People who talk about other people

same old same old

Before Women Got the Vote

A republican infiltrator at the Reasonoids meetup in Austin could only talk about who the LP should listen to and support. The bait? More people would like us (as opposed to vote for our platform and candidates).

There is nothing new about this particular dodge. The purpose, as always, is to get us to dilute our message by wasting votes on candidates fielded by looter parties.

This is the same as it was over a century ago. Men still thought in terms of personalities rather than principles, issues or freedom. Every election was a flinging match over what adjectives to apply to wannabee politicians. Fools get caught up in the excitement rather than leverage a vote so as to shape the votes and mindfully direct the policies and actions of those selfsame politicians. They don’t have to like us or agree with us. They need only fear that our spoiler votes will cause them to lose to some other, less objectionable looter candidate.

This is how the communists and prohibitionists used their tiny percentage of the vote share to rewrite the constitution, saddle us with an income tax and make beer a felony.

Le plus ça change…

See the full cartoon

If in need of financial or legal translations from South America, look me up.

The Bill Weld Gambit

No to Involuntary Labor!

Ensuring clinic access is guarding a fundamental right of the individual.

Would Bill Weld betray or help the Libertarian Party by running as a Republican?

The whole reason I volunteer, vote and donate to Libertarian parties is because I want the laws to change. This is about ideas, ethics, freedom… It is not about this or that particular politician. If my every libertarian spoiler vote is worth 10,000 looter votes when it comes to women’s reproductive rights, or 21 votes when it comes to repealing taxes and regulations, or a half-dozen votes in favor of relegalizing plant leaves, that leverage is fine by me. Nixon’s tinkering with the tax codes to subsidize looter parties and penalize honesty was met with whoops of joy from the presstitute corps. The move had attracted parasitical infiltrators to our ranks and literally pays all news outlets to enthusiastically depict the LP in much the way Der Sturmer reported on Judaism. It is no exaggeration to reiterate that the looter parties will do whatever it takes to rig the elections, infiltrate and defame the LP and generally play dirty pool to keep us from getting our candidates elected. After all, they are the ones that are for the initiation of force, fraud and violence.

But our candidates only need a few votes to win–where to win means to change bad laws. Because the Kleptocracy factions are nearly identical, their vote counts differ by very little. With a short platform purged of suicidal planks planted on us by infiltrators and saboteurs, all we need is about 3% of the vote to consistently cover the gap in roughly a third of the elections in These States. Bill Weld helped the LP earn national spoiler vote status by earning more votes than the difference between the Dem and GOP popular vote counts. When Gary Johnson opposed individual rights for women 4 years earlier he got only a third as many votes. The increase in our vote fraction attending the return to our original pro-choice platform should enable the LP to replace one of the looter parties in something like half a century. This is about the current age of the LP. Our looter adversaries are 170 and well into senility.

In order to not lose elections, paychecks and pelf, Republican partisans have to delete prohibition planks and find less repugnant candidates. Bill Weld is a less repugnant candidate. Unlike Randal Paul and Whatzisname Amash, Weld does not advocate sending men with guns to threaten doctors and  force women into involuntary labor. Weld is as pro-choice as the original Libertarian Party platform of 1972! If Weld runs for the nomination, he will end the Republican strategy of finding women-bulliers to impersonate token libertarians in an effort to bring back the Comstock laws banning ALL birth control.

This is exactly what we “unreconstructed” Libertarians want. Let’s us infiltrate them for some changes!

Simultaneous interpreting for Brazilian and American audiences… and a book on economics, beer and dope…

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Vote Repellent

Alabama and Louisiana both gave their electoral votes to George Wallace’s platform of de jure racial segregation and forcing women to reproduce in 1968. In the 2016 election both States went heavily for the party with the platform most resembling the Dixiecrats’ racial collectivism and planks urging the initiation of force against women and physicians.

Alabama gave the Republican Party a 15% overkill victory, and netted the Libertarian ticket 36% fewer votes than the reported national average. Libertarian votes there amounted to only one-seventh the amount needed to cover the gap between the two Kleptocracy parties. Alabama plainly needed seven times the libertarian voter turnout to qualify for message-sending, law-changing spoiler vote clout status in the rough-and-tumble earning of respect as a force to be reckoned with in George Wallace territory.

Louisiana voters handed antichoice prohibitionist Republicans an 11% lead over the other looters, and dismissed Libertarian candidates even more brutally than Independent American Party fans in Alabama. The LP ticket there got 42% fewer votes than we earned on average in These Sovereign States.  That’s less than an eighth the turnout needed for the law-changing spoiler vote status that forces Kleptocracy parties to drop cruel planks to keep from losing perks, paychecks and political power. 

Commies for McGovern!

Message: The Libertarian Party demands uninspected entry of strangers!

So where would you look to recruit false-flag infiltrators to make libertarians look like the kind of fools that have never read the Constitution, worked under oath or even bothered to learn the definition of government, rights or law?

Here is the text of a “resolution” sent to the National LP by persons claiming to represent what few libertarians voted for our unadulterated 2016 platform in those states:

WHEREAS, the Libertarian Party of Alabama believes that the only proper role of law is in the protection of the natural rights of individuals from the initiation of force or fraud;

WHEREAS, no individual has a natural right to prohibit consensual visitation to or consensual habitation on the private property of another individual;

WHEREAS, the Libertarian Party believes that eminent domain is a violation of private property rights;

WHEREAS, we affirm the right of individuals to set whatever standards they wish for entry onto their own private property but not that owned by others;

WHEREAS, we believe that all individuals have the same natural rights regardless of their citizenship;

WHEREAS, the Libertarian Party acknowledges that economic freedom demands the unrestricted movement of human as well as financial capital across national borders:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Libertarian Party of Alabama condemns and opposes efforts to build a governmental border wall.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Libertarian Party of Alabama supports open borders.

Maybe it’s not brazen sabotage at all. Perhaps open borders means what the US currently has: ports of entry at which travelers may produce visas and inoculation documents and be inspected by Americans against lists of persons known to be violent or dangerous–as in the LP Migration plank before it was gutted by Platform Committee personnel AFTER our record-setting capture of national spoiler-clout status. But what would be the point of that? Indeed, what was the point of damaging the plank to make voters perceive it as an enticement to uninspected entry? What better way is there to repel voters than setting us up as anarchists aiding and abetting reckless endangerment?

Would it not be more honest to say that they who presume to speak for those scarce LP voters want uninspected entry to not be a deportable offense? That would be easily understood as pressure to change federal law. Pitifully hopeless pressure, true enough, from states that were utterly lacking in libertarian spoiler votes even when our platform was mostly sensible–but clear enough to understand as a demand from Whitney Bilyeu, Thomas Knapp, Alex Merced and C.A. Harlos that any and everyone walk or climb right in. Even the locust-swarm of illiterates that recently attempted uninspected entry at the California stretch of the U.S. border at least had the courage to say what it is they figure the world owes them. 

For clear and accurate simultaneous interpreting of Latin American news, legislation, contracts or court cases, get in touch.

Brazilian sci-fi from 1926 features a lovely scientist’s daughter touting prohibition and racial collectivism while exploring presidential elections 302 years in the future in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929, is now available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

Spoilers and voters


Visit more Grateful Dead wallpaper

Jerry Garcia of the San Francisco Grateful Dead was opposed to choosing between evils. Garcia commented in 1984 that he was “as afraid of Mondale as… of Reagan” and lamented that “a third way” had nearly come about. Jerry Garcia only voted once in his life. But musicians, like movie actors, typically have no clear idea what government is or how elections work–it’s not their job. Very few people understand the law-changing clout delivered by spoiler votes.

Hockey stick for Libertarians!

Libertarian vote share after 9/11 and Bush asset-forfeiture crash

Both Kleptocracy parties are run by platform committees made up entirely of lobbyists. These lobbyists are as clueless as rock musicians when it comes to the real purpose of a legitimate government. They simply peddle coercion to the highest bidder, and pump up the fear of similar coercion threatened by their collectivist competitors. Because the current Kleptocracy has evolved over the last 158 years to pander to the same pool of voters, its two factions have to be nearly identical–differing only in one or two crucial and potentially deliverable platform planks.

When an outside party forms to challenge the cartel, shills and tarbrushers attack by ignoring the competing platform. Instead, they name-call any individual candidates offering the American voter an opportunity to exercise integrity. “Spoilers!” they say.

The truth, however, is that lobbyists got the Republican Party to betray the American people with coathanger abortion planks in partisan huffery against the Libertarian-written Roe v Wade decision. To this they added planks ordering men with guns to shoot our kids over plant leaves. The GOP’s Holy War bombing and invasion of Ottoman sheikdoms were guaranteed to bring hijackers flying into U.S. civilian buildings.  These platform lobbyists–not voters or candidates–are the spoilers. They have turned the Republican party into a machine for wholesale violation of individual rights and a land-mine for financial collapse. Spoiling–like shifting the blame for one’s own cupidityis an inside job.

The Democratic party, which relies heavily on altruist collectivism amounting to government in the role of surrogate parent or deity, lost badly in 2016 and barely held on in 2018. Their failure is primarily because of soiled platform declarations based on pseudoscience and Goracular documendacities. Doomsday weather nonsense is Soviet propaganda left over from 1960, happily demolished by a look at unvarnished (not GISS, which isn’t even internally consistent) weather data.


Get the complete story in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in either of two languages. After this you’ll be able to explain to economists exactly how pseudoscience, fanaticism and loss of freedom wrecked the U.S. economy.


I also produce books and articles in Portuguese, using Brazilian historical sources at or



Spoilers and bolters

Google does not want you to read this

See Original The National Republican 24 NOV 1872

During Reconstruction–a euphemism for military occupation of conquered low-tariff states–a bolter was a voter who a left one duopoly party to vote for “the” other party. Continue reading

Libertarian voters in Brazil

Not voting for the communist or fascist candidate is illegal

NONE OF THE ABOVE and ABSTAINING Brazilian presidential runoff votes in 2018

When America’s prohibitionist asset-forfeiture collapse of 1987 hit South America, the situation resembled that of Germany when President Warren Harding was pronounced dead with no inquest or autopsy. Inflation went through the roof, the government collapsed and looter politicians set to work on a “new” constitution.

You can't have your cake and let your neighbor eat it too.

Paper rights inflate into worthlessness like paper money.

Droves of Brazilian voters illegally boycotted the first election under the new, book-length Constitution (14.4% abstaining and 5.82% casting blank ballots).  As collectivized “rights” inflated into worthlessness, about 2.5 million Brazilians emigrated to other countries in a massive brain-drain.

Aside from its role in writing the court decision that enforced a woman’s right to control her own reproduction, Americans hardly remembered the infiltrated and weakened Libertarian Party in 1988. But dictatorships absolutely dominated by looter ideologies recognized in the LP an existential threat to the continuity of totalitarian coercion. Borrowing from Nixon’s anti-libertarian law, politicians elsewhere began preferentially subsidizing parties that extort money at gunpoint.  With scary lessons learned from Ayn Rand’s essay on collectivized rights, male-dominated governments given to every shade of communo-fascist cleptocracy proceeded to inflate the number of looter parties empowered to suck sustenance through the government teat. And it worked!

Nationalistic socialists controlling European elections eagerly subsidize, regulate, smear and smother libertarian parties out of existence. Lateran-treaty Juntas in South America do the same, and one or two inject subsidies to inflate to over 32 the number of communist, socialist and fascist parties gobbling at the trough of Brazil’s tax revenue. That’s nearly the number of parties operated in Weimar Germany when Hitler was made Chancellor.  Since all parties are perforce tax-subsidized, the Kleptocracy says it “cannot afford” to add a non-looter party. Pretty neat, huh?

The upshot of all this is that Brazilian voting machines offer three (03) choices: communist soft machines, fascist soft machines and NONE OF THE ABOVE. These blank and spindled NO votes can realistically be counted as votes that would likely be cast in favor of Libertarian Party platform candidates, if such a thing weren’t excluded by the violence of law. The 21% turnout means 79% of eligible voters broke the mandatory voting law. In some cities, None of the Above got more votes than the winning kleptocrat. The spoiler vote fraction is what they call the taxa de alienação. Even if we ignore the no-shows, NOTA got 10% of the votes cast. That’s three times the vote percentage earned by the U.S. Libertarian Party! Here’s how they describe the national results:

O PT e TSE juntos elegeram a Junta

Green represents potential Libertarian Party votes

With the upcoming repeal of the Red Arbeiterpartei’s Kristallnacht gun laws, the suppression of libertarian voters is bound to become increasingly difficult. When coerced and subsidized election restrictions do collapse, spoiler votes will leverage the coalescing kleptocracy into repealing bad laws and deleting parasitical taxes. This, after all, is what the LP has been doing in the USA for 46 years now. Instead of electing our own politicians, we help voters defeat the worst of the opposition.

Brazilians, Colombians, Argentinos… transplants in the US can either vote or donate to the US  and Canadian Libertarian Parties, and the LP will continue to euchre politicians into repealing bad laws. How? By giving voters the opportunity to emphatically reject the socialist and nationalsocialist tendencies that have taken over the Democratic and Republican parties. These are the American parties that run the NSA and CIA that are empowered to snoop on Latin American politicians and leak damaging information to their adversaries. Many bad laws that cripple Latin American economies were exported there by America’s violent runaway Kleptocracy.

When in need of translators skilled in international contracts and court cases, look us up at Speakwrite or Falascreve.
My other blog is mostly in Portuguese.

Second Amendment Nuclear Weapons

Since the dawn of collectivism humankind has engaged in biological, chemical and conventional warfare. The bloodiest wars have always been between collectives that believed almost the same thing. Union versus Confederacy, Christians v. Jews, Protestants v. Catholics, Mohammedans v. Christians, Communists v. National Socialists… these mystical hatreds underlie the deadliest wars of recent millennia. These international wars are all gone now.

Chemical weapons were gasped at in 1916 because they made young men appreciate the 13th Amendment–the one that outlawed involuntary servitude. American conscripts were ordered to shoulder clumsy arms and march into louse-ridden foreign trenches to save the Federal Reserve banks from war loan defaults after Russian communists quit the opium war. The war stopped efforts to use the Hague to curb heroin dumping, so it was a war to make Bayer Great Again–at least in Germany. American youths faced with the prospect of being sprayed like cockroaches in those foreign trenches might prefer imprisonment in support of the 13th Amendment. That’s the Amendment where the Supreme Court “could not see” the military draft as coercive, but COULD cancel the First Amendment right to hand out copies of Amendments from the Bill of Rights. Being blown to bits in distant trenches to protect the French opium regie in Vietnam or morphine acetylizing plants in Marseilles or Scotland was different from being gassed. High explosives were ‘murrican! Artillery shells were okay to politicians on the Republican and Democrat sides of the aisle. Poison gas, however, was baaad. Germs and nukes are also baaad, perhaps because they might muss the hair of the politicians and lobbyists who order attacks. That kind of hair-mussing is “mass destruction.” 

So it was that things muddled along until a nuclear physicist named Sam Cohen worked out ways to make small H-bombs allocate less energy to explosive force and more energy to the production of neutrons. Sam found that neutrons could penetrate an incoming warhead and cause a premature chain reaction to melt an incoming bomb. Neutron-induced chemical reactions in the lensed explosive jacket could likewise be counted on to damage those enemy bombs. Sam Cohen briefed then-candidate Ronald Reagan on this class of weapons and how they might be deployed.

To Soviet military planners this was really bad news. Fighter pilots could not be trusted with enough fuel to cross borders. A Soviet pilot with plenty of fuel could defect and exchange the plane for a good reception from immigration authorities. Bombers and submarines presented that same vexing problem, plus the possibility their crews might nuke the Politburo or Soviet military installations instead of their intended victims.

Intercontinental ballistic missiles were naturally the communist weapon of choice. Fire them off and relax, with no chance of human meddling–until Ronald Reagan as President realized that Sam Cohen’s neutron bombs could cook those incoming ballistic warheads on their simple and predictable paths. Stinger missiles were doing pretty much that to Soviet helicopters in Afghanistan. To Soviet partisans, a way had to be found to stop America’s militias from keeping and bearing arms that could intercept and ruin incoming nuclear missiles.

The Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty was the first such attempt, signed by Quaker Prohibitionist President Richard Nixon. Nixon was promptly ousted, but Soviet Socialists pushed Strategic Arms Limitation talks for a SALT treaty to really disarm These Sovereign United States. Debates in Physics Today were, in 1982, discussions of the virtues of preemptive surrender to communist regimes. That changed in 1986, with the possibility that any such treaty might infringe the right of the people to keep and bear arms. That right to bear arms is in the Second Amendment, in the Bill of Rights–a thing that makes These States different from all the ancien régimes of Europe and Asia and their colonies in Africa and Latin America.

What happened next changed the Cold War. Stay tuned…


When the need arises for translations involving nuclear energy in South American or African Portuguese, look me up. I also wrote this book explaining the mechanism that detonated the Crash on its way to producing the Great Depression.
Get the complete story in Prohibition and The Crash on Amazon Kindle in two languages



Brazilian illiteracy and prohibition

A shipment of Brazilian marijuana was forfeited to the Highway Patrol there because of a spelling error.

Chicken backs are spelt “dorso de frango.” Illiterates filling out the bill of lading labeled the cargo “dorço de frango,” arousing police suspicions. Sure enough, packages of hempen plant leaves had also been placed aboard the truck carrying frozen poultry from Cascavel in the interior of Paraná. Here’s a video showing what went down.

The driver, 31 years old, was seeking to make ends meet in a nation’s virtual economic collapse caused largely by prohibitionist U.S. meddling overseas. I’ll explain:

The communist income tax amendment was enacted to overturn the Supreme Court decision in Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company, (1895). Readers of this blog will recall that the Panic of 1893 had several components (sudden ramp-up of customs seizures enforcing the tariff on opium imports, subsidized coinage of silver mined in Western States recently admitted to the Union, Chinese reaction to renewal of Geary Exclusion law, collapse of French investment in Panama Canal construction, People’s Party communists obtaining almost 9% of the popular vote, scooping 5% of the electoral votes from 3 states and installing three socialist politicians in Congress).  As soon as the insurgent looters were seated, they and others began agitating for the income tax. The prospect was enough to cause capital to flee banks and brokerages and the economy collapsed entirely. The Supreme Court had to be called upon to reverse Congressional dereliction, and ruled that the tax law violated the Constitution since it imposed taxes on personal income derived from real estate investments and personal property such as stocks and bonds.

The Supreme Court decision was a correct interpretation of the Constitution’s grant of powers. However, that court’s Dred Scott decision was also correct regarding the text which had to do with fugitive slaves. In reaction, the 13th and 14th Amendments were imposed to nullify verbiage abetting slavery at a time when votes from unreconstructed Confederate States did not count. Just so did suddenly-entrenched Altrurian communists react to the Court’s rescue of the economy-on-strike from the 1894 income tax. The Democratic party–eager to procure populist spoiler votes–promptly committed itself to championing the incorporation of Communist Manifesto Plank 2 (progressive income tax) into the Constitution of These United States.

But the reason the Dems won in 1892 in the first place goes back to the Comstock laws. These religious blue laws defined mothers’ breasts as indecent pornography, ordered postal inspectors to seize all birth control devices and drugs (including condoms) and provided lengthy prison terms for even telling someone about such things. Encouraged, temperance prohibitionists such as Benjamin Harrison ran for office and doubled down on legislating mystical deontology. Dems resisted by condemning “sumptuary laws which vex the citizen and interfere with individual liberty.” But the Cleveland Administration was soon swept up by enthusiasts for the sort of wholesale looting of the populace which had already caused the Whiskey Rebellion, the Nullification Crisis and the Civil War.  People nurse a grievance when coerced at gunpoint.

Pressed by the Libertarian Party platform since 1972 and awakened by the George Wehrmacht Bush “good-faith” asset-prohibition Crash of 2007, American voters are now defecting to the Libertarian Party just as the Supreme Court did in 1973.

Malthusian disaster averted!

Time derivative of world population growth

But neighboring countries–former colonies of Spain and Portugal–are still jailing, robbing and murdering their citizens using laws the U.S. imported from Italy and Germany and reexported to Latin America since before the Eisenhower Administration. Brazilians are forced at gunpoint to vote for some 33 communist and fascist parties subsidized by campaign subsidy laws similar to the one signed by Nixon in 1971. Bolivia elects communists because papist puppets favored by Washington seek to shoot and jail people over plant leaves. Same thing in Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela. They are trapped in a unifilar political rut from which Libertarian spoiler votes have gradually freed the U.S. and Canada over the past 46 years.

So while young men in Colorado can have jobs and cannabis without fear, their South American counterparts smuggle to overcome starvation under economic régimes already stale when Hoover, Ike, Nixon and Stalin regulated economic activity at gunpoint.

You can correct this injustice by setting an example: vote Libertarian. Fewer than 4000 LP votes toppled Dixiecrat coercion of women. Four million such votes just ended much discrimination left over from the Comstock and Jim Crow eras. If our fellow Americans are prevented from voting Libertarian by the puppets our parents and grandparents propped up, the least we can do is cast law-changing spoiler votes to stop this wholesale exportation of prohibitionist fascism and predatory socialism.

Would you like to clearly understand something posted on a South American website? Ask a translator.



Lobbyists v. Libertarians

Вера Кичанова

Vera Kichanova, elected Libertarian Party activist, Moscow

Big Oil, the Koch Brothers, the Coal lobby…

To camouflage the law-changing power of libertarian spoiler votes, the Kleptocracy shrieks at lobbies (Naral, NRA, LEAP, Norml) as agents of unwelcome change. In fact, the LP (est. 1971) and the Liberal Party (est. 1930) were the prime movers that struck down coathanger abortion laws, felony beer prohibition, Comstock censorship, conscription into involuntary servitude, fanatical prohibition of plant leaves, coercive gay baiting, and weaponized racial collectivism.

Communo-fascist third parties were goood back when they were an excuse for expanding Kleptocracy power. The Dems copied Socialist planks to mollify opposition and nullify the power of those spoiler votes. But if that helped the looters meet political payrolls, so much the better. Republicans–likewise terrified by spoiler votes–copied Dixiecrat and National Socialist planks out of tactical desperation, and held onto the resulting coercive policies for similar reasons.

But the LP works to reduce coercion, is therefore baaad, and must be crushed the way Nixon intended. The key verb is works. Purportedly apartisan lobbies actually function as smokescreens. Remember the espionage detachments sent out to plant fake intelligence to occlude the fact that Alan Turing and friends at Bletchley Park broke the German Enigma code? Nowadays fake libertarian-impersonator parties–all of them eager to dehumanize pregnant women and doctors–serve as decoys to keep folks from finding the real thing. This is because the real thing gets results. We win.

The glorious struggle of looter parties in These States today is to convince libertarians that every libertarian vote that causes a looter politician to lose to a slightly less evil looter politician is a wasted vote. This lie is pressed forth with added vigor whenever the result forces both looter parties to repeal bad laws and discard suicidal platform planks. Even Ayn Rand fell for this cheap bluff. Winning is repealing bad laws. This works as well as overthrowing bad governments but is cheaper, faster, and overthrows them just the same.

When attacking lobbies fails, the gloves will probably come off and looters will openly name the Libertarian Party with tarbrushes. But with the Nixon subsidies pumping tax dollars into entrenched kleptocracy campaigns, an alarmingly large number of Americans is still unaware there is a party dedicated to individual rights, personal freedom and the robust economy that results from the combination of the two.

Russians got rid of their looter dictatorship and are increasingly Libertarian, so why not Americans?

Whenever you need some technical translations involving the Brazilian food industry, check me out.

Either-Or, revisited

You can deal with people by persuasion, that is, voluntarily. The alternative is to do it by force, that is, by threatening to harm or kill them, then killing a statistical sample to show the survivors you mean business. Nearly all who opt for the use of force try to disguise the fact even from themselves–by appeals to altruism. The economic systems that result from each of these alternatives converge on libertarian or totalitarian solutions.

Germany’s Christian National Socialism and Soviet Communism have clearly identified themselves in practice as genocidal slave camps. The two régimes are indistinguishable to anyone save their own brainwashees. Here is how appreciation of the two alternative political systems is shaping up as measured by the ballots cast by voters.

Communism in Russia judged as shown by vote share given to the Communist Party:

Communist religion is fast losing congregants

The trendline shown is a logarithmic decay curve of communist party votes.

The vertical axis is the communist percentage of the votes counted in the past five admittedly rigged and tampered Russian elections.

Libertarian Party popularity in These United States is shaping up as follows:

Voluntary persuasion replaces initiation of harmful and deadly force

US libertarian party vote share data fitted to a sigmoid replacement curve.

These graphs show that the pseudoscientific superstition known as socialism is declining in popularity as fast as its Papist and Lutheran competitors (nationalsocialism). Force-initiating dictatorial political philosophies are being replaced by ethical values that uphold the rights of individuals.

You can hasten this transition by donating to and voting for Libertarian Party candidates (the kind who wrote the 1972 platform language the Supreme Court used in its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision). Voting Republican is ethically the same as supporting German National Socialism. Voting for the Democratic soft machine strengthens the communist and lay socialist ideology that now controls the Democratic party. Both parties have fallen into the hands of violent looters. Your libertarian vote gives them an incentive to snap out of it and focus on reality.

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the usual beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog