Dallas Hippies Vote Libertarian


Resistance is utile!

Yep, it’s a nightmare for Nixon National Socialists, but voting Libertarian gets results. Your vote for a Libertarian Party candidate forces incumbent politicians to repeal bad laws. Otherwise they lose to each other. Any way you look at it, you win!

Here in this issue of an old Dallas underground newspaper is the Lee Park Massacre Saga in five-part harmony, with the names of the quarter-thousand Texas teenagers arrested and charged with Plant Leaves! The massacre occurred April 12, 1970, when the Moral Majority, eager to get those George Wallace spoiler votes away from ku-klux Dixiecrats and into the Republican column, sent the cops to beat and arrest long-haired Grateful Dead fans for daring to breathe air alongside the leafy Avatars of Satan. These are the people George Holy War Bush and Donald Trump want put to death, when not even the Republican Party platform calls for such cruel and superstitious violence.

If you find the name of anyone you know on the list of those arrested, why not ask them to register and vote for the party that wants to repeal all those violent laws and expunge everyone’s record? Remember, we don’t have to actually elect any candidates in order to change the laws. But there are dozens of dozens of elected libertarians holding office–enough to scare the daylights out of rabid republicans and dictatorial democrats. Honest elected officials are switching to the libertarian party.

The fanatical Prohibition Party never elected anyone. They barely averaged 1,4% of the vote in 11 election campaigns. But they did put the Prohibition Amendment into the Constitution and sent cops to break down doors, jail and shoot men, women, children and dogs–and confiscate their property. The Crash and Depression were the work of the entrenched parties doing their bidding.

This works in reverse now that there is a Libertarian Party earning 5% and 10% of the vote all over the map, and 3.25% according to the federal vote-counting kleptocracy. If that doesn’t sound like much to you, it is a hell of a lot to some pulpit-thumping Republican who just lost by 2%.

Want proof? In 1972 many states were trying to bring back the Comstock laws, ban diaphragms, The Pill, anything having to do with birth control. The Libertarian party platform said to leave the ladies alone. Let women and their doctors decide things like abortion. The Supreme Court copied the Libertarian Plank into the Roe v. Wade decision, striking down Dixiecrat coathanger abortion laws. The Prohibitionists and Republicans have since 1976 been trying to put a Coathanger Abortion amendment into the Constitution.

Nothing irritates these initiators of force more than this increasing vote count going to the Libertarian Party. It is your best defense against their violent usurpations against individual rights. Ours is the only party that is growing hockey-stick fashion. Our platform seeks to decriminalize hemp leaves, LSD, cactus, mushroom and other plant products known to be safer than cigarettes, alcohol, pharma meds or addictive painkillers. Portugal has a Libertarian Party and decriminalized ALL “drugs” 17 years ago. Portugal is today the most civilized country in Europe.

Kick them where it hurts

Vote libertarian. It’s the ONLY way to repeal bad laws!

Need translations to understand the bad laws US politicians export to ruin the economies of other countries?

How about an explanation of how Prohibition helped cause the Crash and Depression?


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