Violent Shooter Manifestos

fake news vidiot

Result of the Nixon anti-libertarian law

Like the Unabomber, Patrick the El Paso shooter wrote a manifesto. The Unabomber manifesto helped identify and arrest the violent anarchist. The El Paso amok’s confession includes Ecological National Socialist declarations of altruistic (not personal) motives in defense of the environment, and against being assimilated by foreigners. The thing even drips Dixiecrat eugenicist preaching agin’ shameless race mixers, oozes altruism, racial collectivism, and appeals to the initiation of force. Why? Because “we” need welfare, universal health care, and because racial mixing is SELFISH!


Republican President Theodore Roosevelt’s 1903 letter against “race suicide” (women practicing birth control) set the stage on paranoid racial collectivism when Adolf Hitler was an impressionable 14-year-old. Roosevelt 5 years earlier fired live ammo at Hispanics in Cuba, where he was resented as an invading foreigner. Hitler’s 1920 platform is a rich source of material for G.O.P. planks.

Democratic politicians and media groupies quote Patrick’s immigration rants with whoops of joy, but their silence on his econazi manifestations is as deafening as the vacuum of space. Quoting Al Gore for his title, under ECONOMIC REASONS the berserker praises “The Lorax“, claims “Water sheds… are being depleted. Fresh water is being polluted from farming and oil drilling operations” and bemoans “unnecessary plastic waste and electronic waste” and a shortage of “recycling”(!)

Under POLITICAL REASONS, this troubled son of a coddling psychologist mimics the Unabomber’s “centrist” stance as if channel surfing between Fox News and CNN. “The Inconvenient Truth is that… Democrat AND Republican, have been failing us…”  Patrick expressly fears “the Democrat party will own America,” ignoring the fact that the Dems LOSE every election by promising to tax the air we breathe and ban electric power the way Republicans try to ban plant leaves and birth control. Dems win after God’s Own Prohibitionists shatter the economy. This was so in 1932, 1992, and 2008.

Bill Clinton won because Reagan and Bush wrecked the economy, invaded other countries with impoverishing asset-forfeiture prohibitionism, and caused the Exodus Northward. Obama’s election was a remake.  Bush Junior packed DC with faith-based prohibitionist fanatics whose orgy of asset-forfeiture looting, like Herbert Hoover’s, wrecked the economy. Absorbing Dixiecrat racial collectivism after the 1968 election mongrelized the GOP.

I’d lay odds this initiation-of-force manifester has never heard of the Libertarian party, much less knows how libertarian spoiler votes have efficiently repealed bad laws since 1972. Thanks to Richard Nixon’s use of the IRS as a mechanism paying the media to ignore the LP, teevee-inculcated youngsters haven’t a clue there exists an effective mechanism for peaceful change that begins by choosing the new party on the ballot or by signing:

I certify that I oppose the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals.

Find out how Temperance Pledge prohibitionists wrecked the U.S. economy in Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929. Live on Amazon Kindle for the price of a pint.

Prohibition and The Crash, on Amazon Kindle in 2 languages

Legal and immigration documents translated

Legal and Financial document translations

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