrage. Electoral votes were counted differently, so law-changing spoiler vote clout was less developed. North Dakota’s 3 electoral votes, for instance went to three different candidates. Cleveland had won on a platform opposing repressive drug and liquor laws, then been defeated by a prohibitionist Republican who wore out his welcome in a hurry, so Cleveland made a comeback.

Republicans chafed, for the populist popular votes would have given them a majority popular vote. But they were bound to have lost in the electoral college just the same after four years of heaping book-burning, girl-bullying Comstockism on top of already irritating sumptuary laws. Both entrenched looter parties scribbled together a stack of anti-fusion laws after the Populists and Dems tried to team up and beat McKinley. Those laws defined the Populists as “not really” a party after they nominated the Democratic candidate Bryan. Trump, invited by the Jesus Caucus, tried to lure the Libertarian Party into the same sort of suicide by asking for the LP nomination in 2024.

Chase Oliver is the LP presidential candidate in 2024

But now that Biden’s senility has wrecked Democratic hopes as cleanly as Hillary’s determination to keep cops shooting kids and brown folks over plant leaves, Democrats could nominate pro-choice libertarian candidate Chase Oliver. Such a move might defeat Trump and restore the rights Libertarians won for women by writing the Roe decision as a plank nine months before the Supreme Court copied the Libertarian solution in 1973. The Libertarian Party’s four million spoiler votes reshuffled the electoral vote outcomes for 13 states and–thanks to Hilary’s prohibitionist dereliction–accidentally elected Trump who had lost in the popular vote.

The tradeoff for electoral victory–in the sense of getting a job for a non-looter politician, restoring women individual rights as opposed to Trumpanzista caudillo fascism–would be the evaporation of the Democratic Party. This is no big loss. Dems stood for slavery, then racial cruelty, then progress till JFK was killed while Nixon was in Dallas. Dems were infiltrated by communist youth and racial cruelty bigots all at once in 1968. Failure to stick up for freedom has been the party’s downfall. But this is your chance to make that end run AND save the Libertarian Party from infiltrating MAGAts. Maybe afterward your political machine can repeal those anti-fusion laws, and Nixon’s anti-Libertarian law, and you can have your party back.(link) What’ll it be?


Cool duds: Mellow Mood Imports (link) This is my favorite store for the coolest things since Country Joe and the Fish (link) It’s in East Carolina.

Get the big picture in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle (link)

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Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

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