Meta-Persuasion Reality Control

2partysystemDilbert artist Scott Adams is excited about Huxleyan hypnosis as applied to politics, yet misses the most important fact in the whole political scene. The oversight is typical of nihilistic rejection of conceptual thinking:

I don’t believe reality is something the human brain can understand.

Any useful textbook, chemistry, physics, math… contains a definition of chemistry, physics, math… But a government textbook gets right down to nonsense with no objective definition of force, freedom, coercion or law. Nowhere do you find that government is a monopoly on the use of coercive and deadly force, much less a general statement of what such a monopoly is good for. But in the special terms of special interests (e.g. entrenched political parties and their hidden persuaders) government is a source of their government jobs and loot at your expense. Small wonder they value “persuasion” (intimidation) and not clarity or definitions.

To political job-seekers (parasites), the purpose is to provide them (politicians, bureaucrats and hired muscle) with rent and raiment, pelf and perks taken by force from you. The meta-persuasive presdigitation is to get voters (the parasites’ hosts) to accept this view that we’re all in this together. What matters to them is which particular parasites get to wield the deadly force. Why that force is initiated is deemed too trivial to be worth mentioning, but boils down to prophesies of horrible things sure to result from freedom were it permitted to exist. Here’s a summary from Adams:

Keep in mind that most voters are handcuffed to their party’s candidate. That guarantees that most elections will be close, no matter who runs. The winner is the candidate who can move perhaps 5% of voters from column A to B. And the Master Persuader had a year-long election cycle and total media exposure to get that minor task accomplished.

The premises couldn’t be clearer:
1. There are mostly two parties.
2. Only politicians can win, so voters must necessarily lose and like it.
This is Stockholm Syndrome persuasion-by-hijacking. The passengers (taxed voters) revere the terrorists precisely because that gang uses death threats to control them and the emergency exits don’t work. It never occurs to Adams or any other entertainer that the function of government is to secure the rights of individuals–their moral claims to freedom of action.

But that same conceptual trap can actually free you because context has changed. For the past 45 years there have been mostly two parties. The Libertarian Party defends freedom through individual rights, hence rejects the initiation of harmful, coercive, deadly force. The Kleptocracy is an agglomeration of looters fragmented into Republican, Democrat, Nationalsocialist, Prohibitionist and Communist. Why? Because the dishonest cannot trust each other, and small faction platform planks leverage spoiler votes to affect election outcomes. Looters also have good reason to fear each other because the initiation of harmful, coercive, deadly force is precisely what they are all about–what all parasites are all about.

The Democrats won in 1932 because they copied the Liberal Party plank to repeal the Constitutional Amendment that made light beer a felony.  The Democrats lost in 2016 because they ignored the LP and offered to continue to use the law to rob, jail and shoot children for plants that were legal in 1932–just like the Republicans.  Unlike the Republicans, they promised to also rob and coerce parents to subsidize totalitarian China through energy strangulation–sacrifice to the mystical pseudoscience of Misanthropic Global Warming. They were led into this error by copying econazi planks. Why? Because Green party spoiler votes cost them government jobs and loot in the Y2k election.  Spoiler votes can work either way: they can either strengthen coercion or enhance freedom.

Libertarian Spoiler votes are the rudder that guides government toward greater freedom (meaning less coercion). Toward greater freedom also means toward greater wealth. Such a rudder existed briefly in 1930-32, and the Liberal Party steered the economy away from communism, the dole and prohibition and toward recovery. For the past 45 years the Kleptocracy has struggled to defeat its heirs, assigns and successors, thereby causing crashes, depressions, unemployment and war.

If you were able to follow this line of reasoning, you will probably have no trouble following my simultaneous interpreting. Coming soon to a courtroom or conference near you.

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

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