Lest We Forget again

Remember the libertarian party convention that nominated Chase Oliver?

The Original Libertarian Platform on which John Hospers and Tonie Nathan made history says: (link)

Our 1976 platform, supported by 49x as many male and female voters kept that same promise already delivered. By 1980, when Republican fanaticism was organizing a War on Some Voluntary Trade, we had a million voters supporting the Libertarian Party. The Pro-choice Johnson-Weld ticket earned 4 million votes and redealt 127 electoral votes in 13 states in 2016.(link) Democrats learned from that and changed their platform.(link)

When did Republicans first say that voting for a 3rd party: “is to contribute toward the achievement of a Democratic victory with all its consequent evils”?
A) 1860
B) 1874
C) 1976
D) 2008
(Answer next post)

Again as in 2016, the Libertarian Party has nominated an honest, competent, tried-and-true pro-choice candidate unburdened by anarco-fascist infiltrators.(link) Republicans are saying that to get fiscal responsibility you have to vote for the same old looters that betray it. Democrats are saying that in order to restore Roe v. Wade or repeal cruel drug laws you have to vote for the same old looters that supported asset-forfeiture prohibitionism and were indifferent to the re-enslavement of women in 2016.

The Republican platform has NOT changed a jot or tittle. Two derelict geezers (ages 78 and 81) hope to sucker Libertarians out of 4 million votes and beat you down with prohibitionism and confiscations. Chase Oliver (age 38) is offering you a chance to make your vote permanently tell the looters what laws you want repealed the way Gary Johnson did in 2016. Of the 112 million who voted in 2022, each looter vote was 1/55000000 or 1.8 times 10 to the minus 8th. Each libertarian vote was one in 2.2 million, a difference of two orders of magnitude. Each Libertarian vote packed 100 times as much law-changing clout as a vote wasted by dilution on the looter kleptocracy. Which will it be? (link)

Good Reading (again): The Politics of Prohibition: American Governance and the Prohibition Party, 1869–1933, by Lisa MF Andersen (link) In 1877 the 3rd party candidate got nearly 5% of the vote In Iowa. Forty-three years later women were casting votes under the 19th Amendment. Thirteen years later women voters saved the country from Hooverville prohibitionism by defeating Hoover and Anslinger and repealing Prohibition on the borrowed Liberal Party plank.(link)

Get the big picture in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle (link)

ASYLUM APPLICATION FORM i589 INSTRUCTIONS IN PORTUGUESEINSTRUÇÕES PARA O FORMULÁRIO DE ASILO i589. What we did was make the Political Asylum instructions accessible to and understandable by people accustomed to thinking in Portuguese. This costs one dollar ($1) and you can read it on a cellphone with the Kindle app.(link)

Check out LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at https://libertrans.blogspot.com/

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at http://www.expatriotas.blogspot.com or www.amigra.us

My financial history bloghttp://www.Libertrans.us, is LIBtranslator, readable at libertrans.blogspot.com

Boston Buys Chase Oliver

Source: https://www.boston.gov/departments/elections/unofficial-election-results

This is good news. I’m convinced Chase Oliver is far and away the best candidate based on past performance and current ability.(link)

Good reading: The Banana Wars, by Captivating History. Who was Sandino? What was the Platt Amendment? Why does Cuba hate our government? Why does Venezuela hate our government? For that matter, why do LOTS of Central and South American countries hate the same looter government many Americans hate? The question is both practical and rhetorical. Back in 1986, before America went from Force Everyone to Just Say No to a market Crash and Depression, I debated a college professor before an audience of Crockett High School kids in Austin on the subject of national defense against nuclear attack. My adversary, a government-employed UTexas professor had no clue or notion of libertarian anything except as imaginary fascist, right-wing allies of girl-bullying religious Republicans. He harped on Ronald Reagan, the Moral Majority, South American religious fascism, and destabilization, infiltration and bombardment of the entire planet by greedy Americans. As a Libertarian Defense Caucus regular, I handed out free Ayn Rand books, explained the Non-Aggression Principle and defended legalization and free (but armed) trade. My mistake was pointing at Soviet aggression with no clue of how much the American looter Kleptocracy had bullied and invaded Latin America. It almost lost me the debate. The guy rattled off every boatload of Marines from the shores of Tripoli through the Halls of Montezuma to the Pacific isles and on to China. Don’t let it happen to you.

Good music: Marcos Kaiser takes classical, folk and traditional Brazilian guitar to a whole ‘nother level. See for yourself.

If only Carmen Miranda could hear this…

Get the big picture in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle

Check out LIBtranslator, my political economy blog at https://libertrans.blogspot.com/

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at http://www.expatriotas.blogspot.com or www.amigra.us

My financial history bloghttp://www.Libertrans.us, is at libertrans.blogspot.com