Libertarian Party Universe of Discourse

Visual illusion

The mirror is real, the photo unaltered (link)

Every child is sooner or later faced with the God conundrum: If God is all-powerful, can he make a rock so heavy that even He Himself is unable to lift it? The puzzle is a tiny intelligence test with consequences. Children who cannot solve it–the ones eugenicists used to refer to as feeble-minded–conclude that religious superstition makes no sense and are easily enlisted into some Communist Youth Movement–believing that to be the only existing alternative. (link)

Others, equally unprepared for abstract thinking, undergo a moment of epiphany from which they emerge convinced that God obviously can produce a rock to nonsensical specifications, and are thankful for having had the Faith with which to resist the Devil’s attempt to inveigle them into the Sin of Denial. They then back political efforts to jail or kill all who disbelieve. Two wrongs make zero rights. (link)

None of these children ever grow up. At best they metamorphose into communist anarchists, democrats, republicans or fascists permanently confounded by false contradictions and unable to mature into rational thinkers. The idea of individual rights as an ethical claim to freedom of action stumps them completely. (link)

The results assume various forms: 

  • The Non-Aggression Principle says not to initiate the use of force against anyone. Therefore “we” should replace government with a state of war. 
  • “We” must abolish all government because laws against murder require prior restraint!
  • “We” must send armed agents of the Political State coercively reaching inside of women like Joe Biden because pregnant women aren’t individuals!
  • Invading armies, plague carriers and drovers of herds of infected cattle must be welcomed, because border inspection implies coercion to prevent invasion!
  • The tariff that funds Navy and Coast Guard inspections is a restraint on free trade (and hobbles entry of hostile biological, chemical and nuclear weapons) so “we” must abolish all tariffs (and instead keep the Communist Manifesto income tax).
  • “We” need shoot-first prohibitionism because pseudoscience says grass is addictive and mescalin messes up your chromiums, so Creation Science predicts we’d mutate into apes!
  • “We” need eugenics to wipe out the joos and make the world safe for altruism because eugenics says selfishness is an innate birth defect, like club-foot or feeble-mindedness!
  • “We” must rob someone else to feed the halt and lame because coercion is freedom!

Smart children, on the other hand, instantly recognize a toy–possibly even a weapon–with which to confound grownups. Brightness in a child is the belief in the ignorance of grownups–a concept physicist Richard Feynman reworked into a definition: “science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts.” This approach pays off. Artless fathers respond to God’s heavy rock conundrum with “go ask your mother.” Less-neglected parents explain how universes of discourse(link) are subject to rules of engagement that do not admit such artless dodges as equivocation, division by zero or doublethink. (link

So if you include an irresistible force in your premises, that excludes any immovable objects from that particular universe of discourse. If you include elections, that excludes anarchism. (link)

If you include a Libertarian political party in your plans, that precludes a platform to abolish the government, violate the Bill of Rights, or enshrine communist activities like bomb-throwing anarchism as some sort of protected “right” to invade, menace or otherwise initiate force or presume to retaliate. It does not preclude writing an intelligent platform calling for reversal of past mistaken amendments. The Prohibition of trade and production of alcoholic beverages was repealed by vote, and the Communist Manifesto income tax and illiterate election of senators can also be repealed. But candidates and planks that promise to violate the oath of office or Bill or Rights are a liability.

Fat Freddy and Gilbert Shelton say

Rights will get you through times of no anarchists better than communism will get you through times of no rights!

Communist anarchists, Comancheria war party raiders, warriors against individual rights of women, of blacks or semites, people who think devils are real and borders imaginary, believers in Rapture, televangelists of Apocalypse or race suicide are all just as welcome to register and vote for Libertarian candidates as engineers, scientists, actuaries, statisticians, physicians, nurses, writers, loggers, roofers, carpenters, busboys, waitresses, entrepreneurs, inventors and even attorneys. But we do not need people incapable of understanding the simplest definitions writing our political party platforms. It is tough enough to keep changing the laws through the unrelenting pressure of spoiler votes without incompetent bungling or deliberate sabotage. Fair enough? 

As you read this, infiltrators are adding planks to nullify biology inviting child molesters into both children’s bathrooms, declaring girl-bulliers act “in good faith,” package-dealing “free trade” and “migration” to again invite uninspected entry of infected cattle, foreign agents and biological weapons into These States, abolishing your copyrights, elevating “desire” over the constitutional provisions for defense, replacing the functions of government plank with an endorsement of communist anarchism (a state of war), removing national defense from international affairs, (infiltrators with no passport or second language) meddling in the territories plank, and converting the self-determination plank into a Dixiecrat endorsement of secession. 

I move that every participant who voted to approve these frauds resign or face a straight-up vote of no confidence by all dues-paying members registered to vote. I am also searching for candidates to replace certain table officers and entrenched moles. (link)

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog