Railroading Brazil’s President

On August 01, 2013, Brazil’s first woman president Dilma Roussef signed the sort of anti-rape law currently in effect all over the USA. But in Canada and USA women have individual rights, including reproductive choice. Not so in Brazil. Here is the law that triggered her impeachment:

LAW Nº 12845 DATED 01 AUGUST 2013.

THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC: Let it be known that the National Congress has passed and I have signed the following Law:

Article 1  Hospitals must provide full multidisciplinary emergency care to victims of sexual attack in order to monitor and treat all resulting physical and psychological problems, and provide referrals, where needed, to social assistance services.

Article 2   Sexual assault is, for the purposes of this law, any kind of nonconsensual sexual act.

Article 3  Prompt emergency care, required of all hospitals enrolled in the Unified Health System, comprises the following:

I – Diagnosis and treatment of physical injury to the genital system and other affected areas;

II – Prompt medical, psychological and social assistance;

III – Providing of ready facilities for making preparing a blotter report and forwarding to forensics and to specialized police agencies all information liable to be useful in identifying the perpetrator and providing evidence of sexual assault;

IV – Prophylaxis against pregnancy; (emphasis mine, but borrowed from antichoice fanatics)

V – Prophylaxis against sexually transmitted diseases-STDs;

VI – Gathering of material for HIV testing and subsequent monitoring and therapy;

VII – Providing victims with information on their legal rights and on all available sanitary services.

Par. 1 All services this Law describes are provided free of charge to all who require them.

Par. 2. During treatment of injuries, the physician shall preserve such materials as are collected during forensic medical examinations.

Par. 3 The Medical Examiner’s Office shall proceed with DNA testing to identify the perpetrator.

Article 4   This Act comes into force ninety (90) days after its official publication.

Brasília, August 1st   2013; the 192nd of our Independence and our 125th as a Republic.

José Eduardo Cardozo
Alexandre Rocha Santos Padilha,
Eleonora Menicucci de Oliveira
Maria do Rosário Nunes 


Death Sentence for Drug Kingpins

Item IV, Prophylaxis against pregnancy, was what got torches lit and pitchforks hoisted up and down the boulevards shortly after U.S. Ambassador Ayala arrived to try to lend assistance to the antiabortion prohibitionist candidate shown here with former CIA Chief George Bush. This is the George Bush who pressed for the death sentence for hemp kingpins all during 1998, pestered the Senate for a flag-burning Amendment and declared: “I am firmly positioned in favor of overturn of Roe V Wade. And that’s my position, and I’m not going to change that position.”

The fellow shaking Bush’s hand is Aécio Neves, Brazilian PSDB Senator not yet under indictment for cocaine smuggling or financial corruption in the Lava-Jato investigations and scandal. This is the same prohibitionist politician roundly defeated in runoff elections by Dilma Roussef. This is the Federal Senator on whose rural property a helicopter belonging to a close friend and loaded with cocaine base was intercepted by federal agents.

It is amazing how history repeats itself–in Dry America the glucose corn sugar  and yeast producers were the most stalwart champions of making the manufacture or transportation of beer a felony. Today the coffee barons pay members of Congress to ban other stimulants.




4 thoughts on “Railroading Brazil’s President

  1. Pingback: Brazil’s new antiabortion dictator | libertariantranslator

  2. Pingback: Golpe e Embaixada | libertariantranslator

  3. Update: Aécio Neves, the anti-choice prohibitionist shaking hands with the US death sentence anti-choice prohibitionist has been forced out of office and has spent about $700 thousand on other lawyers to keep him out of jail so far.


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