Prohibitionism destroys the banking system

Almost everywhere in the world people sip a cold one in biergartens, backyards, sidewalk cafés–but Wizened Christian Temperance Union Amerika, under laws left over from Andrew Volstead’s Minnesota and the Anti-Saloon League–ain’t one of them places. Fortunately Americans have a choice. You can choose not to vote–people in Australia and Brazil have no such option. You can also choose to vote for Libertarian freedom instead of the mangy, sclerotic soft machines that want men with guns to shoot young people over plant leaves and confiscate their property. 

The pro-slavery and protectionist parties that dragged us into a civil war over tariff policies are still in business. Indeed, the Communist Manifesto, written even as they girded for violence, is still a thing to a huge dictatorship that “accidentally” poisons the planet with germ warfare weapons from time to time. The communist party is over 170 years old, and the Dems and GOP even older. 

Communist dictatorships collapsed in the 1990s, but were not replaced by libertarian societies. Instead, there was a reversion to superstitious mercantilist mixed economies featuring less chattel slavery and colonial rule, but otherwise fairly authoritarian. The media and academia are so heavily infiltrated that it is impossible today to find a chart showing how the fraction of humanity under communist rule has varied in recent decades. Go ahead, try it, and get back to me if you do. 

spoiling for a fight

The number of libertarian voters struggling to replace kleptocracy machine candidates over time is easy to find. Ways are found to keep them out of office, but even that is breaking down under the increase in libertarian voter support. Yet before 1972 there was total hopelessness. War enslaved men into involuntary combat, and prohibitionism brought wars and banking collapses.

Money deposited with banks and brokerages is low-hanging fruit to looter governments. When seized on some pretext, owners of unseized money withdraw it from the fractional-reserve banking system. The economy collapses, communism and looting in general increase, and the media are charged with explaining the whole thing as the result of “too much” freedom or “not enough” coercive regulation–which amounts to the same thing. 

After the Nixon Anti-Libertarian Law passed, news media understood that pretending the crashes had nothing to do with hatchet-wielding Treasury, tax and prohibition agents was a lucrative source of cash. And so it is today. Yet every individual can make a huge difference by the simple act of casting a vote for Libertarian freedom and against the senile politicians of the GOP and Dem soft machines.

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog


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